Overall Green alert Tropical Cyclone for DANIELLE-22
in Spain, Portugal

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All headlines on this Alert

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Sudden rise in temperatures: how to explain this phenomenon?

2022-09-12T14:03+0200tellerreport (en)

France is experiencing a major heat wave on Monday in the south-west of the country. Locally, temperatures could reach 39 or even 40 degrees. If the episode will be particularly intense, it will also be particularly short since the temperatures will drop from Tuesday. But then: how to explain this sudden rise in temperatures? Yanis Darras 1:49 p.

Hausse des températures soudaine : comment expliquer ce phénomène ?

2022-09-12T13:58+0200Europe1 (fr)

La France connaît ce lundi une vague de chaleur importante dans le sud-ouest du pays. Localement, les températures pourraient atteindre 39 voire 40 degrés. Si l'épisode sera particulièrement intense, il sera également particulièrement court puisque les températures baisseront dès mardi.

Chaleur, nuage de sable et orages violents : les restes de l’ouragan Danielle perturbent la météo cette semaine

2022-09-12T13:47+0200futura-sciences (fr)

Les restes de l' ouragan Danielle jouent des tours aux Français cette semaine. Le système météo s'est affaibli en simple dépression ces derniers jours et occasionne un puissant flux de sud : celui-ci est responsable d'une brusque hausse des températures en France très temporaire (une plume de....

Prove d'Autunno sull'Italia, in arrivo piogge e forti temporali: il meteo

2022-09-12T13:41+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 12 settembre 2022) L'estate non è ancora finita, ma sull Italia , a partire da mercoledì, si verificheranno dei rovesci temporaleschi. L'ex uragano Danielle sta segnando il passo sull a Penisola Iberica, bloccata nel suo ... : RT @ilmeteoit: Da metà #Settimana prove d'Autunno, attese....

Prove d'Autunno sull'Italia, in arrivo piogge e forti temporali: il meteo

2022-09-12T13:29+0200247libero (it)

L’estate non è ancora finita, ma sull’Italia, a partire da mercoledì, si verificheranno dei rovesci temporaleschi. L'ex uragano Danielle sta segnando il passo sulla Penisola Iberica, bloccata nel suo scorrimento verso est dall'anticiclone africano in rinforzo sul Mediterraneo centrale.

Cronaca meteo. Ondata di caldo anomalo tra Penisola Iberica e Francia. Picchi over 40°C per colpa dell'ex uragano Danielle

2022-09-12T13:24+02003bmeteo (it)

Caldo eccezionale tra Penisola Iberica e Francia. DOMENICA 41°C IN SPAGNA . Già nel pomeriggio di domenica in Spagna si sono raggiunti valori termici eccezionali, con punte di 41°C nella torrida Andalusia . E' l'effetto dell'aria calda che viene pompata dall'ex uragano Danielle , fermo al largo del....

Prove d'Autunno sull’Italia, in arrivo piogge e forti temporali: il meteo

2022-09-12T13:23+0200tiscali-it (it)

L’estate non è ancora finita, ma sull’Italia, a partire da mercoledì, si verificheranno dei rovesci temporaleschi. L'ex uragano Danielle sta segnando il passo sulla Penisola Iberica, bloccata nel suo scorrimento verso est dall'anticiclone africano in rinforzo sul Mediterraneo centrale.

Météo : une tempête de sable du Sahara touchera la France ce lundi après-midi

2022-09-12T12:28+0200lefigaro (fr)

Le ciel surplombant la ville de Rennes prend une teinte ocre, en raison d'un vent chargé de sable en provenance du Sahara. Le 16 octobre 2017. AFP. Ce vent du sud sableux est accompagné d'un pic de chaleur qui pourra atteindre les 38°C dans le sud-ouest de l'Hexagone.

National Hurricane Center tracking two tropical waves in Atlantic

2022-09-12T12:09+0200tcpalm (en)

After tracking up to four systems, including Hurricanes Danielle and Earl, last week, the is now monitoring in the eastern Atlantic. Both waves currently have a low chance for development, according to the latest advisory from the Hurricane Center. Earl became an extratropical low Saturday. Earl never came close to the U.

Météo : 3 questions autour de la vague de chaleur

2022-09-12T12:01+0200RTLFrance (fr)

Juin, juillet, août et désormais septembre. Le dernier mois de l'été a aussi le droit à sa vague de chaleur , due à l'ancien ouragan baptisé Danielle , qui a depuis été rétrogradé. Une partie de la France va ainsi connaître d'importantes températures à partir de ce lundi 12 septembre.

Une nouvelle vague de chaleur sur la France aujourd'hui

2022-09-12T11:58+0200futura-sciences (fr)

En descendant vers le Portugal et l'Espagne, l'enroulement de la dépression Danielle va propulser de l'air chaud et humide d'origine subtropicale vers la France. Associé au retour de l'anticyclone sur notre pays, c'est donc un beau temps chaud qui va concerner la France ce lundi 12 septembre.

Pic de chaleur : pourquoi l’ex-ouragan Danielle donne un coup de chaud à la France

2022-09-12T11:01+0200maville (fr)

Ce lundi 12 et mardi 13 septembre, les températures vont connaître un nouveau coup de chaud, grimpant à plus d’une dizaine de degrés au-dessus des normales saisonnières. Principale responsable de ce phénomène, Danielle . Cette tempête tropicale, née au milieu de l’Atlantique, s’est transformée début septembre, en ouragan.

Météo : les vents de sable du Sahara sont de retour à Bordeaux 10:19 Bordeaux

2022-09-12T10:26+0200lepublicateurlibre (fr)

Un épisode de poussières désertiques devrait toucher le sud-ouest de la France dès ce lundi 12 septembre (©Météo Pyrénées / Christophe Dedieu) L’ex- ouragan Danielle n’en finit plus de faire parler de lui. Après , c’est le sable Sahara qui risque bien de faire son retour dans le ciel de Bordeaux (Gironde), poussé par les vents du sud.

Météo : les vents de sable du Sahara sont de retour à Bordeaux 10:19Bordeaux

2022-09-12T10:25+0200actu (fr)

Un épisode de poussières désertiques devrait toucher le sud-ouest de la France dès ce lundi 12 septembre (©Météo Pyrénées / Christophe Dedieu) L’ex- ouragan Danielle n’en finit plus de faire parler de lui. Après , c’est le sable Sahara qui risque bien de faire son retour dans le ciel de Bordeaux (Gironde), poussé par les vents du sud.

Pourquoi l’ex-ouragan Danielle donne un coup de chaud à la France

2022-09-12T09:44+0200OuestFrance (fr)

Ce lundi 12 et mardi 13 septembre, les températures vont connaître un nouveau coup de chaud, grimpant à plus d’une dizaine de degrés au-dessus des normales saisonnières. Principale responsable de ce phénomène, Danielle . Cette tempête tropicale, née au milieu de l’Atlantique, s’est transformée début septembre, en ouragan.

Pourquoi l’ex-ouragan Danielle donne un coup de chaud à la France

2022-09-12T09:44+0200presseocean (fr)

Ce lundi 12 et mardi 13 septembre, les températures vont connaître un nouveau coup de chaud, grimpant à plus d’une dizaine de degrés au-dessus des normales saisonnières. Principale responsable de ce phénomène, Danielle . Cette tempête tropicale, née au milieu de l’Atlantique, s’est transformée début septembre, en ouragan.

Pourquoi l’ex-ouragan Danielle donne un coup de chaud à la France

2022-09-12T09:41+0200lemainelibre (fr)

Ce lundi 12 et mardi 13 septembre, les températures vont connaître un nouveau coup de chaud, grimpant à plus d’une dizaine de degrés au-dessus des normales saisonnières. Principale responsable de ce phénomène, Danielle . Cette tempête tropicale, née au milieu de l’Atlantique, s’est transformée début septembre, en ouragan.

Pourquoi l’ex-ouragan Danielle donne un coup de chaud à la France

2022-09-12T09:41+0200courrierdelouest (fr)

Ce lundi 12 et mardi 13 septembre, les températures vont connaître un nouveau coup de chaud, grimpant à plus d’une dizaine de degrés au-dessus des normales saisonnières. Principale responsable de ce phénomène, Danielle . Cette tempête tropicale, née au milieu de l’Atlantique, s’est transformée début septembre, en ouragan.

Fin de l'ouragan Danielle : des retombées de sable du Sahara toucheront la France ce lundi

2022-09-12T09:38+0200midilibre (fr)

La fin de l'ouragan Danielle se traduira par l'arrivée d'une vague de chaleur en France ce lundi. Un flux d'air chaud en provenance du Sahara qui devrait également transporter avec lui du sable. Alors que l'Ouragan Danielle s'échoue tranquillement à l'est des Açores et le Portugal ce lundi, la fin....

Jusqu'à 39°C attendus: pourquoi fait-il encore si chaud à cette période de l'année?

2022-09-12T09:19+0200bfmtv (fr)

Il va encore faire très chaud en France. Après que le pays a été marqué par un été très chaud , une nouvelle vague de chaleur débutée dimanche dans le Sud-Ouest devrait toucher une plus large partie du territoire à compter de ce lundi. Dimanche, à Biarritz, le mercure a atteint 31,5°C et les....

Tropical wave expected to emerge off Africa; Hurricane Earl dissipates

2022-09-12T09:09+0200virginislandsdailynews (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — National Hurricane Center forecasters are monitoring for a tropical wave that is expected to emerge off western Africa on Monday. The wave is forecast to gradually develop through midweek as it moves west or west-northwest across the Atlantic Ocean.

Meteo lunedì: anticiclone africano e caldo anomalo sull’Italia. I dettagli

2022-09-12T07:28+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 12 settembre 2022) Previsioni Meteo Italia SITUAZIONE. Inizio settimana dai connotati estremi per l’Europa occidentale a causa di una configurazione barica che vedrà l’ex uragano Danielle agire sul Portogallo, la Spagna e la Francia occidentale e un possente promontorio anticiclonico di....

Meteo lunedì: anticiclone africano e caldo anomalo sull’Italia. I dettagli

2022-09-12T07:24+0200ilfaroonline (it)

Previsioni meteo Italia. SITUAZIONE. Inizio settimana dai connotati estremi per l’Europa occidentale a causa di una configurazione barica che vedrà l’ex uragano Danielle agire sul Portogallo, la Spagna e la Francia occidentale e un possente promontorio anticiclonico di matrice africana affermarsi sul Mediterraneo centrale e sull’Italia.

Une tempête de sable venue du Sahara devrait toucher la France aujourd'hui

2022-09-12T06:39+0200cnews (fr)

Alors que l'ouragan Danielle s’éloigne de la France pour toucher l’Espagne et le Portugal , des effets indésirables seront notables en ce début de semaine dans le sud de l’Hexagone. Outre une vague de chaleur localisée, une tempête de sable pourrait faire son apparition dès ce lundi 12 septembre.

Une très belle journée marseillaise autour de Cuba

2022-09-12T06:11+0200histoireetsociete (fr)

Il faisait un temps magnifique, le soleil Marseillais mais aussi de l’air doux qui empêchait la canicule et tout le tour du vieux port des centaines de tentes blanches avec des associations et une foule de familles, d’amis venus s’informer… Une véritable réussite de l’agora marseillaise.

Tropical wave expected to emerge off Africa; Hurricane Earl dissipates

2022-09-11T22:27+0200fresnobee (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — National Hurricane Center forecasters are monitoring for a tropical wave that is expected to emerge off western Africa on Monday. The wave is forecast to gradually develop through midweek as it moves west or west-northwest across the Atlantic Ocean.

Tropical wave expected to emerge off Africa; Hurricane Earl dissipates

2022-09-11T22:24+0200theolympian (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — National Hurricane Center forecasters are monitoring for a tropical wave that is expected to emerge off western Africa on Monday. The wave is forecast to gradually develop through midweek as it moves west or west-northwest across the Atlantic Ocean.

Tropical wave expected to emerge off Africa; Hurricane Earl dissipates

2022-09-11T22:08+0200kansascity (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — National Hurricane Center forecasters are monitoring for a tropical wave that is expected to emerge off western Africa on Monday. The wave is forecast to gradually develop through midweek as it moves west or west-northwest across the Atlantic Ocean.

Tropical wave expected to emerge off Africa; Hurricane Earl dissipates

2022-09-11T22:03+0200islandpacket (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — National Hurricane Center forecasters are monitoring for a tropical wave that is expected to emerge off western Africa on Monday. The wave is forecast to gradually develop through midweek as it moves west or west-northwest across the Atlantic Ocean.

Tropical wave expected to emerge off Africa; Hurricane Earl dissipates

2022-09-11T22:02+0200charlotteobserver (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — National Hurricane Center forecasters are monitoring for a tropical wave that is expected to emerge off western Africa on Monday. The wave is forecast to gradually develop through midweek as it moves west or west-northwest across the Atlantic Ocean.

Tropical wave expected to emerge off Africa; Hurricane Earl dissipates

2022-09-11T22:02+0200star-telegram (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — National Hurricane Center forecasters are monitoring for a tropical wave that is expected to emerge off western Africa on Monday. The wave is forecast to gradually develop through midweek as it moves west or west-northwest across the Atlantic Ocean.

Tropical wave expected to emerge off Africa; Hurricane Earl dissipates

2022-09-11T22:02+0200newsobserver (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — National Hurricane Center forecasters are monitoring for a tropical wave that is expected to emerge off western Africa on Monday. The wave is forecast to gradually develop through midweek as it moves west or west-northwest across the Atlantic Ocean.

Tropical wave expected to emerge off Africa; Hurricane Earl dissipates

2022-09-11T22:01+0200idahostatesman (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — National Hurricane Center forecasters are monitoring for a tropical wave that is expected to emerge off western Africa on Monday. The wave is forecast to gradually develop through midweek as it moves west or west-northwest across the Atlantic Ocean.

Tropical wave expected to emerge off Africa; Hurricane Earl dissipates

2022-09-11T21:58+0200heraldonline (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — National Hurricane Center forecasters are monitoring for a tropical wave that is expected to emerge off western Africa on Monday. The wave is forecast to gradually develop through midweek as it moves west or west-northwest across the Atlantic Ocean.

Tropical wave expected to emerge off Africa; Hurricane Earl dissipates

2022-09-11T21:57+0200bnd (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — National Hurricane Center forecasters are monitoring for a tropical wave that is expected to emerge off western Africa on Monday. The wave is forecast to gradually develop through midweek as it moves west or west-northwest across the Atlantic Ocean.

I resti dell’uragano Danielle portano in Spagna la prima tempesta autunnale

2022-09-11T19:00+0200webpost (it)

Volta informazioni meteo. Nelle prossime ore, i resti del L’uragano Danielle porterà nella Penisola la prima tempesta d’autunno, una tempesta atlantica che se ne andrà forti piogge venti di oltre 40 chilometri orari e a sensibile calo delle temperature.

Arriva l'uragano Danielle, temperature "pazze" in #Italia

2022-09-11T17:21+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 11 settembre 2022) Sulla Galizia Arriva l'ex uragano Danielle e la sua presenza provocherà sconvolgimenti al clima anche in Italia. I cambiamenti si faranno evidenti a partire da lunedì. Secondo il sito www.ilmeteo.it, la tempesta tropicale sulla Spagna favorirà la formazione di una profonda saccatura sull'Ovest del continente.

Arriva l'uragano Danielle, temperature "pazze" in Italia

2022-09-11T17:21+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 11 settembre 2022) Sulla Galizia Arriva l'ex uragano Danielle e la sua presenza provocherà sconvolgimenti al clima anche in Italia . I cambiamenti si faranno evidenti a partire da lunedì. Secondo il sito www.ilmeteo.it, la tempesta tropicale sulla Spagna favorirà la formazione di una profonda saccatura sull'Ovest del continente.

11 set 2022, 16:41 Carlo Migliore Meteo - Nessun timore per l'ex uragano Danielle. Colpirà l'Europa occidentale ma non l'Italia. Ecco come potrà influenzare il tempo da noi

2022-09-11T16:55+02003bmeteo (it)

Meteo - Nessun timore per l'ex uragano Danielle . Colpirà l'Europa occidentale ma non l'Italia. Ecco come potrà influenzare il tempo da noi. Meteo - Nessun timore per l'ex uragano Danielle. Colpirà l'Europa occidentale ma non l'Italia. Ecco come potrà influenzare il tempo da noi.

Météo, un nouveau coup de chaud attendu en Bretagne ce 12 septembre 2022

2022-09-11T16:13+0200francetvinfo (fr)

"On ira, où tu voudras quand tu voudras… " Vous entendez les lalalala ? En guise d’été indien, les cieux nous offrent ce lundi 12 septembre 2022, un épisode de fortes chaleurs. 30 degrés attendus à Rennes, Saint-Malo et Saint-Brieuc. De quoi faire mentir un autre chanteur, le lundi au soleil, c’est....

Météo, un nouveau coup de chaud attendu en Bretagne ce 12 septembre 2022

2022-09-11T16:01+0200france3 (fr)

"On ira, où tu voudras quand tu voudras… " Vous entendez les lalalala ? En guise d’été indien, les cieux nous offrent ce lundi 12 septembre 2022, un épisode de fortes chaleurs. 30 degrés attendus à Rennes, Saint-Malo et Saint-Brieuc. De quoi faire mentir un autre chanteur, le lundi au soleil, c’est....

Météo-France prévoit du sable du désert et de la chaleur lundi en Charente

2022-09-11T15:59+0200charentelibre (fr)

C’est le retour des fortes chaleurs, au moins pour la journée de demain lundi, que prévoit Météo-France. des températures en Charente qui pourraient atteindre les 34° à 36° dans la journée, avant de fraîchir à 28° dans la soirée qui s’annonce orageuse.

Météo : avec le passage de Danielle, un pic de chaleur attendu en France 14:17 France

2022-09-11T15:06+0200lereveilnormand (fr)

Il faudra attendre la deuxième partie de la nuit de lundi à mardi pour mieux respirer. (© illustration actu.fr) Le moins que l’on puisse dire depuis quelques mois, c’est que la météo n’a de cesse de changer brutalement, réchauffement climatique oblige.

The remains of Hurricane Danielle bring the first storm of autumn to Spain

2022-09-11T14:56+0200tellerreport (en)

weather weather information. In the next few hours, the remains of Hurricane Danielle . will bring the first autumn storm to the Peninsula, an Atlantic storm that will leave abundant rains. , winds of more than 40 kilometers per hour and a significant drop in temperatures. Thus, while this hurricane has now become a tropical cyclone.

Météo : avec passage de Danielle, un pic de chaleur attendu en France Entre 36 et 38 degrés sont attendus dès ce lundi 12 septembre dans le Sud Ouest. Mais déjà aujourd'hui, le thermomètre commence à grimper partout en France. 14:17 France

2022-09-11T14:24+0200lepublicateurlibre (fr)

Il faudra attendre la deuxième partie de la nuit de lundi à mardi pour mieux respirer. (© illustration actu.fr) Le moins que l’on puisse dire depuis quelques mois, c’est que la météo n’a de cesse de changer brutalement, réchauffement climatique oblige.

Météo : avec passage de Danielle, un pic de chaleur attendu en France Entre 36 et 38 degrés sont attendus dès ce lundi 12 septembre dans le Sud Ouest. Mais déjà aujourd'hui, le thermomètre commence à grimper partout en France. 14:17 France

2022-09-11T14:23+0200actu (fr)

Il faudra attendre la deuxième partie de la nuit de lundi à mardi pour mieux respirer. (© illustration actu.fr) Le moins que l’on puisse dire depuis quelques mois, c’est que la météo n’a de cesse de changer brutalement, réchauffement climatique oblige.

"Attenzione all'uragano Danielle": dove colpirà e cosa cambia in Italia

2022-09-11T12:49+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 11 settembre 2022) Sul fronte meteo bisogna fare molta Attenzione agli sviluppi dell'ex uragano Danielle . Antonio Sanò, Direttore e Fondatore del sito www.iLMeteo.it, individua infatti nell'arrivo dell'ex- uragano Danielle una delle principali cause della rimonta (da lunedì) del caldo....

Dal caldo estivo al fresco autunnale

2022-09-11T12:49+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 11 settembre 2022) Come abbiamo già accennato nelle precedenti rubriche, l’arrivo in Europa dell’ex uragano “ Danielle “, ora declassato a ciclone extratropicale (praticamente una depressione atlantica), favorirà una nuova espansione verso nord dell’anticiclone africano con intensa avvezione calda per le nostre regioni meridionali.

"Attenzione all'uragano Danielle": dove colpirà e cosa cambia in Italia

2022-09-11T12:07+0200libero-news (it)

Sul fronte meteo bisogna fare molta attenzione agli sviluppi dell'ex uragano Danielle Antonio Sanò , Direttore e Fondatore del sito www.iLMeteo.it, individua infatti nell’arrivo dell’ex-uragano Danielle una delle principali cause della rimonta (da lunedì) del caldo africano sull’Italia: la tempesta....

Météo France annonce un pic de

2022-09-11T11:52+0200linfo (fr)

Des records mensuels à la clé. Un épisode caniculaire est de nouveau attendu en France. Les services de Météo France ont annoncé vendredi 9 septembre qu’un pic de "fortes chaleurs" sera au rendez-vous lundi, notamment "sur le quart sud-ouest (de la France)" .

Meteo della settimana da lunedì 12 settembre: che tempo farà

2022-09-11T10:16+0200viagginews (it)

Le previsioni meteo della settimana da lunedì 12 settembre: che tempo farà in Italia. Gli ultimi aggiornamenti. In vista della prossima settima , ecco che tempo dobbiamo aspettarci in Italia secondo le previsioni meteo aggiornate. Meteo della settimana da lunedì 12 settembre: che tempo farà (Adobe....

Météo : ce dimanche, le retour de la chaleur, comme un avant-goût du pic exceptionnel de lundi

2022-09-11T08:39+0200TF1 (fr)

Dimanche sera une belle journée dans l'ensemble après la dissipation de la nébulosité de basses couches sur le nord du pays et avec une hausse significative des températures maximales, prévoit Météo-France. Au nord d'un axe allant de Nantes à Besançon, quelques averses résiduelles subsisteront vers....

"Una tanica di benzina pronta a esplodere". Meteo-Giuliacci, la previsione-choc

2022-09-11T07:02+0200libero-news (it)

Il caldo anomalo rischia di avere pesanti conseguenze in autunno. Addirittura sul sito di Mario Giuliacci , l'Europa viene comparata a "una sorta di tanica di benzina, pronta a esplodere". Tra le principali cause scatenanti le perturbazioni in arrivo dal Nord Atlantico, che causeranno non pochi temporali violenti.

Jusqu’à 36 degrés ! Où la nouvelle vague de chaleur sera-t-elle la plus forte ?

2022-09-11T06:35+0200generationsnouvelles (fr)

Si l’ouragan Danielle devait épargner la France, son passage au large de l’Europe ne serait pas sans effet sur notre climat. Les températures vont grimper à des niveaux très élevés pour septembre avec des pointes supérieures à 30 degrés. Voici l’actualité et les prévisions près de chez vous ! Pas de....

"Una tanica di benzina pronta a esplodere". Meteo-Giuliacci, la previsione-choc

2022-09-11T02:11+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 11 settembre 2022) Il caldo anomalo rischia di avere pesanti conseguenze in autunno. Addirittura sul sito di Mario Giuliacci , l'Europa viene comparata a "una sorta di tanica di benzina pronta a esplodere ". Tra le principali cause scatenanti le perturbazioni in arrivo dal Nord Atlantico, che causeranno non pochi temporali violenti.

Distant Hurricane Earl hands Florida rough surf as new system is tracked

2022-09-10T23:40+0200fresnobee (en)

ORLANDO, Fla. — Hurricane Earl is nearing its last stages as a tropical system, but strong swells are a threat to Florida’s East Coast. As of 11 a.m. Saturday, the National Hurricane Center places the center of Earl about 260 miles south of Cape Race, Newfoundland in Canada with sustained winds of 90 mph, down from 105 mph earlier Saturday.

Distant Hurricane Earl hands Florida rough surf as new system is tracked

2022-09-10T22:36+0200charlotteobserver (en)

ORLANDO, Fla. — Hurricane Earl is nearing its last stages as a tropical system, but strong swells are a threat to Florida’s East Coast. As of 11 a.m. Saturday, the National Hurricane Center places the center of Earl about 260 miles south of Cape Race, Newfoundland in Canada with sustained winds of 90 mph, down from 105 mph earlier Saturday.

Distant Hurricane Earl hands Florida rough surf as new system is tracked

2022-09-10T22:34+0200tri-cityherald (en)

ORLANDO, Fla. — Hurricane Earl is nearing its last stages as a tropical system, but strong swells are a threat to Florida’s East Coast. As of 11 a.m. Saturday, the National Hurricane Center places the center of Earl about 260 miles south of Cape Race, Newfoundland in Canada with sustained winds of 90 mph, down from 105 mph earlier Saturday.

Distant Hurricane Earl hands Florida rough surf as new system is tracked

2022-09-10T22:33+0200heraldonline (en)

ORLANDO, Fla. — Hurricane Earl is nearing its last stages as a tropical system, but strong swells are a threat to Florida’s East Coast. As of 11 a.m. Saturday, the National Hurricane Center places the center of Earl about 260 miles south of Cape Race, Newfoundland in Canada with sustained winds of 90 mph, down from 105 mph earlier Saturday.

Distant Hurricane Earl hands Florida rough surf as new system is tracked

2022-09-10T22:32+0200theolympian (en)

ORLANDO, Fla. — Hurricane Earl is nearing its last stages as a tropical system, but strong swells are a threat to Florida’s East Coast. As of 11 a.m. Saturday, the National Hurricane Center places the center of Earl about 260 miles south of Cape Race, Newfoundland in Canada with sustained winds of 90 mph, down from 105 mph earlier Saturday.

Distant Hurricane Earl hands Florida rough surf as new system is tracked

2022-09-10T22:32+0200kansascity (en)

ORLANDO, Fla. — Hurricane Earl is nearing its last stages as a tropical system, but strong swells are a threat to Florida’s East Coast. As of 11 a.m. Saturday, the National Hurricane Center places the center of Earl about 260 miles south of Cape Race, Newfoundland in Canada with sustained winds of 90 mph, down from 105 mph earlier Saturday.

Distant Hurricane Earl hands Florida rough surf as new system is tracked

2022-09-10T22:31+0200islandpacket (en)

ORLANDO, Fla. — Hurricane Earl is nearing its last stages as a tropical system, but strong swells are a threat to Florida’s East Coast. As of 11 a.m. Saturday, the National Hurricane Center places the center of Earl about 260 miles south of Cape Race, Newfoundland in Canada with sustained winds of 90 mph, down from 105 mph earlier Saturday.

Distant Hurricane Earl hands Florida rough surf as new system is tracked

2022-09-10T22:31+0200idahostatesman (en)

ORLANDO, Fla. — Hurricane Earl is nearing its last stages as a tropical system, but strong swells are a threat to Florida’s East Coast. As of 11 a.m. Saturday, the National Hurricane Center places the center of Earl about 260 miles south of Cape Race, Newfoundland in Canada with sustained winds of 90 mph, down from 105 mph earlier Saturday.

Distant Hurricane Earl hands Florida rough surf as new system is tracked

2022-09-10T22:29+0200newsobserver (en)

ORLANDO, Fla. — Hurricane Earl is nearing its last stages as a tropical system, but strong swells are a threat to Florida’s East Coast. As of 11 a.m. Saturday, the National Hurricane Center places the center of Earl about 260 miles south of Cape Race, Newfoundland in Canada with sustained winds of 90 mph, down from 105 mph earlier Saturday.

Distant Hurricane Earl hands Florida rough surf as new system is tracked

2022-09-10T22:29+0200star-telegram (en)

ORLANDO, Fla. — Hurricane Earl is nearing its last stages as a tropical system, but strong swells are a threat to Florida’s East Coast. As of 11 a.m. Saturday, the National Hurricane Center places the center of Earl about 260 miles south of Cape Race, Newfoundland in Canada with sustained winds of 90 mph, down from 105 mph earlier Saturday.

Distant Hurricane Earl hands Florida rough surf as new system is tracked

2022-09-10T22:27+0200bnd (en)

ORLANDO, Fla. — Hurricane Earl is nearing its last stages as a tropical system, but strong swells are a threat to Florida’s East Coast. As of 11 a.m. Saturday, the National Hurricane Center places the center of Earl about 260 miles south of Cape Race, Newfoundland in Canada with sustained winds of 90 mph, down from 105 mph earlier Saturday.

Bad weather for Portugal

2022-09-10T21:47+0200worldakkam (en)

Tropical Storm Daniel changes trajectory and bowls towards northeastern Iberian Peninsula. Currently, tropical storm Daniel, located northwest of the Azores, is changing its trajectory and heading toward Portugal . Rain and high winds should hit the mainland territory by Sunday afternoon.

Allerta per l’uragano Danielle in Italia: dove potrebbe colpire

2022-09-10T19:22+0200quifinanza (it)

Scatta l’allarme in Europa per l’arrivo dell’ uragano Danielle , il primo evento atlantico del 2022 formatosi in pieno oceano. Si tratta di una configurazione atmosferica che i meteorologi definiscono inconsueta e mai vista prima, con l’uragano che starebbe puntando l’Europa e che nei prossimi giorni potrebbe anche arrivare in Italia.

Allerta per l’uragano Danielle in Italia: dove potrebbe colpire

2022-09-10T18:28+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 10 settembre 2022) Scatta l’allarme in Europa per l’arrivo del l’uragano Danielle , il primo evento atlantico del 2022 formatosi in pieno oceano. Si tratta di una configurazione atmosferica che i meteorologi definiscono inconsueta e mai vista prima, con l’uragano che starebbe puntando....

Meteo - Da metà settembre possibile graduale svolta...

2022-09-10T15:38+02003bmeteo (it)

Meteo - Da metà settembre possibile graduale svolta autunnale con forti rovesci e temporali. Ecco come potrebbe andare. Meteo - Da metà settembre possibile graduale svolta autunnale con forti rovesci e temporali. Ecco come potrebbe andare. Anticiclone africano in ritirata, rischio forti temporali e nubifragi su parte d'Italia.

Pic de chaleur exceptionnel la semaine prochaine : la faute à l'ex-ouragan Danielle

2022-09-10T14:54+0200TF1 (fr)

L’été 2022 ne lâche rien, jusqu’au bout… Alors que les températures retrouvent un niveau de saison depuis peu, voilà que les modèles de prévision s’affolent de nouveau, annonçant le retour de très fortes chaleurs entre la fin du week-end et le début de semaine prochaine.

Tempête Danielle: de nouveaux records de chaleur attendus demain et lundi

2022-09-10T13:16+0200Liberation (fr)

Alors que le début du mois de septembre a été marqué par le retour de la pluie et la chute des températures après un été caniculaire , le mercure va remonter en flèche. «A partir de dimanche, sous l’influence d’un système dépressionnaire au large du Portugal , le temps va redevenir chaud au sud» ,....

Meteo - Inizio settimana con l'ex uragano Danielle...

2022-09-10T12:38+02003bmeteo (it)

Meteo - Inizio settimana con l'ex uragano Danielle sull'Europa occidentale e l'anticiclone africano e il caldo anomalo sull'Italia. Ecco come andrà. Meteo - Inizio settimana con l'ex uragano Danielle sull'Europa occidentale e l'anticiclone africano e il caldo anomalo sull'Italia. Ecco come andrà.

Meteo - Ex uragano Danielle in arrivo sull'Europa, ecco dove porterà maltempo e dove invece no. Conseguenze per l'Italia

2022-09-10T12:38+02003bmeteo (it)

Ex-uragano Danielle e le sue conseguenze. L'ex uragano Danielle è ormai definitivamente declassato in depressione extra-tropicale. Il che tranquillizza ma non fa abbassare l'attenzione all'Europa occidentale. Il sistema perturbato al momento si trova a Nord delle Azzorre con un minimo depressionario....

Meteo, nuova ondata di maltempo in Italia: dove e quando arriva

2022-09-10T11:07+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 10 settembre 2022) arriva no fenomeni di maltempo in Italia che porteranno piogge e temporali in molte regioni. Sarà un uragano atlantico a portare un’ ondata di maltempo sul nostro paese. Prima però tornerà il caldo africano e si raggiungeranno temperature ben al di fuori della media stagionale con picchi sopra i 35 gradi.

Cronaca Meteo - Ultimi temporali su parte della Penisola mentre l'ex Uragano Danielle si avvicina all'Europa Ultimi temporali su parte della Penisola mentre l'ex Uragano Danielle si avvicina all'Europa. Ecco che cosa ci aspetta in questa giornata di sabato Un'area di bassa pressione abbraccia ancora parte della Penisola.

2022-09-10T10:45+0200informazione (it)

Ultimi temporali su parte della Penisola mentre l'ex Uragano Danielle si avvicina all'Europa. Ecco che cosa ci aspetta in questa giornata di sabato Un'area di bassa pressione abbraccia ancora parte della Penisola. ore 10:26 di Carlo Migliore 10 settembre 2022ore 10:26 2 minuti, 8 secondi Per tutti....

Cronaca Meteo - Ultimi temporali su parte della Penisola...

2022-09-10T09:39+02003bmeteo (it)

Meteo evoluzione Europa-Italia nel corso del weekend. Il vortice di bassa pressione responsabile dei forti temporali degli ultimi giorni si sta spostando gradualmente dal Mare del Nord verso la Polonia mentre perde gran parte della sua energia. L'ultima perturbazione collegata al minimo che in....

Ex-ouragan Danielle : vague de chaleur et des pics à 35°C prévus en Occitanie, les prévisions météo du week-end

2022-09-10T07:43+0200midilibre (fr)

Après la pluie, le beau temps. Après les violents orages qui ont frappé une partie de la France - dont le Gard et l'Hérault - en début de semaine, le soleil devrait largement faire son retour dans le Sud dès ce week-end. Le point sur ce qui vous attend côté météo. Un samedi mitigé dans le Nord-Est.

tornado ed ex uragani. Cosa ci aspetta nelle prossime ore – Libero Quotidiano

2022-09-10T07:41+0200webpost (it)

Il meteo impazzito in Europa interesserà anche l’Italia. Il ciclone irlandese che, dopo una settimana di semi-stazionarietà, porterà temporali, tornado e alluvioni. Nelle prossime ore e nei prossimi giorni, riporta ilmeteo.it, l’Europa risentirà dell’arrivo di due ex-uragani atlantici : il primo,....

Meteo impazzito in Italia: tornado ed ex uragani, chi rischia grosso in poche ore

2022-09-10T05:51+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 10 settembre 2022) Il Meteo impazzito in Europa interesserà anche l' Italia . Il ciclone irlandese che, dopo una settimana di semi-stazionarietà, porterà temporali, tornado e alluvioni. Nelle prossime ore e nei prossimi giorni, riporta il Meteo .

Meteo impazzito in Italia: tornado ed ex uragani, chi rischia grosso in poche ore

2022-09-10T05:00+0200libero-news (it)

Il meteo impazzito in Europa interesserà anche l'Italia. Il ciclone irlandese che, dopo una settimana di semi-stazionarietà, porterà temporali, tornado e alluvioni. Nelle prossime ore e nei prossimi giorni, riporta ilmeteo.it, l'Europa risentirà dell’arrivo di due ex-uragani atlantici : il primo,....

Hurricane Earl Restrengthens Out To Sea—But ‘Life-Threatening’ Rip Currents Threaten East Coast

2022-09-10T00:23+0200forbes (en)

winds intensified to 105 mph Friday afternoon as the massive storm raced toward the open waters of the north Atlantic Ocean, but forecasters are warning there will be "life-threatening" surf and rip currents along much of the East Coast throughout the weekend, even as Earl's center remains several hundred miles off shore.

un pic de « fortes chaleurs » attendu lundi, annonce Météo France

2022-09-09T23:39+0200generationsnouvelles (fr)

Des températures pouvant dépasser les 35 degrés sont attendues notamment dans le sud-ouest du pays. Un épisode orageux fera baisser les températures à partir de mardi et tout au long de la semaine. Des températures élevées dans les jours à venir ? Les services de Météo France ont alerté vendredi 9....

Météo : un pic de "fortes chaleurs" attendu lundi, annonce Météo France

2022-09-09T23:26+0200france3 (fr)

Un thermomètre signale une température de 36 degrés, à Toulouse (Haute-Garonne), le 15 juin 2022. (FRED SCHEIBER/SIPA / SIPA) Des températures élevées dans les jours à venir ? Les services de Météo France ont alerté vendredi 9 septembre sur un pic de "fortes chaleurs" attendu lundi, notamment "sur....

Météo : un pic de "fortes chaleurs" attendu lundi, annonce Météo France

2022-09-09T22:54+0200francetvinfo (fr)

Un thermomètre signale une température de 36 degrés, à Toulouse (Haute-Garonne), le 15 juin 2022. (FRED SCHEIBER/SIPA / SIPA) Des températures élevées dans les jours à venir ? Les services de Météo France ont alerté vendredi 9 septembre sur un pic de "fortes chaleurs" attendu lundi, notamment "sur....

Hurricane Earl heads into open Atlantic, while 3 more systems brew: What to know Friday

2022-09-09T22:10+0200nola (en)

on Friday afternoon were tracking four systems in the Atlantic, including Earl does not pose a threat to Louisiana. It's too early to say where the other disturbances could go if they develop. Earl is the second hurricane of the Atlantic season. Hurricane Danielle formed last week after a two-month lull in the tropics.

There Are Storms Off Both U.S. Coasts After an Unusually Quiet Summer

2022-09-09T21:40+0200gizmodo (en)

Storms have formed off both the East and West coasts of the United States, breaking a rare streak of inactivity. Last month was the first August with zero named storms in 25 years. This is also the third time since records began in the 1940s that there were no named storms in the Atlantic, according to .

Vents chauds à partir du dimanche 11 septembre : la France vers un nouvel épisode caniculaire ?

2022-09-09T21:40+0200femmeactuelle (fr)

C’est un nouveau coup de chaleur qui est attendu sur la France. Après un été avec des températures très élevées, elles ont fortement diminué ces derniers jours et le temps a été très perturbé avec de fortes pluies provoquant de nombreux dégâts et inondations dans plusieurs régions.

Nouvel épisode de chaleur en perspective : "avec des valeurs prévues de l’ordre des records de septembre"

2022-09-09T21:21+0200lepopulaire (fr)

Vers des records ? Dimanche, selon Météo France , "le temps va redevenir chaud au sud, avec des pointes à 33-35 °C dans le Sud-Ouest". Lundi, "l’ensemble du pays connaîtra des températures très élevées pour une mi-septembre, avec la barre des 30 °C largement atteinte ou dépassée sur les 2/3 sud du....

Meteo: Uragano punta l'Europa, configurazione mai vista prima, entro metà Settembre rischia anche l'Italia, leggi articolo completo

2022-09-09T21:14+0200ilmeteo (it)

Uragani e cicloni atlantici puntano l'Europa Una configurazione atmosferica mai vista prima caratterizzerà le prossime settimane: un Uragano atlantico sta infatti puntando l'Europa; entro la metà di Settembre le conseguenze si faranno sentire anche sull'Italia e ci sono anche dei rischi per alcune regioni.

Hurricane Kay’s Outer Bands Threaten Heavy Rain, Landslides in Southern California

2022-09-09T21:11+0200claimsjournal (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Hurricane Kay steamed northward along the coast of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula Friday and forecasters say it might bring gusty winds and two to four inches of rain to southernmost California this weekend. Authorities in Baja opened shelters and closed schools ahead of Kay,....

Nouvel épisode de chaleur en perspective : "avec des valeurs prévues de l’ordre des records de septembre"

2022-09-09T21:04+0200lyonne-republicaine (fr)

Vers des records ? Dimanche, selon Météo France , "le temps va redevenir chaud au sud, avec des pointes à 33-35 °C dans le Sud-Ouest". Lundi, "l’ensemble du pays connaîtra des températures très élevées pour une mi-septembre, avec la barre des 30 °C largement atteinte ou dépassée sur les 2/3 sud du....

Heavy weather ahead as Brits battle through thunder, lightning and torrential rain

2022-09-09T20:35+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Britons have been warned they face poor meteorological conditions this weekend, with much of the east of England under a yellow thunder warning stretching from an area covering Newcastle upon Tyne down to north east London and as war west as Manchester and The dramatic end to the summer-long drought....

Meteo, condizioni climatiche sempre più estreme: il super uragano Earl minaccia l'Italia

2022-09-09T20:26+0200247libero (it)

Ex-uragani ed enormi cicloni, l’Europa continua ad essere minacciata da situazioni meteo estreme. In questo momento, la scena meteorologica del continente risente della presenza dell’enorme ciclone irlandese che, dopo una settimana di semi-stazionarietà, ha deciso di muoversi verso Est portando....

Meteo impazzito a metà settembre. Il super uragano intimorisce l'Italia

2022-09-09T20:15+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 9 settembre 2022) Ex-uragani ed enormi cicloni, l'Europa continua ad essere minacciata da situazioni Meteo estreme. In questo momento, la scena Meteo rologica del continente risente della presenza dell'enorme ciclone irlandese che, dopo una settimana di semi-stazionarietà, ha deciso di....

Heavy weather ahead as Brits battle through thunder, lightning and torrential rain

2022-09-09T19:51+0200dailymail (en)

Britons have been warned they face poor meteorological conditions this weekend, with much of the east of England under a yellow thunder warning stretching from an area covering Newcastle upon Tyne down to north east London and as war west as Manchester and The dramatic end to the summer-long drought....

What’s Up With The 2022 Hurricane Season Forecast?

2022-09-09T17:29+0200forbes (en)

August was a quiet month for tropical storms. In fact, there hadn’t been a single named storm since early July, and that hasn’t happened in more than 25 years. Yet, just hoursnto September, Hurricane Danielle developed and was quickly followed by Hurricane Earl.

Pourquoi l'ex-ouragan Danielle va devenir une "pompe à chaleur" pour Toulouse et l'Occitanie ce week-end 17:16Toulouse

2022-09-09T17:26+0200actu (fr)

Dans le détail, voici ce que prévoit Météo France : Dimanche, le temps va redevenir chaud au sud, avec des pointes à 33-35 C dans le Sud-Ouest, et un ciel souvent largement ensoleillé sur l’ensemble du pays. Les averses seront anecdotiques, limitées au relief pyrénéen.

Météo : après la canicule et les orages, une tempête de sable pourrait s'abattre sur la France ce lundi

2022-09-09T17:09+0200midilibre (fr)

"Les sables du Sahara guettent à nouveau ! Poussés par un flux de sud induit par l’ex cyclone Danielle , un nuage de sable va remonter depuis le Sahara en direction de la France lundi." La chaîne Météo a publié il y a quelques heures, une tweet alertant sur une possible tempête de sable sur la France ce lundi.

Post-tropical storm Danielle will bring heavy rain, potential flooding on Sunday

2022-09-09T15:52+0200irishtimes (en)

Sunshine will break through the clouds on Friday and Saturday before heavy rain from a former tropical storm sweeps across the country, bringing the potential for spot flooding, according to Met Éireann. The damp and drizzle of Friday morning, experienced in northern, central and eastern areas, will....

Meteo: weekend con bel tempo su gran parte dell'Italia

2022-09-09T15:19+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 9 settembre 2022) Sono queste in sintesi le previsioni Antonio Sanò, Direttore e Fondatore del sito www.iL Meteo .it, che individua nell'arrivo dell 'ex - uragano Danielle una dell e principali cause dell a rimonta, da ... : Meteo weekend: meno caldo e ultimi temporali, prima di grosse....

Loire-Atlantique : emporté par la tempête, son bateau de pêche s'échoue à quelques centimètres d'un énorme rocher 15:00 Saint-Nazaire

2022-09-09T15:18+0200actu (fr)

Étonnant spectacle que ce bateau de pêche-promenade échoué sur la côte sauvage de Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique). ©Echo Presqu'île. Étonnant spectacle que ce bateau de pêche-promenade échoué sur la côte sauvage de Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique). Amarré en face du petit port de Gavy, l’imposant....

Loire-Atlantique : emporté par la tempête, son bateau de pêche s'échoue à quelques centimètres d'un énorme rocher 15:00 Saint-Nazaire

2022-09-09T15:17+0200lepublicateurlibre (fr)

Étonnant spectacle que ce bateau de pêche-promenade échoué sur la côte sauvage de Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique). ©Echo Presqu'île. Étonnant spectacle que ce bateau de pêche-promenade échoué sur la côte sauvage de Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique). Amarré en face du petit port de Gavy, l’imposant....

Environment A rare tropical storm will skirt by the Southwest, just days after historic heatwave

2022-09-09T15:16+0200popsci (en)

As a historic September heat wave begins to taper off in the western United States, a tropical storm is spinning a little too close to comfort for southern California. Tropical Storm Kay is moving north along Mexico’s Baja California peninsula through today, bringing with it a massive amount of....

Earl taking off to the northeast over the Central Atlantic – Action News Jax

2022-09-09T14:47+0200wingsenvironmental (en)

***** ALWAYS CHECK & RE-CHECK THE LATEST FORECAST & UPDATES! ***** REMEMBER WHEN A TROPICAL STORM OR HURRICANE IS APPROACHING: Taping windows is *NOT* helpful & will not keep glass from breaking. Realize the forecast cone (“cone of uncertainty”) is the average forecast error over a given time – out....

Heavy rain may cause travel disruption in Cambridgeshire and across large parts of East Anglia, the East Midlands and the North

2022-09-09T13:47+0200cambridge-news (en)

See our Privacy Notice A nine-hour yellow warning for heavy thunderstorms has been issued by the Met Office, covering a large part of the UK including Cambridgeshire. It will be in place from midday today (Friday 9 September) until 7pm this evening. There is a risk that some buildings could be....

Thunderstorms are forecast to be so heavy that there could even damage to buildings and other structures

2022-09-09T13:43+0200hertsandessexobserver (en)

The warning covers a large part of the country, including with areas set to be affected most including the east midlands, West Midlands, north east England and east of England - including Hertfordshire. It is set to remain in place from now until 7pm tonight (Sept 9).

Tornado, temporali ed ex-uragani: meteo impazzito anche in Italia con fenomeni estremi

2022-09-09T13:43+0200cilentonotizie (it)

Ex-uragani ed enormi cicloni, l’Europa continua ad essere minacciata da situazioni meteo estreme. In questo momento, la scena meteorologica del continente risente della presenza dell’enorme ciclone irlandese che, dopo una settimana di semi-stazionarietà, ha deciso di muoversi verso Est portando....

Kay weakens to tropical storm in eastern Pacific off coast of Baja California

2022-09-09T13:23+0200upi (en)

Sept. 8 (UPI) -- Hurricane Kay in the eastern Pacific Ocean has weakened to a tropical storm, but is still expected to bring stormy conditions to the western coast of Baja California and parts of Southern California on Friday. In its 2 a.m. PDT advisory Friday, the National Hurricane Center said Kay....

Meteo: Prossima Settimana, da Lunedì ecco l'Anticiclone Africano, poi può cambiare di nuovo tutto; tendenza, leggi articolo completo

2022-09-09T13:01+0200ilmeteo (it)

Settimana dai 2 volti, prima l'afa poi i nubifragi Ci attende una doppia sorpresa nel corso della prossima settimana La prima sorpresa nasconde anche una curiosità: arriva l’ex uragano Danielle in Spagna ed il tempo tornerà caldo e soleggiato ovunque in Italia.

Météo: Vents chauds, mini-canicule, épisode méditerranéen… Ce que l'ex-ouragan Danielle pourrait provoquer ce week-end

2022-09-09T12:42+0200lindependant (fr)

Redevenue tempête, Danielle va arriver près des côtes sous forme de dépression. Mais ses caractéristiques vont entraîner un temps très perturbé et très chaud pour le week-end. Après avoir été rétrogradé en tempête ce jeudi, l'ex-ouragan Danielle va perdre ses caractéristiques tropicales avant ce....

UK weather: Met Office 9-hour storm warning for lightning that may damage buildings

2022-09-09T12:09+0200themirror (en)

A nine-hour yellow weather warning for heavy thunderstorms has been put in place, covering a huge area of the UK. The warning is in place from midday until 7pm this evening as parts of the country are set to be battered by adverse Some buildings could potentially be damaged as a result while travel delays are also possible.

36 voire 38 et 39°...une nouvelle vague de chaleur annoncée la semaine prochaine en Aquitaine

2022-09-09T12:00+0200france3 (fr)

Météo France prévoit le retour de températures caniculaires pour la semaine prochaine. Jusqu'à 39° dans la partie sud et 35° plus au nord selon de premières données qui restent à affiner. Ca va monter progressivement avec un pic lundi " indique Coralie Voirin, prévisionniste à l'antenne de Mérignac.

36 voire 38 et 39°...une nouvelle vague de chaleur annoncée la semaine...

2022-09-09T12:00+0200francetvinfo (fr)

Météo France prévoit le retour de températures caniculaires pour la semaine prochaine. Jusqu'à 39° dans la partie sud et 35° plus au nord selon de premières données qui restent à affiner. Ca va monter progressivement avec un pic lundi " indique Coralie Voirin, prévisionniste à l'antenne de Mérignac.

Tornado, temporali e cicloni: meteo impazzito in Italia

2022-09-09T11:31+0200247libero (it)

METEO - Ex-uragani ed enormi cicloni, l’Europa continua ad essere minacciata da situazioni meteo estreme. In questo momento, la scena meteorologica del continente risente della presenza dell’enorme ciclone irlandese che, dopo una settimana di semi-stazionarietà, ha deciso di muoversi verso Est....

Tornado, temporali e cicloni: meteo impazzito in Italia

2022-09-09T10:51+0200oggitreviso (it)

METEO - Ex-uragani ed enormi cicloni, l’Europa continua ad essere minacciata da situazioni meteo estreme. In questo momento, la scena meteorologica del continente risente della presenza dell’enorme ciclone irlandese che, dopo una settimana di semi-stazionarietà, ha deciso di muoversi verso Est....

Nazionali Oggi alle 09:00 Tornado, temporali e cicloni: meteo impazzito in Italia. Le previsioni

2022-09-09T10:15+0200oglioponews (it)

(Adnkronos) – Ex-uragani ed enormi cicloni, l’Europa continua ad essere minacciata da situazioni meteo estreme. In questo momento, la scena meteorologica del continente risente della presenza dell’enorme ciclone irlandese che, dopo una settimana di semi-stazionarietà, ha deciso di muoversi verso Est....

Ultime Notizie – Tornado, temporali e cicloni: meteo impazzito in Italia. Le previsioni

2022-09-09T10:00+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 9 settembre 2022) Ex-uragani ed enormi cicloni , l’Europa continua ad essere minacciata da situazioni meteo estreme. In questo momento, la scena meteo rologica del continente risente della presenza dell’enorme ciclone irlandese che, dopo una settimana di semi-stazionarietà, ha deciso di....

Tornado, temporali e cicloni: meteo impazzito in Italia. Le previsioni

2022-09-09T10:00+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di venerdì 9 settembre 2022) (Adnkronos) – Ex-uragani ed enormi cicloni , l’Europa continua ad essere minacciata da situazioni meteo estreme. In questo momento, la scena meteo rologica del continente risente della presenza dell’enorme ciclone irlandese che, dopo una settimana di semi-stazionarietà,....

Nouveau pic de chaleur exceptionnel attendu en début de semaine prochaine

2022-09-09T09:38+0200TF1 (fr)

L’été 2022 ne lâche rien, jusqu’au bout… Alors que les températures retrouvent un niveau de saison depuis peu, voilà que les modèles de prévision s’affolent de nouveau, annonçant le retour de très fortes chaleurs entre la fin du week-end et le début de semaine prochaine.

Tornado, temporali e cicloni: meteo impazzito in Italia. Le previsioni

2022-09-09T09:38+0200247libero (it)

Ex-uragani ed enormi cicloni, l’Europa continua ad essere minacciata da situazioni meteo estreme . In questo momento, la scena meteorologica del continente risente della presenza dell’enorme ciclone irlandese che, dopo una settimana di semi-stazionarietà, ha deciso di muoversi verso Est portando....

Tornado, temporali e cicloni: meteo impazzito in Italia. Le previsioni

2022-09-09T09:09+0200adnkronos (it)

Ex-uragani ed enormi cicloni, l’Europa continua ad essere minacciata da situazioni meteo estreme . In questo momento, la scena meteorologica del continente risente della presenza dell’enorme ciclone irlandese che, dopo una settimana di semi-stazionarietà, ha deciso di muoversi verso Est portando....

PRIMA PAGINA ore 8:41 Editoriale di Venerdì 9 Settembre: Tornado, Temporali ed ex-uragani, Meteo impazzito anche in Italia

2022-09-09T08:55+0200ilmeteo (it)

Il meteo è sempre più impazzito Ex-uragani ed enormi cicloni , l’Europa continua ad essere minacciata da situazioni meteo estreme. In questo momento, la scena meteorologica del continente risente della presenza dell’ enorme ciclone irlandese che, dopo una settimana di semi-stazionarietà, ha deciso....

Hurricane Kay 2022: Storm makes landfall on Mexico's Baja peninsula, may bring rains to Southern California - KABC-TV

2022-09-09T08:50+0200google-top-stories (en)

MEXICO CITY -- Hurricane Kay made landfall Thursday afternoon on a sparsely populated peninsula on Mexico's Pacific coast, and forecasters said it by the weekend. The storm's maximum sustained winds weakened to near 75 mph (120 kmh), barely a Category 1 storm, and Kay was expected to continue weakening into a tropical storm in the coming hours.

PREVISIONI METEO/ "Autunno e inverno più caldi di 1° C ma con piogge torrenziali dall'Atlantico'

2022-09-09T07:10+0200247libero (it)

Nubifragi a Livorno (118 millimetri di pioggia in un’ora), tromba d’aria sul lago di Garda, colate di fango a Blevio, sul lago di Como, uragano Danielle in arrivo sull’Europa. Il surriscaldamento del clima, abbinato alle correnti fresche in arrivo dall’Atlantico, stanno creando problemi di maltempo. Coda di fine estate? Purtroppo no.

Lyon. Pourquoi l'ouragan Danielle va faire exploser les températures jusqu'à mardi 06:02 Lyon

2022-09-09T06:58+0200actu (fr)

Des Lyonnais tentent de se rafraîchir sur les berges du Rhône, dimanche 31 juillet 2022. (©Nicolas Zaugra/ actu Lyon) Une nouvelle vague de chaleur ces prochains jours à Lyon ? Ce scénario se dessine dès ce week-end et ce jusqu’à mardi 13 septembre 2022 au moins. Après un été caniculaire, ce début septembre s’annonce encore très chaud.

PREVISIONI METEO/ “Autunno e inverno più caldi di 1° C ma con piogge torrenziali dall'Atlantico"

2022-09-09T06:16+0200ilsussidiario (it)

Nubifragi a Livorno (118 millimetri di pioggia in un’ora), tromba d’aria sul lago di Garda, colate di fango a Blevio, sul lago di Como, uragano Danielle in arrivo sull’Europa. Il surriscaldamento del clima, abbinato alle correnti fresche in arrivo dall’Atlantico, stanno creando problemi di maltempo. Coda di fine estate? Purtroppo no.

Actualité Il y a 1 minute Ouragan Danielle : une météo très perturbée la semaine prochaine Après d’importantes vagues de chaleur cet été 2022, place aux pluies et aux orages. Venu de l’Atlantique, l’ouragan Danielle se […]

2022-09-09T05:53+0200letribunaldunet (fr)

Après d’importantes vagues de chaleur cet été 2022, place aux pluies et aux orages. Venu de l’Atlantique, l’ouragan Danielle se déplace vers l’est et donc vers l’Europe . La France, même si elle devrait être peu touchée par la tempête, va quand même en subir quelques conséquences.

Hurricane Earl draws closer to Bermuda

2022-09-09T05:24+0200upi (en)

Sept. 8 (UPI) -- Hurricane Earl drew nearer to Bermuda Thursday night as forecasters expect it will become a major hurricane. Earl formed in the Caribbean last weekend to become the fifth named storm of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season, following Alex, Bonnie, Colin and Danielle . The National Hurricane Center said in its 11 p.

Hurricane Kay set to brush Mexico's Baja peninsula

2022-09-09T01:38+0200taiwannews (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Hurricane Kay steamed toward a possible brush with land on a sparsely populated stretch of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula Thursday, and forecasters say it might bring rains to southernmost California by the weekend. Authorities in Baja opened shelters and closed schools ahead....

Hurricane Kay set to brush Mexico's Baja peninsula

2022-09-09T00:04+0200vindy (en)

This satellite image made available by NOAA shows Hurricane Kay off the Pacific coast of Mexico, early Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2022. Kay’s maximum sustained winds rose to 100 mph Wednesday, with forecasters saying it could brush the mid portion of the peninsula this week.

Hurricane Kay heads to Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula

2022-09-08T23:12+0200HonululuAdvertiser (en)

MEXICO CITY >> Hurricane Kay gained strength in the Pacific Wednesday and began lashing Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula, where authorities prepared by opening shelters and closing some roads. Forecasters said there’s a chance outer bands of the big storm could bring heavy rain and possibly flash....

Un nouveau pic de chaleur prévu à partir de la fin de la semaine

2022-09-08T22:59+0200bfmtv (fr)

La France va connaître un nouveau pic de chaleur en fin de semaine et début de semaine prochaine. Ce coup de chaleur doit toucher le Sud-Ouest en premier. Retour aux fortes chaleurs. Le début de semaine prochaine sera marqué par un nouveau pic de chaleur en France, une conséquence directe du....

Pic de chaleur : à quoi faut-il s'attendre à partir du dimanche 11 septembre ?

2022-09-08T22:36+0200femmeactuelle (fr)

Après plusieurs jours de pluie et une baisse des températures, la France devrait de nouveau avoir très chaud, à partir du dimanche 11 septembre 2022. La faute à l’ex-ouragan Danielle selon les informations de La Chaîne Météo , relayées jeudi 8 septembre 2022, sur Twitter. Nouveau coup de chaud attendu sur la France .

Hurricane Earl to hit Bermuda as storm swell threatens US East Coast

2022-09-08T21:08+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

The government of Bermuda has encouraged residents to secure outdoor furniture, make any needed repairs to their homes and stock up on medical prescriptions in preparation of the storm. Storm swells from the hurricane will ripple across the Atlantic and bring dangerous coastal conditions to the eastern United States by Thursday night.

UK weather: Met Office warns heavy rain, hail, thunderstorms and flooding to hit today

2022-09-08T21:08+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Many Brits are waking up to another morning today as heavy rain is forecast for many parts of the UK. The Met Office placed a yellow warning for rain in place from 4am to 10am in an area of Scotland stretching from Edinburgh up to Aberdeen. It warned the heavy rainfall could bring a chance of some....

Hurricane Earl forecast to turn into a Cat 4 and Tropical Storm Fiona could form soon

2022-09-08T20:59+0200miamiherald (en)

Hurricane Earl is forecast to turn into a major storm later Thursday, with tropical storm and hurricane conditions expected to begin soon in Bermuda. Swells caused by the Category 2 hurricane are also building near Bermuda and are expected to reach the U.S. east coast later Thursday.

Hurricane Kay Heads to Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula

2022-09-08T20:04+0200claimsjournal (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Hurricane Kay gained strength in the Pacific Wednesday and began lashing Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula, where authorities prepared by opening shelters and closing some roads. Forecasters said there’s a chance outer bands of the big storm could bring heavy rain — and possibly....

Hurricane Earl threatens Bermuda and could bring 'life-threatening' swells to US East coast

2022-09-08T19:10+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Hurricane Earl threatens Bermuda and could bring 'life-threatening' swells to US east coast. Earl, the second of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season, is expected to continue to strengthen on Thursday and become a "major hurricane", a category 3, which has sustained winds of 111-129mph and can cause devastating damage.

Hurricane Earl to hit Bermuda as storm swell threatens US East Coast

2022-09-08T19:04+0200independent-UK (en)

The government of Bermuda has encouraged residents to secure outdoor furniture, make any needed repairs to their homes and stock up on medical prescriptions in preparation of the storm. Storm swells from the hurricane will ripple across the Atlantic and bring dangerous coastal conditions to the eastern United States by Thursday night.

Hurricane Earl threatens Bermuda and could bring 'life-threatening' swells to US East Coast

2022-09-08T18:43+0200heart (en)

8 September 2022, 10:19 | Updated: 8 September 2022, 17:18 Hurricane Earl, which is churning towards Bermuda, is forecast to strengthen and bring dangerous surf and rip current conditions over the eastern US coastline later this week, forecasters have said.

Hurricane Earl threatens Bermuda and could bring 'life-threatening' swells to US East Coast

2022-09-08T18:33+0200coastfm (en)

Hurricane Earl, which is churning towards Bermuda, is forecast to strengthen and bring dangerous surf and rip current conditions over the eastern US coastline later this week, forecasters have said. Earl, the second of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season, had maximum sustained winds of 100mph on Wednesday night, making it a category 2 storm.

Hurricane Earl threatens Bermuda and could bring 'life-threatening' swells to US East Coast

2022-09-08T18:24+0200skynews (en)

Earl, the second of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season, is expected to continue to strengthen on Thursday and become a "major hurricane", a category 3, which has sustained winds of 111-129mph and can cause devastating damage. Hurricane Earl, which is churning towards Bermuda, is forecast to....

L'ex-ouragan Danielle va propulser une « plume de chaleur » sur la France

2022-09-08T18:23+0200futura-sciences (fr)

En descendant vers le Portugal et l'Espagne, l'enroulement de la dépression Danielle va propulser de l'air chaud et humide d'origine subtropicale vers la France. Associé au retour de l'anticyclone sur notre pays, c'est donc un beau temps chaud qui va concerner la France ce lundi 12 septembre.

Hurricane forecasters tracking 4 systems in Atlantic, including Earl and Danielle

2022-09-08T18:15+0200nola (en)

Hurricane forecasters on Thursday morning were tracking four systems in the Atlantic, including Hurricane Earl, Tropical Storm Danielle and two more disturbances. A tropical depression or storm could form within 24 hours from one of the disturbances, they said in a 7 a.m. outlook. The named storms do not pose a threat to Louisiana.

Meteo. Danielle è declassato in tempesta tropicale, ma la situazione negli oceani continua ad essere più che movimentata

2022-09-08T17:39+02003bmeteo (it)

Uragano Danielle . Le condizioni meteo sull'oceano Pacifico e Atlantico continuano ad essere movimentate per la presenza di numerosi sistemi ciclonici . Un uragano nel Pacifico orientale, un uragano e una tempesta tropicale in Atlantico e un nuovo tifone sul Pacifico occidentale, più altri vari disturbi tropicali in possibile evoluzione.

Thunderstorm warnings issued with heavy rain sweeping the UK

2022-09-08T17:13+0200metro-uk (en)

Britain’s hot and dry summer looks to be over as rainclouds move in (Picture: Getty) Weather warnings have been issued for thunderstorms and heavy rain for parts of the UK. The south coast of England and west of Scotland are expected to be worst hit by wet weather sweeping the country.

NHC says hurricane Danielle weakens to a tropical storm

2022-09-08T17:01+0200wn (en)

Sept 8 (Reuters) - Danielle has weakened to a tropical storm from a hurricane but is still producing a large area of rough seas, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) said on Thursday. It is expected to become a post-tropical storm....

Stormy Afternoon

2022-09-08T16:21+0200wsvn (en)

Stormy afternoon likely with a pattern change. Our general flow this time around will be out of the West-Southwest to pump in the heat and moisture from the Gulf of Mexico. Therefore, unsettled weather to continue through the weekend. Saturday won’t be as wet. Local: Stormy Afternoon Likely! Prepare for the radar to be busy today and tomorrow.

Ex ouragan Danielle : jusqu'à 30°C attendus en Bretagne selon Météo France 15:54 Dinan

2022-09-08T16:05+0200actu (fr)

On peut encore profiter de belles baignades, en Bretagne et notamment entre le 10 et le 12 septembre 2022 où un pic de chaleur est attendu. ©Sophie Quesnel. Vous avez aimé la pluie et les orages qui ont balayé la Bretagne cette semaine ? Ne ratez pas la saison 2 avec une semaine qui s’annonce à l’identique, entre le 13 et le 18 septembre.

Hurricane Earl forecast to turn into a Cat 4, and swells could reach U.S. east coast

2022-09-08T15:58+0200miamiherald (en)

Hurricane Earl is is forecast to turn into a major hurricane later Thursday, with tropical storm conditions expected to begin in Bermuda soon. Swells caused by the Category 2 hurricane are also building near Bermuda and are expected to reach the U.S. east coast later Thursday.

Hurricane Earl on path near Bermuda with 105 mph winds

2022-09-08T15:53+0200al (en)

All eyes were on Hurricane Earl on Thursday as it continued to strengthen south of Bermuda. The hurricane won't make a direct hit on the island but will bring wind and rain. Forecasters are also tracking Tropical Storm Danielle and two tropical waves. None of the systems is a threat to the U.S.

Meteo: siamo in una miccia esplosiva, un ciclone e un Uragano pronti all'impatto anche contro l'Italia, leggi articolo completo

2022-09-08T15:24+0200ilmeteo (it)

Due cicloni puntano l'Europa, l'Autunno entra nel vivo L'Europa è una miccia esplosiva pronta alla deflagrazione dopo tre mesi di quasi totale tranquillità, dominati pressoché costantemente dall'anticiclone africano. Sì, l'Autunno sta per entrare nel vivo e potrebbe fare subito la voce grossa.

Hurricane NHC monitors 4 systems in the Atlantic Emily McCain 8:47 AM, Sep 08, 2022

2022-09-08T15:06+0200abcactionnews (en)

The National Hurricane Center is monitoring four systems in the Atlantic on Thursday morning. Hurricane Danielle , the first hurricane of the season, is now a tropical storm and is The storm is not forecast to impact the U.S. HURRICANE RESOURCES. Hurricane Earl is the second hurricane of the season....

"L'été exceptionnel se poursuit" : plusieurs records de chaleur déjà battus à Toulouse en septembre

2022-09-08T14:44+0200ladepeche (fr)

Les vacances sont finies, mais le mercure prend son temps pour suivre le rythme, en tout cas à Toulouse. Ce début de mois de septembre voit les températures dépasser régulièrement encore les 30C autour de la préfecture de Haute-Garonne, à tel point que de nombreux records de chaleur ont d'ores et....

Hurricane Danielle to take 'unexpected turn' as Met Eireann delivers weekend forecast

2022-09-08T14:37+0200buzz (en)

has explained that it remains uncertain how Ireland will be impacted by Hurricane Danielle , which is set to land in the North Atlantic in the coming days. In a nutshell. The first hurricane of the season is currently swirling over the Atlantic but it is set to have minimal effect on Ireland,....

IRELAND WEATHER: Uncertainty over weather forecast for Ireland as Hurricane Danielle tracks across Atlantic

2022-09-08T14:36+0200offalyexpress (en)

There is continued uncertainty over what the weather has in store due to what Met Eireann describes as hurricane activity in the Atlantic Ocean. Hurricane Danielle continues to track across the Atlantic Ocean with the latest potential track of the storm from the National Hurricane Centre in America....

The latest Met Office forecast for Coventry and Warwickshire

2022-09-08T14:28+0200coventrytelegraph (en)

And that will have an impact here. Latest forecasts for our area show thunder is likely today and again tomorrow. Today's forecast shows there is a 60 per cent chance of an outbreak of thunder from 4pm, with heavy rain around that time too. Tomorrow, thunder is forecast at a number of different times.

Hurricanes Danielle, Earl keep tropics busy: What we’re watching

2022-09-08T13:35+0200wingsenvironmental (en)

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — After a slow start to the season, we are now at five named storms and two hurricanes. Both Hurricanes Danielle and Earl are still active in the Atlantic but are no threat to the United States, including here in Florida. Danielle is expected to slowly weaken over the next few days and turn post-tropical.

Hurricane Earl strengthens, forecasters watch 3 other tropical systems

2022-09-08T13:30+0200tampabay (en)

Bermuda will start to feel the effects of Hurricane Earl on Thursday as the storm continues to make its way north, forecasters say. Forecasters are watching three other systems including Hurricane Danielle , which was downgraded to a tropical storm Thursday, according to the National Hurricane Center.

Hurricane Earl continues to strengthen, with winds at 105 mph. Forecast calls for Category 4 storm

2022-09-08T13:19+0200tcpalm (en)

continues to strengthen, with winds now at 105 mph, according to the latest advisory from the National Hurricane Center. Earl is expected to become a major hurricane within 24 hours, with winds at 130 mph. That would make it a Category 4 storm, defined as one with winds between 130 and 156 mph. A major hurricane is one with winds at least 111 mph.

It's hurricane season halftime: No immediate threats but tropics are rumbling | WeatherTiger

2022-09-08T13:19+0200tcpalm (en)

Like quality salsa, hurricane seasons are chunky. Long stretches of boredom commensurate with that of a seven-year-old at a Nike Factory Outlet often are punctuated by intense bursts of tropical activity. While the Atlantic showing signs of life this week after a soporific August is not unusual, the good news remains that there are or the U.

People left in stitches over maps predicting rude-shaped storm heading for UK

2022-09-08T13:19+0200themirror (en)

A bizarre-shaped storm spotted on weather maps has left Facebook users in hysterics. forecasters posted images of the storm online and social media users were quick to notice it was shaped "like a penis". The incoming storm, Hurricane Danielle , is currently on track to hit Europe in the coming days....

Hurricane Kay at sea, but lashes Mexico's Baja peninsula

2022-09-08T13:07+0200buffalonews (en)

This satellite image made available by NOAA shows Hurricane Kay off the Pacific coast of Mexico, early Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2022. Kay’s maximum sustained winds rose to 100 mph Wednesday, with forecasters saying it could brush the mid portion of the peninsula this week.

Earl to strengthen into 'dangerous' Cat 4 hurricane; will have impact on Central Florida beaches

2022-09-08T13:02+0200fox35orlando (en)

ORLANDO, Fla. Hurricane Earl is gaining strength in the Atlantic and is now forecast to become a powerful Category 4 hurricane. While Earl won't have a direct impact on land, Central Florida beaches could still feel the effects from the system. HURRICANE EARL.

cork news Wet weather warning in place for Cork as first hurricane of the season underway

2022-09-08T13:02+0200eecho (en)

A wet weather advisory remains in place until 7pm this evening. The warning emphasizes spells of heavy rain and showers with Met Éireann outlining there is “uncertainty” ahead due to the “hurricane activity in the North Atlantic.” Hurricane Danielle , the first hurricane of the season, is swirling in the North Atlantic Ocean.

Tropical Storm Earl moves over Atlantic as weather experts track whether it could hit Ireland

2022-09-08T12:45+0200irishmirror (en)

Ireland has seen a week of mild but wet weather, with a few thunderstorm warnings in place before they expired on Wednesday evening. And although the weekend is set to see a slight improvement in conditions , next week has the potential to see prolonged showers as the two storms bite back.

Hurricane Kay to lash Baja California before weakening over coming days

2022-09-08T12:37+0200upi (en)

Hurricane Kay, upper left, is seen in the eastern Pacific basin early on Thursday. The National Hurricane Center said that Kay did not reach major hurricane status as predicted on Wednesday and is projected to weaken to a depression off the Baja California coast in the coming days. Image courtesy NOAA/NHC.

Scotland to be battered by more thunderstorms as 'tropical hurricanes' rip over Atlantic

2022-09-08T12:31+0200dailyrecord (en)

The Met Office has warned of thunderstorms and flooding in Scotland this week brought on by the tail-end of two tropical hurricanes moving across the Atlantic. The unsettled weather is due to back-to-back cyclones - the former hurricanes Danielle and Earl - making their way across the Atlantic and....

Flood Watch in affect for some counties as storm chances rise

2022-09-08T12:18+0200fox35orlando (en)

Main weather concerns Low pressure in the Gulf of Mexico is spreading a heavy canopy of moisture across Florida. This means rain chances will be rising to some high levels from today and through the weekend. While the main push of showers and storms won't occur until the PM hours today, don't rule out any rain drops before 12 p.

UK weather: Met Office warns heavy rain, hail, thunderstorms and flooding to hit TODAY

2022-09-08T12:08+0200themirror (en)

Many Brits are waking up to another morning today as heavy rain is forecast for many parts of the UK. The Met Office placed a yellow warning for rain in place from 4am to 10am in an area of Scotland stretching from Edinburgh up to Aberdeen. It warned the heavy rainfall could bring a chance of some....

L’ex-ouragan Danielle va provoquer un pic de chaleur en France la semaine prochaine

2022-09-08T12:05+0200presseocean (fr)

Même si elle ne touchera pas la côte européenne en tant qu’ouragan, Danielle va influer sur la météo du Vieux Continent. Son rapprochement des côtes européennes devrait en effet pousser une masse d’air chaud vers nos latitudes, provoquant un pic de chaleur au début de la semaine du 12 septembre 2022.

L’ex-ouragan Danielle va provoquer un pic de chaleur en France la semaine prochaine

2022-09-08T12:00+0200courrierdelouest (fr)

Même si elle ne touchera pas la côte européenne en tant qu’ouragan, Danielle va influer sur la météo du Vieux Continent. Son rapprochement des côtes européennes devrait en effet pousser une masse d’air chaud vers nos latitudes, provoquant un pic de chaleur au début de la semaine du 12 septembre 2022.

L’ex-ouragan Danielle va provoquer un pic de chaleur en France la semaine prochaine

2022-09-08T11:59+0200OuestFrance (fr)

Même si elle ne touchera pas la côte européenne en tant qu’ouragan, Danielle va influer sur la météo du Vieux Continent. Son rapprochement des côtes européennes devrait en effet pousser une masse d’air chaud vers nos latitudes, provoquant un pic de chaleur au début de la semaine du 12 septembre 2022.

Tempête Danielle : un coup de chaleur et de fortes précipitations, les conséquences de son arrivée en France

2022-09-08T11:59+0200lindependant (fr)

La barre des 40 degrés pourrait être atteinte lundi dans le sud-ouest tandis que de fortes précipitations pourraient toucher le pourtour méditerranéen mardi. Le point sur les prévisions. Le cyclone Danielle arrive en Europe . Du moins, ce qu'il va en rester.

L’ex-ouragan Danielle va provoquer un pic de chaleur en France la semaine prochaine

2022-09-08T11:57+0200lemainelibre (fr)

Même si elle ne touchera pas la côte européenne en tant qu’ouragan, Danielle va influer sur la météo du Vieux Continent. Son rapprochement des côtes européennes devrait en effet pousser une masse d’air chaud vers nos latitudes, provoquant un pic de chaleur au début de la semaine du 12 septembre 2022.

NHC says hurricane Danielle weakens to a tropical storm (Reuters) - Danielle has weakened to a tropical storm from a hurricane but is still producing a large area of rough seas, the U.S. National Hurricane ... 38m ago

2022-09-08T11:42+0200kelo (en)

(Reuters) – Danielle has weakened to a tropical storm from a hurricane but is still producing a large area of rough seas, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) said on Thursday. It is expected to become a post-tropical storm later on Thursday, NHC added.

NHC says hurricane Danielle weakens to a tropical storm (Reuters) - Danielle has weakened to a tropical storm from a hurricane but is still producing a large area of rough seas, the U.S. National Hurricane ... 38m ago

2022-09-08T11:40+0200wsau (en)

(Reuters) – Danielle has weakened to a tropical storm from a hurricane but is still producing a large area of rough seas, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) said on Thursday. It is expected to become a post-tropical storm later on Thursday, NHC added.

L'ouragan Danielle va provoquer un phénomène météo inattendu dans le Grand Est 10:56

2022-09-08T11:02+0200actu (fr)

Danielle , actuellement au milieu de l’Atlantique, se dirige vers l’Europe mais perd ses caractéristiques tropicales. (©Pixabay) L’ ouragan Danielle , ou du moins ce qu’il en restera lorsqu’il sera arrivé en France , va provoquer une brève et soudaine hausse des températures dans le Grand Est. Un ouragan très affaibli lors de son passage en France.

Ecco Danielle, l’uragano col “cuore caldo”: 6 città sarde tra le 10 più afose di oggi

2022-09-08T11:00+0200it-geosnews (it)

Si chiama Danielle , l’uragano atlantico che in Italia sta portando piogge al Nord e temperature bollenti in Sardegna… L'articolo Ecco Danielle, l’uragano col “cuore caldo”: 6 città sarde tra le 10 più afose di oggi proviene da sardiniapost.

Ecco Danielle, l’uragano col “cuore caldo”: 6 città sarde tra le 10 più afose di oggi

2022-09-08T10:45+0200sardiniapost (it)

Si chiama Danielle , l’uragano atlantico che in Italia sta portando piogge al Nord e temperature bollenti in Sardegna e nel resto del Sud. Lorenzo Tedici , meteorologo di Meteo.it parla di ciclone “dal cuore caldo”. Danielle “è un vero e proprio uragano atlantico che si distingue da Peggy ,....

Danielle, Earl, Kay : les ouragans se multiplient ces derniers jours après un été vierge de tempête tropicale

2022-09-08T09:34+0200ladepeche (fr)

A lire aussi : Ouragan Danielle : pourquoi la tempête va devenir "une pompe à chaleur" pour la France Cette dernière, passée le temps de dizaines d'heures au stade d'ouragan, baisse finalement en intensité bien avant de toucher une quelconque terre. Contenue au coeur de l'Atlantique, elle ne causera aucun dégât sur l'Europe par ses vents.

UK to be battered by tropical storms sweeping in from Atlantic as hurricane leftovers bring rain, humidity & flood fears

2022-09-08T09:07+0200thesun (en)

A man shelters under an umbrella during a downpour in Doddiscombsleigh, Devon Credit: Alamy. Showers have already dampened much of the UK, bringing an autumnal feel to the start of September. But conditions are about to get a whole lot wetter from Friday thanks to the remnants of hurricanes Earl and Danielle .

Hurricane Danielle ‘slowly weakening’ as mix of sunny spells and scattered showers forecast for Ireland today

2022-09-08T09:04+0200independent-ie (en)

Met Éireann’s weather advisory remains in place for the entire country today as spells of heavy rain or showers are possible which may cause further disruption. T he forecaster said it will be dry for a time early this weekend but turning more unsettled once again from Sunday onwards as heavy rain spreads across the country.

Kent weather: 'Tropical storms' on the way as heavy downpours set to continue across county

2022-09-08T08:34+0200thanetgazette (en)

See our Privacy Notice The heavy downpours won't be going away anytime soon, with tropical storms set to sweep in from the Atlantic in the coming days. It comes as temperatures will likely begin to creep up towards the mid 20s next week, amid a humid spell in the south east.

Hurricane Kay At Sea, But Lashes Mexico's Baja Peninsula

2022-09-08T07:01+0200menafn (en)

- The Peninsula) AP. Mexico City: Hurricane Kay lashed Mexico's Baja California Peninsula with wind and rain as authorities opened shelters and closed some roads. Kay had maximum sustained winds of 90 mph (150 kph) late Wednesday, with forecasters saying it could bring hurricane-force winds to parts....

Hurricane Kay at sea, but lashes Mexico's Baja peninsula

2022-09-08T06:56+0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Mexico City: Hurricane Kay lashed Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula with wind and rain as authorities opened shelters and closed some roads. Kay had maximum sustained winds of 90 mph (150 kph) late Wednesday, with forecasters saying it could bring hurricane-force winds to parts of the peninsula....

Hurricane Kay at sea, but lashes Mexico's Baja peninsula

2022-09-08T06:46+0200sfgate (en)

This satellite image made available by NOAA shows Hurricane Kay off the Pacific coast of Mexico, early Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2022. Kay’s maximum sustained winds rose to 100 mph Wednesday, with forecasters saying it could brush the mid portion of the peninsula this week.

Hurricane Kay at sea, but lashes Mexico's Baja peninsula

2022-09-08T06:40+0200independent-UK (en)

Hurricane Kay lashed Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula with wind and rain as authorities opened shelters and closed some roads. Kay had maximum sustained winds of 90 mph (150 kph) late Wednesday, with forecasters saying it could bring hurricane-force winds to parts of the peninsula beginning Thursday and possibly brush central Baja on Friday.

Hurricane Kay at sea, but lashes Mexico’s Baja peninsula

2022-09-08T06:40+0200fresnobee (en)

This satellite image made available by NOAA shows Hurricane Kay off the Pacific coast of Mexico, early Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2022. Kay’s maximum sustained winds rose to 100 mph Wednesday, with forecasters saying it could brush the mid portion of the peninsula this week. (NOAA via AP) AP MEXICO CITY.

Hurricane Kay at sea, but lashes Mexico’s Baja peninsula

2022-09-08T06:39+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

MEXICO CITY — Hurricane Kay lashed Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula with wind and rain as authorities opened shelters and closed some roads. Kay had maximum sustained winds of 90 mph (150 kph) late Wednesday, with forecasters saying it could bring hurricane-force winds to parts of the peninsula....

Hurricane Earl intensifies as it heads toward Bermuda

2022-09-08T05:33+0200upi (en)

Sept. 7 (UPI) -- Hurricane Earl continued to strengthen Wednesday as forecasters expect it will become a major hurricane in the coming days as it heads near Bermuda. Earl formed in the Caribbean last weekend to become the fifth named storm of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season, following Alex, Bonnie, Colin and Danielle .

Wet pattern returns

2022-09-07T23:18+0200fox10tv (en)

) - Moisture is on the rise, with scattered thundershowers returning in the forecast for Thursday. A stalled surface front along the coast will be the focus for rain, along with an upper level cutoff low. This brings us the best rain chance on Friday. Chances return to scattered levels this weekend.

Several storms to watch in the Atlantic

2022-09-07T23:17+0200wishtv (en)

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH)–It’s been quiet in the Atlantic the last few weeks but now we’re beginning to see activity ramp up. Right now we have several storms to watch. Hurricane Danielle is in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean. The storm will continue to move farther north and doesn’t look like it will impact the United States.

Hurricane Earl could produce dangerous rip currents at area beaches

2022-09-07T23:04+0200abc7ny (en)

NEW YORK (WABC) -- Hurricane Earl churned through open waters in the Atlantic Ocean and was forecast to pass just southeast of Bermuda on Thursday night as a Category 3 storm. The island's national security minister, Michael Weeks, told reporters that public services and government offices would....

Hurricane Danielle takes 'unexpected turn' as Irish weather forecast predicts if it will hit us

2022-09-07T22:11+0200irishmirror (en)

Recent forecasts had shown the high-strength weather event tracking towards Ireland as experts remained on alert for updates on its pending arrival. This afternoon, however, one weather expert took to social media with an update on its “unexpected turn” as fears of it hitting Ireland head-on are diminished.

News Atlantic tropical cyclones influencing the forecast A distinctly unsettled ‘autumnal’ theme will remain dominant in the forecast this week. Read more

2022-09-07T22:02+0200metoffice (en)

This week’s repeating pattern of blustery showers will break for a time over the weekend, bringing many a drier day on Saturday. However, there is continued uncertainty stemming from the interaction of two successive tropical cyclones and how they will affect weather patterns in our sector of the Atlantic.

Met Eireann: Hurricane Danielle heads our way causing problems for forecaster

2022-09-07T21:21+0200buzz (en)

In a nutshell. The storm is the first hurricane of the season and is currently swirling throughout the Atlantic, however, it is now beginning to change direction - heading north and northeastwards, in the direction of Ireland. As a result, the outlook for Irish weather has been thrown into uncertainty, Met Éireann has said.

Earl forecast to become 1st major hurricane of 2022

2022-09-07T21:11+0200yourerie (en)

TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — Just in time for the statistical peak of hurricane season, activity in the tropics is really starting to heat up, with two hurricanes and two disturbances being monitored in the Atlantic. Hurricane Danielle and Hurricane Earl are still churning over the Atlantic Ocean, with Earl....

Meteo: l'Europa è una miccia esplosiva, treno di cicloni pronto all'impatto e anche l'Italia rischia grosso

2022-09-07T20:18+0200ilmeteo (it)

Due cicloni puntano l'Europa, l'Autunno entra nel vivo L'Europa è una miccia esplosiva pronta alla deflagrazione dopo tre mesi di quasi totale tranquillità, dominati pressoché costantemente dall'anticiclone africano. Sì, l'Autunno sta per entrare nel vivo e potrebbe fare subito la voce grossa.

Earl forecast to become 1st major hurricane of 2022

2022-09-07T20:09+0200wwlp (en)

TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — Just in time for the statistical peak of hurricane season, activity in the tropics is really starting to heat up, with two hurricanes and two disturbances being monitored in the Atlantic. Hurricane Danielle and Hurricane Earl are still churning over the Atlantic Ocean, with Earl....

Hurricane Kay Threatens Baja California Coast; Hurricane Earl Forms in the Atlantic

2022-09-07T19:21+0200claimsjournal (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Hurricane Kay lashed Mexico’s Pacific coast with rain Tuesday as it moved northward toward the Baja California Peninsula. Kay’s maximum sustained winds rose to 85 mph (140 kph), with forecasters saying it could brush the peninsula as a hurricane this week.

WEATHER: 'Uncertain' forecast ahead as Hurricane Danielle tracks towards Ireland

2022-09-07T19:20+0200kilkennypeople (en)

Met Eireann says 'there is a lot of uncertainty' in the latest weather forecast for Ireland due to hurricane activity in the North Atlantic. Hurricane Danielle is tracking across the Atlantic with the latest track from the National Hurricance Centre in America forecasting that it will veer more....

Hurricanes Earl, Danielle and Kay Form After a Quiet Start to Season

2022-09-07T19:13+0200wsj-en (en)

There were no Atlantic hurricanes in the month of August, the first time that had happened since 1997 and only the third time since 1950, according to the National Hurricane Center. The Atlantic hurricane season typically lasts from June to November, with 90% of the storms coming after Aug. 1.

"Cambio di rotta". Giuliacci rivela: arriva Danielle, cosa succederà in Italia

2022-09-07T19:00+0200libero-news (it)

Cosa succederà con l’ uragano Danielle ? Mario Giuliacci ha provato a dare delle risposte, anche se la situazione è ancora piuttosto incerta. Nella giornata di ieri, 6 settembre, l’uragano si trovava ancora in aperto Atlantico, a circa 1300 km ad ovest delle Azzorre.

Hurricane Earl 2022 on path towards Bermuda but won’t make a direct hit

2022-09-07T18:59+0200wingsenvironmental (en)

The second hurricane of 2022 is not expected to make a direct hit on Bermuda, but it will come close enough — and be strong enough — to bring some of the effects, and a tropical storm warning is in effect for the island. There is no direct threat to the US from Earl, but the storm will churn up....

Earl forecast to become first major hurricane of the 2022 season by late Thursday

2022-09-07T18:47+0200azcentral (en)

The second hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic season, Earl, is forecast to become the season's first major hurricane by late Thursday, the National Hurricane Center said. A major hurricane has winds of at least 111 mph. As of 11 a.m. ET Wednesday, Hurricane Earl's maximum winds were 85 mph, making it a....

Hurricane Earl continues to strengthen, could become Category 4 storm later this week

2022-09-07T18:38+0200tcpalm (en)

Location: 460 miles south of Bermuda; 972 miles east of Daytona Beach; Maximum wind speed: 85 mph; Direction: north at 8 mph. Data from a NOAA Hurricane Hunter aircraft indicate maximum sustained winds are near 85 mph, with higher gusts. Strengthening is forecast during the next couple of days, and....

Hurricane Kay heads to Mexico's Baja California Peninsula

2022-09-07T18:31+0200taiwannews (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Hurricane Kay gained strength in the Pacific Wednesday and began lashing Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula, where authorities prepared by opening shelters and closing some roads. Kay’s maximum sustained winds rose to 105 mph (165 kph), with forecasters saying it could brush the mid portion of the peninsula Thursday or Friday.

Hurricane Earl gets stronger on track toward Bermuda

2022-09-07T18:07+0200al (en)

The climatological peak of the Atlantic hurricane season is near, and there are four areas to watch in the tropics. The most concerning is Hurricane Earl, which could sideswipe Bermuda soon and could become a Category 4 hurricane. Forecasters were also tracking Hurricane Danielle , which is no threat....

Hurricane Kay heads to Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula

2022-09-07T17:41+0200fresnobee (en)

This satellite image made available by NOAA shows Hurricane Kay off the Pacific coast of Mexico, early Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2022. Kay’s maximum sustained winds rose to 100 mph Wednesday, with forecasters saying it could brush the mid portion of the peninsula this week. (NOAA via AP) AP MEXICO CITY.

Météo dans l'Orne : on prend les mêmes et on recommence D'après Météo France, dans son bulletin du mercredi 7 septembre 2022, de nouvelles averses orageuses sont possibles jeudi. 17:13 Alençon

2022-09-07T17:41+0200lereveilnormand (fr)

De gros cumulus dans le ciel, lundi 5 septembre. ©Guillaume JEANNE. De jeudi à vendredi, dans l’ , d’après Météo France , dans son bulletin du mercredi 7 septembre 2022, un ciel de traine est prévu, avec de possibles averses orageuses, dans une ambiance douce (20 à 23C selon les jours, maximum, pas moins de 12 le matin).

Hurricane Kay heads to Mexico's Baja California Peninsula

2022-09-07T17:30+0200independent-UK (en)

Hurricane Kay gained strength in the Pacific Wednesday and began lashing Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula, where authorities prepared by opening shelters and closing some roads. Kay’s maximum sustained winds rose to 105 mph (165 kph), with forecasters saying it could brush the mid portion of the peninsula Thursday or Friday.

Ouragan Danielle : pourquoi la tempête va devenir "une pompe à chaleur" pour la France

2022-09-07T17:29+0200ladepeche (fr)

l'essentiel Alors que l'ouragan Danielle va venir frapper l'Europe de l'ouest d'ici la fin de semaine, la France devrait être prise dans une sorte de "pompe à chaleur" entraînée par le phénomène météorologique. Annoncé par les météorologues, l'ouragan Danielle va probablement venir toucher....

Hurricanes Earl, Danielle and Kay Form After a Quiet Start to Hurricane Season 3 min read

2022-09-07T17:02+0200wsj-en (en)

There were no Atlantic hurricanes in the month of August, the first time that had happened since 1997 and only the third time since 1950, according to the National Hurricane Center. The Atlantic hurricane season typically lasts from June to November, with 90% of the storms coming after Aug. 1.

Tempête Danielle : la menace s’éloigne encore pour la Bretagne

2022-09-07T17:01+0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

La tempête Danielle ne devrait finalement pas se diriger vers la Bretagne, mais plutôt vers la péninsule ibérique. (Archives François Destoc/Le Télégramme) Un temps menacée par la tempête Danielle, la Bretagne devrait finalement être épargnée. Selon le scénario le plus probable, elle va plutôt se diriger vers la péninsule ibérique.

De Danielle à Walter, une petite histoire des noms d’ouragans

2022-09-07T16:51+0200generationsnouvelles (fr)

Ça y est, la tempête Danielle est officiellement devenue un cyclone (1), selon l’American Hurricane Center qui suit ces perturbations. En fin de semaine dernière, plusieurs médias s’inquiétaient de l’éventuelle arrivée de ce cyclone vers le golfe de Gascogne. Aucune raison d’être alerté, tempère Météo France.

North Atlantic hurricanes could affect UK weather this weekend

2022-09-07T16:44+0200southwales-eveningpost (en)

However, there is continued uncertainty stemming from the interaction of the two successive tropical cyclones and how they will affect weather patterns on our side of the Atlantic. Paul Gundersen, a Met Office Chief Forecaster, said: “The influence of low pressure - with associated thunderstorms and....

North Atlantic hurricanes could affect UK weather this weekend

2022-09-07T16:40+0200coventrytelegraph (en)

However, there is continued uncertainty stemming from the interaction of the two successive tropical cyclones and how they will affect weather patterns on our side of the Atlantic. Paul Gundersen, a Met Office Chief Forecaster, said: “The influence of low pressure - with associated thunderstorms and....

Hurricanes Earl, Danielle and Kay Form After a Quiet Start to Hurricane Season

2022-09-07T16:40+0200wsj-en (en)

There were no Atlantic hurricanes in the month of August, the first time that had happened since 1997 and only the third time since 1950, according to the National Hurricane Center. The Atlantic hurricane season typically lasts from June and November, with 90% of the storms coming after Aug. 1.

North Atlantic hurricanes could affect UK weather this weekend

2022-09-07T16:38+0200icWales (en)

However, there is continued uncertainty stemming from the interaction of the two successive tropical cyclones and how they will affect weather patterns on our side of the Atlantic. Paul Gundersen, a Met Office Chief Forecaster, said: “The influence of low pressure - with associated thunderstorms and....

North Atlantic hurricanes could affect UK weather this weekend

2022-09-07T16:27+0200hulldailymail (en)

However, there is continued uncertainty stemming from the interaction of the two successive tropical cyclones and how they will affect weather patterns on our side of the Atlantic. Paul Gundersen, a Met Office Chief Forecaster, said: “The influence of low pressure - with associated thunderstorms and....

UK weather warning: Violent ex-hurricane to crash into giant anticyclone over UK NEXT WEEK A GIANT ‘anticyclone' looming over Scandinavia is about to lock horns with ex-hurricane Danielle...

2022-09-07T16:18+0200express (en)

The two systems will collide next week pushing temperatures into the 20Cs in parts while threatening stormy outbursts elsewhere. The remains of Danielle are expected to surge towards France, flicking a tail wind of showers across Britain as they pass.

Meteo, due giorni di fuoco. Giuliacci: dove colpiranno grandine e trombe d'aria

2022-09-07T16:17+0200247libero (it)

Le previsioni meteo non cessano di stupire e si apre un nuovo scenario di eventi atmosferici violenti che colpiranno nelle prossime ore ampie zone d'Italia mentre in altre resisterà il caldo. A delineare come sarà il tempo nei prossimi giorni è il colonnello moria Giuliacci che in un articolo....

De Danielle à Walter, petite histoire des noms des ouragans

2022-09-07T16:14+0200la-croix (fr)

Ça y est, la tempête Danielle est officiellement devenue un cyclone (1), d’après le Centre américain des ouragans qui traque ces perturbations. En fin de semaine dernière, plusieurs médias s’inquiétaient de l’éventuelle arrivée de ce cyclone vers le golfe de Gascogne. Pas de raison de s’alerter, tempère Météo France.

Kay close to becoming major hurricane off Baja California coast

2022-09-07T16:10+0200upi (en)

Sept. 7 (UPI) -- Hurricane Kay in the eastern Pacific Ocean began to affect the southern section of Baja California on Wednesday as it moves north toward Southern California, forecasters said. Kay is one of three hurricanes -- along with Danielle and Earl -- but the only storm in the eastern Pacific basin.

Earl strengthens into hurricane as it heads toward Bermuda

2022-09-07T15:56+0200upi (en)

Sept. 7 (UPI) -- Tropical Storm Earl strengthened into a hurricane late on Tuesday and forecasters expect it will become a major hurricane in the coming days as it heads near Bermuda. Earl formed in the Caribbean last weekend to become the fifth named storm of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season, following Alex, Bonnie, Colin and Danielle .

Weather Met Office confirms Hurricane Danielle will not bring disruption to Northern Ireland

2022-09-07T15:47+0200belfasttelegraph (en)

The Met Office has reassured people in Northern Ireland that Hurricane Danielle is not expected to bring disruption to the province. T he first hurricane of the season is currently churning up over the Mid-Atlantic and is affecting weather across the Republic of Ireland.

Quelles sont les probabilités que la tempête tropicale Danielle touche la Bretagne ? 15:08 Lorient

2022-09-07T15:44+0200lepublicateurlibre (fr)

La tempête Danielle devrait se transformer en dépression classique. Elle pourrait toucher la Bretagne en fin de semaine. En photo, un arbre touché par les intempéries à l'entrée du Golfe du Morbihan à Locmariaquer. ©Actu Morbihan. Des prévisionnistes annoncent la potentielle arrivée de la tempête....

Northern Ireland Met Office confirms Hurricane Danielle will not bring disruption to Northern Ireland

2022-09-07T15:41+0200belfasttelegraph (en)

The Met Office has reassured people in Northern Ireland that Hurricane Danielle is not expected to bring disruption to the province. T he first hurricane of the season is currently churning up over the Mid-Atlantic and is affecting weather across the Republic of Ireland.

Hurricane Kay heads to Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula

2022-09-07T15:36+0200TorontoStar (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Hurricane Kay gained strength in the Pacific Wednesday and began lashing Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula with rain. Kay’s maximum sustained winds rose to 100 mph (155 kph), with forecasters saying it could brush the mid portion of the peninsula later this week. The U.S.

2nd Atlantic Hurricane Forms But Won’t Hit U.S.–Another Dud In A Surprisingly Quiet Storm Season

2022-09-07T15:30+0200forbes (en)

Key Background. Last week, Danielle became the first named tropical storm in the Atlantic since early July, marking the first time since 1997 that there were no named storms in the month of August. The slow start to the storm season, which runs from June 1 through November 30, took meteorologists by surprise.

More storms ahead as Hurricane Danielle tipped to affect Wales' weather

2022-09-07T15:26+0200southwalesargus (en)

THE Met Office is predicting a stormy end to the week in Wales as Hurricane Danielle drifts across the Atlantic. The latest week-ahead weather forecast suggests we're in for an "unsettled" few days, and more thunderstorms are expected in Gwent on Thursday.

Quelles sont les probabilités que la tempête tropicale Danielle touche la Bretagne ? 15:08 Lorient

2022-09-07T15:11+0200actu (fr)

La tempête Danielle devrait se transformer en dépression classique. Elle pourrait toucher la Bretagne en fin de semaine. En photo, un arbre touché par les intempéries à l'entrée du Golfe du Morbihan à Locmariaquer. ©Actu Morbihan. Des prévisionnistes annoncent la potentielle arrivée de la tempête....

World News | Hurricane Kay Heads to Mexico's Baja California Peninsula

2022-09-07T15:01+0200latestly (en)

Mexico City, Sep 7 (AP) Hurricane Kay gained strength in the Pacific Wednesday and began lashing Mexico's Baja California Peninsula with rain. Kay's maximum sustained winds rose to 100 mph (155 kph), with forecasters saying it could brush the mid portion of the peninsula later this week.

Hurricane Earl swirls in Atlantic, far away from US coast

2022-09-07T14:59+0200cbs46 (en)

(Gray News) - After a tropical dry spell, the Atlantic basin is roaring to life. Hurricane Earl is about 900 miles from the U.S. East Coast with maximum sustained winds of 85 mph, the National Hurricane Center reported. The storm is moving slowly north at 6 mph. Forecasters said the storm will stay well away from the U.

Hurricane Kay heads to Mexico's Baja California Peninsula

2022-09-07T14:48+0200sfgate (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Hurricane Kay gained strength in the Pacific Wednesday and began lashing Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula with rain. Kay’s maximum sustained winds rose to 100 mph (155 kph), with forecasters saying it could brush the mid portion of the peninsula later this week. The U.S.

Earl headed to near Bermuda – 104.5 WOKV

2022-09-07T14:47+0200wingsenvironmental (en)

***** ALWAYS CHECK & RE-CHECK THE LATEST FORECAST & UPDATES! ***** REMEMBER WHEN A TROPICAL STORM OR HURRICANE IS APPROACHING: Taping windows is *NOT* helpful & will not keep glass from breaking. Realize the forecast cone (“cone of uncertainty”) is the average forecast error over a given time – out....

Hurricane Earl swirls in Atlantic, far away from US coast

2022-09-07T14:45+0200nbc12 (en)

(Gray News) - After a tropical dry spell, the Atlantic basin is roaring to life. Hurricane Earl is about 900 miles from the U.S. East Coast with maximum sustained winds of 85 mph, the National Hurricane Center reported. The storm is moving slowly north at 6 mph. Forecasters said the storm will stay well away from the U.

Hurricane Kay heads to Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula

2022-09-07T14:43+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

MEXICO CITY — Hurricane Kay gained strength in the Pacific Wednesday and began lashing Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula with rain. Kay’s maximum sustained winds rose to 100 mph (155 kph), with forecasters saying it could brush the mid portion of the peninsula later this week. The U.S.

Hurricane Earl continues to strengthen, could become Category 3 storm soon

2022-09-07T14:29+0200tcpalm (en)

Location: 485 miles south of Bermuda; 888 miles east of West Palm Beach; Maximum wind speed: 85 mph; Direction: north at 6 mph. Data from a NOAA Hurricane Hunter aircraft indicate that maximum sustained winds have increased to 85 mph, with higher gusts.

Hurricane Earl forms, expected to become Category 3 storm in Atlantic: See track

2022-09-07T14:18+0200nola (en)

formed in the Atlantic early Wednesday and is expected to strengthen into a Category 3 storm, said. It is expected to stay in the Atlantic and head toward Bermuda. A tropical storm warning has been issued for residents there. It doesn't pose threat to Louisiana. Earl is the second hurricane of the Atlantic season.

IRELAND WEATHER: 'Uncertain' weather forecast ahead as Hurricane Danielle tracks across Atlantic towards Ireland

2022-09-07T14:12+0200offalyexpress (en)

Met Eireann says 'there is a lot of uncertainty' in the latest weather forecast for Ireland due to hurricane activity in the North Atlantic. Hurricane Danielle is tracking across the Atlantic with the latest track from the National Hurricance Centre in America forecasting that it will veer more....

Small storm chance Wednesday before a First Alert for more rounds of weekend rain Mostly clear and mild tonight with lows in the mid to upper 60s.

2022-09-07T14:03+0200wbtv (en)

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (WBTV) - Mixed clouds and sun, warm and humid again today with highs in the mid to upper 80s. There’s a small late-day thundershower risk, though most neighborhoods will probably remain dry. Warm 80s today, small storm chance; Mostly dry Thursday and Friday; First Alert: More rounds of rain this weekend.

Earl becomes the second hurricane of the 2022 season

2022-09-07T13:51+0200wral (en)

By The New York Times, New York Times. Tropical Storm Earl intensified into the second hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic season on Tuesday evening as it churned north toward Bermuda, where a tropical storm watch had been issued. The storm is forecast to build into a major hurricane by Thursday night, the National Hurricane Center said.

Hurricane Danielle steams towards Europe: will the remnants hit the UK? Rory Morrow 07 Sep 2022 - 07:00 UTC The first hurricane of the Atlantic season, Danielle, is maintaining a path towards Europe. What will its remnants bring for the UK?

2022-09-07T13:39+0200yourweather (en)

Hurricane Danielle steams towards Europe: will the remnants hit the UK? Hurricane Danielle steams towards Europe: will the remnants hit the UK? The first hurricane of the Atlantic season, Danielle, is maintaining a path towards Europe. What will its remnants bring for the UK? 4 hours ago 4 min....

Forecasters watch Earl and Danielle, tropical storm watch issued in Bermuda

2022-09-07T13:39+0200tampabay (en)

Forecasters are watching four systems in the Atlantic, including Hurricane Earl which formed Tuesday night ahead of forecaster’s predictions. None of the storms are currently a threat to Florida or the United States, models show. Newly-formed Hurricane Earl was nearly 500 miles south of Bermuda.

Bermuda under a tropical storm warning as Hurricane Earl nears. There are 3 other systems

2022-09-07T13:35+0200miamiherald (en)

Forecasters are closely watching Hurricane Earl, which is forecast to get stronger as it nears Bermuda. The archipelago was placed under a tropical storm warning Wednesday morning. The forecast track shows Earl likely strengthening into a Category 3 hurricane, with maximum sustained winds of 120 mph....

L'ouragan Danielle fait demi-tour et ne devrait finalement pas toucher les côtes françaises

2022-09-07T13:07+0200bfmtv (fr)

La France y échappera finalement. Alors que les météorologues spéculaient sur , et donc françaises, Nouveau changement ce mercredi, puisque plusieurs spécialistes affirment que désormais, l'ouragan devrait finalement changer de cap et faire demi-tour afin de reprendre la direction de l'Atlantique.

The first storm of the season is brewing in the Atlantic

2022-09-07T13:01+0200southwales-eveningpost (en)

Forecasters here have said that the storm will affect weather patterns will affect weather in the UK over the coming days. The weather is currently dominated by an area of low pressure located to the west of Ireland. Met Office forecaster Alex Deakin says that an area of low pressure is "gaining quite a bit of attention".

Met Office warns Hurricane Danielle effect to hit weather in Wales

2022-09-07T12:56+0200icWales (en)

Forecasters here have said that the storm will affect weather patterns will affect weather in the UK over the coming days. The weather is currently dominated by an area of low pressure located to the west of Ireland. Met Office forecaster Alex Deakin says that an area of low pressure is "gaining quite a bit of attention".

Earl becomes the second hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic season

2022-09-07T12:49+0200expressindia (en)

Storm conditions were possible on Bermuda beginning Thursday afternoon. Earl’s hurricane-force winds were extending outward to 40 miles, with tropical-storm-force winds extending 115 miles, the Hurricane Center said. The Atlantic hurricane season, which runs from June to November, has had a....

Danielle, Earl (et sans doute d’autres)… Les tempêtes vont-elles se multiplier cette année ? 12:28

2022-09-07T12:33+0200actu (fr)

La particularité de Danielle , c’est que ce système s’est développé particulièrement haut en latitude, sur l’Atlantique nord. La formation d’ouragan (ou globalement de systèmes tropicaux) est rare aussi au nord. Seulement 2 % des systèmes se sont formés à cette latitude ou au-delà depuis la....

Hurricane NHC monitors 2 hurricanes, 2 other systems Emily McCain 6:09 AM, Sep 07, 2022

2022-09-07T12:19+0200abcactionnews (en)

The National Hurricane Center is monitoring two hurricanes in the Atlantic and two other areas, one with increasing development chances. Hurricane Danielle , the first hurricane of the season, is The storm is not forecast to impact the U.S. HURRICANE RESOURCES.

Storm chances rise for Central Florida on Wednesday

2022-09-07T12:11+0200fox35orlando (en)

Rain: 60% chance PM Storms. Main weather concerns Sharp rise in afternoon shower/storm coverage. Chances move up mainly after 2-3pm. Don't rule out a shower or isolated storm before that. Weather threats appear to be very heavy rain and lightning. High temps continue in the low-mid 90s, closer to 90 along the beaches.

7/09/2022 - Meteo: Prossime Ore peggio del previsto, entro sera temporali violenti e anche Grandine, vediamo in quali zone

2022-09-07T11:49+0200ilmeteo (it)

Nelle prossime ore arrivano forti temporali, occhio alla grandine Le prossime ore saranno peggio del previsto . Il peggioramento era annunciato entro la serata odierna, per l'arrivo di un fronte perturbato di origine atlantica, ma già nel corso della mattinata si sono registrati dei focolai....

Hurricane Earl joins Hurricane Danielle in Atlantic, could become Category 3 storm soon

2022-09-07T11:44+0200tcpalm (en)

With the peak of hurricane season only three days away, the National Hurricane Center is monitoring four systems in the Atlantic: and two tropical waves. Neither hurricane is expected to have an impact on the U.S. It's the first time there has been more than one hurricane at the same time in the....

Hurricane Earl to strengthen into 'major' storm in coming days

2022-09-07T11:23+0200upi (en)

Sept. 7 (UPI) -- Tropical Storm Earl strengthened into a hurricane Tuesday night, with forecasters predicting it to become a "major hurricane" over the next few days though it is not expected to make landfall anywhere on the U.S. East Coast. Earl formed in the Caribbean over the weekend and became....

Earl strengthens into the second hurricane of the Atlantic hurricane season

2022-09-07T11:06+0200whatsnew2day (en)

Tropical Storm Earl strengthened into the second hurricane of the season on Tuesday evening and is expected to increase into a major storm over the weekend. The National Hurricane Center said at 8 p.m. update that Earl had sustained winds of 80 mph, was 550 miles south of Bermuda, and headed north at 6 mph.

CLIMA I cicloni Peggy e Danielle che dividono l'Italia

2022-09-07T11:05+0200timgate (it)

Le previsioni meteo dei prossimi dieci giorni In questa prima parte di settembre l' Italia dovrà ancora fare i conti, in alcune regioni, con il caldo africano (anche se non sarà afoso e insopportabile come quello che ci ha tormentato da giugno ad agosto).

7/09/2022 - Meteo: siamo in una Bomba ad orologeria, un Ciclone ed un Uragano puntano Europa ed Italia. Conseguenze

2022-09-07T10:07+0200ilmeteo (it)

Due cicloni puntano l'Europa, l'Autunno entra nel vivo L'Europa è una bomba a orologeria , pronta ad esplodere dopo tre mesi dominati quasi costantemente dall'anticiclone africano, l'Autunno sta per entrare nel vivo e farà subito la voce grossa. Ci riferiamo in particolare alla situazione atmosferica sul Vecchio Continente.

L’ouragan Kay s’approche du sud de la Californie

2022-09-07T09:59+0200lemainelibre (fr)

Les autorités américaines surveillent l’ouragan Kay, qui menace les côtes du sud de la Floride. Il devrait les toucher durant la journée du jeudi 8 septembre 2022. La saison des ouragans a bel et bien repris. Alors que l’été a été plutôt calme en la matière, le National Hurricane Center américain....

L’ouragan Kay s’approche du sud de la Californie

2022-09-07T09:59+0200courrierdelouest (fr)

Les autorités américaines surveillent l’ouragan Kay, qui menace les côtes du sud de la Floride. Il devrait les toucher durant la journée du jeudi 8 septembre 2022. Votre e-mail, avec votre consentement, est utilisé par Ouest-France pour recevoir notre newsletter. La saison des ouragans a bel et bien repris.

L’ouragan Kay s’approche du sud de la Californie

2022-09-07T09:56+0200presseocean (fr)

Les autorités américaines surveillent l’ouragan Kay, qui menace les côtes du sud de la Floride. Il devrait les toucher durant la journée du jeudi 8 septembre 2022. Votre e-mail, avec votre consentement, est utilisé par Ouest-France pour recevoir notre newsletter. La saison des ouragans a bel et bien repris.

L’ouragan Kay s’approche du sud de la Californie

2022-09-07T09:53+0200OuestFrance (fr)

Les autorités américaines surveillent l’ouragan Kay, qui menace les côtes du sud de la Floride. Il devrait les toucher durant la journée du jeudi 8 septembre 2022. Votre e-mail, avec votre consentement, est utilisé par Ouest-France pour recevoir notre newsletter. La saison des ouragans a bel et bien repris.

L'ouragan Danielle va toucher le nord de l'Europe : on en sait plus sur sa trajectoire et ses conséquences en France

2022-09-07T09:39+0200ladepeche (fr)

l'essentiel La trajectoire que va emprunter l'ouragan Danielle est aujourd'hui connue avec davantage de précisions. Il va se diriger vers le nord de l'Europe d'ici la fin de la semaine. Il ne sera pas sans conséquence sur la météo en France. La menace de l'ouragan Danielle s'éloigne pour la France.

Cyclone : une boucle et direction l'Espagne, l'insaisissable trajectoire de Danielle

2022-09-07T09:37+0200lindependant (fr)

En Espagne et au Portugal ? Non, Danielle ne frappera ni la France ni aucun autre pays en l'état. Puisqu'elle perd en intensité à mesure qu'elle progresse dans les eaux moins chaudes de l' océan Atlantique . Elle devrait d'ailleurs perdre son appellation de cyclone d'ici ce jeudi pour redevenir une tempête subtropicale .

Hurricane Danielle causing ‘uncertainty’ for Ireland’s weather forecast with widespread showers due today

2022-09-07T09:27+0200independent-ie (en)

Met Éireann has said there is a lot of "uncertainty" within the outlook for the coming days as a result of Hurricane Danielle . I t is the first hurricane of the season that is swirling over the North Atlantic Ocean but is now starting to head north and northeastwards, in the general direction of Ireland.

Met Eireann weather warning as ‘uncertainty’ grows over Hurricane Danielle activity

2022-09-07T09:24+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

The hurricane is currently moving the Atlantic Ocean and the remnants of it are expected to hit Ireland. Hurricane Danielle will have weakened considerably by the time it reaches our country, however, it will still bring unsettled weather. Read more: Iconic Irish shop’s end of era after 90 years as....

Ouragan Danielle : quel est le scénario privilégié à cinq jours de son arrivée sur les côtes européennes

2022-09-07T09:06+0200midilibre (fr)

. "Elle est encore loin de toute terre habitée avec une pression de 985 hectopascal et se dirige vers le nord est à 10-15 km/h", indique Jérôme Lecou, prévisionniste chez Météo France. Les rafales de vent atteignent actuellement 140 km/h au maximum. Une vitesse qui sera bien plus faible lorsque ce....

Meteo: dove arrivano temporali e calo termico

2022-09-07T08:40+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 7 settembre 2022) Ci aspettano giorni instabili dal punto di vista Meteo . Almeno nelle regioni settentrionali e in parte del Centro. Sì perché al sud l'anticiclone africano continuerà a dominare almeno fino al week end mantenendo le... : Meteo: dove arrivano temporali e calo termico....

Ireland weather: Hurricane Danielle causing problems for Met Eireann as storm heads our way

2022-09-07T08:13+0200irishmirror (en)

The storm is the first hurricane of the season and is swirling over the Atlantic Ocean but it's now starting to head north and northeastwards, in the general direction of Ireland. That is causing the outlook for the Irish weather to be uncertain, according to Met Éireann, who are confident enough of how the weather will look until the weekend.

Meteo Roma e Lazio oggi 7 settembre: sole e massime intorno ai 32 gradi roma

2022-09-07T07:13+0200fanpage (it)

Quella di oggi, mercoledì 7 settembre , sarà una giornata caratterizzata da bel tempo e temperature massime sopra i 30 gradi a Roma e in generale nel Lazio. Ci saranno pochissime o nessuna nuvola sul litorale, mentre qualche nuvola in più coprirà il cielo sui rilievi montuosi e sulle zone interne del Lazio.

Tropical Storm Earl strengthens into a hurricane

2022-09-07T06:35+0200upi (en)

Sept. 7 (UPI) -- Tropical Storm Earl strengthened into a hurricane Tuesday night, but forecasters at the moment do not expect it to make landfall anywhere on the U.S. East Coast. Earl formed in the Caribbean over the weekend and became the fifth named storm of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season, following Alex, Bonnie, Colin and Danielle .

Tropical storm Earl strengthens into a hurricane

2022-09-07T05:48+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

(CNN) Tropical storm Earl has strengthened into a hurricane, according to the National Hurricane Center. Hurricane Earl, just the second of this Atlantic season, has sustained winds of 80 mph with even higher gusts. The hurricane is moving north at 6 mph.

Hurricane Earl forms as second hurricane of the 2022 season; headed toward Bermuda

2022-09-07T04:38+0200azcentral (en)

The second hurricane of the 2022 season, Earl, formed in the Atlantic on Tuesday evening and will become a major hurricane by Friday, the National Hurricane Center said. As of 8 p.m. ET, Hurricane Earl's maximum winds were 80 mph, making it a Category 1 hurricane, and it's about 550 miles south of....

Hurricane Earl forms, expected to become first major hurricane of the season Nation

2022-09-07T04:37+0200usaToday (en)

The second hurricane of the 2022 season, Earl, formed in the Atlantic on Tuesday evening and will become a major hurricane by Friday, the National Hurricane Center said. As of 8 p.m. ET, Hurricane Earl's maximum winds were 80 mph, making it a Category 1 hurricane, and it's about 550 miles south of....

Earl strengthens into the second hurricane of the Atlantic hurricane season

2022-09-07T04:04+0200dailymail (en)

Earl strengthens into the season's second hurricane and is predicted to intensify into a major hurricane by the weekend - but is expected to curve away from the US and out into the Atlantic Ocean The National Hurricane Center said in an update on Tuesday evening that Tropical Storm Earl has....

L'Uragano Danielle raggiungerà o no l’Europa?

2022-09-07T02:34+0200informazione (it)

Tutti gli articoli su L'Uragano Danielle raggiungerà o....

Britain faces wet and stormy weather until Sunday after being battered by 36,000 lightning strikes

2022-09-07T01:46+0200dailymaverick (en)

Britons have today been warned to brace for fresh thunderstorms and heavy rain as sudden downpours are expected to hit parts of the country after more than 36,000 lightning strikes beat the country last night. Weather is set to be miserable all week with rain and showers continuing until Sunday and....

Rain chances rising

2022-09-06T23:51+0200fox10tv (en)

) - Looks good for tomorrow. It will be a warm and humid summertime day. Temperatures will start in the mid-70s and heat up into the upper 80s. By afternoon, a few showers will likely pop up, but like the last couple of days, they won’t be widespread, just spotty. The beach and boating forecasts are decent for Wednesday.

L’uragano “Danielle si avvicina all’Europa; le possibili conseguenze

2022-09-06T23:50+0200meteobook-it (it)

Benché se ne voglia far credere il contrario, non sarebbe la prima volta che una ex tempesta tropicale raggiunge l’Europa. Il caso dell’attuale uragano atlantico denominato “ Danielle ” , la questione non è ancora certa tuttavia sussiste una discreta probabilità che il ciclone, per quanto notevolmente....

Tropical Storm Earl forecast to become Atlantic’s first major hurricane of season

2022-09-06T23:22+0200nypost (en)

A quiet August in the tropics has morphed into a busier September with two named tropical cyclones roaming the Atlantic Basin: and Hurricane Danielle . While both systems are currently far from land, Earl’s outer rainbands drenched portions of Puerto Rico and the U.S.

Why there were no Atlantic hurricanes in August for the first time in 25 years

2022-09-06T22:49+0200d1softballnews (en)

Over the last few years, some of the most devastating hurricanes have arrived during this month: Katrina, between August 23 and 25, 2005, or Andrew, between August 16 and 28, 1992, among others. However, the month was over, and according to weather records, no hurricanes were named during this time frame and only three storms ever received a name.

Météo. Un ouragan se dirige-t-il vers la France autour du 10 septembre ?

2022-09-06T21:52+0200normandie (fr)

Un ouragan s’est formé dans l’Atlantique nord en ce début septembre 2022. Il se dirige vers l’Europe mais devrait perdre en puissance d’ici là. Photo d’illustration Pixabay Sa trajectoire n’est pas clairement définie. Ces prévisions ne vont « pas au-delà de 24 ou 48 heu res » , précise Météo France....

Hurricane Danielle could hit Ireland this weekend but will have lost strength

2022-09-06T21:00+0200irishtimes (en)

After an unusually quiet start to the Atlantic hurricane season, Tropical Storm Danielle formed on Thursday, the first named storm in nearly two months. Photograph: CIRA/NOAA via The New York Times. Hurricane Danielle is tracking towards Ireland could hit this weekend but by that stage, according to forecasters, it will have lost most of its bite.

Forecasters keeping close watch on three systems

2022-09-06T20:25+0200tribune242 (en)

LOCAL weather forecasters are watching the development of three systems — two tropical storms and one tropical wave. However, none of these pose any direct threat to The Bahamas at this time. According to reports last week, Tropical Storm Danielle was expected to be the first hurricane of the 2022....

Forecasters tracking 4 systems in Atlantic, including Hurricane Danielle, Tropical Storm Earl

2022-09-06T19:42+0200nola (en)

Hurricane Danielle poses no threat to land, according to the National Hurricane Center. As of 10 a.m., Danielle was about 805 miles northwest of the Azores. The storm is expected to stay over the open Atlantic during the next couple days, forecasters said. It slowed down Tuesday and is moving northeast at 6 mph.

Hurricane Kay lashes southern Mexico with rain

2022-09-06T19:31+0200apnews (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Hurricane Kay lashed Mexico’s Pacific coast with rain Tuesday as it moved northward toward the Baja California Peninsula. Kay’s maximum sustained winds rose to 85 mph (140 kph), with forecasters saying it could brush the peninsula as a hurricane this week. The U.S.

Meteo, in arrivo due cicloni. E torna il caldo in Puglia

2022-09-06T18:53+0200quotidianodipuglia (it)

Caldo, con punte di 40 gradi al Sud, Puglia compresa, e piogge al Nord. E' l'effetto dell'arrivo di due cicloni che, sebbene abbastanza distanti dall'Italia, ne influenzeranno il tempo per i prossimi giorni. In arrivo due cicloni molto importanti nel raggio di circa 1.

Will Earl become a hurricane? Is a tropical depression brewing? What the forecast says

2022-09-06T18:05+0200miamiherald (en)

The Atlantic is bustling with activity Tuesday, and forecasters are watching four systems: A tropical wave over western Africa is expected to move into the Atlantic in the next few days. A disturbance in the eastern Atlantic could turn into a tropical depression in the next few days.

Meteo-Giuliacci, la minaccia dell'uragano Danielle: cosa accadrà in Italia

2022-09-06T18:05+0200libero-news (it)

"L' uragano Danielle non arriverà in Europa". A rassicurare i cittadini ci pensa il sito di Mario Giuliacci, intento a smontare quanto si vocifera negli ultimi giorni. In primis, il team del meteorologo, tiene a precisare che "i tifoni che arrivano ad alte latitudini atlantiche non sono violenti come quelli caraibici, tropicali e/o equatoriali.

Second Hurricane Could Form in Atlantic; Will it Make Landfall?

2022-09-06T17:45+0200newsweek (en)

A second hurricane could form in the Atlantic Ocean in the coming days prompting many to question if it could make landfall. On Tuesday, the National Hurricane Center issued a public advisory for Tropical Storm Earl, which is currently located in the Atlantic region, southeast of Florida. "Earl is moving toward the north near 7 mph (11 km/h).

Second Hurricane Could Form in Atlantic; Will it Make Landfall?

2022-09-06T17:40+0200newsweek-USA (en)

A second hurricane could form in the Atlantic Ocean in the coming days prompting many to question if it could make landfall. On Tuesday, the National Hurricane Center issued a public advisory for Tropical Storm Earl, which is currently located in the Atlantic region, southeast of Florida. "Earl is moving toward the north near 7 mph (11 km/h).

Meteo: torna il caldo, ma due cicloni minacciano l’Europa e Italia. In settimana fino a 40 gradi

2022-09-06T16:56+0200metropolisweb (it)

In arrivo due cicloni molto importanti nel raggio di circa 1.000 chilometri: il primo è centrato sull’Irlanda e il secondo a Ovest delle Azzorre, con caratteristiche tropicali. Lorenzo Tedici, meteorologo del sito www.iLMeteo.it, spiega come potranno influenzare il tempo sull’Italia.

Météo : pourquoi les conséquences de l’ouragan Danielle seront-elles (très) limitées en Europe ?

2022-09-06T16:32+0200sudouest (fr)

Baptisée Danielle , une tempête tropicale a bien été détectée la semaine dernière dans l’Atlantique Nord, à 1 500 km à l’ouest des Açores. Une incongruité, selon Météo France , car « rares sont les systèmes se formant à une latitude aussi nord dans le bassin ».

Météo. Cyclones : Danielle pourrait "avaler" un deuxième ouragan et provoquer de fortes pluies en France et en Espagne, les Américains alertent

2022-09-06T16:29+0200lindependant (fr)

océan Atlantique vers l'Europe de l'ouest. Et s'il touche les côtes françaises, ce ne sera qu'à l'état de dépression , voire de tempête dans le pire des cas. Si Danielle est attendue ce week-end en Europe , sa trajectoire reste cependant encore très difficile à anticiper.

L'ouragan Danielle peut-il atteindre la France ?

2022-09-06T16:07+0200futura-sciences (fr)

Danielle est la cinquième tempête tropicale de la saison cyclonique 2022 dans l'Atlantique nord et la première à atteindre le stade d'ouragan. Une formation tardive, car la date moyenne de formation du premier ouragan de la saison se situe généralement autour du 11 août. Or, la dépression tropicale Danielle s'est formée le 1 er septembre, à 1.

We could see 2 hurricanes at same time soon

2022-09-06T16:06+0200wkrn (en)

TAMPA, Fla. ( WFLA ) — We might see two hurricanes swirling in the water at the same time this week. The National Hurricane Center is currently monitoring Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl, which is expected to become a hurricane sometime in the next few days.

Tracking the Tropics: We could see two hurricanes at the same time this week

2022-09-06T16:05+0200cbs17 (en)

TAMPA, Fla. ( WFLA ) — We might see two hurricanes swirling in the water at the same time this week. The National Hurricane Center is currently monitoring Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl, which is expected to become a hurricane sometime in the next few days.

We could see 2 hurricanes at same time soon

2022-09-06T16:05+0200wwlp (en)

TAMPA, Fla. ( WFLA ) — We might see two hurricanes swirling in the water at the same time this week. The National Hurricane Center is currently monitoring Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl, which is expected to become a hurricane sometime in the next few days.

We could see 2 hurricanes at same time soon

2022-09-06T16:03+0200krqe (en)

TAMPA, Fla. ( WFLA ) — We might see two hurricanes swirling in the water at the same time this week. The National Hurricane Center is currently monitoring Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl, which is expected to become a hurricane sometime in the next few days.

Meteo: entro metà Settembre per la prima volta nella Storia avverrà qualcosa di eclatante; gli aggiornamenti

2022-09-06T16:02+0200ilmeteo (it)

Uragani e cicloni atlantici puntano l'Europa Entro la metà di Settembre per la prima volta nella storia avverrà qualcosa di eclatante a livello atmosferico in Europa, con possibili rischi anche per l'Italia . Insomma dopo un avvio caratterizzato da un ritorno dell'alta pressione sub-tropicale,....

We could see 2 hurricanes at same time soon

2022-09-06T16:00+0200yourerie (en)

TAMPA, Fla. ( WFLA ) — We might see two hurricanes swirling in the water at the same time this week. The National Hurricane Center is currently monitoring Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl, which is expected to become a hurricane sometime in the next few days.

Hurricane Kay lashes southern Mexico with rain

2022-09-06T15:59+0200taiwannews (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Hurricane Kay lashed Mexico’s Pacific coast with rain Tuesday as it moved northward toward the Baja California Peninsula. Kay's maximum sustained winds rose to 85 mph (140 kph), with forecasters saying it could brush the peninsula as a hurricane this week. The U.S.

L’Europa fa i conti con Peggy e Danielle

2022-09-06T15:55+0200lasiciliaweb (it)

In arrivo due cicloni molto importanti nel raggio di circa 1.000 chilometri: il primo è centrato sull’Irlanda e il secondo a Ovest delle Azzorre, con caratteristiche tropicali. Lorenzo Tedici, meteorologo del sito www.iLMeteo.it, spiega come potranno influenzare il tempo sull’Italia.

Hurricane Kay lashes southern Mexico with rain

2022-09-06T15:51+0200TorontoStar (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Hurricane Kay lashed Mexico’s Pacific coast with rain Tuesday as it moved northward toward the Baja California Peninsula. Kay’s maximum sustained winds rose to 85 mph (140 kph), with forecasters saying it could brush the peninsula as a hurricane this week. The U.S.

Meteo. Le incertezze dell'uragano Danielle, ultimi aggiornamenti

2022-09-06T15:37+02003bmeteo (it)

uragano Danielle , evoluzione secondo Ecmwf. Danielle completerà la sua transizione extra tropicale entro il fine settimana e nel frattempo perderà il suo status di uragano nel suo peregrinare. Rimane molta incertezza sul suo effettivo spostamento come mostrano le ultime indicazioni del modello Ecmwf....

Britain faces wet and stormy weather until Sunday after being battered by 36,000 lightning strikes

2022-09-06T15:34+0200dailymail (en)

Britons have today been warned to brace for fresh thunderstorms and heavy rain as sudden downpours are expected to hit parts of the country after more than 36,000 lightning strikes beat the country last night. Weather is set to be miserable all week with rain and showers continuing until Sunday and....

Meteo, in arrivo gran caldo al Sud e piogge al Nord

2022-09-06T15:08+0200247libero (it)

2' DI LETTURA. ROMA – In arrivo due cicloni molto importanti nel raggio di circa 1.000 chilometri: il primo è centrato sull’Irlanda e il secondo a Ovest delle Azzorre, con caratteristiche tropicali. Lorenzo Tedici, meteorologo del sito www.iLMeteo.it, spiega come potranno influenzare il tempo sull’Italia.

Hurricane Kay lashes southern Mexico with rain

2022-09-06T15:06+0200sfgate (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Hurricane Kay lashed Mexico’s Pacific coast with rain Tuesday as it moved northward toward the Baja California Peninsula. Kay's maximum sustained winds rose to 85 mph (140 kph), with forecasters saying it could brush the peninsula as a hurricane this week. The U.S.

Hurricane Kay lashes southern Mexico with rain

2022-09-06T15:01+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

MEXICO CITY — Hurricane Kay lashed Mexico’s Pacific coast with rain Tuesday as it moved northward toward the Baja California Peninsula. Kay’s maximum sustained winds rose to 85 mph (140 kph), with forecasters saying it could brush the peninsula as a hurricane this week. The U.S.

Will Earl become a hurricane? Is a tropical depression brewing? What the forecast says

2022-09-06T14:44+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

The Atlantic is bustling with activity Tuesday, and forecasters are watching four systems: A tropical wave over western Africa is expected to move into the Atlantic in the next few days. A disturbance in the eastern Atlantic could turn into a tropical depression in the next few days.

Met Office | Official News Release Unsettled week ahead

2022-09-06T14:29+0200wired-gov (en)

With an area of low pressure slowly moving across the UK this week, the weather will remain unsettled. Autumnal weather is moving in this week as low pressure dominates the weather across the UK. A large area of low pressure is situated to the southwest of the UK and will slowly track eastwards through the week.

C'è ancora caldo, ma due cicloni in arrivo potrebbero cambiare la situazione

2022-09-06T14:17+0200gazzettadiparma (it)

In arrivo due cicloni molto importanti nel raggio di circa 1.000 chilometri: il primo è centrato sull'Irlanda e il secondo a Ovest delle Azzorre, con caratteristiche tropicali. Lorenzo Tedici, meteorologo del sito www.iLMeteo.it, spiega come potranno influenzare il tempo sull'Italia.

Hurricane Danielle on ‘slow decline,’ Tropical Storm Earl a ‘bit disheveled,’ forecasters say

2022-09-06T14:14+0200tampabay (en)

Tropical weather remained active in the Atlantic Ocean on Tuesday as forecasters were watching three systems -- a hurricane, a tropical storm and a patch of rough weather that appears likely to strengthen during the week. None of the systems poses an immediate threat to Florida.

Tropical Storm Earl on track to become hurricane in coming days

2022-09-06T14:00+0200upi (en)

Sept. 6 (UPI) -- Forecasters expect that Tropical Storm Earl will strengthen and become a hurricane within the next few days, but at the moment it's not expected to make landfall anywhere on the U.S. East Coast. Earl formed in the Caribbean over the weekend and became the fifth named storm of the....

VIDEO - Typhon meurtrier en Asie : les images du passage d'Hinnamnor qui a fait au moins deux morts en Corée du Sud

2022-09-06T13:41+0200lindependant (fr)

Hinnamnor a frappé notamment les villes industrielles de Pohang, Gyeongju et Ulsan, dans le sud-est du pays, accompagné de vents violents, enregistrés à plus de 150 km/h, et de pluies diluviennes. A lire aussi : Cyclone tropical anormal : à partir de quand une tempête devient-elle un cyclone ? Quelque 2.

Rain chances low for the week before a First Alert for more rounds of weekend showers With more sunshine, temperatures will rebound back into the upper 80s today, a little above average for this time of the year.

2022-09-06T13:35+0200wbtv (en)

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (WBTV) - Low clouds during the morning hours will give way to some sunshine this afternoon as a westerly breeze kicks in. Warming back up today, lower rain chances too; Isolated storms Wednesday, drier late-week; First Alert: More rounds of rain this weekend.

Meteo, si scatenano due cicloni: Italia, un fenomeno-choc

2022-09-06T13:19+0200libero-news (it)

Il caldo africano è tornato a farsi sentire, ma due eccezionali cicloni atlantici minacciano l'Europa e l'Italia e governeranno il tempo per una decina di giorni sul nostro Paese, con un'Italia divisa in 2 o in 3: caldo africano, anomalo per il periodo, al Sud e parte del Centro; piogge sparse al....

Sunny spells and 25C high while storm conditions hit parts of UK

2022-09-06T13:17+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

According to Met Office forecaster Greg Dewhurst, the low pressure will bring days of heavy rain in the coming days possibly stretching into the weekend but Hurricane Danielle - which will no longer be a hurricane when it reaches the UK - is causing uncertainty in forecasting going into next week.

Garth Brooks concerts weather update as Met Eireann give latest Dublin forecast amid hurricane fears

2022-09-06T13:15+0200irishmirror (en)

More than 400,000 fans will descend on Dublin to see the US country music superstar play live on September 9, 10, 11, 16 and 17. But with no roof over GAA HQ, many are wondering what the weather will do - and whether a hurricane currently in the Atlantic could head for Ireland and coincide with the gigs.

Tropical Storm Earl could become Atlantic season's first major hurricane

2022-09-06T12:58+0200tcpalm (en)

With the peak of hurricane season Sept. 10 only days away, the National Hurricane Center is monitoring three systems in the Atlantic: and a tropical wave. While Hurricane Danielle is expected to begin weakening in the northern Atlantic, Tropical Storm Earl is showing signs of soon becoming a....

PRIMA PAGINA ore 12:31 Meteo: l'Europa è una Bomba a orologeria, un treno di Cicloni ha come fermata anche l'Italia: le conseguenze

2022-09-06T12:51+0200ilmeteo (it)

Due cicloni puntano l'Europa, l'Autunno entra nel vivo L'Europa è una bomba a orologeria , pronta ad esplodere Dopo tre mesi dominati quasi costantemente dall'anticiclone africano, l'Autunno sta per entrare nel vivo e farà subito la voce grossa. Ci riferiamo in particolare alla situazione atmosferica sul Vecchio Continente.

Lightning map and latest Met Office forecast as storms hit UK

2022-09-06T12:51+0200inews-co-uk (en)

More than 36,000 lightning strikes were recorded across the UK in just 12 hours on Monday, and The Met Office is predicting an unsettled week of weather across the country, with heavy downpours interspersed with sunny spells. Here’s where you can expect storms and the latest forecast for the week ahead.

Strengthening Tropical Storm Earl drenches Puerto Rico while Hurricane Danielle churns in the Atlantic

2022-09-06T12:34+0200wingsenvironmental (en)

A quiet August in the tropics has morphed into a busier September with two named tropical disturbances traveling through the Atlantic Ocean: Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl. Of the two, Earl is having the most current impact as it continues to swirl far off the coasts of Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands.

Tropical Storm Earl expected to strengthen into Cat 3 hurricane

2022-09-06T12:27+0200fox35orlando (en)

ORLANDO, Fla. We are just days away from the peak of hurricane season – which is on Sept. 10 – and the tropics are heating up with a tropical storm, a hurricane, and our next possible tropical depression. TROPICAL STORM EARL. On Tuesday morning, Earl was located south of Bermuda with maximum sustained winds of 65 mph.

Scorching day ahead for Central Florida with a few storms

2022-09-06T12:27+0200fox35orlando (en)

40% chance PM Storms. Main weather concerns. We have a scorcher on tap for this afternoon, highs across the interior will soar to the mid to upper-90s. Isolated storms will be possible beginning around 2-3 p.m. along the east coast sea breeze, then move across the interior through this evening, chances at 20%-40%.

UK weather: Sunny spells and 25C high while storm conditions hit parts of Britain

2022-09-06T12:21+0200independent-UK (en)

According to Met Office forecaster Greg Dewhurst, the low pressure will bring days of heavy rain in the coming days possibly stretching into the weekend but Hurricane Danielle - which will no longer be a hurricane when it reaches the UK - is causing uncertainty in forecasting going into next week.

Tropical Storm Earl nearly a hurricane but no US threat

2022-09-06T12:15+0200wingsenvironmental (en)

Tropical Storm Earl was poised to become 2022’s second Atlantic hurricane on Tuesday, the National Hurricane Center said, as forecasters tracked another hurricane and a storm that could take the next name on the list. None of the storms is a threat to the US, but those in Bermuda will have to keep....

Earl nearly a hurricane but no U.S. threat

2022-09-06T12:15+0200al (en)

Tropical Storm Earl was poised to become 2022′s second Atlantic hurricane on Tuesday, the National Hurricane Center said, as forecasters tracked another hurricane and a storm that could take the next name on the list. None of the storms is a threat to the U.S.

Hurricane Danielle set to wreak havoc on UK as ‘highly-energetic system’ drifts north bringing wild weather in just days

2022-09-06T12:15+0200thesun (en)

More thunderstorms are on the way Credit: ISO. is being brought by a "highly-energetic system" which is currently drifting north. The system is currently a hurricane and is sitting in Atlantic Ocean - but when it hits the UK it'll have lowered slightly in intensity.

L'ouragan Danielle est "en lent déclin", à bonne distance des côtes françaises

2022-09-06T12:07+0200bfmtv (fr)

Le phénomène météorologique qui se dirigeait encore lundi vers les côtes européennes semble avoir changé d'intensité. Un ouragan "en lent déclin". C'est ainsi que les météorologues américains du National Hurricane Center décrivent mardi l'évolution de l'ouragan Danielle .

I cicloni dall'Atlantico, l'uragano, il caldo: occhio al clima dei prossimi giorni

2022-09-06T11:58+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di martedì 6 settembre 2022) Due cicloni in Atlantico potranno condizionare il meteo anche sull'Italia: ecco il perché dell'ondata di caldo africano e cosa potrà succedere se l' uragano Danielle si avvicinerà alle coste europee. Una mappa meteo eccezionale che presenta due cicloni molto importanti nel raggio di circa 1000 km, .

Gloomy weather continues with good rain chances through week’s end

2022-09-06T11:56+0200wafb (en)

BATON ROUGE, La. (WAFB) - Little change is expected in our weather today with mainly overcast skies and passing showers throughout the day. FIRST ALERT FORECAST: Tuesday, September 6 (WAFB) Any areas that are able to squeeze out a little sunshine this afternoon may have the potential for a few....

Weather Hot and humid with some inland storms possible Kahtia Hall

2022-09-06T11:35+0200wptv (en)

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Temperatures on Tuesday are starting out in the upper 70s to low 80s with an isolated shower possible near the coast for the morning drive. Tuesday afternoon, high temperatures will be in the low 90s with heat indices in the triple digits.

Tropical Storm Earl weakens slightly as it moves north to Bermuda

2022-09-06T11:28+0200upi (en)

Sept. 6 (UPI) -- After an extremely quiet August in the Atlantic Ocean, there are now two named tropical systems churning in the basin. On Friday night, Tropical Storm Earl spun to life east of the northern Leeward Islands. While the center of Earl may avoid crossing over land, outer portions of the....

I cicloni dall'Atlantico, l'uragano, il caldo: occhio al clima dei prossimi giorni

2022-09-06T11:20+0200ilgiornale (it)

L'atmosfera inizia a farsi irrequieta: complice la stagione che cambia, e avanza, una parte d'Europa è già alle prese con perturbazioni autunnali mentre, l'estremo sud, fa ancora i conti con l'alta pressione africana e temperature di molto superiori alle medie del periodo.

Torna l'anticiclone. 40 gradi al sud. Ma le sorprese sono da noi

2022-09-06T11:14+0200247libero (it)

Ruggito africano con temperature fino a 40C all’estremo Sud e piogge e temporali al Nord. Sono queste le previsioni meteo della settimana. Una mappa meteo eccezionale che presenta due cicloni molto importanti nel raggio di circa 1000 km, il primo centrato sull’Irlanda ed il secondo ad ovest delle Azzorre ma con caratteristiche tropicali.

Torna l'anticiclone. 40 gradi al sud. Ma le sorprese sono da noi

2022-09-06T10:52+0200oggitreviso (it)

Ruggito africano con temperature fino a 40C all’estremo Sud e piogge e temporali al Nord. Sono queste le previsioni meteo della settimana. Una mappa meteo eccezionale che presenta due cicloni molto importanti nel raggio di circa 1000 km, il primo centrato sull’Irlanda ed il secondo ad ovest delle Azzorre ma con caratteristiche tropicali.

UK storm alert: Low-pressure system to batter Britain for DAYS- thunder and flood warnings

2022-09-06T10:24+0200express (en)

Jim Dale, meteorologist for British Weather Services, said: “There is a conveyor belt of low-pressure systems lined up to stir up Britain’s weather through the next week or so.” Tuesday will kickstart a week of wet weather with only a brief lull on Saturday before the remains of Danielle arrive.

Torna l'anticiclone africano, ecco dove e quanto dura

2022-09-06T09:40+0200247libero (it)

Ruggito africano con temperature fino a 40°C all’estremo Sud e piogge e temporali al Nord. Sono queste le previsioni meteo della settimana. Una mappa meteo eccezionale che presenta due cicloni molto importanti nel raggio di circa 1000 km, il primo centrato sull’Irlanda ed il secondo ad ovest delle Azzorre ma con caratteristiche tropicali.

7:00 am, Mar, 6 Settembre 22 Caldo e piogge spaccano l’Italia AGI – Nuovo ‘ruggito’ del caldo africano, ma 2 eccezionali cicloni atlantici minacciano l̵...

2022-09-06T09:29+0200metronews (it)

AGI – Nuovo ‘ruggito’ del caldo africano, ma 2 eccezionali cicloni atlantici minacciano l’Europa e l’Italia e governeranno il tempo per una decina di giorni sul nostro Paese, con un’Italia divisa in 2 o in 3: caldo africano, anomalo per il periodo, al Sud e parte del Centro, piogge sparse al Nord in....

Leggi Previsioni meteo, torna il caldo africano

2022-09-06T09:22+0200ecomy-it (it)

(iLMeteo.it) – Una mappa meteo eccezionale che presenta due cicloni molto importanti nel raggio di circa 1000 km, il primo centrato sull’Irlanda ed il secondo ad ovest delle Azzorre ma con caratteristiche tropicali. Il primo ciclone ha una pressione molto bassa, circa 985 hPa, ed è estremamente....

Caldo e piogge spaccano l'Italia

2022-09-06T09:17+0200247libero (it)

AGI - Nuovo 'ruggito' del caldo africano, ma 2 eccezionali cicloni atlantici minacciano l'Europa e l'Italia e governeranno il tempo per una decina di giorni sul nostro Paese, con un'Italia divisa in 2 o in 3: caldo africano, anomalo per il periodo, al Sud e parte del Centro, piogge sparse al Nord in....

Torna l'anticiclone africano, ecco dove e quanto dura

2022-09-06T09:14+0200adnkronos (it)

Ruggito africano con temperature fino a 40C all’estremo Sud e piogge e temporali al Nord. Sono queste le previsioni meteo della settimana. Una mappa meteo eccezionale che presenta due cicloni molto importanti nel raggio di circa 1000 km, il primo centrato sull’Irlanda ed il secondo ad ovest delle Azzorre ma con caratteristiche tropicali.

Previsioni meteo, torna il caldo africano

2022-09-06T09:14+0200247libero (it)

) - Una mappa meteo eccezionale che presenta due cicloni molto importanti nel raggio di circa 1000 km, il primo centrato sull'Irlanda ed il secondo ad ovest delle Azzorre ma con caratteristiche tropicali. Il primo ciclone ha una pressione molto bassa, circa 985 hPa, ed è estremamente stazionario: il....

Meteo, due cicloni in arrivo. Porteranno caldo africano e piogge e l'Italia sarà divisa in due

2022-09-06T09:10+0200GazzettaDelSud (it)

Nuovo ruggito del caldo africano, ma 2 eccezionali cicloni atlantici minacciano l’Europa e l’Italia e governeranno il tempo per una decina di giorni sul nostro Paese, con un’Italia divisa in 2 o in 3 : caldo africano, anomalo per il periodo, al Sud e parte del Centro, piogge sparse al Nord in un....

Ouragan Danielle : des vents toujours puissants mesurés à 130 km/h mais en baisse

2022-09-06T09:06+0200ladepeche (fr)

l'essentiel Les météorologues américains du NHC (National Hurricane Center) ont mesuré cette nuit les vitesses à l'intérieur de l'ouragan Danielle . Une baisse des vents a été constatée à 130 km/h alors qu'ils soufflaient à 150 km/h, hier. Si la trajectoire de l'ouragan Danielle est difficile à....

Meteo, due cicloni in arrivo. Porteranno caldo africano e piogge e l'Italia sarà divisa in due

2022-09-06T09:06+0200247libero (it)

Nuovo ruggito del caldo africano, ma 2 eccezionali cicloni atlantici minacciano l’Europa e l’Italia e governeranno il tempo per una decina di giorni sul nostro Paese, con un’Italia divisa in 2 o in 3 : caldo africano, anomalo per il periodo, al Sud e parte del Centro, piogge sparse al Nord in un....

Caldo e piogge spaccano l'Italia

2022-09-06T09:02+0200agi (it)

AGI - Nuovo 'ruggito' del caldo africano, ma 2 eccezionali cicloni atlantici minacciano l'Europa e l'Italia e governeranno il tempo per una decina di giorni sul nostro Paese, con un'Italia divisa in 2 o in 3: caldo africano, anomalo per il periodo, al Sud e parte del Centro, piogge sparse al Nord in....

Questa settimana le temperature saliranno fino a 40°C all'estremo Sud, piogge e temporali al Nord, in spostamento verso il Centro

2022-09-06T08:56+0200repubblica (it)

) - Una mappa meteo eccezionale che presenta due cicloni molto importanti nel raggio di circa 1000 km, il primo centrato sull'Irlanda ed il secondo ad ovest delle Azzorre ma con caratteristiche tropicali. Il primo ciclone ha una pressione molto bassa, circa 985 hPa, ed è estremamente stazionario: il....

Meteo editoriale Martedì 6 Settembre: ruggito Africano, ma 2 eccezionali Cicloni minacciano Europa e Italia

2022-09-06T08:50+0200ilmeteo (it)

Due super cicloni in viaggio verso l'Europa Una mappa meteo eccezionale che presenta due cicloni molto importanti nel raggio di circa 1000 km, il primo centrato sull’Irlanda ed il secondo ad ovest delle Azzorre, ma con caratteristiche tropicali. Il primo ciclone ha una pressione molto bassa, circa....

Vaas. Le Café des sports change de propriétaire

2022-09-06T08:37+0200lemainelibre (fr)

Depuis le 1er septembre 2022, le Café des sports de Vaas est tenu par Laura Genovese. La jeune femme se met à son compte pour la première fois. Votre e-mail, avec votre consentement, est utilisé par Ouest-France pour recevoir notre newsletter. Vincent Duffrié a tenu durant près de 25 ans le Café des sports à Vaas .

L’ouragan Danielle continue à perdre en puissance

2022-09-06T08:35+0200maville (fr)

Une tempête tropicale dans l’océan Atlantique en 2010. Photo d’illustration. © NOAA VIA AFP L’ouragan Danielle , qui s’est formé au milieu de l’Atlantique le vendredi 2 septembre 2022, continue en ce mardi à perdre en puissance. Il ne devrait pas s’approcher outre mesure du continent européen. .

tropical cyclone | Hurricane Danielle tracking towards Ireland

2022-09-06T08:26+0200sundayworld (en)

Hurricane Danielle , the first hurricane of the season that is currently churning up over the Mid-Atlantic, is heading in our direction. Meteorologists expect the hurricane to weaken and dissipate as it approaches Ireland later this week but it is likely to keep conditions unsettled here into the weekend, according to weather forecasters.

Hurricane Danielle, the first Category 1 storm of the Atlantic Hurricane Season heads closer to Europe this week

2022-09-06T08:14+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Further west in the western tropical Atlantic there is another tropical storm Earl, the 5th named system in 2022. Earl is also forecast to reach hurricane strength over the next two days, passing very near Bermuda on Friday and Saturday. Potentially becoming a strong hurricane with Category 2 or even 3 at that time.

Violents orages accompagnés de grêle et de fortes rafales de vent : 17 départements placés en alerte orange

2022-09-06T07:35+0200lindependant (fr)

Météo France a placé dix-sept départements en alerte orange aux orages ce mardi à 6h L' Yonne, la Côte-d'Or , la Haute-Saône , le Territoire de Belfort , le Doubs , le Jura , la Saône-et-Loire , la Nièvre l'Allier , le Puy-de-Dôme , la Loire , le Rhône , l' Ain , la Haute-Loire, l'Hérault, le Gard et le Cantal sont concernés par cette alerte.

L’ouragan Danielle continue à perdre en puissance

2022-09-06T07:29+0200lemainelibre (fr)

L’ouragan Danielle , qui s’est formé au milieu de l’Atlantique le vendredi 2 septembre 2022, continue en ce mardi à perdre en puissance. Il ne devrait pas s’approcher outre mesure du continent européen. Une tempête tropicale dans l’océan Atlantique en 2010. Photo d’illustration. | NOAA VIA AFP Afficher le diaporama.

L’ouragan Danielle continue à perdre en puissance

2022-09-06T07:27+0200courrierdelouest (fr)

L’ouragan Danielle , qui s’est formé au milieu de l’Atlantique le vendredi 2 septembre 2022, continue en ce mardi à perdre en puissance. Il ne devrait pas s’approcher outre mesure du continent européen. Une tempête tropicale dans l’océan Atlantique en 2010. Photo d’illustration. | NOAA VIA AFP Afficher le diaporama.

L’ouragan Danielle continue à perdre en puissance

2022-09-06T07:25+0200presseocean (fr)

L’ouragan Danielle , qui s’est formé au milieu de l’Atlantique le vendredi 2 septembre 2022, continue en ce mardi à perdre en puissance. Il ne devrait pas s’approcher outre mesure du continent européen. Une tempête tropicale dans l’océan Atlantique en 2010. Photo d’illustration. | NOAA VIA AFP Afficher le diaporama.

L’ouragan Danielle continue à perdre en puissance

2022-09-06T07:22+0200OuestFrance (fr)

L’ouragan Danielle , qui s’est formé au milieu de l’Atlantique le vendredi 2 septembre 2022, continue en ce mardi à perdre en puissance. Il ne devrait pas s’approcher outre mesure du continent européen. Une tempête tropicale dans l’océan Atlantique en 2010. Photo d’illustration. | NOAA VIA AFP Afficher le diaporama.

Tropical Storm Earl picks up strength, as Danielle expected to weaken over next few days

2022-09-06T07:07+0200virginislandsdailynews (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Though Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl are forecast to meander in the open Atlantic, Earl is expected to become the season’s first major hurricane late in the week. Additionally, a third tropical wave has emerged off the west coast of Africa.

3 L'ouragan Danielle arrive sur la France : voici à quoi s'attendre

2022-09-06T06:57+0200lesnouvellesdefalaise (fr)

Mais si la température de surface (et sur plusieurs dizaines de mètres de profondeur) est un élément nécessaire à la formation d’un ouragan, ce n’est pas suffisant, rappellent les météorologues. Il faut également une très faible variation de vent avec l’altitude (ce qu’on appelle le cisaillement....

3 L'ouragan Danielle arrive sur la France : voici à quoi s'attendre

2022-09-06T06:47+0200lejournaldelorne (fr)

Mais si la température de surface (et sur plusieurs dizaines de mètres de profondeur) est un élément nécessaire à la formation d’un ouragan, ce n’est pas suffisant, rappellent les météorologues. Il faut également une très faible variation de vent avec l’altitude (ce qu’on appelle le cisaillement....

3 L'ouragan Danielle arrive sur la France : voici à quoi s'attendre

2022-09-06T06:39+0200lereveilnormand (fr)

Mais si la température de surface (et sur plusieurs dizaines de mètres de profondeur) est un élément nécessaire à la formation d’un ouragan, ce n’est pas suffisant, rappellent les météorologues. Il faut également une très faible variation de vent avec l’altitude (ce qu’on appelle le cisaillement....

3 L'ouragan Danielle arrive sur la France : voici à quoi s'attendre

2022-09-06T06:35+0200lepublicateurlibre (fr)

Mais si la température de surface (et sur plusieurs dizaines de mètres de profondeur) est un élément nécessaire à la formation d’un ouragan, ce n’est pas suffisant, rappellent les météorologues. Il faut également une très faible variation de vent avec l’altitude (ce qu’on appelle le cisaillement....

Ouragan Danielle : pourquoi sa trajectoire est-elle si difficile à calculer ?

2022-09-06T06:33+0200ladepeche (fr)

l'essentiel Alors qu'un ouragan nommé Danielle avance sur l’Atlantique Nord, les prévisions quant à sa trajectoire précise demeurent floues. Mais pourquoi tant d'imprécisions ? La Dépêche vous répond. L'ouragan Danielle se rapproche-t-il des côtes françaises ? Une question à laquelle les....

6/09/2022 - Meteo: l'Uragano 'Danielle' si avvicina all'Europa. Ci saranno conseguenze purtroppo stavolta anche in Italia

2022-09-06T06:26+0200ilmeteo (it)

Danielle , il primo Uragano del 2022 Il primo Uragano atlantico del 2022 si è appena formato in pieno oceano, il suo nome è Danielle . Raggiungerà anche l'Europa con i suoi minacciosi venti tempestosi e furiose precipitazioni? Al momento le previsioni della NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric....

Hurricane Danielle continues to move north in open Atlantic

2022-09-06T03:10+0200upi (en)

Sept. 1 (UPI) -- Hurricane Danielle is moving over the open central north Atlantic Ocean with a drop in strength. As of 9 p.m. GMT Monday, the National Hurricane Center forecast said Danielle was about 885 miles west-northwest of the Azores with maximum sustained winds of 85 mph.

Tropical Storm Earl hits Puerto Rico, Hurricane Danielle stays over Atlantic - New York Post

2022-09-06T01:29+0200google-top-stories (en)

A quiet August in the tropics has morphed into a busier September with two named tropical disturbances traveling through the Atlantic Ocean: Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl. Of the two, Earl is having more current impact as it continues to swirl far off the coasts of Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands on Monday morning.

Hurricane Danielle tracking towards Ireland

2022-09-06T01:24+0200independent-ie (en)

Hurricane Danielle , the first hurricane of the season that is currently churning up over the Mid-Atlantic, is heading in our direction. M eteorologists expect the hurricane to weaken and dissipate as it approaches Ireland later this week but it is likely to keep conditions unsettled here into the weekend, according to weather forecasters.

Hurricane Kay churns toward Mexico's Baja coast

2022-09-06T00:28+0200taiwannews (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Hurricane Kay quickly strengthened off Mexico's Pacific coast Monday with maximum sustained winds of 80 mph (130 kph), with forecasters saying it could brush the Baja California Peninsula as a hurricane this week. The U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami said Kay was located....

World News | Hurricane Kay Churns Toward Mexico's Baja Coast

2022-09-05T23:26+0200latestly (en)

Mexico City, Sep 6 (AP) Hurricane Kay quickly strengthened off Mexico's Pacific coast on Monday with maximum sustained winds of 80 mph (130 kph), with forecasters saying it could brush the Baja California Peninsula as a hurricane this week. The US National Hurricane Center in Miami said Kay was....

On the Gulf Coast, a quiet hurricane season (so far!) brings little relief

2022-09-05T22:59+0200bostonglobe (en)

But so far this year, there has been no invasion. Any chaos and disaster are the residuals of devastating hurricanes that pummeled this stretch of the Louisiana coast two years ago. It has been a hurricane season without hurricanes. But the quiet, however appreciated, does not bring much comfort. “Who knows what next week holds?” said the Rev.

Mexique : après la sécheresse, des pluies mortelles à Monterrey

2022-09-05T22:21+0200lefigaro (fr)

Quatre personnes sont mortes emportées par des pluies torrentielles qui ont mis brutalement fin à seize mois de sécheresse à Monterrey, la capitale industrielle dans le nord-est du Mexique où les autorités avaient dû rationner l'eau. Les quatre victimes - deux femmes, un homme, un mineur - ont été....

Météo : ce que l'on sait de la tempête Danielle, qui se dirige vers l'Europe

2022-09-05T22:16+0200la1ere (fr)

L'Hexagone doit-il s'attendre à un nouvel événement météorologique extrême ? La saison des ouragans a été particulièrement calme dans l'Atlantique Nord mais elle s'est animée à la fin du mois d'août. La tempête tropicale Danielle a été identifiée et nommée le 1er septembre par le Centre américain des ouragans (NHC).

Doit-on craindre l'ouragan Danielle, qui se dirige vers l'Europe ?

2022-09-05T20:50+0200lefigaro (fr)

La France va-t-elle connaître un événement météorologique extrême? Si la saison des ouragans a été calme cette année dans l'Atlantique nord, elle pourrait subitement s'emballer, après la formation de la tempête tropicale Danielle au large des Açores, le 1er septembre dernier.

Roma, le conseguenze del tracollo di Udine: ritorno sul mercato o il cambio di modulo

2022-09-05T20:31+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 5 settembre 2022) Una caduta inaspettata, per tutti. Il 4-0 di Udine ha riportato la Roma coi piedi per terra e fatto nascere interrogativi su un mercato che... : Roma, le conseguenze del tracollo di Udine: ritorno sul mercato o il cambio di modulo: Una caduta inaspettata, per… - :....

L'ouragan Danielle arrive sur la France : voici à quoi s'attendre 19:26 France

2022-09-05T20:08+0200actu (fr)

Mais si la température de surface (et sur plusieurs dizaines de mètres de profondeur) est un élément nécessaire à la formation d’un ouragan, ce n’est pas suffisant, rappellent les météorologues. Il faut également une très faible variation de vent avec l’altitude (ce qu’on appelle le cisaillement....

Hurricanes Danielle, Earl and Kay

2022-09-05T19:49+0200woodtv (en)

After a near record low count of hurricanes in both the Atlantic Basin and worldwide, hurricane activity has picked up. We’re tracking Hurricane Danielle in the Central Atlantic, Tropical Storm (and soon to be hurridcane) Earl and off the west coast of Mexico, Tropical Storm (and soon to be hurricane) Kay.

Tropical Storm Earl picks up strength, Danielle begins to weaken

2022-09-05T19:40+0200star-telegram (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Though Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl are forecast to meander in the open Atlantic, Earl is forecast to become the season’s first major hurricane late in the week. Additionally, a third tropical wave has emerged off the west coast of Africa.

Tropical Storm Earl picks up strength, Danielle begins to weaken

2022-09-05T19:40+0200idahostatesman (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Though Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl are forecast to meander in the open Atlantic, Earl is forecast to become the season’s first major hurricane late in the week. Additionally, a third tropical wave has emerged off the west coast of Africa.

Tropical Storm Earl picks up strength, Danielle begins to weaken

2022-09-05T19:39+0200theolympian (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Though Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl are forecast to meander in the open Atlantic, Earl is forecast to become the season’s first major hurricane late in the week. Additionally, a third tropical wave has emerged off the west coast of Africa.

Tropical Storm Earl picks up strength, Danielle begins to weaken

2022-09-05T19:39+0200newsobserver (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Though Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl are forecast to meander in the open Atlantic, Earl is forecast to become the season’s first major hurricane late in the week. Additionally, a third tropical wave has emerged off the west coast of Africa.

Tropical Storm Earl picks up strength, Danielle begins to weaken

2022-09-05T19:39+0200charlotteobserver (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Though Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl are forecast to meander in the open Atlantic, Earl is forecast to become the season’s first major hurricane late in the week. Additionally, a third tropical wave has emerged off the west coast of Africa.

Tropical Storm Earl picks up strength, Danielle begins to weaken

2022-09-05T19:39+0200heraldonline (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Though Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl are forecast to meander in the open Atlantic, Earl is forecast to become the season’s first major hurricane late in the week. Additionally, a third tropical wave has emerged off the west coast of Africa.

Tropical Storm Earl picks up strength, Danielle begins to weaken

2022-09-05T19:38+0200kansascity (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Though Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl are forecast to meander in the open Atlantic, Earl is forecast to become the season’s first major hurricane late in the week. Additionally, a third tropical wave has emerged off the west coast of Africa.

Tropical Storm Earl strengthens, poses no immediate threat to Louisiana

2022-09-05T19:37+0200nola (en)

has strengthened slightly, but its expected northeastern crawl toward the middle of the Atlantic Ocean poses no immediate risk to Louisiana, forecasters said Monday. With wind speeds as high as 65 miles per hour, Earl's rainfall could produce some flash flooding in the Leeward Islands, the U.S. and British Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico.

Tropical Storm Earl picks up strength, Danielle begins to weaken

2022-09-05T19:37+0200islandpacket (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Though Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl are forecast to meander in the open Atlantic, Earl is forecast to become the season’s first major hurricane late in the week. Additionally, a third tropical wave has emerged off the west coast of Africa.

Tropical Storm Earl picks up strength, Danielle begins to weaken

2022-09-05T19:36+0200tri-cityherald (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Though Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl are forecast to meander in the open Atlantic, Earl is forecast to become the season’s first major hurricane late in the week. Additionally, a third tropical wave has emerged off the west coast of Africa.

Tropical Storm Earl picks up strength, Danielle begins to weaken

2022-09-05T19:36+0200bnd (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Though Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl are forecast to meander in the open Atlantic, Earl is forecast to become the season’s first major hurricane late in the week. Additionally, a third tropical wave has emerged off the west coast of Africa.

Tropical Storm Earl hits Puerto Rico, Hurricane Danielle stays over Atlantic

2022-09-05T19:32+0200nypost (en)

A quiet August in the tropics has morphed into a busier September with two named tropical disturbances traveling through the Atlantic Ocean: Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl. Of the two, Earl is having more current impact as it continues to swirl far off the coasts of Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands on Monday morning.

Eastern Pacific Hurricane: Tropical Storm Kay Expected to Hit Mexico, Southwest US This Week

2022-09-05T19:29+0200wingsenvironmental (en)

Now, a weather disturbance in the East Pacific basin recorded its eighth storm of the season named “Tropical Storm Kay.” The National Hurricane Center (NHC), along with other US meteorologists, have monitored the storm system, which is expected to hit Mexico and the Southwest US this week.

Tropical Storm Earl could reach hurricane strength, Danielle weakens

2022-09-05T19:17+0200live5news (en)

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) - Tropical Storm Earl could reach hurricane strength by the end of the week. NOAA Hurricane Hunter aircraft data indicated maximum sustained winds of 65 mph with higher gusts. to download the free Live 5 First Alert Weather app.

Météo : l'ouragan Danielle devrait perdre en intensité avant de toucher l'Europe

2022-09-05T19:13+0200TF1 (fr)

S'il est pour l'heure impossible de prédire précisément la trajectoire de l'ouragan Danielle , les prévisionnistes s'accordent déjà sur le fait que le cyclone va probablement baisser en intensité avant même d'entrer en contact avec l'Europe. Après s'être développé le 2 septembre dernier à l'ouest des....

Torna il caldo africano, in arrivo alte temperature per la coda dell'estate: nuova fiammata a 35 gradi

2022-09-05T19:01+0200247libero (it)

Il meteo dell’estate 2022 è stato quanto mai imprevedibile e molto diverso da quello a cui gli italiani sono abituati. Dopo i mesi di giugno e luglio roventi, agosto è stato un po’ più mite per le piogge anche intense che in alcune zone hanno provocato danni. Ma la frescura potrebbe avere una battuta d’arresto nei prossimi giorni.

News Unsettled week ahead With an area of low pressure slowly moving across the UK this week, the weather will remain unsettled. Read more

2022-09-05T18:57+0200metoffice (en)

Autumnal weather is moving in this week as low pressure dominates the weather across the UK. A large area of low pressure is situated to the southwest of the UK and will slowly track eastwards through the week. In the Met Office’s latest week ahead forecast, Senior Presenter and Meteorologist Alex....

The rains in Colombia will continue until the end of the year

2022-09-05T18:53+0200247newsbulletin (en)

With the purpose of explaining some preventive measures against the second rainy season in Colombia, due to the incidence of the La Niña phenomenon, the director of IDEAM, Yolanda González, the Minister of the Environment, Susana Muhamad, and Javier Pava, director of the Unit National Program for....

Hurricane hunter airplanes just went where they have never been before

2022-09-05T18:50+0200wrcbtv (en)

NOAA's hurricane hunters, famous for flying into the world's most ferocious weather, have a job which is not for the faint of heart, often being tossed in severe turbulence while flying at a mere 10,000 feet. Now, the hurricane hunters have raised the bar, entering new territory. Literally.

Phénomènes météo : pourquoi il est si difficile de prévoir la trajectoire de l'ouragan Danielle

2022-09-05T18:44+0200TF1 (fr)

Si les prévisionnistes s'accordent à dire que l'ouragan Danielle , formé le 2 septembre dans l'Atlantique Nord, devrait perdre en intensité au fil de son évolution, sa trajectoire exacte reste difficile à anticiper pour les spécialistes. "Lorsqu'on évalue un risque cyclonique, par définition, on travaille sur une probabilité.

Météo. Cyclone Danielle : pourquoi un coup de chaleur en France est à prévoir ?

2022-09-05T18:41+0200lindependant (fr)

Cyclone, dépression ou tempête, Danielle aura des conséquences sur les conditions climatiques dans le pays. Explications. Né à des latitudes anormalement élevées, le cyclone pourrait atteindre la côte atlantique française aux alentours du dimanche 11 septembre prochain.

Tropical Storm Earl stronger; may threaten Bermuda

2022-09-05T18:17+0200al (en)

Earl will be the storm to watch this week because of its potential impact to Bermuda. Earl has strengthened and had 65 mph winds Monday. Hurricane-force winds begin at 74 mph. As of 10 a.m. CDT Monday, Tropical Storm Earl was located about 745 miles south of Bermuda, or 215 miles north of St. Thomas, and was tracking north-northwest at 5 mph.

Tropical storm watch issued for Kay on Mexico’s Baja coast

2022-09-05T17:53+0200TorontoStar (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Tropical Storm Kay formed off Mexico’s Pacific coast and quickly built winds of 60 mph (95 kph) by Monday, with forecasters saying it could brush the Baja California Peninsula as a hurricane this week. The U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami said Kay was located about 235....

Tropical storm watch issued for Kay on Mexico's Baja coast

2022-09-05T17:45+0200apnews (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Tropical Storm Kay formed off Mexico’s Pacific coast and quickly built winds of 60 mph (95 kph) by Monday, with forecasters saying it could brush the Baja California Peninsula as a hurricane this week. The U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami said Kay was located about 235....

Tropical storm watch issued for Kay on Mexico's Baja coast

2022-09-05T17:36+0200sfgate (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Tropical Storm Kay formed off Mexico's Pacific coast and quickly built winds of 60 mph (95 kph) by Monday, with forecasters saying it could brush the Baja California Peninsula as a hurricane this week. The U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami said Kay was located about 235....

Tropical storm watch issued for Kay on Mexico’s Baja coast

2022-09-05T17:30+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

MEXICO CITY — Tropical Storm Kay formed off Mexico’s Pacific coast and quickly built winds of 60 mph (95 kph) by Monday, with forecasters saying it could brush the Baja California Peninsula as a hurricane this week. The U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami said Kay was located about 235 miles....

Pourquoi ne faut-il pas avoir peur de Danielle, la tempête qui pourrait toucher la Bretagne en fin de semaine

2022-09-05T17:28+0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

, quelle est la situation de la tempête Danielle ? La tempête Danielle est devenue un cyclone en plein cœur de l’Atlantique. C’est un cyclone atypique car il s’est formé très au nord de l’océan, à des latitudes où ces phénomènes tropicaux ont, d’habitude, tendance à mourir.

Danielle si avvicina

2022-09-05T17:16+0200publicnow (it)

Bundesamt für Meteorologie und Klimatologie MeteoSchweiz. 05/09/2022 | News release | Distributed by Public on 05/09/2022 15:10 Danielle si avvicina. Danielle si avvicina. 5 settembre 2022. Temi: Tempo Ma chi è dunque questa Danielle? Non è una meteorologa di MeteoSvizzera che sta cercando di....

Météo : ce que l'on sait de la tempête Danielle, qui se dirige vers l'Europe

2022-09-05T16:57+0200francetvinfo (fr)

L'Hexagone doit-il s'attendre à un nouvel événement météorologique extrême ? La saison des ouragans a été particulièrement calme dans l'Atlantique Nord mais elle s'est animée à la fin du mois d'août. La tempête tropicale Danielle a été identifiée et nommée le 1er septembre par le Centre américain des ouragans (NHC).

Labor Day Forecast

2022-09-05T16:30+0200wsvn (en)

Morning showers following by drier and breezy conditions along the coast. Hot highs in the low 90’s and feeling more like the 100’s. Late week, pattern changes as steering winds swing around from the Southwest. This will draw up the moisture levels and push afternoon inland storms toward the East.

Hurricane NHC monitors Danielle, Earl and wave coming off African coast Emily McCain 10:16 AM, Sep 05, 2022

2022-09-05T16:28+0200abcactionnews (en)

The National Hurricane Center is monitoring two named storms in the Atlantic and a wave coming off the African coast that has increased chances for development. Hurricane Danielle , the first hurricane of the season, is The storm is not forecast to impact the U.S. HURRICANE RESOURCES.

Météo : pluie, inondations, orages... l'Hérault et le Gard en alerte orange, 14 départements en vigilance

2022-09-05T16:23+0200ladepeche (fr)

De nouvelles intempéries vont frapper la France cette semaine. C'est en partie la conséquence de la tempête Danielle , qui sévit dans l'océan Atlantique, à l'ouest des Açores. Ce lundi 5 septembre, en début de journée, Météo France a placé douze départements en alerte orange pour des risques d'orages....

Tropical Storm Earl forecast to be season's first major hurricane

2022-09-05T16:17+0200fox35orlando (en)

Tropical Storm Earl likely to become hurricane this week. FOX 35 Storm Team Meteorologist Allison Gargaro has the forecast. ORLANDO, Fla. The National Hurricane Center continue to track Tropical Storm Earl and Hurricane Danielle in the Atlantic as the peak of hurricane season nears on Sept. 10. TROPICAL STORM EARL.

Cyclone Danielle : les trois scénarios envisagés pour son arrivée en Europe en fin de semaine

2022-09-05T16:06+0200lindependant (fr)

Tout simplement exceptionnel. Un cyclone s'est formé à des latitudes inhabituellement hautes en fin de semaine dernière. Tant et si bien que A lire aussi : Un cyclone tropical anormal va-t-il frapper la France et l'Espagne ? Un météorologue espagnol donne l'alerte Si Danielle touche l'Europe, ce sera en tant que dépression ou tempête.

Ouragan Danielle : quels sont les deux scénarios privilégiés par les experts pour son arrivée en Europe ?

2022-09-05T15:22+0200ladepeche (fr)

Ce vendredi 2 septembre, un ouragan nommé Danielle s'est développé au milieu de l'océan à l'ouest des Açores. Il devrait atteindre les côtes européennes ce week-end, mais les experts estiment que sa puissance devrait considérablement diminuer d’ici là. La Dépêche du Midi vous dévoile les deux principaux scénarios qu'ils envisagent.

Uragano Danielle prosegue verso l’Europa: traiettoria prevista e ultime novità

2022-09-05T15:09+0200iconaclima (it)

L’ uragano Danielle prosegue nel suo tragitto sull’Atlantico, in direzione dell’ Europa . La stagione degli uragani atlantici del 2022, particolarmente tranquilla fino a qui, sembra entrare nel vivo nei suoi ultimi 3 mesi. Al momento Danielle, primo uragano dell’anno sull’Atlantico, è di categoria 1....

Settimana al via con caldo anomalo, poi tornano i temporali. Ecco dove

2022-09-05T15:09+0200iconaclima (it)

La settimana si apre con un colpo di coda dell’estate , e l’anticiclone africano torna a dominare la scena meteo italiana portando le temperature al di sopra dei valori stagionali da Nord a Sud. Le regioni più calde saranno quelle meridionali e le Isole maggiori, dove la colonnina di mercurio si spingerà localmente fino intorno ai 35 gradi.

Meteo. Uragano Danielle verso un indebolimento. Earl atteso primo major di stagione

2022-09-05T15:08+02003bmeteo (it)

cicloni, situazione e previsioni in Atlantico. , è tornato nuovamente a rafforzarsi nelle ultime ore. Si trova attualmente a nord ovest delle Azzorre e si prevede che, perdurando in una zona a basso shear del vento e su una superficie di mare con temperature di 26-27°C, possa ancora mantenere per altre 24 ore la condizione di uragano.

Torna l'anticiclone africano, punte over 35°C. Ma da metà settimana in arrivo forti temporali e nubifragi

2022-09-05T14:15+0200247libero (it)

Breve puntata africana sull'Italia all'inizio della nuova settimana con clima da piena estate su quasi tutte le regioni e temperature decisamente sopra media. La rimonta sub tropicale sul nostro paese sarà di natura dinamica, ovvero contestuale all'approfondimento di un vortice di bassa pressione a....

Torna l'anticiclone africano, punte over 35°C. Ma da metà settimana in arrivo forti temporali e nubifragi

2022-09-05T14:09+0200tiscali-it (it)

Breve puntata africana sull'Italia all'inizio della nuova settimana con clima da piena estate su quasi tutte le regioni e temperature decisamente sopra media. La rimonta sub tropicale sul nostro paese sarà di natura dinamica, ovvero contestuale all'approfondimento di un vortice di bassa pressione a....

The first hurricane of the season arrived late, but don't let your guard down

2022-09-05T13:44+0200flipboard (en)

For months, the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season was notable for one reason: a complete lack of hurricanes. That finally changed on Friday, when Danielle strengthened into the Atlantic's first hurricane since last October. The 2022 season had been predicted to continue the recent run of storm activity....

La France frappée ? Les prévisions

2022-09-05T13:05+0200generationsnouvelles (fr)

OURAGAN DANIELLE. Un ouragan s’est formé au milieu de l’Atlantique et se dirige droit vers l’Europe. La France sera-t-elle concernée ? Les prévisions. Sommaire. [Mise à jour le 5 septembre à 12h48] Le phénomène interroge depuis plusieurs jours : un ouragan va-t-il toucher la France ? Alors qu’une....

ALERT: FIRST ALERT: Flood Watch issued for most of the area

2022-09-05T13:04+0200wbrc (en)

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (WBRC) - Good morning. We begin Labor Day, Monday, September 5, 2022, with overcast skies and scattered showers. A Flood Watch has been issued until this evening for our area. As of 4 a.m. our temp at the Birmingham Airport was at 72-degrees, with a moisture-laden atmosphere, with dewpoints into the low 70s.

La tempête Danielle sur la Bretagne à la fin de la semaine

2022-09-05T12:42+0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

(Photo d’illustration archive Le Télégramme) La tempête Danielle devrait toucher les côtes bretonnes à la fin de la semaine. Mais elle sera moins violente que l’on pouvait encore le craindre il y a quelques jours. Vendredi dernier, une dépression circulant dans l’Atlantique Nord s’est transformée en tempête tropicale .

Météo. Semaine très changeante sur le Centre-Val de Loire avec risques orageux localisés 12:00

2022-09-05T12:04+0200actu (fr)

Dans l’après-midi, le ressenti sera lourd sous un ciel plus ou moins lumineux selon les secteurs. Les derniers résidus instables de la matinée s’évacueront par le Nord du Centre. Au fil des heures, des cumulus bourgeonneront et pourront aller jusqu’à l’averse orageuse ou l’orage de manière très localisée.

Tracking Hurricane Danielle as it 'strengthens' and could hit Ireland in days

2022-09-05T12:02+0200irishmirror (en)

The storm is the first hurricane of the season and is currently barrelling east over the Atlantic with any number of routes it could take. Danielle is harmlessly spinning over the Central Atlantic and is nearly a thousand miles from the nearest landmass.

Labor Day not as wet

2022-09-05T11:52+0200wafb (en)

BATON ROUGE, La. (WAFB) - After a relatively wet weekend, Labor Day Monday won’t be quite as active on the radar with a 50% chance of showers and storms. We’ll start mainly cloudy, then become partly sunny with highs in the mid 80s. FIRST ALERT FORECAST: Monday, September 5 (wafb) Rain amounts are....

TIMELINE: Will rain ruin Labor Day BBQ plans in Central Florida?

2022-09-05T11:33+0200fox35orlando (en)

40% chance PM Storms. Main weather concerns Central Florida can expect a hot and humid Labor Day with afternoon highs in the low to mid-90s. Scattered storms will be possible beginning around 2-3 p.m. along the east coast sea breeze, then move across the interior through this evening, chances at 30%-40%.

Ouragan, typhon, cyclone : tout savoir sur ces intenses tempêtes tropicales et leurs différences

2022-09-05T11:33+0200ladepeche (fr)

Parfois employés à outrance, les termes cyclones, ouragans et typhons ne sont en réalité pas interchangeables. Pour autant, ils désignent tous les trois un phénomène météorologique similaire : le passage d'une tempête tropicale à une intensité supérieure. Ce qui les différencie ? Le bassin géographique de formation de la tempête.

Weather Hot and humid Labor Day with some inland storms Kahtia Hall

2022-09-05T11:26+0200wptv (en)

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — We are starting off Labor Day with temperatures in the upper 70s to low 80s with spotty showers near the coast through the lunch hour. Monday afternoon, high temperatures will be in the low 90s with partly sunny skies and a few inland showers and storms possible.

First Alert: Scattered showers, thunderstorms on Labor Day Temperatures will stay warm, humidity will be high and pockets of wet weather are possible

2022-09-05T11:06+0200wsfa (en)

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (WSFA) - Hope you have enjoyed your holiday week so far! Labor Day will look and feel a lot like Saturday and Sunday did... that means the forecast features a mix of sun and clouds along with afternoon highs in the 80s. Not as hot as it could be, but with a ton of moisture in the....

Météo : ce que l’on sait de l’ouragan Danielle qui se dirige vers l’Europe

2022-09-05T11:02+0200cnews (fr)

Un ouragan nommé Danielle s’est formé du côté de l’Atlantique au début du mois, et remonte en direction de l’Europe. Toutefois, sa puissance sera amplement diminuée à son arrivée. Comme un ouragan. Depuis début septembre, l’activité cyclonique a repris du côté de l’Atlantique, et l’ ouragan tropical Danielle s’y est développé en plein milieu.

Ouragan Danielle : la tempête tropicale touchera bien la France mais n'aura plus rien d'un cyclone

2022-09-05T10:59+0200midilibre (fr)

La fiabilité s’est légèrement améliorée avec un consensus pour voir cette dépression toucher une vaste zone, quelque part entre la péninsule ibérique, la France et les iles Britanniques. Image : . 7/14 Florentin Cayrouse (@FloC36) September 4, 2022 En se transformant ainsi en une dépression....

Meteo – Al via anticiclone africano: caldo in tutta Italia

2022-09-05T10:13+0200ilgiornaledipantelleria (it)


Meteo oggi: anticiclone africano sull’Italia, caldo in aumento

2022-09-05T10:12+0200cinquecolonne (it)

Scritto da Redazione CinqueColonne Il bollettino meteo di oggi prevede un avvio di settimana con l'anticiclone in rinforzo: valori oltre la media in tutta Italia. Da metà settimana tornano in temporali al Centro-Nord. Meteo oggi. All’inizio della nuova settimana l’anticiclone nord africano –....

L'ouragan Danielle menace-t-il de frapper la France dans les jours à venir?

2022-09-05T10:05+0200bfmtv (fr)

Selon les dernières projections, le phénomène devrait se transformer en une simple dépression à son arrivée sur les côtes françaises. Alerte météorologique sur les côtes françaises? Formé vendredi passé au niveau de l'Atlantique nord, l'ouragan Danielle se dirige actuellement vers l'Europe et les....

Danielle officiellement classée en ouragan avec des vents de 150 km/h

2022-09-05T09:15+0200ladepeche (fr)

Hurricane # Danielle Advisory 16: Danielle a Little Stronger. https://t.co/tW4KeFW0gB National Hurricane Center (@NHC_Atlantic) September 5, 2022 "Les vents maximums sont proches de 90 mph (150 km/h) avec des rafales. On s'attend à peu de changement de force au cours des 24 prochains heures",....

Typhoon Hinnamnor: South Korea Braces for Storm’s Arrival

2022-09-05T08:58+0200nytimes (en)

SEOUL — Just weeks after record-setting rainfall brought deadly floods to South Korea’s capital, the country was bracing on Monday for Typhoon Hinnamnor, which forecasts indicated could be the strongest storm to make landfall in its recorded history. Preparations were also underway in China, where....

L’ouragan Danielle se dirige vers l’Europe mais va perdre en puissance

2022-09-05T08:38+0200maville (fr)

L’ouragan Danielle , qui s’est formé dans l’Atlantique nord vendredi 2 septembre 2022, devrait bel et bien se diriger vers l’Europe. Mais sa puissance va considérablement diminuer d’ici là. Danielle se dirigera bel et bien vers le Vieux Continent mais n’aura, quand il arrivera à ses abords, plus rien d’un ouragan.

Tempête Danielle : avec des vents à 150 km/h, elle devient officiellement le premier ouragan de la saison

2022-09-05T08:13+0200lindependant (fr)

La tempête tropicale Danielle a continué à se renforcer ce week-end. Selon le National hurricane center américain (NHC), elle s'est officiellement "transformée" en ouragan de catégorie 1 ce dimanche 4 au septembre. Les vents enregistrés à l'intérieur de la dépression dépassent désormais les 119....

L’ouragan Danielle se dirige vers l’Europe mais va perdre en puissance

2022-09-05T07:26+0200lemainelibre (fr)

L’ouragan Danielle , qui s’est formé dans l’Atlantique nord vendredi 2 septembre 2022, devrait bel et bien se diriger vers l’Europe. Mais sa puissance va considérablement diminuer d’ici là. Danielle au large de l’Europe samedi. En effet, depuis quelques heures, les modèles météorologiques convergent....

L’ouragan Danielle se dirige vers l’Europe mais va perdre en puissance

2022-09-05T07:26+0200courrierdelouest (fr)

L’ouragan Danielle , qui s’est formé dans l’Atlantique nord vendredi 2 septembre 2022, devrait bel et bien se diriger vers l’Europe. Mais sa puissance va considérablement diminuer d’ici là. Danielle au large de l’Europe samedi. En effet, depuis quelques heures, les modèles météorologiques convergent....

L’ouragan Danielle se dirige vers l’Europe mais va perdre en puissance

2022-09-05T07:25+0200presseocean (fr)

L’ouragan Danielle , qui s’est formé dans l’Atlantique nord vendredi 2 septembre 2022, devrait bel et bien se diriger vers l’Europe. Mais sa puissance va considérablement diminuer d’ici là. Danielle au large de l’Europe samedi. En effet, depuis quelques heures, les modèles météorologiques convergent....

L’ouragan Danielle se dirige vers l’Europe mais va perdre en puissance

2022-09-05T07:23+0200OuestFrance (fr)

L’ouragan Danielle , qui s’est formé dans l’Atlantique nord vendredi 2 septembre 2022, devrait bel et bien se diriger vers l’Europe. Mais sa puissance va considérablement diminuer d’ici là. Danielle au large de l’Europe samedi. En effet, depuis quelques heures, les modèles météorologiques convergent....

Un ouragan menace-t-il la France? Les explications de Marc Hay

2022-09-05T06:52+0200bfmtv (fr)

Non, l'ouragan Danielle ne devrait pas arriver vers la France sous la forme d'un ouragan mais sous la forme d'une dépression, avec de la pluie et des rafales de vents.

Met Office issues weather warning as 'brutal' thunderstorm rips through country

2022-09-05T06:46+0200dailystar (en)

A Met Office map shows the low pressure system portraying violent movement despite the fact there's been minimal indication on how that will impact the weather pattern this week. A yellow weather warning for thunderstorms has been issued by the Met Office and ended at 4:00am on Monday (September 5) morning, covering large parts of the UK.

Le puissant typhon Hinnamnor s’approche de la Corée du Sud, la péninsule en alerte

2022-09-05T06:37+0200presseocean (fr)

Après avoir circulé plusieurs jours dans le Pacifique, le très puissant typhon Hinnamnor s’apprête à toucher la Corée du Sud ce lundi 5 septembre 2022. Le sud de la péninsule a été placé en état d’alerte. Le typhon le plus puissant de l’histoire de la Corée.

Le puissant typhon Hinnamnor s’approche de la Corée du Sud, la péninsule en alerte

2022-09-05T06:36+0200OuestFrance (fr)

Après avoir circulé plusieurs jours dans le Pacifique, le très puissant typhon Hinnamnor s’apprête à toucher la Corée du Sud ce lundi 5 septembre 2022. Le sud de la péninsule a été placé en état d’alerte. Le typhon le plus puissant de l’histoire de la Corée.

Business Maverick: What to watch as commodities markets brace for hits to supply

2022-09-05T06:01+0200dailymaverick (en)

Coalition leader Saudi Arabia has signalled it’s prepared to cut production – which would reverse the recent trend of increases – to bring markets back into equilibrium. That move had received enthusiastic backing from some of the cartel, but with inflation still ravaging the world economy and....

Tropical Storm Earl forecast to become season’s first major hurricane; new system emerges off Africa

2022-09-05T03:33+0200wn (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Though Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl are forecast to meander in the open Atlantic, Earl is forecast to become the season’s first major hurricane late ......

Persistent showers and storms with more flooding concerns Monday

2022-09-05T01:38+0200foxcarolina (en)

GREENVILLE, S.C. (FOX Carolina) - It’s been a wet weekend and unfortunately, more rain is on the way for the Labor Day holiday, keeping a flood threat in the area and putting a damper on outdoor plans. A round of heavy rain Sunday morning prompted flash flood warnings.

First Alert: Rain chances remain elevated through Labor Day

2022-09-05T00:40+0200wsfa (en)

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (WSFA) - Sunday has featured plenty of clouds along with afternoon highs climbing into the middle to upper 80s. Showers and storms have form across the region and will continue to linger through the evening hours and into tonight. First Alert 12 (WSFA 12 News) Speaking of Labor....

Tropical Storm Earl is not a threat to Florida, but heavy rains fall over Puerto Rico

2022-09-05T00:20+0200wftv (en)

ORLANDO, Fla. Just like clockwork, tropical activity in the Atlantic picks up as we tick off the first few days of September, said meteorologist George Waldenberger. First, there is Danielle , which is a hurricane in the mid-Atlantic. Danielle is very far away and will not be a factor for us as it moves in the direction of Europe.

First Alert issued for Labor Day with chances for heavy rain in the forecast

2022-09-05T00:04+0200wbtv (en)

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (WBTV) - Periods of heavy rain will be possible west of Charlotte through Labor Day. For Charlotte and areas south of I-40 there will be pockets scattered of showers and a few thunderstorms. Labor Day First Alert: Showers likely, cooler temperatures. Tuesday: Scattered showers, a few rumbles of thunder.

Tropical Storm Earl to strengthen as Atlantic basin heats up

2022-09-04T23:54+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Sept. 3 (UPI) -- After an extremely quiet August in the Atlantic Ocean, there are now two named tropical systems churning in the basin. On Friday night, Tropical Storm Earl spun to life east of the northern Leeward Islands. While the center of Earl may avoid crossing over land, outer portions of the....

Météo. Nouvelle vague orageuse prévue lundi sur la majeure partie du pays

2022-09-04T23:40+0200presseocean (fr)

Les températures seront à la baisse et de nouvelles vagues d'orages sont prévues sur une grande partie de la France lundi 5 septembre. Voici le point météo de la journée. Le ciel sera même chaotique, prévient Météo-France, des Charentes à la Vendée aux Pays de la Loire, le Centre et la région parisienne et les Hauts de France.

Météo. Nouvelle vague orageuse prévue lundi sur la majeure partie du pays

2022-09-04T23:39+0200courrierdelouest (fr)

Les températures seront à la baisse et de nouvelles vagues d'orages sont prévues sur une grande partie de la France lundi 5 septembre. Voici le point météo de la journée. Le ciel sera même chaotique, prévient Météo-France, des Charentes à la Vendée aux Pays de la Loire, le Centre et la région parisienne et les Hauts de France.

Météo. Nouvelle vague orageuse prévue lundi sur la majeure partie du pays

2022-09-04T23:39+0200lemainelibre (fr)

Les températures seront à la baisse et de nouvelles vagues d'orages sont prévues sur une grande partie de la France lundi 5 septembre. Voici le point météo de la journée. Le ciel sera même chaotique, prévient Météo-France, des Charentes à la Vendée aux Pays de la Loire, le Centre et la région parisienne et les Hauts de France.

Météo. Nouvelle vague orageuse prévue lundi sur la majeure partie du pays

2022-09-04T23:34+0200OuestFrance (fr)

Les températures seront à la baisse et de nouvelles vagues d'orages sont prévues sur une grande partie de la France lundi 5 septembre. Voici le point météo de la journée. Le ciel sera même chaotique, prévient Météo-France, des Charentes à la Vendée aux Pays de la Loire, le Centre et la région parisienne et les Hauts de France.

Tropical Storm Earl expected to become hurricane; Hurricane Danielle to gradually strengthen

2022-09-04T23:31+0200wn (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — While Hurricane Danielle meanders in the open Atlantic, Tropical Storm Earl is expected to pass the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico Sunday before becoming a hurricane ......

Tropical Storm Earl expected to become hurricane; Hurricane Danielle to gradually strengthen

2022-09-04T22:57+0200charlotteobserver (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — While Hurricane Danielle meanders in the open Atlantic, Tropical Storm Earl is expected to pass the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico Sunday before becoming a hurricane later this week, forecasters said. As of the National Hurricane Center’s 11 a.m.

Tropical Storm Earl expected to become hurricane; Hurricane Danielle to gradually strengthen

2022-09-04T22:56+0200heraldonline (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — While Hurricane Danielle meanders in the open Atlantic, Tropical Storm Earl is expected to pass the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico Sunday before becoming a hurricane later this week, forecasters said. As of the National Hurricane Center’s 11 a.m.

Tropical Storm Earl expected to become hurricane; Hurricane Danielle to gradually strengthen

2022-09-04T22:56+0200islandpacket (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — While Hurricane Danielle meanders in the open Atlantic, Tropical Storm Earl is expected to pass the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico Sunday before becoming a hurricane later this week, forecasters said. As of the National Hurricane Center’s 11 a.m.

Tropical Storm Earl expected to become hurricane; Hurricane Danielle to gradually strengthen

2022-09-04T22:56+0200tri-cityherald (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — While Hurricane Danielle meanders in the open Atlantic, Tropical Storm Earl is expected to pass the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico Sunday before becoming a hurricane later this week, forecasters said. As of the National Hurricane Center’s 11 a.m.

Tropical Storm Earl expected to become hurricane; Hurricane Danielle to gradually strengthen

2022-09-04T22:54+0200kansascity (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — While Hurricane Danielle meanders in the open Atlantic, Tropical Storm Earl is expected to pass the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico Sunday before becoming a hurricane later this week, forecasters said. As of the National Hurricane Center’s 11 a.m.

Tropical Storm Earl expected to become hurricane; Hurricane Danielle to gradually strengthen

2022-09-04T22:54+0200theolympian (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — While Hurricane Danielle meanders in the open Atlantic, Tropical Storm Earl is expected to pass the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico Sunday before becoming a hurricane later this week, forecasters said. As of the National Hurricane Center’s 11 a.m.

Tropical Storm Earl expected to become hurricane; Hurricane Danielle to gradually strengthen

2022-09-04T22:54+0200newsobserver (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — While Hurricane Danielle meanders in the open Atlantic, Tropical Storm Earl is expected to pass the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico Sunday before becoming a hurricane later this week, forecasters said. As of the National Hurricane Center’s 11 a.m.

Tropical Storm Earl expected to become hurricane; Hurricane Danielle to gradually strengthen

2022-09-04T22:53+0200idahostatesman (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — While Hurricane Danielle meanders in the open Atlantic, Tropical Storm Earl is expected to pass the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico Sunday before becoming a hurricane later this week, forecasters said. As of the National Hurricane Center’s 11 a.m.

Howard Cohen, Miami Herald

2022-09-04T22:53+0200nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / DPA. Miami, Florida (tca/dpa) - The fourth named storm of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season took such a long time to gain a name, the system seems to have trouble wearing it well. On Friday, Hurricane Danielle became the first hurricane of the season after a month of zero named storms.

Tropical Storm Earl expected to become hurricane; Hurricane Danielle to gradually strengthen

2022-09-04T22:51+0200star-telegram (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — While Hurricane Danielle meanders in the open Atlantic, Tropical Storm Earl is expected to pass the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico Sunday before becoming a hurricane later this week, forecasters said. As of the National Hurricane Center’s 11 a.m.

Tropical Storm Earl expected to become hurricane; Hurricane Danielle to gradually strengthen

2022-09-04T22:51+0200bnd (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — While Hurricane Danielle meanders in the open Atlantic, Tropical Storm Earl is expected to pass the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico Sunday before becoming a hurricane later this week, forecasters said. As of the National Hurricane Center’s 11 a.m.

Tropical Storm Earl expected to become hurricane; Hurricane Danielle to gradually strengthen

2022-09-04T22:51+0200fresnobee (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — While Hurricane Danielle meanders in the open Atlantic, Tropical Storm Earl is expected to pass the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico Sunday before becoming a hurricane later this week, forecasters said. As of the National Hurricane Center’s 11 a.m.

Tropical Storm Earl expected to bring flooding rain to Puerto Rico. Update on Danielle

2022-09-04T22:43+0200miamiherald (en)

The United States’ mainland East Coast has little to worry about from the hurricane, the tropical storm or, for now, the third system that’s in the Atlantic Ocean, according to the National Hurricane Center. But the NHC’s 5 a.m. Sunday update says residents and tourists in U.S.

Cyclone Danielle et goutte froide : les orages attendus cette semaine

2022-09-04T22:06+0200ladepeche (fr)

l'essentiel Le cyclone Danielle qui avance à des latitudes inédites sur l’Atlantique Nord devrait amener un temps instable et venté sur le nord-ouest de la France dès la semaine du 5 septembre, en attendant les orages. Une situation suivie de près par les météorologistes car seulement 1,4 % des....

Tropical Storm Earl could dump heavy rain on Puerto Rico, Caribbean The storm, which had 50 mph winds as of 11 a.m. ET on Sunday, is turning northward and is expected to pass to the north of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. 7M ago

2022-09-04T21:00+0200CBSnews (en)

The National Hurricane Center said Sunday that Tropical Storm Earl could dump heavy rains with the potential for flooding in Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and the Leeward Islands through Sunday night. The storm, which had 50 mph winds as of 11 a.m.

Danielle returns to hurricane status. Tropical Storm Earl could bring floods to Puerto Rico

2022-09-04T20:37+0200miamiherald (en)

The fourth-named storm of the 2022 Atlantic Hurricane Season, Danielle , took such a long time to gain a name, the system seems to have trouble wearing it well. On Friday, Hurricane Danielle became the first hurricane of the season after a month of no named storms.

Concern is hurricane "Danielle", which is intensifying off the European coast

2022-09-04T20:30+0200tellerreport (en)

The hurricane is developing in an atypical area of ​​the Atlantic characterized by high temperatures, a factor that favors its development. The latest forecasts say it shouldn't touch the European coasts but there are still many uncertainties Her name is Danielle and it is the first Atlantic....

Forecasters monitor Hurricane Danielle, Tropical Storm Earl and new disturbance in Atlantic

2022-09-04T19:55+0200nola (en)

Hurricane Danielle was located around 995 miles west of the Azores, forecasters said Sunday morning. It's is slowly intensifying as it moves west at 1 mph. Danielle is expected to pick up some speed and head toward the northeast over the next few days. Maximum sustained winds have increased to around 80 mph.

L’uragano Danielle raggiungerà l’Europa?

2022-09-04T19:47+0200resegoneonline (it)

Se digitate sull’area di ricerca di GOOGLE “urgano Danielle verso l’Europa” troverete una prognosi preoccupante da parte di tanti siti meteo i quali prevedono l’arrivo dell’uragano fino all’Europa (Sic!). Danielle, ciclone nato lungo la fascia oceanica tropicale più calda, si trova ora a 1500 km circa ad Ovest delle Azzorre.

La tempesta tropicale Earl ha previsto che si trasformerà in un uragano: Forecasters

2022-09-04T19:42+0200gexperience (it)

Mentre l’uragano Daniel scivola nell’Atlantico aperto, la tempesta tropicale Earl dovrebbe attraversare le Isole Vergini e Porto Rico domenica prima di trasformarsi in un uragano alla fine di questa settimana, hanno detto i meteorologi. A partire dal National Hurricane Advisory Center alle 11 di....

Hurricane Danielle: Storms blast UK as tempest swirls over Atlantic - Met Office map

2022-09-04T19:01+0200express (en)

Invalid email. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. You can unsubscribe at any time. More info A Met Office map shows the low pressure system violently....

...DANIELLE SLOWLY INTENSIFIES...Hurricane Danielle Advisory Number 14

2022-09-04T18:24+0200wn (en)

NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL AL052022 1100 AM AST Sun Sep 04 2022 SUMMARY OF 1100 AM AST...1500 UTC...INFORMATION ----------------------------------------------- LOCATION...38.1N 45.3W ABOUT 995 MI...1600 KM W OF THE AZORES MAXIMUM SUSTAINED WINDS...80 MPH...

L’uragano Danielle raggiungerà l’Europa?

2022-09-04T18:08+0200valtellinanews (it)

Se digitate sull’area di ricerca di GOOGLE “urgano Danielle verso l’Europa” troverete una prognosi preoccupante da parte di tanti siti meteo i quali prevedono l’arrivo dell’uragano fino all’Europa (Sic!). Danielle, ciclone nato lungo la fascia oceanica tropicale più calda, si trova ora a 1500 km circa ad Ovest delle Azzorre.

Hurricane Danielle reforms, Tropical Storm Earl strengthens in Atlantic

2022-09-04T17:31+0200tampabay (en)

A quiet August has turn into a busier September with two named tropical systems traveling through the Atlantic Ocean. While Hurricane Danielle — the first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic season — meanders in the open Atlantic, Tropical Storm Earl is expected to bring heavy rains and gusty winds to....

Intempéries. Cyclone Danielle et goutte froide cette semaine : Quel impact pour l’Europe et la France ?

2022-09-04T16:55+0200lindependant (fr)

Le cyclone Danielle baptisé par le National Hurricane Center (NHC) s’est développé à des latitudes inédites sur l’Atlantique Nord. Seules 1,4 % des tempêtes tropicales sont nées plus au nord que Danielle au cours des 170 dernières années. La vague de chaleur océanique qui touche l'Atlantique nord....

Labor Day forecast: Afternoon rain pattern continues, no threat from Danielle, Earl

2022-09-04T16:24+0200wftv (en)

ORLANDO, Fla. Decent weather conditions can be expected for the remainder of the holiday weekend. Temperatures will reach the upper 80s Sunday at the beaches and inland with highs in the low to mid 90s. Rain and storm chances will be low Sunday with morning showers possible at the beaches followed....

Earl slowly organizing north of Puerto Rico – 104.5 WOKV

2022-09-04T16:06+0200wingsenvironmental (en)

***** ALWAYS CHECK & RE-CHECK THE LATEST FORECAST & UPDATES! ***** REMEMBER WHEN A TROPICAL STORM OR HURRICANE IS APPROACHING: Taping windows is *NOT* helpful & will not keep glass from breaking. Realize the forecast cone (“cone of uncertainty”) is the average forecast error over a given time – out....

Orlando weather forecast: Stray showers leading to afternoon thunderstorms

2022-09-04T14:53+0200fox35orlando (en)

Today's high: 92 degrees Tonight's low: 76 degrees Rain: 50% chance PM Storms. Main weather concerns: Isolated Showers are possible along the coast early in the morning. Shower and thunderstorm activity will begin after 2 pm for the interior of Central Florida.

There could be two hurricanes in Atlantic soon

2022-09-04T14:52+0200al (en)

The tropical Atlantic was busy on Sunday with two storms and a disturbance to watch. Hurricane Danielle , in the northern Atlantic, is no threat to land. Tropical Storm Earl, near the Caribbean, could curve back out to sea without affecting the U.S. And a tropical wave near Africa has low chances so far of development.

Our Sunday will be warm and humid, with storms likely.

2022-09-04T14:20+0200fox10tv (en)

MOBILE, Ala. ( WALA ) - Hi, this is FOX10 News Meteorologist Matt Barrentine. Rain is likely for our Sunday with 60-70% chances across the area. We are starting with some coastal showers around in the morning with increasing coverage after lunchtime. When it’s not raining it will likely be cloudy again as well.

Météo. Tempête Danielle : son passage au stade d'ouragan imminent alors qu'elle pourrait atteindre les côtes françaises la semaine prochaine

2022-09-04T13:16+0200lindependant (fr)

Les experts pensaient que la tempête Danielle pourrait atteindre ce stade dès ce vendredi . Mais il semblerait qu'elle devrait plutôt atteindre le stade d'ouragan dans la journée de dimanche. Née de la dépression tropicale numéro 5, Danielle est devenue une tempête tropicale jeudi 1er septembre.

Weather Steamy early September Sunday, a few passing showers John Gerard 6:19 AM, Sep 04, 2022

2022-09-04T12:39+0200wptv (en)

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — We're in the middle of our Labor Day weekend and coming up on the statistical peak of hurricane season but all things considered we're living a charmed life here in South Florida. Tropical Storm Earl has winds of 50 mph and will pass just north of the Virgin Islands and....

Avviso meteo - Forti temporali e nubifragi in arrivo da...

2022-09-04T12:08+02003bmeteo (it)

Avviso meteo - Forti temporali e nubifragi in arrivo da metà settimana con netto calo termico. Ecco dove colpiranno. Avviso meteo - Forti temporali e nubifragi in arrivo da metà settimana con netto calo termico. Ecco dove colpiranno. Tornano forti temporali su parte dell'Italia con sensibile calo delle temperature.

Usa: enorme tempesta di sabbia in Arizona

2022-09-04T11:52+0200informazione (it)

La storia dell’uragano Danielle . Danielle, ciclone nato lungo la fascia oceanica tropicale più calda, si trova ora a 1500 km circa ad Ovest delle Azzorre . Non raggiungerà l’Europa. L’affermare che Danielle… Ci saranno conseguenze purtroppo stavolta anche in Italia .

Usa: enorme tempesta di sabbia in Arizona Una nuvola di 80 km ha coperto la città di Chandler e parte dello Stato. Una enorme tempesta di sabbia ha coperto parti della città di Chandler, nello Stato americano dell’Arizona. Durante il passaggio della tempesta sono state segnalate più di 11.

2022-09-04T11:52+0200informazione (it)

Una nuvola di 80 km ha coperto la città di Chandler e parte dello Stato. Una enorme tempesta di sabbia ha coperto parti della città di Chandler, nello Stato americano dell’Arizona. Durante il passaggio della tempesta sono state segnalate più di 11.000 interruzioni di corrente.

With only one hurricane since the start of the season, is...

2022-09-04T11:22+0200thesaxon (en)

The tropical storm that formed in the North Atlantic on Thursday became a hurricane on Friday , but does not currently pose a risk to Canada. A tropical storm, dubbed ' Danielle ', formed in the North Atlantic and became a hurricane on Friday. This is the first of the season, making 2022 the quietest season in 25 years.

The nation in brief: DeSantis: Toss ousted prosecutor’s suit

2022-09-04T09:52+0200arkansasonline (en)

DeSantis: Toss ousted prosecutor's suit. ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. -- Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis wants a federal judge to throw out a free-speech lawsuit filed by a Democratic prosecutor he suspended over statements about not pursuing criminal charges in abortion, transgender-rights and certain low-level cases.

Entro metà settembre...clamoroso Qualcosa di davvero eclatante!

2022-09-04T08:40+0200affaritaliani (it)

Meteo: Prossime ore, almeno 4 regioni rischiano forti temporali con grandine; l'evoluzione fino a sera Saranno almeno 4 le regioni dove nelle prossime ore potranno ancora scoppiare forti temporali.Gli effetti di un profondo vortice ciclonico attualmente... Leggi la notizia completa su iLMeteo.

Eye on the Tropics: Earl nears Puerto Rico, Danielle could gain strength again

2022-09-04T01:48+0200wftv (en)

ORLANDO, Fla. And just like that, two tropical storms are in the Atlantic Basin, but neither is threatening Florida at this point. The first system, Danielle , was the first of the season to gain hurricane strength. While Danielle has weakened back to a tropical storm, meteorologist George....

New Tropical Storm Earl intensifies to 50 mph winds; Danielle expected to regain strength

2022-09-03T23:40+0200islandpacket (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — After a quiet start to hurricane season, Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl both formed Friday — but neither system is a threat to Florida. As of the National Hurricane Center’s 5 p.m. advisory on Saturday, Tropical Storm Danielle is expected to turn back into a hurricane either Saturday night or Sunday.

First Alert: Rain chances remain elevated through Labor Day weekend

2022-09-03T23:38+0200wsfa (en)

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (WSFA) - It has been a cloudy, warm and at times wet start to the Labor Day weekend. Saturday has featured mostly to partly cloudy skies. Afternoon highs warmed into the 80s and 90s region wide with the humid factor remaining high. Pockets of rain and storms have sprung up across....

New Tropical Storm Earl intensifies to 50 mph winds; Danielle expected to regain strength

2022-09-03T23:36+0200newsobserver (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — After a quiet start to hurricane season, Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl both formed Friday — but neither system is a threat to Florida. As of the National Hurricane Center’s 11 a.m. advisory on Saturday, Tropical Storm Danielle is expected to pick up strength over the next few days and turn back into a hurricane.

New Tropical Storm Earl intensifies to 50 mph winds; Danielle expected to regain strength

2022-09-03T23:35+0200charlotteobserver (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — After a quiet start to hurricane season, Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl both formed Friday — but neither system is a threat to Florida. As of the National Hurricane Center’s 11 a.m. advisory on Saturday, Tropical Storm Danielle is expected to pick up strength over the next few days and turn back into a hurricane.

New Tropical Storm Earl intensifies to 50 mph winds; Danielle expected to regain strength

2022-09-03T23:35+0200tri-cityherald (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — After a quiet start to hurricane season, Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl both formed Friday — but neither system is a threat to Florida. As of the National Hurricane Center’s 11 a.m. advisory on Saturday, Tropical Storm Danielle is expected to pick up strength over the next few days and turn back into a hurricane.

New Tropical Storm Earl intensifies to 50 mph winds; Danielle expected to regain strength

2022-09-03T23:35+0200kansascity (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — After a quiet start to hurricane season, Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl both formed Friday — but neither system is a threat to Florida. As of the National Hurricane Center’s 11 a.m. advisory on Saturday, Tropical Storm Danielle is expected to pick up strength over the next few days and turn back into a hurricane.

New Tropical Storm Earl packing 40 mph winds; Danielle weakens

2022-09-03T23:02+0200idahostatesman (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — After a quiet start to hurricane season, Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl both formed Friday — but neither system is a threat to Florida. As of the National Hurricane Center’s 11 a.m. advisory on Saturday, Tropical Storm Danielle is expected to pick up strength over the next few days and turn back into a hurricane.

New Tropical Storm Earl packing 40 mph winds; Danielle weakens

2022-09-03T23:02+0200heraldonline (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — After a quiet start to hurricane season, Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl both formed Friday — but neither system is a threat to Florida. As of the National Hurricane Center’s 11 a.m. advisory on Saturday, Tropical Storm Danielle is expected to pick up strength over the next few days and turn back into a hurricane.

New Tropical Storm Earl packing 40 mph winds; Danielle weakens

2022-09-03T23:00+0200star-telegram (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — After a quiet start to hurricane season, Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl both formed Friday — but neither system is a threat to Florida. As of the National Hurricane Center’s 11 a.m. advisory on Saturday, Tropical Storm Danielle is expected to pick up strength over the next few days and turn back into a hurricane.

New Tropical Storm Earl packing 40 mph winds; Danielle weakens

2022-09-03T23:00+0200islandpacket (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — After a quiet start to hurricane season, Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl both formed Friday — but neither system is a threat to Florida. As of the National Hurricane Center’s 11 a.m. advisory on Saturday, Tropical Storm Danielle is expected to pick up strength over the next few days and turn back into a hurricane.

New Tropical Storm Earl packing 40 mph winds; Danielle weakens

2022-09-03T22:58+0200bnd (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — After a quiet start to hurricane season, Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl both formed Friday — but neither system is a threat to Florida. As of the National Hurricane Center’s 11 a.m. advisory on Saturday, Tropical Storm Danielle is expected to pick up strength over the next few days and turn back into a hurricane.

New Tropical Storm Earl packing 40 mph winds; Danielle weakens

2022-09-03T22:57+0200theolympian (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — After a quiet start to hurricane season, Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl both formed Friday — but neither system is a threat to Florida. As of the National Hurricane Center’s 11 a.m. advisory on Saturday, Tropical Storm Danielle is expected to pick up strength over the next few days and turn back into a hurricane.

LATEST: Tropical storms forming in Atlantic Ocean

2022-09-03T22:56+0200wwlp (en)

CHICOPEE, Mass. (WWLP) – September is known to be the peak of hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean but so far the hurricane season has been quiet. Currently, we have two named storms we are watching; Tropical Storm Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl. Both of these storms have no current threat to....

New Tropical Storm Earl packing 40 mph winds; Danielle weakens

2022-09-03T19:48+0200wn (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — After a quiet start to hurricane season, Hurricane Danielle and Tropical Storm Earl both formed Friday — but neither system is a threat to Florida. As ......

Meteo Europa: l'uragano 'Danielle' e un forte ciclone minacciano il continente; conseguenze anche in Italia

2022-09-03T19:39+0200ilmeteo (it)

Danielle , il primo Uragano del 2022 Il primo Uragano atlantico del 2022 si è appena formato in pieno oceano, il suo nome è Danielle . Raggiungerà anche l'Europa con i suoi minacciosi venti tempestosi e furiose precipitazioni? Al momento le previsioni della NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric....

Tropical Storm Earl joins Danielle in the Atlantic Ocean

2022-09-03T19:33+0200wingsenvironmental (en)

Danielle weakened to a tropical storm on Saturday but is expected to re-strengthen a little during the next few days. Maximum sustained winds have decreased to near 70 mph with higher gusts. Little change in strength is expected Saturday. Some slight strengthening is expected Saturday night through....

Met Eireann warn 13 counties of dangerous four-hour weather period - and could a hurricane be on the way?

2022-09-03T18:14+0200irishmirror (en)

The forecaster is predicting "intense" rainfall of up to 50mm between 4am and 8am for Carlow, Kildare, Kilkenny, Laois, Longford, Offaly, Westmeath, Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim, Roscommon, Sligo and Waterford. A status yellow rainfall for the entire country will come into effect at 1am and last until 10am.

'Watch it very closely' Hurricane season reaches 'peak' as Storm Earl threatens to upgrade HURRICANE season appears to be strengthening up as two Tropical Storms with the potential of...

2022-09-03T18:12+0200express (en)

Invalid email. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. You can unsubscribe at any time. More info Tropical Storm Earl is now under watch for a potential....

Tropical Storm Earl forms, Danielle weakens to tropical storm: Saturday tropics update

2022-09-03T18:05+0200nola (en)

Tropical Storm Earl. As of Saturday morning, Earl is located about 70 miles northeast of the northern Leeward Islands, according to It is moving north-northwest at 13 mph with maximum sustained winds of 40 mph. Tropical Storm #Earl Advisory 3: Earl Moving West-Northwestward to the North of the Leeward Islands.

Tropical Storm Earl joins Danielle in the Atlantic Basin

2022-09-03T17:46+0200dominicantoday (en)

The U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) reported Saturday the formation of Earl, the fifth named tropical storm of 2022 in the Atlantic basin, which will dump rain over the weekend on the Leeward Islands, the Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. After a nearly two-month cyclonic “drought,” the NHC’s....

Tropical Storm Earl emerges as Atlantic basin heats up

2022-09-03T17:33+0200newsbreak-USA (en)

Sept. 3 (UPI) -- After an extremely quiet August in the Atlantic Ocean, there are now two named tropical systems churning in the basin. Tropical Storm Earl is expected to turn toward the north, avoiding a direct hit on Puerto Rico and other islands in the Caribbean. Photo courtesy of NOAA.

Danielle becomes first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic season. Tropical Storm Earl forms

2022-09-03T17:15+0200bnd (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into the first hurricane of the season on Friday. The hurricane, which is not a threat to Florida or the rest of the United States, could potentially strengthen into a Category 2 storm by early next week in the northern Atlantic, according to the National Hurricane Center’s 5 p.

Hurricane Danielle could lash Ireland in days as monster weather system brews in Atlantic

2022-09-03T17:03+0200irishmirror (en)

Its current path is uncertain with some weather models showing it curving towards Greenland, while others show its remnants heading towards western Europe. The latter would mean it could blast Ireland with some very wet and windy weather within days. READ MORE: Ryan Tubridy calls out Ekin-Su on RTE....

"Danielle" en route vers l’Espagne ? Un ouragan menace-t-il réellement l’Europe ?

2022-09-03T17:02+0200rtbf (fr)

Tout est parti d’un tweet publié par un météorologue espagnol. J.J Gonzalez Aleman alertant sur l’arrivée d’un cyclone en Europe. Selon lui, certains modèles de prévisions montrent l’arrivée de l’ouragan " Danielle " sur l’Espagne et la France d’ici une dizaine de jours.

La tempête Danielle peut-elle menacer les côtes françaises ?

2022-09-03T16:57+0200leparisien (fr)

Elle s’est formée il y a quelques jours d’une manière étonnante, en plein milieu de l’Atlantique. La tempête tropicale Danielle , un moment requalifiée en ouragan, peut-elle prendre le chemin de l’Europe, comme sa trajectoire le laisse à penser ? La question agite la communauté météorologique depuis....

Un ouragan en Europe ? Faux !

2022-09-03T16:47+0200rtbf (fr)

Tout est parti d’un tweet publié par un météorologue espagnol. J.J Gonzalez Aleman alertant sur l’arrivée d’un cyclone en Europe. Selon lui, certains modèles de prévisions montrent l’arrivée de l’ouragan " Danielle " sur l’Espagne et la France d’ici une dizaine de jours.

Meteo - Uragano Danielle verso l'Europa? Nessun allarme,...

2022-09-03T16:47+02003bmeteo (it)

Uragano Danielle , in uno scatto dal visibile della giornata di venerdì 2 settembre. Dopo 322 giorni l'Atlantico ha il suo primo uragano Danielle , che ha raggiunto la categoria 1 nella giornata di venerdì diventando di fatto il protagonista di apertura della stagione.

Tropical Storm Earl forms overnight near northern Leeward Islands

2022-09-03T16:42+0200tampabay (en)

The season’s first hurricane downgraded to a tropical storm in the North Atlantic Ocean as it drifted toward Europe while Tropical Storm Earl formed overnight Friday east of the Caribbean. Tropical Storm Earl was 115 miles east-northeast of the northern Leeward Islands as of Saturday morning.

Meteo: weekend con temporali, prossima settimana torna anticiclone

2022-09-03T15:13+0200247libero (it)

L’Aquila. Un uragano sull’Atlantico ed un ciclone sulle Isole Britanniche: il mese di settembre inizia con una situazione meteorologica eccezionale. L’Italia risentirà marginalmente del ciclone inglese con qualche pioggia e locali temporali forti nel weekend al Centro-Nord, ma la prossima settimana tornerà il caldo.

Hurricane Danielle changes status. Tropical Storm Earl could bring floods to Puerto Rico

2022-09-03T15:11+0200miamiherald (en)

Tropical Storm Earl. Tropical Storm Earl’s maximum sustained winds held steady at 40 mph with some higher gusts after it gained storm status Friday. The storm’s winds extend outward up to 175 miles, mainly to the north and east of the center. On the hurricane center’s 5 a.m. Saturday report, Earl was moving toward the west-northwest near 13 mph.

Tropical Storm Earl forms in Atlantic as Danielle weakens to a tropical storm

2022-09-03T15:10+0200fox35orlando (en)

ORLANDO, Fla. Danielle has weakened to a tropical storm after strengthening into a hurricane on Friday. The National Hurricane Center is also now tracking Tropical Storm Earl in the Atlantic. TROPICAL STORM EARL. Tropical Storm Earl has formed in the Atlantic Ocean, east of the Northern Leeward Islands.

Ciclone tropicale Danielle diventa uragano atlantico/ Venti 120 km/h, Europa colpita?

2022-09-03T15:06+0200247libero (it)

Danielle , inizialmente ritenuto un “semplice” ciclone tropicale, ha acquisito sempre più forza, conquistandosi a tutti gli effetti l’appellativo di “uragano atlantico”, il primo in assoluto di questa stagione, fino a questo momento molto tranquilla da questo punto di vista.

Ciclone tropicale Danielle diventa uragano atlantico/ Venti 120 km/h, Europa colpita?

2022-09-03T15:05+0200newsonline (it)

Danielle , ciclone tropicale, è diventato uragano atlantico, con raffiche di vento fino a 120 chilometri orari: c'è incertezza sulla direzione che .... Samantha Cristoforetti "Mestruazioni nello Spazio? Come su Terra"/ "C'è una pillola…" ... ...

Expect wet weather; weekend won’t be total washout

2022-09-03T15:04+0200wafb (en)

BATON ROUGE, La. (WAFB) - Rain chances will remain high through Saturday at 80% with a better chance in the afternoon and highs in the upper 80s. FIRST ALERT FORECAST: Saturday, September 3 (wafb) Rain may briefly be heavy at times, but it won’t rain all day long.

Ciclone tropicale Danielle diventa uragano atlantico/ Venti 120 km/h, Europa colpita?

2022-09-03T14:41+0200ilsussidiario (it)

Danielle , inizialmente ritenuto un “semplice” ciclone tropicale, ha acquisito sempre più forza, conquistandosi a tutti gli effetti l’appellativo di “uragano atlantico”, il primo in assoluto di questa stagione, fino a questo momento molto tranquilla da questo punto di vista.

Tropical Storm Earl forms in Atlantic, joining Danielle as hurricane season starts to ramp up

2022-09-03T14:40+0200nj (en)

Tropical Storm Earl formed in the Atlantic late Friday night and is expected to bring heavy rain and possible flooding to Puerto Rico and the U.S. and British Virgin Islands this weekend. National Hurricane Center. The National Hurricane Center said Earl will likely pass north of the Leeward....

Eye on the Tropics: Tropical Storms Danielle and Earl still churning in the Atlantic

2022-09-03T14:12+0200wftv (en)

ORLANDO, Fla Late last night, Tropical Storm Earl developed just east of the Leeward islands, while Danielle was downgraded to a Tropical Storm. The Northern Leeward Islands, The Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico should monitor this storm through the weekend.

As Danielle weakens, another named storm forms in the Atlantic

2022-09-03T14:04+0200wsvn (en)

(CNN) — As Danielle weakened while churning in the open waters of the North Atlantic early Saturday, another storm has developed to its south near the Caribbean and may bring flooding to the US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico over the weekend. Tropical Storm Earl became the fifth named storm of the....

Labor Day Weekend Forecast

2022-09-03T14:04+0200wsvn (en)

The unofficial end to summer has arrived, known as Labor Day Weekend. It will definitely be summerlike across South Florida and overall a nice weekend with above average temperatures topping off into the low 90s all three days paired with below normal rain chances.

Hurricane center tracking two tropical storms

2022-09-03T13:37+0200al (en)

The peak of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season is near, and there are two tropical storms to watch. Neither is thought to be a threat to the mainland U.S., however Tropical Storm Earl could bring a lot of rain to Puerto Rico this weekend. Danielle , to the north, became 2022's first hurricane on Friday but has since weakened.


2022-09-03T12:44+0200missoulian (en)

Danielle weakens to a tropical storm status, Earl becomes the fifth named storm of the Atlantic hurricane season.


2022-09-03T12:40+0200wacotrib (en)

Danielle weakens to a tropical storm status, Earl becomes the fifth named storm of the Atlantic hurricane season. © Copyright 2022 Waco Tribune-Herald , 215 South Second Street, Suite 301 Waco, TX 76701 Cookie Preferences.


2022-09-03T12:22+0200buffalonews (en)

Danielle weakens to a tropical storm status, Earl becomes the fifth named storm of the Atlantic hurricane season.

Good for FDOT for protecting Gandy Beach from our own behavior | Editorial

2022-09-03T11:51+0200tampabay (en)

Cleaning Gandy Beach. Just one question about those large wooden posts now lining Gandy Beach : What took so long? The Florida Department of Transportation is spending about $70,000 to install the bollards in front of the mangroves lining the beach. It’s about time. People for too long have abused the privilege of parking along the shoreline.

Meteo, weekend con piogge al Nord. Settimana prossima torna il caldo africano

2022-09-03T11:19+0200cilentonotizie (it)

Un uragano sull’Atlantico ed un profondissimo ciclone sulle Isole Britanniche: il mese di settembre inizia con una situazione meteorologica eccezionale. L’uragano Danielle si sposterà verso Est, verso l’Europa ma ancora è molto lontano e la sua traiettoria da definire.

Weather forecasts, thunderstorms over the weekend but the African anticyclone returns from next week

2022-09-03T11:14+0200breakinglatest (en)

(www.iLMeteo.it) And hurricane on the Atlantic and a very deep cyclone on the British Isles: the month of September begins with an exceptional meteorological situation. Hurricane Danielle will move eastwards, towards Europe but it is still very far away and its trajectory to be defined.

The nation in brief: Climate adviser to depart White House

2022-09-03T11:03+0200arkansasonline (en)

Climate adviser to depart White House. Gina McCarthy is planning to leave her post as the White House's national climate adviser this month, a departure coming not long after President Joe Biden signed into law a major piece of climate legislation. The long-tenured environmental policymaker for....

Meteo. Danielle, primo uragano di stagione in posizione anomala in Atlantico

2022-09-03T10:45+02003bmeteo (it)

Danielle , primo uragano di stagione in Atlantico. Danielle è il primo uragano di stagione in Atlantico . Si è formato a Nord Ovest delle Azzorre ad una latitudine di 38°N piuttosto insolita, pochi sono i casi di formazione in questo settore dell'Oceano Atlantico. Nel 2013 Humberto si sviluppò l'11 settembre.

Weekend con i temporali al Centro-Nord ma poi torna l'Anticiclone Africano

2022-09-03T10:40+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 3 settembre 2022) AGI - Un uragano sull'Atlantico e un profondissimo ciclone sulle Isole Britanniche: il mese di settembre inizia con una situazione meteorologica eccezionale. L'uragano Danielle si sposterà verso Est, verso l'Europa ma ancora è molto lontano e la sua traiettoria da definire.


2022-09-03T10:36+02009colonne-it (it)

Un uragano sull’Atlantico ed un profondissimo ciclone sulle Isole Britanniche: il mese di settembre inizia con una situazione meteorologica eccezionale. L’uragano Danielle si sposterà verso Est, verso l’Europa ma ancora è molto lontano e la sua traiettoria da definire.

Danielle becomes first Atlantic hurricane this year

2022-09-03T10:35+0200expressindia (en)

Danielle reached tropical storm strength Thursday morning, only the fourth such storm this year, and strengthened quickly throughout the day. Forecasters were also watching two other disturbances in the Atlantic: One that was several hundred miles east of the Leeward Islands in the Caribbean, and....

Meteo Puglia: weekend incerto, ma poi torna l’Anticiclone Africano

2022-09-03T10:35+0200statoquotidiano (it)

FOGGIA, 03/09/2022 – (ilmeteo) Un uragano sull’Atlantico ed un profondissimo ciclone sulle Isole Britanniche: il mese di Settembre inizia con una situazione meteorologica eccezionale. Violento temporale su #Vieste (Fg) questo pomeriggio. ⯑ di Giovanni Pio.

L'anticiclone africano torna sull'Italia: settembre bollente

2022-09-03T10:24+0200affaritaliani (it)

Meteo Cronaca diretta: (Video) Foggia, violento nubifragio manda sott'acqua il paese di Vieste Puglia, 3 settembre 2022. Nel primo giorno di settembre la provincia di Foggia è stata interessata da un'ondata di maltempo. I... Leggi la notizia completa su iLMeteo.

7:30 am, Sab, 3 Settembre 22 Weekend con i temporali al Centro-Nord ma poi torna l’Anticiclone Africano AGI – Un uragano sull’Atlantico e un profondissimo ciclone sulle Isole Britanniche: il mese di settembre ...

2022-09-03T10:20+0200metronews (it)

AGI – Un uragano sull’Atlantico e un profondissimo ciclone sulle Isole Britanniche: il mese di settembre inizia con una situazione meteorologica eccezionale. L’uragano Danielle si sposterà verso Est, verso l’Europa ma ancora è molto lontano e la sua traiettoria da definire.

Weekend con i temporali al Centro-Nord ma poi torna l'Anticiclone Africano

2022-09-03T10:14+0200agi (it)

AGI - Un uragano sull'Atlantico e un profondissimo ciclone sulle Isole Britanniche: il mese di settembre inizia con una situazione meteorologica eccezionale. L'uragano Danielle si sposterà verso Est, verso l'Europa ma ancora è molto lontano e la sua traiettoria da definire.

UK weather forecast: Week of HEAVY RAIN and storms as ex-hurricane hits Britain

2022-09-03T10:13+0200express (en)

Invalid email. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. You can unsubscribe at any time. More info The first in a line of low-pressure systems will target....

Previsioni meteo, temporali nel weekend ma dalla prossima settimana torna l'anticiclone africano

2022-09-03T09:50+0200247libero (it)

) Un uragano sull’Atlantico ed un profondissimo ciclone sulle Isole Britanniche: il mese di settembre inizia con una situazione meteorologica eccezionale. L’uragano Danielle si sposterà verso Est, verso l’Europa ma ancora è molto lontano e la sua traiettoria da definire.

Weekend di pioggia, ma da lunedì tornano sole e caldo

2022-09-03T09:43+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di sabato 3 settembre 2022) (Adnkronos) – Ombrelli aperti in questo primo fine settimana di settembre ma già da lunedì tornano caldo e sole prima di altre piogge attese a metà settimana al Nord. Un uragano sull’Atlantico e un profondissimo ciclone sulle I sole britanniche: questo mese inizia con una situazione meteorologica eccezionale.

Weekend con i temporali al Centro - Nord ma poi torna l'Anticiclone Africano

2022-09-03T09:42+0200247libero (it)

AGI - Un uragano sull'Atlantico e un profondissimo ciclone sulle Isole Britanniche: il mese di settembre inizia con una situazione meteorologica eccezionale. L'uragano Danielle si sposterà verso Est, verso l'Europa ma ancora è molto lontano e la sua traiettoria da definire.

3/09/2022 - Meteo editoriale di Sabato 3 Settembre: Weekend a tratti Temporalesco, ma poi torna l'Anticiclone Africano

2022-09-03T09:32+0200ilmeteo (it)

Editoriale del 3 settembre Un uragano sull’Atlantico ed un profondissimo ciclone sulle Isole Britanniche: il mese di Settembre inizia con una situazione meteorologica eccezionale. L’ uragano Danielle si sposterà verso Est, verso l’Europa ma ancora è molto lontano e la sua traiettoria da definire.

Weekend di pioggia, ma da lunedì tornano sole e caldo

2022-09-03T09:15+0200247libero (it)

Ombrelli aperti in questo primo fine settimana di settembre ma già da lunedì tornano caldo e sole prima di altre piogge attese a metà settimana al Nord. Un uragano sull’Atlantico e un profondissimo ciclone sulle Isole britanniche: questo mese inizia con una situazione meteorologica eccezionale.

Ouragan Danielle : qu'est-ce qui rend remarquable ce phénomène météo qui se dirige vers l'Europe ?

2022-09-03T09:03+0200midilibre (fr)

La tempête tropicale devient ouragan. Si beaucoup d'incertitudes demeurent sur l'évolution de la situation dans les prochains jours, les prévisionnistes s'accordaient depuis vendredi sur une chose : la tempête tropicale Danielle devait bientôt changer de statut.

Weekend di pioggia, ma da lunedì tornano sole e caldo

2022-09-03T09:01+0200adnkronos (it)

Ombrelli aperti in questo primo fine settimana di settembre ma già da lunedì tornano caldo e sole prima di altre piogge attese a metà settimana al Nord. Un uragano sull’Atlantico e un profondissimo ciclone sulle Isole britanniche: questo mese inizia con una situazione meteorologica eccezionale.

Previsioni meteo, temporali nel weekend ma dalla prossima settimana torna l'anticiclone africano

2022-09-03T08:59+0200repubblica (it)

) Un uragano sull’Atlantico ed un profondissimo ciclone sulle Isole Britanniche: il mese di settembre inizia con una situazione meteorologica eccezionale. L’uragano Danielle si sposterà verso Est, verso l’Europa ma ancora è molto lontano e la sua traiettoria da definire.

Météo. Le cyclone tropical "Danielle" va-t-il frapper les côtes françaises le week-end prochain ?

2022-09-03T07:21+0200vosgesmatin (fr)

Mais attention, prévient-il : On n'en est pas là ! La trajectoire des cyclones est très difficile à prévoir à plusieurs jours. C'est énormément d'énergie, une circulation chaotique... Affirmer aujourd'hui qu'un ex-cyclone va se diriger vers une région précise, c'est impossible , insiste le météorologiste.

Météo. Le cyclone tropical "Danielle" va-t-il frapper les côtes françaises le week-end prochain ?

2022-09-03T07:19+0200LeBien (fr)

Mais attention, prévient-il : On n'en est pas là ! La trajectoire des cyclones est très difficile à prévoir à plusieurs jours. C'est énormément d'énergie, une circulation chaotique... Affirmer aujourd'hui qu'un ex-cyclone va se diriger vers une région précise, c'est impossible , insiste le météorologiste.

10-year-old boy and his grandfather die when home catches fire, Georgia deputies say

2022-09-03T07:10+0200bnd (en)

A 10-year-old Georgia boy died two days after a late-night house fire that also killed his grandfather, according to the Hall County Sheriff’s Office. Brannon Harvey died from his injuries Thursday, Sept. 1, at Doctors Hospital of Augusta, deputies said. The sheriff’s office learned of his death on Friday.

Météo. Le cyclone tropical "Danielle" va-t-il frapper les côtes françaises le week-end prochain ?

2022-09-03T07:10+0200dna-france (fr)

Mais attention, prévient-il : On n'en est pas là ! La trajectoire des cyclones est très difficile à prévoir à plusieurs jours. C'est énormément d'énergie, une circulation chaotique... Affirmer aujourd'hui qu'un ex-cyclone va se diriger vers une région précise, c'est impossible , insiste le météorologiste.

Météo. Le cyclone tropical "Danielle" va-t-il frapper les côtes françaises le week-end prochain ?

2022-09-03T07:10+0200estrepublicain (fr)

Mais attention, prévient-il : On n'en est pas là ! La trajectoire des cyclones est très difficile à prévoir à plusieurs jours. C'est énormément d'énergie, une circulation chaotique... Affirmer aujourd'hui qu'un ex-cyclone va se diriger vers une région précise, c'est impossible , insiste le météorologiste.

Météo. Le cyclone tropical "Danielle" va-t-il frapper les côtes françaises le week-end prochain ?

2022-09-03T07:09+0200lalsace (fr)

Mais attention, prévient-il : On n'en est pas là ! La trajectoire des cyclones est très difficile à prévoir à plusieurs jours. C'est énormément d'énergie, une circulation chaotique... Affirmer aujourd'hui qu'un ex-cyclone va se diriger vers une région précise, c'est impossible , insiste le météorologiste.

Météo. Le cyclone tropical "Danielle" va-t-il frapper les côtes françaises le week-end prochain ?

2022-09-03T07:05+0200ledauphine (fr)

Mais attention, prévient-il : On n'en est pas là ! La trajectoire des cyclones est très difficile à prévoir à plusieurs jours. C'est énormément d'énergie, une circulation chaotique... Affirmer aujourd'hui qu'un ex-cyclone va se diriger vers une région précise, c'est impossible , insiste le météorologiste.

Météo. Le cyclone tropical "Danielle" va-t-il frapper les côtes françaises le week-end prochain ?

2022-09-03T07:02+0200republicain-lorrain (fr)

Mais attention, prévient-il : On n'en est pas là ! La trajectoire des cyclones est très difficile à prévoir à plusieurs jours. C'est énormément d'énergie, une circulation chaotique... Affirmer aujourd'hui qu'un ex-cyclone va se diriger vers une région précise, c'est impossible , insiste le météorologiste.

Météo. Le cyclone tropical "Danielle" va-t-il frapper les côtes françaises le week-end prochain ?

2022-09-03T07:01+0200leprogres (fr)

Mais attention, prévient-il : On n'en est pas là ! La trajectoire des cyclones est très difficile à prévoir à plusieurs jours. C'est énormément d'énergie, une circulation chaotique... Affirmer aujourd'hui qu'un ex-cyclone va se diriger vers une région précise, c'est impossible , insiste le météorologiste.

Monster weather system brews in Atlantic as Hurricane Danielle moves closer to Britain

2022-09-03T06:28+0200dailystar (en)

A monster weather system is brewing in the Atlantic Ocean as Hurricane Dannielle is moving closer to the British Isles. The weather system is currently hovering in the middle of the ocean, but a Met Office spokesperson admitted that it wasn't clear where exactly it would end up.

Danielle is the first hurricane of the 2022 season in the Atlantic

2022-09-03T06:16+0200d1softballnews (en)

(CNN) — Danielle is the first hurricane of the Atlantic season, as designated this Friday by the National Hurricane Center. It has sustained winds of 120 km/h, the agency said. It stays away from the coast and won’t be a threat to any landmass for at least five days.

Tropical Storm Earl forms in the Atlantic

2022-09-03T05:33+0200al (en)

The National Hurricane Center said Tropical Storm Earl developed east of the Leeward Islands late Friday night. Earl is the fifth named storm of 2022 and the second one to form in two days after a nearly two-month lull in tropical activity. The hurricane center is also tracking the Atlantic’s....

La tempête tropicale Danielle se transforme en ouragan, aucune menace actuelle pour la terre

2022-09-03T05:23+0200generationsnouvelles (fr)

MIAMI (AP) – La tempête tropicale Danielle s’est transformée en ouragan vendredi matin – la première d’une saison de tempête inhabituellement calme. Les vents maximums soutenus de la tempête ont été enregistrés à 75 mph (120 km/h), selon le US National Hurricane Center.

Tropical storm Earl forms east of the Caribbean – Action News Jax

2022-09-03T05:06+0200wingsenvironmental (en)

***** ALWAYS CHECK & RE-CHECK THE LATEST FORECAST & UPDATES! ***** REMEMBER WHEN A TROPICAL STORM OR HURRICANE IS APPROACHING: Taping windows is *NOT* helpful & will not keep glass from breaking. Realize the forecast cone (“cone of uncertainty”) is the average forecast error over a given time – out....

Hurricane Danielle becomes Atlantic Ocean's first hurricane of the season - New York Post

2022-09-03T03:41+0200google-top-stories (en)

It took until September , but the Atlantic Ocean has its first hurricane of the 2022 season: Hurricane Danielle . Hurricane Danielle is now a Category 1 storm swirling in the North Atlantic Ocean. Its estimated peak sustained winds in the storm’s center are at 75 mph with higher gusts.

First Hurricane of Season Forms in Atlantic

2022-09-03T03:25+0200longbeachstar (en)

The first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season has formed over the open Atlantic - 1,425 kilometers west of the Azores. The U.S. National Hurricane Center on Friday upgraded Tropical Storm Danielle to hurricane strength after its maximum sustained winds reached 120 kph.

Daniel devient le premier ouragan de la saison atlantique 2022

2022-09-03T03:18+0200algeriemondeinfos (fr)

Danielle est maintenant le premier ouragan de la saison, avec des vents soutenus de 75 mph et des tempêtes plus fortes, a déclaré le National Hurricane Center dans sa mise à jour de 11 h HE. Cependant, cela ne promet pas beaucoup de drame, car Danielle est loin de la plage et ne viendra pas à la plage avant au moins cinq jours.

First Hurricane of Season Forms in Atlantic

2022-09-03T02:27+0200voanews (en)

The first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season has formed over the open Atlantic — 1,425 kilometers west of the Azores. The U.S. National Hurricane Center on Friday upgraded Tropical Storm Danielle to hurricane strength after its maximum sustained winds reached 120 kph.

Cyclones : la tempête tropicale Danielle se forme dans l'Atlantique nord

2022-09-03T01:56+0200meteofrance (fr)

Naissance de Danielle . Dès le 1 er septembre, la zone dépressionnaire est devenue suffisamment organisée pour être classée en dépression tropicale. Évoluant sur des eaux anormalement chaudes, autour de 26-27 °C, elle s’intensifie rapidement en tempête tropicale baptisée Danielle à 15 h UTC à 1 545 km à l'ouest des Açores, à la latitude de 38,1° N.

Danielle strengthens to hurricane levels in Atlantic, the 1st of the season

2022-09-03T00:35+0200flipboard (en)

The storm has winds of 75 mph and is not expected to make landfall. The first major Atlantic hurricane of the season has formed and is slowly making … (Corrects day in first paragraph) (Reuters) - Tropical storm Danielle has strengthened into the first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane....

Hurricane Danielle forms in the Atlantic, 1st of the season

2022-09-03T00:14+0200ABCnews (en)

Danielle strengthens to hurricane levels in Atlantic, the 1st of the season. The storm has winds of 75 mph and is not expected to make landfall. The first major Atlantic hurricane of the season has formed and is slowly making its way through the ocean.

No danger from tropical storm - but stay vigilant

2022-09-03T00:13+0200tribune242 (en)

By LYNAIRE MUNNINGS. lmunnings@tribunemedia.net. A LOCAL weather forecaster is warning residents to remain vigilant as the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season picks up steam. Forecasters were watching the development of Tropical Storm Danielle , which poses no threat to The Bahamas at the moment, but....

Danielle becomes the first hurricane of the 2022 hurricane season

2022-09-02T23:22+0200d1softballnews (en)

tropical storm Danielle increased the speed of its maximum sustained winds to 75 miles per hour, making it the first hurricane of this year’s hurricane season, reported the National Hurricane Center (NHC, in English). At the moment, the cyclone does not represent a threat to any territory.

Danielle is already the first hurricane of 2022 in the Atlantic

2022-09-02T22:45+0200dominicantoday (en)

Miami, United States The first hurricane of 2022 in the Atlantic formed Friday from tropical storm Danielle but poses no danger, according to data from the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC). The closest territory to Danielle is the Portuguese archipelago of the Azores Islands, from which it is 885 miles (1,425 km) away.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens into hurricane

2022-09-02T22:31+0200entornointeligente (en)

Entornointeligente.com / MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into a hurricane Friday morning — the first of an unusually quiet storm season. The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm’s maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75 mph (120 kph), according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center.

Potential hurricane Danielle could move towards Europe

2022-09-02T22:18+0200yourweather (en)

The Atlantic hurricane season has so far been quieter than expected. August ended without any named storms, but it looks like September will be the start of the action. Meteored Argentina 6 hours ago 4 min The hurricane season could become highly active this September. Contrary to expectations, no named storms formed in the Atlantic in August.

Danielle swirls into first hurricane of 2022 Atlantic season

2022-09-02T21:29+0200wn (en)

Sept 2 (Reuters) - Tropical storm Danielle has strengthened into the first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) said on Friday. The hurricane, now about 885 miles (1,425 km) west of....

Danielle Is the First Atlantic Hurricane of the Season: NOAA

2022-09-02T21:17+0200digitpatrox (en)

The primary Atlantic hurricane of the season is right here, and its title is Danielle . The Nationwide Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Nationwide Hurricane Middle formally moved Danielle from tropical storm to hurricane on Friday as its most wind gusts elevated to 75 miles per hour.

Ouragan Danielle : latitude, été sans cyclone... En quoi la tempête formée en Atlantique nord revêt un caractère exceptionnel ?

2022-09-02T21:06+0200ladepeche (fr)

L'alerte est partie d'un météorologue espagnol , qui a annoncé jeudi 1er septembre sur Twitter s'inquiéter d'une activité d'intensité anormale en Atlantique nord. Une tempête se formait, qui pourrait prendre à terme la direction de l'Espagne, voire de la France .

Danielle strengthens into first Atlantic hurricane of the 2022 season - The Washington Post

2022-09-02T20:53+0200google-top-stories (en)

Tropical storm Danielle reached hurricane strength late Friday morning over the open Atlantic, the National Hurricane Center has declared. The storm, which is not expected to threaten any land areas, is the first hurricane of what has been a quiet Atlantic season so far.

Danielle is already the first hurricane of 2022 in the Atlantic

2022-09-02T20:47+0200d1softballnews (en)

The first hurricane of 2022 in the Atlantic It formed this Friday from Tropical Storm Danielle but it does not represent a danger, according to data from the US National Hurricane Center (NHC). The closest territory to Danielle is the Portuguese archipelago of the Azores islands which is 885 miles (1,425 km) away.

Hurricane Danielle moves towards Europe, that’s what we know today

2022-09-02T20:45+0200italy24news (en)

1 hour ago 5 min The NHC expects Danielle to become a Category 2 hurricane soon. Tropical storm Danielle, poised to become the first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season this Friday, September 2, it has grown into an unusual area. It is not the first time in recent years other tropical....

Il est trop tôt pour affirmer que l'ouragan Danielle touchera l'Europe

2022-09-02T20:38+0200euronews-fr (fr)

Ce jeudi, le chercheur espagnol J.J. González Alemán a publié une série de tweets pour évoquer la tempête tropicale (devenue ouragan) baptisée Danielle . En étudiant ses possibles trajectoires, il s’est rendu compte que, dans certains scénarios, la tempête pourrait atteindre la péninsule ibérique ou bien la France.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens into a hurricane after unusually quiet Atlantic season

2022-09-02T20:30+0200heart (en)

2 September 2022, 15:15 | Updated: 2 September 2022, 19:10 After an unusually quiet storm season, the first one has strengthened into a hurricane. Tropical storm Danielle reached hurricane strength when its maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75mph on Friday morning, but is not a threat to any land at present.

Tropical Storm Danielle Strengthens Into Hurricane

2022-09-02T20:25+0200huffingtonpost-fr-fr (en)

The storm’s maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75 mph (120 kph), according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center. The storm is centered about 885 miles (1,425 kilometers) west of the Azores and is drifting west at about 1 mph (about 2 kph). The hurricane center said the storm is expected to meander in the Atlantic over the next few days.

Hurricane Danielle forms in Atlantic, the first of the 2022 season - USA TODAY

2022-09-02T20:24+0200google-top-stories (en)

Danielle 's maximum winds were 75 mph, the hurricane center said, making it a Category 1 hurricane. The storm is expected to meander in the Atlantic over the next few days. The hurricane center also is monitoring two other tropical waves in the Atlantic, neither of which are a threat to the U.S.

Some Sun & Midday Storms

2022-09-02T20:21+0200wsvn (en)

What to Expect. Temperatures are forecast to remain warm with triple digit feels like temperatures continuing through the weekend. This weekend winds increase ranging between 15-20 mph. They will be mainly out of the Southeast to East with morning showers & isolated storms through midday for the East coast.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens into a hurricane after unusually quiet Atlantic season

2022-09-02T20:18+0200coastfm (en)

After an unusually quiet storm season, the first one has strengthened into a hurricane. Tropical storm Danielle reached hurricane strength when its maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75mph on Friday morning, but is not a threat to any land at present.

Storm Danielle strengthens into first hurricane of unusually quiet season

2022-09-02T20:15+0200skynews (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens into a hurricane after unusually quiet Atlantic season. August is usually the start of storm season in the Atlantic, but it is the first time since 1997 that there has been none. After an unusually quiet storm season, the first one has strengthened into a hurricane.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens into hurricane

2022-09-02T20:10+0200jamaicaobserver (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into a hurricane Friday morning — the first of an unusually quiet storm season. The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75 mph (120 kph), according to the US National Hurricane Center.

Danielle is 2022′s first Atlantic hurricane — and it’s a strange one

2022-09-02T19:31+0200wn (en)

Posted 2022-09-02, The Washington Post It is the latest first hurricane since 2013 and developed unusually far north in record-warm ocean waters. ......

Danielle becomes first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic season. What the forecast says

2022-09-02T19:27+0200wn (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into the first hurricane of the season Friday morning. The hurricane, which is not a threat to Florida or the rest of the United States, could ......

Danielle becomes first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic season - CNN

2022-09-02T19:21+0200google-top-stories (en)

Danielle is now the season's first hurricane, with sustained winds of 75 mph and even higher gusts, the National Hurricane Center said in its 11 a.m. ET update. The storm is expected to "meander over the open Atlantic during the next couple of days," before heading to the northeast early next week, the hurricane center said.

Tropical Storm Danielle Strengthens Into Hurricane, No Current Threat To Land

2022-09-02T19:20+0200huffingtonpost-us-en (en)

The storm’s maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75 mph (120 kph), according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center. The storm is centered about 885 miles (1,425 kilometers) west of the Azores and is drifting west at about 1 mph (about 2 kph). The hurricane center said the storm is expected to meander in the Atlantic over the next few days.

Danielle becomes the first hurricane of an unusually quiet season in the Atlantic

2022-09-02T19:16+0200nbcnews (en)

MIAMI — Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into a hurricane Friday morning — the first of an The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm’s maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75 mph, according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center. The storm is centered about 885 miles west of the Azores and is drifting west at about 1 mph.

Hurricane Danielle becomes Atlantic Ocean's first hurricane of the season

2022-09-02T19:14+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

It took until September , but the Atlantic Ocean has its first hurricane of the 2022 season: Hurricane Danielle . Hurricane Danielle is now a Category 1 storm swirling in the North Atlantic Ocean. Its estimated peak sustained winds in the storm’s center are at 75 mph with higher gusts.

Danielle becomes first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic season. What the forecast says

2022-09-02T19:14+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into the first hurricane of the season Friday morning. The hurricane, which is not a threat to Florida or the rest of the United States, could potentially strengthen into a Category 2 hurricane by early next week in the northern Atlantic, according to the National Hurricane Center.

La tempête Danielle s’est transformée en ouragan dans l’Atlantique Nord : faut-il s’en inquiéter ? Une tempête tropicale, baptisée « Danielle », s’est formée le 1er septembre 2022 dans l’Atlantique Nord, et est devenue un ouragan ce... 02/09/22 17:48 (Ouest-France)

2022-09-02T19:08+0200maville (fr)

L’épisode est suffisamment rare pour être souligné : , qui s’est formée jeudi 1 er septembre 2022 à l’ouest de l’archipel des Açores, est ce vendredi devenue un ouragan . Mais faut-il vraiment s’en inquiéter ? Éléments de réponse. Danielle est pour l’instant à l’ouest des Açores.

Danielle becomes first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic season. What the forecast says

2022-09-02T19:05+0200theolympian (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into the first hurricane of the season Friday morning. The hurricane, which is not a threat to Florida or the rest of the United States, could potentially strengthen into a Category 2 hurricane by early next week in the northern Atlantic, according to the National Hurricane Center.

Danielle becomes first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic season. What the forecast says

2022-09-02T19:05+0200tri-cityherald (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into the first hurricane of the season Friday morning. The hurricane, which is not a threat to Florida or the rest of the United States, could potentially strengthen into a Category 2 hurricane by early next week in the northern Atlantic, according to the National Hurricane Center.

Danielle becomes first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic season. What the forecast says

2022-09-02T19:05+0200newsobserver (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into the first hurricane of the season Friday morning. The hurricane, which is not a threat to Florida or the rest of the United States, could potentially strengthen into a Category 2 hurricane by early next week in the northern Atlantic, according to the National Hurricane Center.

Danielle becomes first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic season. What the forecast says

2022-09-02T19:05+0200idahostatesman (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into the first hurricane of the season Friday morning. The hurricane, which is not a threat to Florida or the rest of the United States, could potentially strengthen into a Category 2 hurricane by early next week in the northern Atlantic, according to the National Hurricane Center.

Hurricane Danielle could lash UK in days as monster weather system brews in Atlantic

2022-09-02T19:05+0200express (en)

Invalid email. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. You can unsubscribe at any time. More info The weather system is currently hovering in the middle of....

Danielle becomes first Atlantic hurricane of the season

2022-09-02T19:05+0200thehill (en)

This GOES-East geocolor image provided by NOAA and taken at 11:30 a.m., Saturday, July 2, 2022, shows Tropical Storm Colin of the Atlantic coast of the United States. NOAA is predicting more tropical storms and hurricanes for the Atlantic basin in the coming months. (NOAA via AP) The first Atlantic hurricane of the season has arrived.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens into hurricane

2022-09-02T19:05+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Indianapolis - Circa September 2021: NWS Forecast Office. NOAA is a US agency that forecasts weather, monitors oceanic and atmospheric conditions. FILE Photo credit: Jonathan Weiss via Shutterstock MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into a hurricane Friday morning — the first of an unusually quiet storm season.

Tropical Storm Danielle upgraded to a hurricane in the North Atlantic

2022-09-02T19:05+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WCTV) - The National Hurricane Center has upgraded Danielle to a category one hurricane with sustained winds of up to 75 mph. Hurricane Danielle becomes the first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season. This storm remains well off to our NE in the Atlantic, with no forecasted impacts to land.

National Danielle strengthens into first hurricane of the season The Associated Press 11:30 AM, Sep 02, 2022

2022-09-02T19:04+0200kxxv (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Danielle strengthened into a hurricane Friday morning — the first of an The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75 mph (120 kph), according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens into hurricane

2022-09-02T19:04+0200buffalonews (en)

The storm's maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75 mph (120 kph), according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center. The storm is centered about 885 miles (1,425 kilometers) west of the Azores and is drifting west at about 1 mph (about 2 kph). The hurricane center said the storm is expected to meander in the Atlantic over the next few days.

National Danielle strengthens into first hurricane of the season The Associated Press 12:30 PM, Sep 02, 2022

2022-09-02T19:04+0200wkbw (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Danielle strengthened into a hurricane Friday morning — the first of an The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75 mph (120 kph), according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center.

Danielle becomes the first Atlantic hurricane of the season, NOAA says

2022-09-02T19:04+0200insider-com (en)

The first Atlantic hurricane of the season is here, and its name is Danielle . The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Hurricane Center officially moved Danielle from tropical storm to hurricane on Friday as its maximum wind gusts increased to 75 miles per hour.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens into hurricane

2022-09-02T19:04+0200jamaica-gleaner (en)

MIAMI (AP) Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into a hurricane Friday morning the first of an unusually quiet storm season. The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75 mph (120 kph), according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center.

“Danielle” si trasforma in un uragano nell’Atlantico, il primo di una stagione insolitamente tranquilla

2022-09-02T19:04+0200meteoweb (it)

La tempesta tropicale Danielle si è rafforzata in un uragano , il primo di una stagione degli uragani atlantici insolitamente tranquilla. La tempesta non è attualmente una minaccia per la terraferma. I venti massimi sostenuti della tempesta sono stati registrati a 120km/h, secondo il National Hurricane Center (NHC) degli Stati Uniti.

Danielle becomes first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic season. What the forecast says

2022-09-02T19:04+0200kansascity (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into the first hurricane of the season Friday morning. The hurricane, which is not a threat to Florida or the rest of the United States, could potentially strengthen into a Category 2 hurricane by early next week in the northern Atlantic, according to the National Hurricane Center.

Hurricane Danielle becomes 1st in unusually quiet Atlantic storm season; no threat to land

2022-09-02T19:03+0200abc7ny (en)

MIAMI -- Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into a hurricane Friday morning -- the first of an unusually quiet storm season. The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75 mph (120 kph), according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center.

National News Danielle strengthens into first hurricane of the season The Associated Press 9:30 AM, Sep 02, 2022

2022-09-02T19:03+0200ksby (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Danielle strengthened into a hurricane Friday morning — the first of an The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75 mph (120 kph), according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center.

Danielle Becomes First Atlantic Hurricane Of The 2022 Season - The Weather Channel

2022-09-02T19:03+0200google-top-stories (en)

Danielle has become 2022's first hurricane in the Atlantic Basin, but poses no land threat as it meanders in the North Atlantic the next several days. D​anielle was upgraded to a hurricane Friday just under 900 miles west of the Azores, or a little more than halfway between southeast Newfoundland and the Azores in the North Atlantic Ocean.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens into hurricane

2022-09-02T19:03+0200click2houston (en)

MIAMI – Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into a hurricane Friday morning — the first of an The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75 mph (120 kph), according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center.

Danielle becomes first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic season. What the forecast says

2022-09-02T19:03+0200charlotteobserver (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into the first hurricane of the season Friday morning. The hurricane, which is not a threat to Florida or the rest of the United States, could potentially strengthen into a Category 2 hurricane by early next week in the northern Atlantic, according to the National Hurricane Center.

National Danielle strengthens into first hurricane of the season The Associated Press 12:30 PM, Sep 02, 2022

2022-09-02T19:03+0200abcactionnews (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Danielle strengthened into a hurricane Friday morning — the first of an The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75 mph (120 kph), according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center.

Danielle becomes first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic season. What the forecast says

2022-09-02T19:03+0200heraldonline (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into the first hurricane of the season Friday morning. The hurricane, which is not a threat to Florida or the rest of the United States, could potentially strengthen into a Category 2 hurricane by early next week in the northern Atlantic, according to the National Hurricane Center.

Danielle becomes first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic season. What the forecast says

2022-09-02T19:03+0200islandpacket (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into the first hurricane of the season Friday morning. The hurricane, which is not a threat to Florida or the rest of the United States, could potentially strengthen into a Category 2 hurricane by early next week in the northern Atlantic, according to the National Hurricane Center.

Danielle becomes first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic season. What the forecast says

2022-09-02T19:03+0200bnd (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into the first hurricane of the season Friday morning. The hurricane, which is not a threat to Florida or the rest of the United States, could potentially strengthen into a Category 2 hurricane by early next week in the northern Atlantic, according to the National Hurricane Center.

Hurricane Danielle Forms in Atlantic, First of 2022

2022-09-02T19:03+0200theepochtimes (en)

) in an update. Hurricane Danielle —a Category 1 storm with 75 mph winds—poses no threat to land, officials said. No watches or warnings were issued in connection to the storm as it is located in the middle of the northern Atlantic Ocean, to the update.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens into hurricane

2022-09-02T19:03+0200news-gazette (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into a hurricane Friday morning — the first of an The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75 mph (120 kph), according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center.

Danielle becomes first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic season. What the forecast says

2022-09-02T19:03+0200star-telegram (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into the first hurricane of the season Friday morning. The hurricane, which is not a threat to Florida or the rest of the United States, could potentially strengthen into a Category 2 hurricane by early next week in the northern Atlantic, according to the National Hurricane Center.

Danielle becomes first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic season. What the forecast says

2022-09-02T19:03+0200fresnobee (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into the first hurricane of the season Friday morning. The hurricane, which is not a threat to Florida or the rest of the United States, could potentially strengthen into a Category 2 hurricane by early next week in the northern Atlantic, according to the National Hurricane Center.

Tropical Storm Danielle becomes first Atlantic hurricane of the season

2022-09-02T19:03+0200gazette (en)

i ntensified into a hurricane on Friday, becoming the first Atlantic hurricane of the 2022 season. Danielle upgraded to a hurricane just 900 miles west of the Azores in the North Atlantic Ocean, and it will pose a hazard to shipping routes around the area, according to a Weather Channel report.

Hurricane Danielle becomes Atlantic Ocean’s first hurricane of the season

2022-09-02T19:03+0200wingsenvironmental (en)

It took until September, but the Atlantic Ocean has its first hurricane of the 2022 season: Hurricane Danielle . Hurricane Danielle is now a Category 1 storm swirling in the North Atlantic Ocean. Its estimated peak sustained winds in the storm’s center are at 75 mph with higher gusts.

Hurricane Danielle forms in Atlantic, the first of the 2022 season Nation

2022-09-02T19:03+0200usaToday (en)

Danielle 's maximum winds were 75 mph, the hurricane center said, making it a Category 1 hurricane. The storm is expected to meander in the Atlantic over the next few days. The hurricane center also is monitoring two other tropical waves in the Atlantic, neither of which are a threat to the U.S.

Hurricane Danielle becomes Atlantic Ocean’s first hurricane of the season

2022-09-02T19:02+0200nypost (en)

It took until September , but the Atlantic Ocean has its first hurricane of the 2022 season: Hurricane Danielle . Hurricane Danielle is now a Category 1 storm swirling in the North Atlantic Ocean. Its estimated peak sustained winds in the storm’s center are at 75 mph with higher gusts.

L'ouragan Danielle se dirige vers la France ? Des prévisions à prendre avec des pincettes

2022-09-02T19:02+0200TF1 (fr)

Les côtes françaises vont-elles être frappées dans une semaine par Danielle , une tempête tropicale s’étant transformée en ouragan ? C’est ce que prédisent des internautes, à partir d’un tweet : celui de JJ Gonzalez Aleman, un spécialiste espagnol officiant à l'Agence météorologique nationale pour le temps et le climat (AEMET).

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens into hurricane

2022-09-02T19:02+0200hjnews (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into a hurricane Friday morning — the first of an Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

Hurricane Danielle forms in Atlantic, the first of the 2022 season

2022-09-02T19:02+0200azcentral (en)

Danielle 's maximum winds were 75 mph, the hurricane center said, making it a Category 1 hurricane. The storm is expected to meander in the Atlantic over the next few days. The hurricane center also is monitoring two other tropical waves in the Atlantic, neither of which are a threat to the U.S.

Danielle becomes first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic season

2022-09-02T17:58+0200wishtv (en)

(CNN) — The Atlantic hurricane season’s first named storm, which debuted earlier this week, got its full billing Friday. Danielle is now the season’s first hurricane, with sustained winds of 75 mph and even higher gusts, the National Hurricane Center said in its 11 a.m. ET update.

Danielle swirls into first hurricane of 2022 Atlantic season (Reuters) - Tropical storm Danielle has strengthened into the first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season, the U.S. National Hurricane Cente... 57m ago

2022-09-02T17:58+0200wsau (en)

(Reuters) – Tropical storm Danielle has strengthened into the first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) said on Thursday. The hurricane, now about 885 miles (1,425 km) west of the Azores packing maximum sustained winds of 75 miles (120 km) per....

La tempête Danielle s’est transformée en ouragan dans l’Atlantique Nord : faut-il s’en inquiéter ?

2022-09-02T17:57+0200presseocean (fr)

Une tempête tropicale, baptisée « Danielle », s’est formée le 1er septembre 2022 dans l’Atlantique Nord, et est devenue un ouragan ce vendredi 2 septembre. On vous explique pourquoi ce phénomène survient dans ces hautes latitudes et ce qu’implique cette transformation. De tempête tropicale à ouragan.

Danielle becomes first hurricane of Atlantic season

2022-09-02T17:57+0200live5news (en)

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) - The fourth named storm has become the first hurricane of the 2022 season. Click here to download the free Live 5 First Alert Weather app. Hurricane Danielle reached sustained wind speeds of 75 miles per hour on Friday and is expected to strengthen over the next couple of days.

La tempête Danielle s’est transformée en ouragan dans l’Atlantique Nord : faut-il s’en inquiéter ?

2022-09-02T17:55+0200OuestFrance (fr)

Une tempête tropicale, baptisée « Danielle », s’est formée le 1er septembre 2022 dans l’Atlantique Nord, et est devenue un ouragan ce vendredi 2 septembre. On vous explique pourquoi ce phénomène survient dans ces hautes latitudes et ce qu’implique cette transformation. De tempête tropicale à ouragan.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens into hurricane The storm is not currently a threat to any land.

2022-09-02T17:54+0200cbs46 (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into a hurricane Friday morning — the first of an The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm’s maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75 mph (120 kph), according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center.

La tempête Danielle s’est transformée en ouragan dans l’Atlantique Nord : faut-il s’en inquiéter ?

2022-09-02T17:54+0200lemainelibre (fr)

Une tempête tropicale, baptisée « Danielle », s’est formée le 1er septembre 2022 dans l’Atlantique Nord, et est devenue un ouragan ce vendredi 2 septembre. On vous explique pourquoi ce phénomène survient dans ces hautes latitudes et ce qu’implique cette transformation. De tempête tropicale à ouragan.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens into hurricane

2022-09-02T17:53+0200wsfa (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into a hurricane Friday morning — the first of an The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm’s maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75 mph (120 kph), according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center.

Tropical Storm Danielle morphing into a hurricane

2022-09-02T17:52+0200flipboard (en)

Danielle has become the first hurricane of a strangely quiet Atlantic hurricane season. The storm strengthened, with maximum sustained winds near 70 mph and higher gusts. Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 70 miles from the center. Additional strengthening is expected, according to the....

La tempête Danielle s’est transformée en ouragan dans l’Atlantique Nord : faut-il s’en inquiéter ?

2022-09-02T17:52+0200courrierdelouest (fr)

Une tempête tropicale, baptisée « Danielle », s’est formée le 1er septembre 2022 dans l’Atlantique Nord, et est devenue un ouragan ce vendredi 2 septembre. On vous explique pourquoi ce phénomène survient dans ces hautes latitudes et ce qu’implique cette transformation. De tempête tropicale à ouragan.

Hurricane Danielle Path: Spaghetti Models as Storm Gathers Strength

2022-09-02T17:51+0200newsweek-USA (en)

As Hurricane Danielle strengthens in the Atlantic Ocean, forecasters do not expect that it will pose a threat to land in the coming days. At this point, spaghetti modelscomputer models illustrating potential tropical cyclone pathsshow the storm in the middle of the ocean, but far from land masses.

Tropical Storm Danielle poised to become first hurricane of the season

2022-09-02T17:51+0200gazette (en)

i s set to intensify into a hurricane sometime on Friday, becoming the first of the season. Danielle is located over the northern Atlantic Ocean between North America and Western Europe and is poised to intensify into the season's first hurricane, posing a hazard to shipping routes around the area, according to a Weather Channel report.

Hurricane Danielle Forms–The First In An Unusually Quiet Season

2022-09-02T17:50+0200forbes (en)

What To Watch For. The National Hurricane Center is also monitoring two other disturbances in the Atlantic, including one east of the Caribbean’s Leeward Islands that has a 50% chance of developing into a cyclone over the next two days, and a 70% chance in the next five days. Key Background.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens into hurricane

2022-09-02T17:50+0200washtimes (en)

Indianapolis - Circa September 2021: NWS Forecast Office. NOAA is a US agency that forecasts weather, monitors oceanic and atmospheric conditions. FILE Photo credit: Jonathan Weiss via Shutterstock MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into a hurricane Friday morning — the first of an unusually quiet storm season.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens into hurricane The storm is not currently a threat to any land.

2022-09-02T17:48+0200fox10tv (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into a hurricane Friday morning — the first of an The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm’s maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75 mph (120 kph), according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens into hurricane

2022-09-02T17:47+0200wtva (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle has strengthened into a hurricane - the first of an unusually quiet storm season. The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm’s maximum sustained winds early Friday were clocked at 75 mph. The U.S. National Hurrican Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens into....

Insolita depressione atlantica avanza verso l’Europa e potrebbe trasformarsi in un uragano

2022-09-02T17:46+0200scienzenotizie (it)

Secondo gli esperti, si tratterebbe del primo fenomeno meteorologico della stagione, con queste caratteristiche, a formarsi in aree distanti dalle “zone comuni degli uragani”. Il National Hurricane Center di Miami, incaricato di monitorare le depressioni potenzialmente pericolose nell’Atlantico, ha....

Hurricane Danielle becomes first hurricane of 2022 season. Forecast calls for Category 2 storm

2022-09-02T17:42+0200tcpalm (en)

Maximum wind speed: 75 mph; Direction: west at 1 mph Maximum sustained winds have increased to near 75 mph, with higher gusts. Some additional strengthening is forecast during the next couple of days. Winds are expected to reach 100 mph within 48 hours.

Danielle becomes the first hurricane of the Atlantic season

2022-09-02T17:40+0200foxcarolina (en)

MIAMI, F.L. (FOX Carolina/AP) Tropical Storm Danielle has strengthened into a hurricane - the first of an unusually quiet storm season. The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm’s maximum sustained winds early Friday were clocked at 75 mph. The U.S.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens into hurricane

2022-09-02T17:37+0200sunherald (en)

Hurricane season in Mississippi may be ramping up this month, as the Farmers’ Almanac and the Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts storm activity in a couple of weeks. Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into a hurricane Friday morning — the first of an The storm is not currently a threat to any land.

Tropical Storm Danielle Strengthens, Soon To Be A Hurricane

2022-09-02T17:37+0200palestinewater (en)

It is the first time since 1941 that the Atlantic has gone from July 3 to the end of August with no named storm. Loading comments... 2m45s Mississippi Governor Declares State Of Emergency Over Water Crisis Newsy 15m59s How Mariah Carey BLOCKED Meghan’s preachy....

Tropical storm Danielle strengthens and could become a hurricane in the next few hours

2022-09-02T17:35+0200tellerreport (en)

Tropical storm Danielle strengthened last night over open waters of the North Atlantic and in the next few hours it may be the first hurricane of 2022 in the basin... Tropical storm Danielle strengthened last night over open waters of the North Atlantic.

Hurricane season starts late as Danielle becomes 2022’s first named tempest

2022-09-02T17:35+0200guardian (en)

Tropical storm Danielle has strengthened into the first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic Ocean season for such tempests, the US national hurricane center said on Friday. The hurricane, now about 885 miles west of the Azores in the mid-Atlantic is currently packing maximum sustained winds of 75 miles....

Tropical Storm Danielle forecast to become first hurricane of Atlantic season

2022-09-02T17:32+0200flipboard (en)

Typhoon Hinnamnor (No. 11) approached the coast of Minami Daitojima, southeast of Okinawa Prefecture on Wednesday morning, August 31. Supermarket shelves were left empty as residents raced to stock up on supplies and necessities. This video shows the empty shelves on a supermarket in Miyakojima and....

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens into hurricane

2022-09-02T17:32+0200siouxcityjournal (en)

The storm's maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75 mph (120 kph), according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center. The storm is centered about 885 miles (1,425 kilometers) west of the Azores and is drifting west at about 1 mph (about 2 kph). The hurricane center said the storm is expected to meander in the Atlantic over the next few days.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens into hurricane

2022-09-02T17:30+0200news4jax (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into a hurricane Friday morning — the first of an The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75 mph (120 kph), according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center.

Hurricane Danielle forms in Atlantic, becoming 1st hurricane of 2022 Atlantic season

2022-09-02T17:30+0200nola (en)

formed in the Atlantic on Friday, becoming the first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic season, forecasters said. The storm is in the open Atlantic and poses no immediate threat to land. It's about 885 miles west of the Azores and was moving west at 1 mph, as of 10 a.m. Friday. It's the first storm to form in the Atlantic basin in more than a month.

Danielle è il primo uragano atlantico del 2022. Raggiungerà l’Europa?

2022-09-02T17:30+0200iconaclima (it)

Sta per formarsi, sulle acque dell’Oceano Atlantico, il primo uragano di una straordinariamente tranquilla stagione fino a questo momento. Danielle , così è stata battezzata la tempesta tropicale, dovrebbe trasformarsi in uragano nel corso delle prossime ore. Si tratta della quarta tempesta atlantica della stagione, e del primo uragano del 2022.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens into hurricane

2022-09-02T17:26+0200wsvn (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into a hurricane Friday morning — the first of an unusually quiet storm season. The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm’s maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75 mph (120 kph), according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens into hurricane

2022-09-02T17:25+0200wn (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into a hurricane Friday morning — the first of an unusually quiet storm season. The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75 mph (120 kph), according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens into hurricane

2022-09-02T17:23+0200flipboard (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into a hurricane Friday morning — the first of an unusually quiet storm season. The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75 mph (120 kph), according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens into hurricane

2022-09-02T17:23+0200wcfcourier (en)

The storm's maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75 mph (120 kph), according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center. The storm is centered about 885 miles (1,425 kilometers) west of the Azores and is drifting west at about 1 mph (about 2 kph). The hurricane center said the storm is expected to meander in the Atlantic over the next few days.

Danielle swirls into first hurricane of 2022 Atlantic season (Reuters) - Tropical storm Danielle has strengthened into the first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season, the U.S. National Hurricane Cente... 22m ago

2022-09-02T17:22+0200kelo (en)

(Reuters) – Tropical storm Danielle has strengthened into the first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) said on Thursday. The hurricane, now about 885 miles (1,425 km) west of the Azores packing maximum sustained winds of 75 miles (120 km) per....

News Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens into hurricane 10:17 AM, Sep 02, 2022

2022-09-02T17:21+0200kxxv (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into a hurricane Friday morning — the first of an The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm’s maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75 mph (120 kph), according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center.

Danielle swirls into first hurricane of 2022 Atlantic season Reuters |Updated 6 minutes ago |1 min read (Reuters) - Tropical storm Danielle has strengthened into the first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) said on Thursday. The hurricane, now about 885 miles (1,425 km) west of the Azores .

2022-09-02T17:18+0200thechronicleherald (en)

(Reuters) - Tropical storm Danielle has strengthened into the first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) said on Thursday. The hurricane, now about 885 miles (1,425 km) west of the Azores packing maximum sustained winds of 75 miles (120 km) per....

Danielle becomes the first hurricane of the Atlantic season; not currently a threat to land

2022-09-02T17:17+0200wtva (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Danielle becomes the first hurricane of the Atlantic season; not currently a threat to land.

Danielle swirls into first hurricane of 2022 Atlantic season

2022-09-02T17:17+0200saltwire (en)

(Reuters) - Tropical storm Danielle has strengthened into the first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) said on Thursday. The hurricane, now about 885 miles (1,425 km) west of the Azores packing maximum sustained winds of 75 miles (120 km) per....

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens into hurricane MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into a hurricane Friday morning — the first of an unusually quiet storm season . The storm is not currently a threat to any land. Sep 2, 2022 8:02 AM Read more >

2022-09-02T17:16+0200timescolonist (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into a hurricane Friday morning — the first of an The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75 mph (120 kph), according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens into hurricane

2022-09-02T17:16+0200princegeorgecitizen (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into a hurricane Friday morning — the first of an The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75 mph (120 kph), according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens into hurricane

2022-09-02T17:15+0200nbc12 (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into a hurricane Friday morning — the first of an The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm’s maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75 mph (120 kph), according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens into hurricane

2022-09-02T17:12+0200cbs17 (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into a hurricane Friday morning — the first of an The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm’s maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75 mph (120 kph), according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens into hurricane 0 9/2/2022 8:02:18 AM

2022-09-02T17:11+0200tricitynews (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into a hurricane Friday morning — the first of an The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75 mph (120 kph), according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center.

Danielle becomes first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic season. What the forecast says

2022-09-02T17:10+0200miamiherald (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into the first hurricane of the season Friday morning. The hurricane, which is not a threat to Florida or the rest of the United States, could potentially strengthen into a Category 2 hurricane by early next week in the northern Atlantic, according to the National Hurricane Center.

Alert: Danielle becomes the first hurricane of the Atlantic season; not currently a threat to land

2022-09-02T17:09+0200sfgate (en)

Alert: Danielle becomes the first hurricane of the Atlantic season; not currently a threat to land. MIAMI (AP) — Danielle becomes the first hurricane of the Atlantic season; not currently a threat to land.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens into hurricane

2022-09-02T17:08+0200kitchenertoday (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into a hurricane Friday morning — the first of an The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75 mph (120 kph), according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens into hurricane

2022-09-02T17:08+0200startribune (en)

The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were clocked at 75 mph (120 kph), according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center. The storm is centered about 885 miles (1,425 kilometers) west of the Azores and is drifting west at about 1 mph (about 2 kph).

Danielle Swirls Into First Hurricane of 2022 Atlantic Season

2022-09-02T17:07+0200usnews (en)

(Reuters) - Tropical storm Danielle has strengthened into the first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) said on Friday. The hurricane, now about 885 miles (1,425 km) west of the Azores packing maximum sustained winds of 75 miles (120 km) per....

Tropical Storm Danielle nears hurricane strength, NHC watches 2 other systems

2022-09-02T17:05+0200wn (en)

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Tropical Storm Danielle formed Thursday in the central Atlantic, just one day after August came and went without a named storm for only the third time ......

Hurricane Danielle becomes 1st hurricane of 2022 Atlantic season Emily McCain 11:00 AM, Sep 02, 2022

2022-09-02T17:05+0200abcactionnews (en)

As predicted, Tropical Storm Danielle strengthened into a hurricane on Friday morning — the first of this year's hurricane season. Danielle is currently 885 miles west of the Azores with maximum sustained winds of 75 miles an hour. According to the NHC, "the hurricane is forecast to meander over the....

Danielle swirls into first hurricane of 2022 Atlantic season

2022-09-02T17:04+0200reuters (en)

Sept 2 (Reuters) - Tropical storm Danielle has strengthened into the first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) said on Friday. The hurricane, now about 885 miles (1,425 km) west of the Azores packing maximum sustained winds of 75 miles (120 km)....

Hurricane Danielle named first major Atlantic storm of the year

2022-09-02T17:03+0200independent-UK (en)

Danielle has officially become a Category 1 hurricane , the first hurricane of the year in the Atlantic. The system became a tropical storm on Thursday, making it the fourth named storm of the season. On Friday, maximum wind speeds strengthened to nearly 75 miles per hour (120 kilometres per hour), officially reaching hurricane status.

Hurricane Danielle forms in the Atlantic

2022-09-02T17:02+0200fox35orlando (en)

ORLANDO, Fla. Hurricane Danielle formed in the Atlantic on Friday, making it the first hurricane of the season. The National Hurricane Center says Danielle is currently a Cat 1 hurricane and is located west of the Azores with maximum sustained winds at 75 mph. Danielle is moving west near 1 mph.

Tropical Storm Danielle forecast to become first hurricane of Atlantic season

2022-09-02T17:02+0200wn (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle is forecast to become the first hurricane of a strangely quiet Atlantic hurricane season late Friday morning. The storm has strengthened, with maximum sustained winds near 70 mph and higher gusts, Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 70 miles from the center.

Tropical Storm Danielle is forecast to become season’s first hurricane today

2022-09-02T16:18+0200digitaljournal (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle was expected to strengthen into a hurricane on Friday, the first of a relatively quiet 2022 Atlantic season. As of 9:00 a.m. GMT, The National Hurricane Center is placing Tropical Storm Danielle about 890 miles (1435 Kilometers) west of the Azores, heading east at 3 mph (6....

Tropical Storm Danielle forecast to become first hurricane of Atlantic season

2022-09-02T16:12+0200foxnews (en)

Danielle is expected to strengthen as hurricane season approaches its peak. to become the first hurricane of a strangely quiet Atlantic hurricane season late Friday morning. The storm has strengthened, with maximum sustained winds near 70 mph and higher gusts, Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 70 miles from the center.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens, soon to be a hurricane - ABC News

2022-09-02T16:03+0200google-top-stories (en)

MIAMI -- Tropical Storm Danielle picked up strength in the Atlantic and was forecast to become the first hurricane of an unusually quiet storm season on Friday morning. The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 70 mph (110 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast, the U.

Danielle to be first hurricane of season, expect rain in Houston

2022-09-02T15:54+0200houstonchronicle (en)

“We have no concerns in the Atlantic for Texas,” meteorologist Matt Lanza from Space City Weather stated in the report. Despite no threat of hurricane, Houstonians will probably still need their umbrellas Friday. Showers and thunderstorms are likely between 2 and 5 p.m., the NWS reported.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens in Atlantic, could become season’s first hurricane

2022-09-02T15:52+0200cleveland (en)

The tropical storm comes amid what had been a calm hurricane season. It is the first time since 1941 that the Atlantic has gone from July 3 to the end of August with no named storm, Colorado State University hurricane researcher Phil Klotzbach had told The Associated Press earlier. In the north Pacific, Tropical Storm Javier formed overnight.

Tropical Storm Danielle Strengthens in the Atlantic

2022-09-02T15:46+0200newsbreak-USA (en)

A tropical depression strengthened into Tropical Storm Danielle on Thursday, Sept. 1, 2022. (CIRA/NOAA via The New York Times) Tropical Storm Danielle was expected to strengthen into a hurricane on Friday, the first of a relatively quiet 2022 Atlantic season. The storm does not present an immediate threat to land.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens in Atlantic, could become season’s first hurricane

2022-09-02T15:36+0200mlive (en)

The tropical storm comes amid what had been a calm hurricane season. It is the first time since 1941 that the Atlantic has gone from July 3 to the end of August with no named storm, Colorado State University hurricane researcher Phil Klotzbach had told The Associated Press earlier. In the north Pacific, Tropical Storm Javier formed overnight.

Danielle poised to become 2022′s first hurricane

2022-09-02T15:07+0200al (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle , in the northern Atlantic on Friday, is expected to become 2022's first hurricane today. It is no threat to the U.S. There are also two other tropical waves being monitored for development as of Friday. The Atlantic could have the first hurricane of 2022 on its hands soon.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens, soon to be a hurricane

2022-09-02T14:53+0200startribune (en)

The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 70 mph (110 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said. The storm is centered about 890 miles (1,435 kilometers) west of the Azores and is moving east near 3 mph (6 kph).

Dépression tropicale "Danielle" : sa transformation en ouragan se confirme, quel risque pour l'Europe ?

2022-09-02T14:42+0200midilibre (fr)

Les Météorologues observent depuis quelques jours la formation d'une dépression de type tropicale au-dessus de l'océan Altantique, qui pourrait se diriger vers l'Europe. Le phénomène météorologique, baptisé " Danielle " par le National Hurricane Center (NHC) de l’université internationale de Floride,....

Tropical Storm Danielle continues to strengthen in the Atlantic.

2022-09-02T14:29+0200clickondetroit (en)

MIAMI – Tropical Storm Danielle picked up strength in the Atlantic and was forecast to become the first hurricane of an on Friday morning. The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 70 mph (110 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said.

Un cyclone tropical peut-il toucher la côte aquitaine dans les prochains jours ? 14:27

2022-09-02T14:28+0200actu (fr)

Un ouragan va-t-il frapper les Landes ? (©Illustration/Pixabay) Les côtes landaises et françaises vont-elles être touchées par un ouragan ? C’est en tout cas un des scénarios envisageables par les experts météorologiques depuis quelques jours. Un cyclone tropical anormal Le jeudi 1 er septembre....

Faut-il s’inquiéter d’un éventuel cyclone qui toucherait la France et l’Espagne ?

2022-09-02T14:22+0200la-croix (fr)

La nouvelle a fait les gros titres à sensation : un cyclone pourrait toucher le nord de l’Espagne et la France autour du 10 septembre prochain. L’alerte proviendrait d’un météorologiste de l’agence météo espagnole, Juan Jesus Gonzalez Aleman, sur Twitter.

Tropical Storm Danielle forecast to become hurricane today - Palm Beach Post

2022-09-02T13:59+0200google-top-stories (en)

is forecast to become the first hurricane of the Atlantic season this morning, according to the latest advisory from the National Hurricane Center. The storm had maximum sustained winds of 70 mph as of 5 a.m., just short of the 74 mph winds required to become a Category 1 hurricane. The storm poses no threat to the U.

Tropical Storm Danielle expected to become hurricane Friday

2022-09-02T13:40+0200tampabay (en)

Forecasters expect Tropical Storm Danielle to become a hurricane by Friday morning, according the National Hurricane Center Friday. Models from the National Hurricane Center show Danielle is not a threat to Florida or the United States. Tropical Storm Danielle is continuing to strengthen in the Atlantic.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens, soon to be a hurricane

2022-09-02T12:42+0200missoulian (en)

The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 70 mph (110 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said. The storm is centered about 890 miles (1,435 kilometers) west of the Azores and is moving east near 3 mph (6 kph).

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens, expected to become season's first hurricane on Friday

2022-09-02T12:32+0200fox35orlando (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle likely to become Atlantic season's first hurricane. FOX 35 Storm Team Chief Meteorologist Jayme King has the forecast. Tropical Storm Danielle continues to gain strength and the system is expected to develop into a Cat 1 hurricane as soon as Friday. This would be the season's first hurricane.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens, soon to be a hurricane

2022-09-02T12:31+0200taiwannews (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle picked up strength in the Atlantic and was forecast to become the first hurricane of an unusually quiet storm season on Friday morning. The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 70 mph (110 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast, the U.

Tempête Danielle : sa "transformation" en cyclone imminente, les images extraordinaires de la formation de son œil

2022-09-02T12:26+0200lindependant (fr)

110 km/h. Née de la dépression tropicale numéro 5, Danielle est devenue une tempête tropicale ce jeudi. Et vu qu'elle semble se renforcer, elle devrait se "transformer" en cyclone dans la journée de ce vendredi 2 septembre, et devenir ainsi le premier de la saison.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens, soon to be a hurricane

2022-09-02T12:23+0200buffalonews (en)

The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 70 mph (110 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said. The storm is centered about 890 miles (1,435 kilometers) west of the Azores and is moving east near 3 mph (6 kph).

A few storms today but rains become more widespread this weekend

2022-09-02T12:20+0200wafb (en)

BATON ROUGE, La. (WAFB) - Guidance has continued to trend slower with the arrival of some deep tropical moisture, leaving us with one more day of modest rain chances. Most of us stay mainly dry through the morning hours, with temperatures quickly climbing to around 90 degrees.

Rain expected to clear in time for Artemis l launch from Florida's Space Coast

2022-09-02T12:02+0200fox35orlando (en)

Rain: 50% chance PM Storms. Main weather concerns Central Florida can expect a hot and humid Friday with a rise in afternoon thunderstorms. Scattered storms will be possible around 2-3 p.m. along the east coast sea breeze, then numerous showers will become likely through the evening across the interior, chances at 50% or so.

Rain, storms and downpours for the weekend Everyone gets wet, but there will be periods of dryness.

2022-09-02T12:01+0200wsfa (en)

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (WSFA) - An uptick in rain and storm chances will occur today and this weekend as tropical-like moisture has returned to Alabama. At least we got to experience 24 hours of lower humidity, right? Scattered showers and storms are likely today.

Tropical Storm Danielle hours away from becoming season's first hurricane, winds now at 70 mph

2022-09-02T12:00+0200tcpalm (en)

So far, 2022 is an extremely quiet year for tropical weather in the Atlantic, but the days after Aug. 29 often bring a major spike in named storms. is forecast to become the first hurricane of the Atlantic season this morning, according to the latest advisory from the National Hurricane Center.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens, soon to be a hurricane

2022-09-02T11:55+0200digitpatrox (en)

MIAMI — Tropical Storm Danielle picked up energy within the Atlantic and was forecast to grow to be the primary hurricane of an unusually quiet storm season on Friday morning. The storm just isn’t at present a menace to any land. The storm’s most sustained winds have been close to 70 mph (110 kph). Further strengthening is forecast, the U.

Un cyclone pourrait-il s’approcher de la Bretagne vers mi-septembre ? Des météorologues tempèrent

2022-09-02T11:53+0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

La tempête circule pour le moment dans l’Atlantique Nord. (Photo d’illustration Pixabay) Depuis jeudi, une tempête tropicale circule dans l’Atlantique Nord et « pourrait devenir le premier ouragan de la saison dans les prochaines heures », précise le National Hurricane Center.

Normal Atlantic Hurricane Activity Forecast Over Next 2 Weeks

2022-09-02T11:49+0200sunstkitts (en)

By Erwin Seba HOUSTON, Sept 1 (Reuters) – There will likely be normal levels of tropical storm activity over the next two weeks as the Atlantic Ocean hurricane season hits its peak, forecasters at Colorado State University said on Thursday. An upper-level trough in the atmosphere is expected to....

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens, soon to be a hurricane

2022-09-02T11:45+0200wcfcourier (en)

The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 70 mph (110 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said. The storm is centered about 890 miles (1,435 kilometers) west of the Azores and is moving east near 3 mph (6 kph).

Normal Atlantic Hurricane Activity Forecast over Next Two Weeks

2022-09-02T11:39+0200marinelink (en)

There will likely be normal levels of tropical storm activity over the next two weeks as the Atlantic Ocean hurricane season hits its peak, forecasters at Colorado State University said on Thursday. An upper-level trough in the atmosphere is expected to continue bringing near-normal to above-normal....

Tropical Storm Danielle likely to become season's first hurricane The National Hurricane Center predicts it will strengthen quickly and lead off what's been an unusually quiet hurricane season so far. It's not threatening any land yet. 9M ago

2022-09-02T11:39+0200CBSnews (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle 's position early on Sept. 2, 2022. National Hurricane Center. Miami Tropical Storm Danielle picked up strength in the Atlantic and was forecast to become the first hurricane of an unusually quiet storm season later on Friday. The storm is not currently a threat to any land.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens, soon to be a hurricane

2022-09-02T11:37+0200siouxcityjournal (en)

The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 70 mph (110 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said. The storm is centered about 890 miles (1,435 kilometers) west of the Azores and is moving east near 3 mph (6 kph).

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens, soon to be a hurricane

2022-09-02T11:34+0200whig (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle continues to strengthen in the Atlantic. It is expected to become the first hurricane of an unusually quiet storm season. The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm’s maximum sustained winds early Friday were near <70 mph. The U.S.

VRAI OU FAUX. Un cyclone va-t-il vraiment frapper la France prochainement ?

2022-09-02T11:31+0200ladepeche (fr)

l'essentiel Alors qu'un météorologue espagnol a alerté sur un risque possible de cyclone tropical anormal pouvant s'abattre sur la péninsule ibérique puis sur les côtes françaises prochainement, ce scénario est-il vraiment possible ? La Dépêche fait le point.

NHC sees tropical storm Danielle becoming hurricane on Friday

2022-09-02T11:29+0200wn (en)

Sept 2 (Reuters) - Tropical storm Danielle is forecast to become the season's first hurricane on Friday, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) said in its latest advisory. The storm, which is located about 925 miles (1,485 km) west of the....

Tropical storm Danielle strengthens; soon to emerge as a hurricane in US

2022-09-02T11:24+0200business-standard (en)

Centre said. The storm is centred about 925 miles (1,485 kilometres) west of the Azores and is moving east near 2 mph (4 kph). The hurricane centre said the storm is expected to meander in the Atlantic over the next few days. The tropical storm comes amid what had been a calm hurricane season.

ALLISTER AALDERS: Fresher airmass coming for the Labour Day long weekend

2022-09-02T11:22+0200saltwire (en)

The Labour Day long weekend is here, summer vacations are winding down and pumpkin spice everything has returned – a sure sign fall is around the corner. It’s a beautiful Friday across Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick as high pressure approaches from the west.

The nation in brief: N .C. high school knife rampage deadly

2022-09-02T11:15+0200arkansasonline (en)

N .C. high school knife rampage deadly. JACKSONVILLE, N.C. — One person was killed and two were injured Thursday in an apparent stabbing on the fourth day of class at an eastern North Carolina high school, police said. Jacksonville Police Chief Mike Yaniero said two minors were taken to Naval....

Météo : Danielle, première tempête tropicale depuis juillet, ne devrait toucher ni l’Europe, ni les Antilles

2022-09-02T11:04+0200sudouest (fr)

La dépression tropicale n°5 détectée au cœur de l’Atlantique s’est désormais intensifiée en tempête tropicale. Elle a été baptisée Danielle par le National Hurricane Center et produit des rafales de vent allant jusqu’à 100 km/h. Elle pourrait atteindre le statut d’ouragan dans les prochaines heures.

Tropical Storm Danielle soon to be a hurricane

2022-09-02T10:52+0200ABCnews (en)

MIAMI -- Tropical Storm Danielle picked up strength in the Atlantic and was forecast to become the first hurricane of an unusually quiet storm season later on Friday. The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 65 mph (100 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast, the U.

Weather tracker: South Korea and Japan brace for typhoon Hinnamnor

2022-09-02T10:18+0200guardian (en)

Destruction is imminent across southern Japan and South Korea as super typhoon Hinnamnor barrels northwards through the East China Sea this weekend. The typhoon is so far the strongest tropical storm of the 2022 hurricane season and developed gradually this week out in the Pacific, edging towards the Philippines and Taiwan.

Météo : un cyclone tropical susceptible de toucher la France fait le...

2022-09-02T10:13+0200francetvinfo (fr)

Ouragan en formation au dessus de l'Atlantique, cyclone tropical anormal avec l'Europe en ligne de mire : depuis quelques heures, sur les réseaux sociaux, les internautes partagent différentes publications inquiétantes. Les spécialistes héraultais de la météo calment le jeu.

Météo : un cyclone tropical susceptible de toucher la France fait le buzz, les météorologues tempèrent

2022-09-02T10:10+0200france3 (fr)

Ouragan en formation au dessus de l'Atlantique, cyclone tropical anormal avec l'Europe en ligne de mire : depuis quelques heures, sur les réseaux sociaux, les internautes partagent différentes publications inquiétantes. Les spécialistes héraultais de la météo calment le jeu.

World News | Myanmar Junta Sentences Aung San Suu Kyi to Jail for Electoral Fraud

2022-09-02T09:52+0200latestly (en)

Naypyidaw [Myanmar], September 2 (ANI): Myanmar's ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi on Friday was sentenced to three years in jail with hard labour after a court found her guilty of electoral fraud. Zabuthiri Township judge Maung Maung Khin handed down the sentence at a junta-controlled closed court in....

Meteo. Oceano Atlantico, temperature da record. Atipico...

2022-09-02T09:39+02003bmeteo (it)

Estate 2022, mare caldo sull'emisfero nord. Le acque del Nord Atlantico si presentano molto calde; le anomalie attuali sono superiori alla media di 5-6°C. Secondo il Maine Climate Office la temperatura di quasi 25°C sarebbe la più alta della serie storica per questo periodo.

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic

2022-09-02T09:37+0200newsbreak-USA (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle formed Thursday in the Atlantic and is expected to become the first hurricane of an unusually quiet storm season. But the storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph (65 kph).

Tropical Storm Danielle Forms in the Atlantic, Expected to Become Hurricane on Friday

2022-09-02T09:32+0200theepochtimes (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle formed Thursday in the Atlantic and is expected to become the first hurricane of an unusually quiet season. The storm is forecast to become the season’s first hurricane on Friday, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) said in its latest advisory.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens, soon to be a hurricane

2022-09-02T09:06+0200TorontoStar (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle picked up strength in the and was forecast to become the first hurricane of an unusually quiet storm season later on Friday. The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm’s maximum sustained winds were near 65 mph (100 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast, the U.

Tempesta tropicale Danielle si rafforza, presto diventerà un uragano

2022-09-02T08:48+0200meteoweb (it)

La tempesta tropicale Danielle si è rafforzata e nelle prossime ore potrebbe diventare il primo uragano in una stagione di tempeste insolitamente tranquilla. Danielle non è attualmente una minaccia per la terraferma. I venti massimi sostenuti della tempesta si aggirano sui 100 km/h , ma è previsto....

Tropical Storm Danielle

2022-09-02T08:43+0200woodtv (en)

It’s been nearly 2 months since we had the last named tropical storm in the Atlantic/Caribbean/Gulf of Mexico (that was “Colin” – a storm so weak that some meteorologists questioned whether it should have been named or not) but now we have Tropical Storm Danielle . Danielle is far from land and moving very slowly now.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens, soon to be a hurricane

2022-09-02T08:37+0200wboc (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle continues to strengthen in the Atlantic. It is expected to become the first hurricane of an unusually quiet storm season. The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm’s maximum sustained winds early Friday were near <65 mph. The U.S.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens, soon to be a hurricane

2022-09-02T08:32+0200wn (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle picked up strength in the and was forecast to become the first hurricane of an unusually quiet storm season later on Friday. The storm is not currently ......

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens, soon to be a hurricane

2022-09-02T08:28+0200timesofindia (en)

MIAMI: Tropical Storm Danielle picked up strength in the and was forecast to become the first hurricane of an unusually quiet storm season later on Friday. The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 65 mph (100 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast, the said.

Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic and is expected to morph into the…

2022-09-02T08:22+0200whatsnew2day (en)

The tropical storm comes amid what had been a calm hurricane season. Danielle is the first named storm to form in the Atlantic basin since Colin formed in July. The storm is not expected to cause any problems in the southeastern United States. There is a chance the storm could hit Bermuda.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens, soon to be a …

2022-09-02T08:22+0200yourerie (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle picked up strength in the and was forecast to become the first hurricane of an unusually quiet storm season later on Friday. The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm’s maximum sustained winds were near 65 mph (100 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast, the U.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens, soon to be a …

2022-09-02T08:16+0200krqe (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle picked up strength in the and was forecast to become the first hurricane of an unusually quiet storm season later on Friday. The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm’s maximum sustained winds were near 65 mph (100 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast, the U.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens, soon to be a …

2022-09-02T08:15+0200cbs17 (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle picked up strength in the and was forecast to become the first hurricane of an unusually quiet storm season later on Friday. The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm’s maximum sustained winds were near 65 mph (100 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast, the U.

World News | Tropical Storm Danielle Strengthens, Soon to Be a Hurricane in US

2022-09-02T08:13+0200latestly (en)

Miami (US), Sep 2 (AP) Tropical Storm Danielle picked up strength in the and was forecast to become the first hurricane of an unusually quiet storm season later on Friday. The storm is not currently a threat to any land. Also Read | Spain : Two Vessels Collide Near Gibraltar Port, Fuel Leak Feared (Watch Video).

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens, soon to be a …

2022-09-02T08:12+0200wowktv (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle picked up strength in the and was forecast to become the first hurricane of an unusually quiet storm season later on Friday. The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm’s maximum sustained winds were near 65 mph (100 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast, the U.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens, soon to be a hurricane

2022-09-02T08:11+0200sfgate (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle picked up strength in the and was forecast to become the first hurricane of an unusually quiet storm season later on Friday. The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 65 mph (100 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast, the U.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens, soon to be a hurricane

2022-09-02T08:10+0200wsoctv (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle picked up strength in the and was forecast to become the first hurricane of an later on Friday. The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 65 mph (100 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens, soon to be a hurricane

2022-09-02T08:08+0200wftv (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle picked up strength in the and was forecast to become the first hurricane of an later on Friday. The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 65 mph (100 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens, soon to be a hurricane

2022-09-02T08:07+0200newsobserver (en)

MIAMI. Tropical Storm Danielle picked up strength in the and was forecast to become the first hurricane of an unusually quiet storm season later on Friday. The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 65 mph (100 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast, the U.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens, soon to be a hurricane

2022-09-02T08:06+0200krmg (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle picked up strength in the and was forecast to become the first hurricane of an later on Friday. The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 65 mph (100 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said.

Tropical Storm Danielle Strengthens, Soon to Be a Hurricane

2022-09-02T08:05+0200usnews (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle picked up strength in the and was forecast to become the first hurricane of an unusually quiet storm season later on Friday. The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 65 mph (100 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said.

Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic and is expected to morph into the first hurricane of season

2022-09-02T08:03+0200dailymail (en)

On May 24, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced that they predicted a particularly intense 2022 season. 'Forecasters at NOAA's Climate Prediction Center, a division of the National Weather Service, are predicting above-average hurricane activity this year — which....

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens, soon to be a …

2022-09-02T08:03+0200wearecentralpa (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle picked up strength in the and was forecast to become the first hurricane of an unusually quiet storm season later on Friday. The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm’s maximum sustained winds were near 65 mph (100 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast, the U.

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens, soon to be a hurricane

2022-09-02T08:02+0200actionnewsjax (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle picked up strength in the and was forecast to become the first hurricane of an later on Friday. The storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 65 mph (100 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said.

Teacher keeps kids guessing with witty musical reveal. Millions are watching on TikTok

2022-09-02T07:28+0200bnd (en)

Usually, musicals intend to have the audience on the edge of their seats, but for one high school class in Iowa, the actors and singers were the ones living in suspense. Over several days, Indianola High School choir teacher Myles Finn used the process of elimination to whittle the choices of which musical the class would put on in 2023.

NHC sees tropical storm Danielle becoming hurricane on Friday (Reuters) - Tropical storm Danielle is forecast to become the season's first hurricane on Friday, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) said in its... 39m ago

2022-09-02T06:08+0200kelo (en)

(Reuters) – Tropical storm Danielle is forecast to become the season’s first hurricane on Friday, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) said in its latest advisory. The storm, which is located about 925 miles (1,485 km) west of the Azores with maximum sustained winds of 65 miles per hour (100 km....

News After a quiet summer, 2022 hurricane season is becoming more active Heather Mathis 10:08 PM, Sep 01, 2022

2022-09-02T06:01+0200newschannel5 (en)

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — It has been a fairly quiet start to the 2022 hurricane season. In fact, we finished the month of August without any named storms. That is something that hasn't happened in the Atlantic in 25 years. Now that we are heading into September, the tropics are looking more active with several disturbances we are watching.

NHC sees tropical storm Danielle becoming hurricane on Friday (Reuters) - Tropical storm Danielle is forecast to become the season's first hurricane on Friday, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) said in its... 24m ago

2022-09-02T05:51+0200wsau (en)

(Reuters) – Tropical storm Danielle is forecast to become the season’s first hurricane on Friday, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) said in its latest advisory. The storm, which is located about 925 miles (1,485 km) west of the Azores with maximum sustained winds of 65 miles per hour (100 km....

Tropical storm Danielle could turn into hurricane within a day

2022-09-02T03:37+0200wn (en)

Sept 1 (Reuters) - A tropical depression has strengthened into Tropical Storm Danielle in the open Atlantic Ocean , the U.S. National Hurricane Center said on Thursday.

Hillsborough County Slow start to hurricane season isn't indicator of what's ahead Jada Williams 5:42 PM, Sep 01, 2022

2022-09-01T23:52+0200abcactionnews (en)

TAMPA, Fla. — Tropical Storm Danielle is now on our radar, only the fourth named storm to form this hurricane season. It's September, yet we've only made it to D on the National Hurricane Center's Atlantic Names list. Ryan Truchelut, the president of Weather Tiger, a weather company that studies trends in the weather, said it's "great news.

Utilities Up on Defensive Bias, Amid Recession Fears -- Utilities Roundup

2022-09-01T23:43+02004-traders (en)

Shares of power producers rose, as traders rotated into the defensive sector because of warning signs of a recession. The National Hurricane Center said Tropical Storm Danielle had formed in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, and could soon become the first hurricane of a quiet season.

Tropical Storm Forming in Atlantic Forecast to Become Season's First Hurricane

2022-09-01T23:33+0200wn (en)

The U.S. National Hurricane Center reported Thursday that Tropical Storm Danielle has formed in the Atlantic Ocean and is expected to become the first hurricane of what has been an unusually quiet storm season, but one that is predicted to become busier than average.

Tropical Storm Forms In Atlantic Basin Expected To Become First Hurricane Of Season

2022-09-01T23:31+0200dailyvoice-clarkstown (en)

A tropical storm has just formed in the Atlantic Basin and forecasters say it has the potential to become the first hurricane of the 2022 season. The National Hurricane Center said on Thursday, Sept. 1 that a tropical depression had strengthened into what has been named Tropical Storm Danielle .

Utilities Up on Defensive Bias, Amid Recession Fears -- Utilities Roundup

2022-09-01T23:29+0200marketwatch (en)

Shares of power producers rose, as traders rotated into the defensive sector because of warning signs of a recession. The National Hurricane Center said Tropical Storm Danielle had formed in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, and could soon become the first hurricane of a quiet season.

Tropical storm Danielle could turn into hurricane within a day (Reuters) - A tropical depression has strengthened into Tropical Storm Danielle in the open Atlantic Ocean, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said on... 13m ago

2022-09-01T23:18+0200kelo (en)

(Reuters) – A tropical depression has strengthened into Tropical Storm Danielle in the open Atlantic Ocean, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said on Thursday. The storm, located about 950 miles (1,530 km) west of the Azores and packing maximum sustained winds of 60 miles (95 km) per hour, could....

After slow start, hurricane season heats up

2022-09-01T23:17+0200cbs17 (en)

RALEIGH, N.C. (WNCN) — After a historically slow start to the 2022 hurricane season, activity in the tropics is slowly beginning to increase. In fact, newly formed Tropical Storm Danielle is expected to become the first hurricane of the 2022 season by Friday afternoon.

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic - ABC News

2022-09-01T23:16+0200google-top-stories (en)

MIAMI -- Tropical Storm Danielle formed Thursday in the Atlantic and is expected to become the first hurricane of an unusually quiet storm season. But the storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph (65 kph).

Tropical Storm Forms In Atlantic Basin Expected To Become First Hurricane Of Season

2022-09-01T23:09+0200dailyvoice-ramapo (en)

A tropical storm has just formed in the Atlantic Basin and forecasters say it has the potential to become the first hurricane of the 2022 season. The National Hurricane Center said on Thursday, Sept. 1 that a tropical depression had strengthened into what has been named Tropical Storm Danielle .

Tropical Storm Forms In Atlantic Basin Expected To Become First Hurricane Of Season

2022-09-01T23:03+0200dailyvoice-orangetown (en)

A tropical storm has just formed in the Atlantic Basin and forecasters say it has the potential to become the first hurricane of the 2022 season. The National Hurricane Center said on Thursday, Sept. 1 that a tropical depression had strengthened into what has been named Tropical Storm Danielle .

Tropical Storm Danielle becomes first named storm in two months

2022-09-01T22:35+0200thehill (en)

After a quiet beginning to the Atlantic hurricane season, a named storm formed on Thursday. Tropical Storm Danielle formed just before 11 a.m. Eastern time 960 miles west of the Azores, according to the Forecasters anticipated an abnormally active hurricane season this year, predicting that between....

Tropical Storm Forming in Atlantic Forecast to Become Season's First Hurricane

2022-09-01T22:31+0200voanews (en)

The U.S. National Hurricane Center reported Thursday that Tropical Storm Danielle has formed in the Atlantic Ocean and is expected to become the first hurricane of what has been an unusually quiet storm season, but one that is predicted to become busier than average.

Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic

2022-09-01T22:17+0200dominicantoday (en)

Santo Domingo, DR Tropical Depression Five transformed Thursday into Tropical Storm Danielle in the middle of the North Atlantic. Its winds reached a speed of 40 miles per hour (65 km/h), the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) reported. Danielle, the fourth tropical storm this year in the Atlantic....

Tropical Storm Danielle strengthens in Atlantic; it's 1 of 3 systems forecasters are tracking

2022-09-01T22:10+0200nola (en)

is rapidly strengthening in the Atlantic and is expected to become the season's first hurricane over the weekend, forecasters said Thursday afternoon. Danielle was about 950 miles west of the Azores and was moving east at 2 mph, as of 2 p.m. Thursday. It poses no immediate threat to land.

You can save 40 cents per gallon on gas at Circle K, but you have to act fast

2022-09-01T22:03+0200macon (en)

Circle K is offering 40 cents off per gallon of gas nationwide at participating stations with Circle K branded gas on Thursday, Sept. 1. Here’s what to know. (AP Photo/David Zalubowski) David Zalubowski AP Circle K is giving drivers a break at the pump with discounted gas — for one day only.

Météo. Cyclone qui pourrait se diriger vers la France : pourquoi faut-il l’appeler Danielle?

2022-09-01T21:38+0200lindependant (fr)

A lire aussi : Cyclone tropical anormal : à partir de quand une tempête devient-elle un cyclone ? Mais pourquoi le nom de Danielle a-t-il été choisi pour le cyclone ? Première chose, les ouragans et les tempêtes portent tous des prénoms, d’homme ou de femme, indique Le Monde.

Tropical Storm Danielle expected to become hurricane, not likely to hit land

2022-09-01T21:23+0200upi (en)

Tropical storm Danielle is "meandering" over the mid-Atlantic and not expected to hit land. The National Hurricane Center says Danielle is expected to become a hurricane in two days or so. Sept. 1 (UPI) -- Tropical Storm Danielle is forecast to linger in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean before drifting north next week.

August saw no named storms for only the third time

2022-09-01T21:04+0200eep (en)

The quietude has surprised forecasters, who predicted an above-average hurricane season. But they are quick to note that the riskiest part of the year awaits. “The peak of the hurricane season is still coming. This is just extra time to prepare,” said Matthew Rosencrans, NOAA’s lead hurricane forecaster.

11-year-old crashed stolen truck several times before 100-mph chase, Georgia cops say

2022-09-01T20:57+0200fresnobee (en)

An 11-year-old stole his stepfather’s pickup truck and crashed it several times before leading police on a high-speed chase in Georgia, officials said. The child drove more than 100 mph before getting into a final crash that ended the Savannah-area chase on Wednesday, Aug. 31, according to multiple news outlets.

The fourth tropical storm of the hurricane season forms in the North Atlantic

2022-09-01T20:43+0200d1softballnews (en)

After an August without cyclonic systems, September began with the formation of the fourth tropical storm of this season, located in the north of the Atlantic Ocean, reported this morning the National Hurricane Center (NHC, in English). After just starting the bulletins at 5:00 a.m.

Une tempête tropicale se forme dans l’Atlantique Nord et pourrait y atteindre le stade du cyclone

2022-09-01T20:43+0200maville (fr)

Le a indiqué ce jeudi 1 er septembre 2022 que la dépression qu’elle guettait dans l’Atlantique Nord depuis quelques heures s’était transformée en tempête tropicale. Cette tempête, la 4 e de l’année mais la première depuis début juillet, a été baptisée « Danielle ». Elle se trouve actuellement sur la même latitude que l’archipel des Açores.

Tropical Storm Danielle could become a hurricane, and 2 other systems could strengthen

2022-09-01T20:28+0200idahostatesman (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle formed in the Atlantic Thursday and could potentially strengthen into the first hurricane of the season by early next week. Forecasters are also watching two other systems in the Atlantic that could turn into tropical depressions soon.

Tropical Storm Danielle could become a hurricane, and 2 other systems could strengthen

2022-09-01T20:24+0200charlotteobserver (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle formed in the Atlantic Thursday and could potentially strengthen into the first hurricane of the season by early next week. Forecasters are also watching two other systems in the Atlantic that could turn into tropical depressions soon.

You can save 40 cents per gallon on gas at Circle K, but you have to act fast

2022-09-01T20:23+0200ledger-enquirer (en)

Circle K is offering 40 cents off per gallon of gas nationwide at participating stations with Circle K branded gas on Thursday, Sept. 1. Here’s what to know. (AP Photo/David Zalubowski) David Zalubowski AP Circle K is giving drivers a break at the pump with discounted gas — for one day only.

Tropical Storm Danielle could become a hurricane, and 2 other systems could strengthen

2022-09-01T20:21+0200theolympian (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle formed in the Atlantic Thursday and could potentially strengthen into the first hurricane of the season by early next week. Forecasters are also watching two other systems in the Atlantic that could turn into tropical depressions soon.

Tropical Storm Danielle could become a hurricane, and 2 other systems could strengthen

2022-09-01T20:20+0200heraldonline (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle formed in the Atlantic Thursday and could potentially strengthen into the first hurricane of the season by early next week. Forecasters are also watching two other systems in the Atlantic that could turn into tropical depressions soon.

Tropical Storm Danielle could become a hurricane, and 2 other systems could strengthen

2022-09-01T20:20+0200islandpacket (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle formed in the Atlantic Thursday and could potentially strengthen into the first hurricane of the season by early next week. Forecasters are also watching two other systems in the Atlantic that could turn into tropical depressions soon.


2022-09-01T20:19+0200wn (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle Advisory Number 2 NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL AL052022 300 PM GMT Thu Sep 01 2022 SUMMARY OF 300 PM GMT...1500 UTC...INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------- LOCATION...38.1N 44.7W ABOUT 960 MI...

Tropical Storm Danielle could become a hurricane, and 2 other systems could strengthen

2022-09-01T20:19+0200fresnobee (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle formed in the Atlantic Thursday and could potentially strengthen into the first hurricane of the season by early next week. Forecasters are also watching two other systems in the Atlantic that could turn into tropical depressions soon.

Tropical Storm Danielle could become a hurricane, and 2 other systems could strengthen

2022-09-01T20:19+0200tri-cityherald (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle formed in the Atlantic Thursday and could potentially strengthen into the first hurricane of the season by early next week. Forecasters are also watching two other systems in the Atlantic that could turn into tropical depressions soon.

Tropical Storm Danielle could become a hurricane, and 2 other systems could strengthen

2022-09-01T20:18+0200kansascity (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle formed in the Atlantic Thursday and could potentially strengthen into the first hurricane of the season by early next week. Forecasters are also watching two other systems in the Atlantic that could turn into tropical depressions soon.

Tropical Storm Danielle could become a hurricane, and 2 other systems could strengthen

2022-09-01T20:17+0200star-telegram (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle formed in the Atlantic Thursday and could potentially strengthen into the first hurricane of the season by early next week. Forecasters are also watching two other systems in the Atlantic that could turn into tropical depressions soon.

First named storm in about two months appears in the Atlantic

2022-09-01T20:02+0200houstonchronicle (en)

The downtown skyline is seen as storm moves into the area Tuesday, May 24, 2022, in Houston. Jon Shapley/Staff photographer. Danielle is the first named storm in close to two months, but hopefully no one will have to meet her. Tropical Storm Danielle formed Thursday in the Atlantic and is expected....

Tropical Storm Danielle: Path Tracker Update on Potential First Hurricane

2022-09-01T19:50+0200newsweek (en)

While the Atlantic Hurricane Season has been somewhat quiet over the summer months, Tropical Storm Danielle could become the season's first hurricane. On Thursday morning, the National Hurricane Center announced that Tropical Depression Five was upgraded to Tropical Storm Danielle, making it the first named storm since earlier this summer.

Danielle forms far to the north » Yale Climate Connections

2022-09-01T19:49+0200wingsenvironmental (en)

Forecast for Danielle . In this upside-down Atlantic hurricane season, it would be appropriate if the first hurricane of the year ended up forming in an upside-down location – far to the north, near 38°N. That’s quite possible, given the forecast for Danielle.

Tropical Storm Danielle: Path Tracker Update on Potential First Hurricane

2022-09-01T19:49+0200newsweek-USA (en)

While the Atlantic Hurricane Season has been somewhat quiet over the summer months, Tropical Storm Danielle could become the season's first hurricane. On Thursday morning, the National Hurricane Center announced that Tropical Depression Five was upgraded to Tropical Storm Danielle, making it the first named storm since earlier this summer.

Une tempête tropicale se forme dans l’Atlantique Nord et pourrait y atteindre le stade du cyclone

2022-09-01T19:37+0200presseocean (fr)

Une dépression circulant dans l’Atlantique nord s’est transformée ce jeudi 1er septembre 2022 en tempête tropicale. Cette tempête, baptisée « Danielle », pourrait devenir un ouragan dans les prochains jours et s’approcher de l’Europe. Sur l’île française de Saint-Martin, Irma a fait parler sa violence, l’homme laisse maintenant éclater la sienne.

Tropical Storm Danielle Forms in the Atlantic, Ending Two Months of Relative Calm

2022-09-01T19:35+0200newsbreak-USA (en)

A tropical depression strengthened into Tropical Storm Danielle on Thursday, Sept. 1, 2022. (CIRA/NOAA via The New York Times) After an unusually quiet start to the Atlantic hurricane season, Tropical Storm Danielle formed on Thursday, the first named storm in nearly two months. As of 11 a.m.

Une tempête tropicale se forme dans l’Atlantique Nord et pourrait y atteindre le stade du cyclone

2022-09-01T19:34+0200courrierdelouest (fr)

Une dépression circulant dans l’Atlantique nord s’est transformée ce jeudi 1er septembre 2022 en tempête tropicale. Cette tempête, baptisée « Danielle », pourrait devenir un ouragan dans les prochains jours et s’approcher de l’Europe. Sur l’île française de Saint-Martin, Irma a fait parler sa violence, l’homme laisse maintenant éclater la sienne.

Une tempête tropicale se forme dans l’Atlantique Nord et pourrait y atteindre le stade du cyclone

2022-09-01T19:33+0200OuestFrance (fr)

Une dépression circulant dans l’Atlantique nord s’est transformée ce jeudi 1er septembre 2022 en tempête tropicale. Cette tempête, baptisée « Danielle », pourrait devenir un ouragan dans les prochains jours et s’approcher de l’Europe. Sur l’île française de Saint-Martin, Irma a fait parler sa violence, l’homme laisse maintenant éclater la sienne.

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in Atlantic, expected to become 1st hurricane of 2022

2022-09-01T19:32+0200nj (en)

A tropical depression in the northern Atlantic Ocean has strengthened to become Tropical Storm Danielle . Forecasters say it will likely become the first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season. National Hurricane Center. A tropical depression in the northern Atlantic Ocean has strengthened....

Une tempête tropicale se forme dans l’Atlantique Nord et pourrait y atteindre le stade du cyclone

2022-09-01T19:32+0200lemainelibre (fr)

Une dépression circulant dans l’Atlantique nord s’est transformée ce jeudi 1er septembre 2022 en tempête tropicale. Cette tempête, baptisée « Danielle », pourrait devenir un ouragan dans les prochains jours et s’approcher de l’Europe. Sur l’île française de Saint-Martin, Irma a fait parler sa violence, l’homme laisse maintenant éclater la sienne.

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic after rare, quiet August

2022-09-01T19:27+0200wingsenvironmental (en)

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – The last time the Atlantic Ocean experienced an August without a named storm? 25 years ago. This tropical meteorology season has been incredibly quiet, but it seems like activity is starting to ramp up. The National Hurricane Center has now designated Tropical Storm Danielle in the Atlantic.

High heat, possible rain, but 'nothing too crazy' to mark the Labor Day weekend

2022-09-01T19:25+0200tcpalm (en)

Expect a hot and potentially wet Labor Day weekend on the Treasure Coast with a heat index ranging from 100 to 103 degrees, National Weather Service meteorologists said, and a roughly 40 percent daily chance of rain. And while the National Hurricane Center is monitoring three points of tropical....

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic, two other systems could be depressions

2022-09-01T19:16+0200wn (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle formed in the Atlantic Thursday, with forecasters also eyeing two other systems that could turn into tropical depressions soon. In its 11 a.m. advisory, the National Hurricane ......

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic

2022-09-01T19:14+0200fox10tv (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle formed Thursday in the Atlantic and is expected to become the first hurricane of an But the storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm’s maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph (65 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast and the storm is expected to become a hurricane in two days or so, the U.

Normal Atlantic hurricane activity forecast over next two weeks By Erwin Seba HOUSTON (Reuters) - There will likely be normal levels of tropical storm activity over the next two weeks as the Atlantic Ocean hurrican... 22m ago

2022-09-01T19:08+0200wsau (en)

By Erwin Seba. HOUSTON (Reuters) – There will likely be normal levels of tropical storm activity over the next two weeks as the Atlantic Ocean hurricane season hits its peak, forecasters at Colorado State University said on Thursday. An upper-level trough in the atmosphere is expected to continue....

Normal Atlantic hurricane activity forecast over next two weeks By Erwin Seba HOUSTON (Reuters) - There will likely be normal levels of tropical storm activity over the next two weeks as the Atlantic Ocean hurrican... 16m ago

2022-09-01T19:03+0200kelo (en)

By Erwin Seba. HOUSTON (Reuters) – There will likely be normal levels of tropical storm activity over the next two weeks as the Atlantic Ocean hurricane season hits its peak, forecasters at Colorado State University said on Thursday. An upper-level trough in the atmosphere is expected to continue....

Will it rain in Miami on Labor Day weekend? How hot will it get? What the forecast says

2022-09-01T18:59+0200miamiherald (en)

We have some news. Rain and storms are in the weekend forecast for Miami-Dade, Broward and the Florida Keys, but these storms — which could be strong — may be more isolated on the Monday holiday in Key West. We’re talking a 30% chance on the island chain versus a 40% chance on mainland South Florida.

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic, two other systems could be depressions

2022-09-01T18:55+0200miamiherald (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle formed in the Atlantic Thursday, with forecasters also eyeing two other systems that could turn into tropical depressions soon. In its 11 a.m. advisory, the National Hurricane Center said that Tropical Depression Five in the northern Atlantic has strengthened into Danielle,....

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic, two other systems could be depressions

2022-09-01T18:41+0200idahostatesman (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle formed in the Atlantic Thursday, with forecasters also eyeing two other systems that could turn into tropical depressions soon. In its 11 a.m. advisory, the National Hurricane Center said that Tropical Depression Five in the northern Atlantic has strengthened into Danielle,....

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic, two other systems could be depressions

2022-09-01T18:41+0200charlotteobserver (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle formed in the Atlantic Thursday, with forecasters also eyeing two other systems that could turn into tropical depressions soon. In its 11 a.m. advisory, the National Hurricane Center said that Tropical Depression Five in the northern Atlantic has strengthened into Danielle,....

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic, two other systems could be depressions

2022-09-01T18:41+0200heraldonline (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle formed in the Atlantic Thursday, with forecasters also eyeing two other systems that could turn into tropical depressions soon. In its 11 a.m. advisory, the National Hurricane Center said that Tropical Depression Five in the northern Atlantic has strengthened into Danielle,....

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic, two other systems could be depressions

2022-09-01T18:41+0200kansascity (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle formed in the Atlantic Thursday, with forecasters also eyeing two other systems that could turn into tropical depressions soon. In its 11 a.m. advisory, the National Hurricane Center said that Tropical Depression Five in the northern Atlantic has strengthened into Danielle,....

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic, two other systems could be depressions

2022-09-01T18:40+0200islandpacket (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle formed in the Atlantic Thursday, with forecasters also eyeing two other systems that could turn into tropical depressions soon. In its 11 a.m. advisory, the National Hurricane Center said that Tropical Depression Five in the northern Atlantic has strengthened into Danielle,....

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic, two other systems could be depressions

2022-09-01T18:40+0200newsobserver (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle formed in the Atlantic Thursday, with forecasters also eyeing two other systems that could turn into tropical depressions soon. In its 11 a.m. advisory, the National Hurricane Center said that Tropical Depression Five in the northern Atlantic has strengthened into Danielle,....

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic, two other systems could be depressions

2022-09-01T18:39+0200theolympian (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle formed in the Atlantic Thursday, with forecasters also eyeing two other systems that could turn into tropical depressions soon. In its 11 a.m. advisory, the National Hurricane Center said that Tropical Depression Five in the northern Atlantic has strengthened into Danielle,....

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic, two other systems could be depressions

2022-09-01T18:39+0200fresnobee (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle formed in the Atlantic Thursday, with forecasters also eyeing two other systems that could turn into tropical depressions soon. In its 11 a.m. advisory, the National Hurricane Center said that Tropical Depression Five in the northern Atlantic has strengthened into Danielle,....

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic, two other systems could be depressions

2022-09-01T18:38+0200tri-cityherald (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle formed in the Atlantic Thursday, with forecasters also eyeing two other systems that could turn into tropical depressions soon. In its 11 a.m. advisory, the National Hurricane Center said that Tropical Depression Five in the northern Atlantic has strengthened into Danielle,....

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic, two other systems could be depressions

2022-09-01T18:38+0200star-telegram (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle formed in the Atlantic Thursday, with forecasters also eyeing two other systems that could turn into tropical depressions soon. In its 11 a.m. advisory, the National Hurricane Center said that Tropical Depression Five in the northern Atlantic has strengthened into Danielle,....

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic

2022-09-01T18:37+0200flipboard (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle formed Thursday in the Atlantic and is expected to become the first hurricane of an unusually quiet storm season. But the storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph (65 kph).

For the first time in 25 years, August did not have a named storm - now September is starting off with a possible hurricane

2022-09-01T18:36+0200wrcbtv (en)

It isn't your imagination. The tropics in the Atlantic have been very quiet this year despite a forecast from NOAA and other experts forecasting an above-average season. For the first time in 25 years, the month of August did not have a named storm. But as the calendar turned to September, things....

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic, two other systems could be depressions

2022-09-01T18:35+0200bnd (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle formed in the Atlantic Thursday, with forecasters also eyeing two other systems that could turn into tropical depressions soon. In its 11 a.m. advisory, the National Hurricane Center said that Tropical Depression Five in the northern Atlantic has strengthened into Danielle,....

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic

2022-09-01T18:08+0200wboc (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle formed Thursday in the Atlantic and is expected to become the first hurricane of an unusually quiet storm season. But the storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm’s maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph. The U.S.

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic, expected to become hurricane

2022-09-01T18:06+0200independent-UK (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle has officially formed, officially the fourth named storm of the Atlantic Hurricane season. The storm system was updated to a tropical depression on Thursday morning, and a tropical storm a few hours later, with wind speeds up to around 40 miles per hour (65 kilometres per hour).

Tropical Storm Danielle Forms in Atlantic

2022-09-01T18:02+0200cbs17 (en)

RALEIGH, N.C. (WNCN) — The National Hurricane Center has upgraded Tropical Depression Five to Tropical Storm Danielle . Danielle is located in the Northern Atlantic and has maximum sustained winds of 40 mph and is expected to strengthen into a minimal hurricane within the next three days. Tropical Storm Danielle poses no threat to the United States.

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic

2022-09-01T18:00+0200siouxcityjournal (en)

The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph (65 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast and the storm is expected to become a hurricane in two days or so, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said. The storm is centered about 960 miles (1,545 kilometers) west of the Azores and is moving east near 2 mph (4 kph).

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic

2022-09-01T17:57+0200missoulian (en)

The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph (65 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast and the storm is expected to become a hurricane in two days or so, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said. The storm is centered about 960 miles (1,545 kilometers) west of the Azores and is moving east near 2 mph (4 kph).

Tropical Storm Danielle forms, 1st hurricane of the season could form by this weekend

2022-09-01T17:56+0200wn (en)

ORLANDO, Fla. — After nearly two months since the last named storm, Tropical Storm Danielle formed Thursday morning in the mid-Atlantic, and the first hurricane of 2022 could soon follow, ......

National After unusually quiet August, Tropical Storm Danielle forms Justin Boggs 10:18 AM, Sep 01, 2022

2022-09-01T17:56+0200kxxv (en)

Breaking a streak of over two months without a named storm, Tropical Storm Danielle formed in the Atlantic Ocean on Thursday with top winds of 40 mph. Danielle is expected to strengthen into a hurricane by the weekend as it meanders in the northern Atlantic. As of Thursday, it posed no risk to land.

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic

2022-09-01T17:53+0200wearecentralpa (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle formed Thursday in the Atlantic and is expected to become the first hurricane of an unusually quiet storm season. But the storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm’s maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph (65 kph).

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic

2022-09-01T17:50+0200krmg (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle formed Thursday in the Atlantic and is expected to become the first hurricane of an But the storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph (65 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast and the storm is expected to become a hurricane in two days or so, the U.

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic

2022-09-01T17:49+0200wcfcourier (en)

The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph (65 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast and the storm is expected to become a hurricane in two days or so, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said. The storm is centered about 960 miles (1,545 kilometers) west of the Azores and is moving east near 2 mph (4 kph).

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic

2022-09-01T17:49+0200wowktv (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle formed Thursday in the Atlantic and is expected to become the first hurricane of an unusually quiet storm season. But the storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm’s maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph (65 kph).

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in Atlantic, posed to become hurricane by weekend

2022-09-01T17:47+0200tcpalm (en)

It didn't take long for the tropics to heat up in September, as a tropical wave in the northern Atlantic shifted quickly into a tropical depression and then into Tropical Storm Danielle . The disturbance was a tropical wave at 2 a.m., Tropical Depression Five by 5 a.m., and strengthened into a tropical storm with winds of 40 mph by 11 a.

Tropical Weather Tropical Storm Danielle forms with 40 mph winds Scott Sutton

2022-09-01T17:47+0200wptv (en)

Strengthening is forecast during the next few days, and Danielle is expected to become a hurricane in two days or so. Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 35 miles from the center. This was the first time in 25 years that there was not a named storm in August.

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic

2022-09-01T17:46+0200wsoctv (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle formed Thursday in the Atlantic and is expected to become the first hurricane of an But the storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph (65 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast and the storm is expected to become a hurricane in two days or so, the U.

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic

2022-09-01T17:46+0200krqe (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle formed Thursday in the Atlantic and is expected to become the first hurricane of an unusually quiet storm season. But the storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm’s maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph (65 kph).

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic

2022-09-01T17:46+0200TorontoStar (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle formed Thursday in the Atlantic and is expected to become the first hurricane of an unusually quiet storm season. But the storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm’s maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph (65 kph).

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic

2022-09-01T17:46+0200cbs17 (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle formed Thursday in the Atlantic and is expected to become the first hurricane of an unusually quiet storm season. But the storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm’s maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph (65 kph).

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic

2022-09-01T17:43+0200wftv (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle formed Thursday in the Atlantic and is expected to become the first hurricane of an But the storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph (65 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast and the storm is expected to become a hurricane in two days or so, the U.

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic

2022-09-01T17:41+0200actionnewsjax (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle formed Thursday in the Atlantic and is expected to become the first hurricane of an But the storm is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph (65 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast and the storm is expected to become a hurricane in two days or so, the U.

First Alert: Scattered showers and thunderstorms return soon

2022-09-01T17:37+0200wsfa (en)

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (WSFA) - After a comfortably warm start to our day, the afternoon is going to warm up! For the first day of September, it looks like we will get a lot of sunshine... because of that, highs will climb into the low and mid 90s. The majority of our area will not have to deal with any....

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in Atlantic; 2 areas being watched

2022-09-01T17:37+0200live5news (en)

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC/AP) - Tropical Storm Danielle has formed Thursday in the Atlantic and is expected to become a hurricane in the next two days. to download the free Live 5 First Alert Weather app. Despite the forecast that it will reach hurricane strength, the storm is not a threat to land.

National After unusually quiet August, Tropical Storm Danielle forms Justin Boggs 11:18 AM, Sep 01, 2022

2022-09-01T17:34+0200abcactionnews (en)

Breaking a streak of over two months without a named storm, Tropical Storm Danielle formed in the Atlantic Ocean on Thursday with top winds of 40 mph. Danielle is expected to strengthen into a hurricane by the weekend as it meanders in the northern Atlantic. As of Thursday, it posed no risk to land.

National News After unusually quiet August, Tropical Storm Danielle forms Justin Boggs 8:18 AM, Sep 01, 2022

2022-09-01T17:30+0200ksby (en)

Breaking a streak of over two months without a named storm, Tropical Storm Danielle formed in the Atlantic Ocean on Thursday with top winds of 40 mph. Danielle is expected to strengthen into a hurricane by the weekend as it meanders in the northern Atlantic. As of Thursday, it posed no risk to land.

National After unusually quiet August, Tropical Storm Danielle forms Justin Boggs 11:18 AM, Sep 01, 2022

2022-09-01T17:29+0200wkbw (en)

Breaking a streak of over two months without a named storm, Tropical Storm Danielle formed in the Atlantic Ocean on Thursday with top winds of 40 mph. Danielle is expected to strengthen into a hurricane by the weekend as it meanders in the northern Atlantic. As of Thursday, it posed no risk to land.

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic

2022-09-01T17:27+0200nbc12 (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle has formed Thursday in the Atlantic, but is not currently a threat to any land. The storm’s maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph. The U.S. National Hurricane Center says additional strengthening is forecast and the storm is expected to become a hurricane in two days or so.

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic

2022-09-01T17:26+0200startribune (en)

The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph (65 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast and the storm is expected to become a hurricane in two days or so, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said. The storm is centered about 960 miles (1,545 kilometers) west of the Azores and is moving east near 2 mph (4 kph).

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic, is expected to become a hurricane; not currently a threat to land

2022-09-01T17:21+0200wtva (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic, is expected to become a hurricane; not currently a threat to land.

Hurricane Tropical Depression Five strengthens into Tropical Storm Danielle: NHC Emily McCain

2022-09-01T17:18+0200abcactionnews (en)

The National Hurricane Center said Tropical Depression Five formed over the north Atlantic early on Thursday morning and became Tropical Storm Danielle shortly before 11 a.m. TS Danielle is currently 960 miles west of the Azores with maximum sustained winds of 40 miles an hour.

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic

2022-09-01T17:17+0200ABCnews (en)

MIAMI -- Tropical Storm Danielle has formed Thursday in the Atlantic, but is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph (65 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast and the storm is expected to become a hurricane in two days or so, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said.

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic 0 9/1/2022 7:59:48 AM

2022-09-01T17:15+0200tricitynews (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle has formed Thursday in the Atlantic, but is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph (65 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast and the storm is expected to become a hurricane in two days or so, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said.

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic

2022-09-01T17:13+0200sfgate (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle has formed Thursday in the Atlantic, but is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph (65 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast and the storm is expected to become a hurricane in two days or so, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said.

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic

2022-09-01T17:13+0200princegeorgecitizen (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle has formed Thursday in the Atlantic, but is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph (65 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast and the storm is expected to become a hurricane in two days or so, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said.

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic

2022-09-01T17:10+0200wsvn (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle has formed Thursday in the Atlantic, but is not currently a threat to any land. The storm’s maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph (65 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast and the storm is expected to become a hurricane in two days or so, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said.

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic, expected to become hurricane

2022-09-01T17:10+0200fox35orlando (en)

ORLANDO, Fla. Tropical Storm Danielle has formed in the Atlantic and is expected to become our first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season. Danielle is moving toward the east near 2 mph. The tropical storm is expected to meander during the next few days. Maximum sustained winds have increased to near 40 mph with higher gusts.

Tropical Storm Danielle Forms in the Atlantic

2022-09-01T17:10+0200usnews (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle has formed Thursday in the Atlantic, but is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph (65 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast and the storm is expected to become a hurricane in two days or so, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said.

Tropical Storm Danielle forms, expected to strengthen into 1st Atlantic hurricane of 2022

2022-09-01T17:09+0200nola (en)

has formed in the Atlantic and is expected to strengthen into the first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic season, forecasters said Thursday morning. Danielle poses no immediate threat to land. It's the first storm to form in the Atlantic basin in more than a month.

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle has formed Thursday in the Atlantic, but is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph (65 kph). Sep 1, 2022 7:59 AM Read more >

2022-09-01T17:08+0200timescolonist (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle has formed Thursday in the Atlantic, but is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph (65 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast and the storm is expected to become a hurricane in two days or so, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said.

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle has formed Thursday in the Atlantic, but is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph (65 kph). Sep 1, 2022 10:59 AM Read more >

2022-09-01T17:08+0200kitchenertoday (en)

MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle has formed Thursday in the Atlantic, but is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph (65 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast and the storm is expected to become a hurricane in two days or so, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said.

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic

2022-09-01T17:05+0200newsobserver (en)

MIAMI. Tropical Storm Danielle has formed Thursday in the Atlantic, but is not currently a threat to any land. The storm's maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph (65 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast and the storm is expected to become a hurricane in two days or so, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said.

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic

2022-09-01T17:03+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

MIAMI — Tropical Storm Danielle has formed Thursday in the Atlantic, but is not currently a threat to any land. The storm’s maximum sustained winds were near 40 mph (65 kph). Additional strengthening is forecast and the storm is expected to become a hurricane in two days or so, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said.

San Marino legalizes abortion, year after voters gave OK

2022-09-01T16:58+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

ROME — Advocates for abortion rights in San Marino expressed satisfaction Thursday that lawmakers voted to legalize abortion in the tiny republic, one of the last European states to have had the procedure outlawed under all circumstances. Wednesday’s parliamentary vote was the culmination of a....

Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic, is expected to become a hurricane; not currently a threat to land

2022-09-01T16:58+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

Abortion rights advocates in San Marino say they’re pleased that lawmakers in the tiny republic have approved legislation legalizing abortion. Chicago officials say 75 immigrants have arrived in the city on buses from Texas, as part of an aggressive border policy by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.

Alert: Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic, is expected to become a hurricane; not currently a threat to land

2022-09-01T16:58+0200sfgate (en)

Alert: Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic, is expected to become a hurricane; not currently a threat to land. MIAMI (AP) — Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic, is expected to become a hurricane; not currently a threat to land.

Tropical Storm Danielle Forms in the Atlantic, Is Expected to Become a Hurricane; Not Currently a Threat to Land

2022-09-01T16:57+0200usnews (en)

Tropical Storm Danielle Forms in the Atlantic, Is Expected to Become a Hurricane; Not Currently a Threat to Land. Tropical Storm Danielle forms in the Atlantic, is expected to become a hurricane; not currently a threat to land. Tropical Storm Danielle Forms in the Atlantic, Is Expected to Become a Hurricane; Not Currently a Threat to Land.

Spain weather warning: Holiday hotspot on HURRICANE alert as ferocious storms to sweep in SPAIN is braced for a potential hurricane as ferocious storms are heading toward the...

2022-09-01T16:51+0200express (en)

It would then acquire its maximum intensity by Tuesday, with forecasts indicating it could reach the characteristics of a category 1 hurricane. The hurricane is expected to last from Tuesday until Thursday. It is currently uncertain as to whether or not the cyclone will hit Spain , but weather models....

Tropical Storm Danielle Forms in the Atlantic

2022-09-01T16:49+0200nytimes (en)

After an unusually quiet start to the Atlantic hurricane season, Tropical Storm Danielle formed on Thursday, the first named storm in nearly two months. As of just before 11 a.m. Eastern time , the storm was about 960 miles west of the Azores in the North Atlantic, and was slowly drifting east, according to the National Hurricane Center .

Tropical Depression Five forecast to become Danielle, first hurricane of 2022 season

2022-09-01T16:25+0200miamiherald (en)

FOX 35 Storm Team Chief Meteorologist Jayme King talks about Tropical Depression Five, which might become Danielle , the first hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season.

Pourquoi la turbulence de l’air pourrait être sur le point de s’aggraver

2022-09-01T16:23+0200generationsnouvelles (fr)

La plupart d’entre nous ont connu des turbulences en voyage : lorsque votre avion vole à travers des masses d’air qui se heurtent à des vitesses très différentes. De fortes turbulences peuvent mettre même les pilotes les plus chevronnés à bout et faire de cinq minutes une éternité.

Tropical depression forms in Atlantic, forecast to become hurricane later this week

2022-09-01T15:56+0200independent-UK (en)

A tropical depression has formed in the Atlantic Ocean, about midway between New Jersey and Portugal . By Thursday, the storm had wind speeds up to 35 miles per hour (55 kilometres per hour) and is forecast to reach tropical storm force winds of 39 mph (63 kph) or more later in the day.

FEMA administrator gets recovery updates ahead of Irma anniversary

2022-09-01T15:40+0200virginislandsdailynews (en)

Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator Deanne Criswell was on St. Croix this week, ahead of the five-year anniversary of hurricanes Irma and Maria, touring the V.I. Water and Power Authority’s plant in Estate Richmond and Luis Hospital as part of sessions exploring recovery updates.

Tropical depression forms in Atlantic, expected to strengthen into Category 1 hurricane

2022-09-01T14:37+0200nola (en)

A tropical depression formed in the Atlantic early Thursday and is expected to strengthen into a Category 1 hurricane, forecasters said. The system is expected to be named Danielle later in the day if it strengthens as forecast into a tropical storm. It poses no immediate threat to land.

5th tropical depression forms in Atlantic; 2 areas being watched

2022-09-01T14:23+0200live5news (en)

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC/AP) - After a quiet August without a single tropical storm, the season’s fifth tropical depression has formed in the Atlantic. to download the free Live 5 First Alert Weather app. The National Hurricane Center said the depression had formed as of 5 a.m.

The strongest storm of 2022 is coming: All about Super Typhoon Hinnamnor threatening Japan, China

2022-09-01T14:20+0200firstpost (en)

A storm is brewing. That too a big one and it is likely to cause massive destruction in Japan and China. Super Typhoon Hinnamnor is currently whirling across the East China Sea and is expected to threaten countries like Japan, the Philippines and China. According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, the typhoon will be the strongest one in 2022.

Natural Disasters And Insurance In Commercial Real Estate: What Owners Need To Know

2022-09-01T14:02+0200forbes (en)

Insurance For Owners And Renters. Whether you live in a hurricane zone, the tornado belt or wildfire country, you first need to ensure that you and your tenants both have good insurance policies. Your lease should require your tenants to maintain insurance policies that will enable them to return to....

New tropical depression is one of 3 systems in Atlantic

2022-09-01T13:46+0200tampabay (en)

Meteorologists are watching three systems in the Atlantic, including a newly-formed tropical depression that could become a tropical storm Thursday and a hurricane by late Friday. Tropical Depression No. 5 has sustained winds at 35 mph with stronger gusts, according to a 5 a.m. update from the National Hurricane Center.

Tropical Depression 5 forms in Atlantic, could become tropical storm soon, hurricane by weekend

2022-09-01T13:41+0200tcpalm (en)

In fact, there were no named storms the entire month. That may change soon, with the National Hurricane Center monitoring not only Tropical Depression Five but two other tropical waves. Invest 91L in the central Atlantic has a high chance of becoming a tropical depression.

Celebrity Birthdays: Sept. 1

2022-09-01T13:21+0200missoulian (en)

Here are some of the notable people celebrating birthdays today, including Angaleena Presley, Barry Gibb, Dr. Phil, Gloria Estefan, Lily Tomlin, Zoe Lister-Jones and more. Here are some of the top photos of the week, as selected by the Associated Press.

Will 2022 have its first hurricane soon?

2022-09-01T13:20+0200al (en)

There's a new tropical depression in the Atlantic, and it could become the season's first hurricane in a day or two. It won't be a threat to the U.S. There are also two other tropical waves that could become depressions soon. The depression had sustained winds of 35 mph.

Celebrity Birthdays: Sept. 1

2022-09-01T13:20+0200buffalonews (en)

Here are some of the notable people celebrating birthdays today, including Angaleena Presley, Barry Gibb, Dr. Phil, Gloria Estefan, Lily Tomlin, Zoe Lister-Jones and more. In 2005, coastal residents jammed freeways and gas stations as they rushed to get out of the way of Hurricane Katrina, which was headed toward.

Renewable Ocean Energy: Pioneering the new wave of hydroelectric power

2022-09-01T13:11+0200innovationnewsnetwork (en)

(ROE) is harnessing the full potential of hydroelectric power through its cutting-edge Poseidon Hydroelectric system (PHS). Renewable Ocean Energy, Inc. is a start-up company comprised of engineers and business leaders from diverse industries with over 300 years of combined experience.

Tropical Depression 5 develops, NHC watching 3 areas of interest

2022-09-01T12:55+0200cbs17 (en)

RALEIGH, N.C. (WNCN)–After a quiet start to the 2022 Atlantic Hurricane season, development is starting back up as we inch closer to peak season this month. That usually happens around September 10th, but don’t let your guard down because nearly 80 percent of tropical cyclones form during the months of August, September, and October.

Hundred miles from home, N.J. mom trying to take back reins on her life after Ida | Calavia-Robertson

2022-09-01T12:41+0200nj (en)

When Hurricane Ida flooded Karismah Tucker's apartment in the Oakwood Plaza, a low-income housing complex in Elizabeth, last September, she and her daughters took shelter at the Doubletree Hotel in Newark. Tucker, 24, and her family were among the hundreds of Oakwood Plaza residents displaced by the storm who were temporarily living in hotels.

Depression forms in Atlantic and may become Tropical Storm Danielle. What forecast shows

2022-09-01T12:36+0200miamiherald (en)

One of the three systems in the Atlantic has turned into a tropical depression. It could strengthen into a tropical storm soon, possibly by the end of Thursday, forecasters said. The fifth tropical depression of the season formed in the northern Atlantic, about 975 miles west of the Azores,....

Florida Hurricane forecast for early September: Stormless streak over

2022-09-01T12:27+0200wingsenvironmental (en)

The hurricane climatology adage “June, too soon; July, stand by; August, come they must; September, remember; October, all over” is a hoary chestnut that inaccurately omits serious risks at the beginning and end of the season. However, it’s hard to argue with this rhyme of ancient mariners....

First Alert: Back to the wet pattern The holiday weekend will bring showers and thunderstorms.

2022-09-01T12:24+0200wsfa (en)

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (WSFA) - Most will be dry again today, but there will be some showers and thunderstorms that develop later on. That chance is mainly in the southern and eastern counties. Most everyone else is likely dry. High temperatures will reach the lower to middle 90s thanks to the sunshine and relatively dry weather.

Tropical Depression Five forms in the Atlantic, expected to become Hurricane Danielle

2022-09-01T12:23+0200fox35orlando (en)

"Strengthening is expected during the next few days, and the depression is forecast to become a tropical storm later today (Thursday)," the National Hurricane Center said. Longer term, as we get into the weekend, the system is forecast to strengthen into CAT 1 Hurricane Danielle . It is not expected to be a threat to Florida.

‘Hurricane season is heating up!’ Scientists urge Americans not to be complacent

2022-09-01T12:08+0200whatsnew2day (en)

Scientists warn of hurricane complacency as August draws to a close with no named storms — the first time in modern history that has happened in a “La Niña year.” The last named storm to hit the US was Tropical Storm Colin, which made landfall in the Carolinas on July 2.

Tropical Weather Tropical Depression 5 forms, two tropical waves also in Atlantic Victoria Lewis

2022-09-01T12:04+0200wptv (en)

The two-month quiet spell in the tropics is over, but we still don't have a named storm. Tropical Depression Five has formed in the northern Atlantic. It will stay away from the U.S. and move further north. TRACKING THE TROPICS: Invest 91L has a high chance of development with an 80% chance in the next five days and 60% in the next two days.

Tropical Depression 5 forms in Atlantic, could become tropical storm later today

2022-09-01T12:03+0200tcpalm (en)

The Atlantic has had no #hurricanes yet this year. This is the 7th time since 1950 that the Atlantic has gone through August without a #hurricane . Other years are: 1967, 1984, 1988, 2001, 2002, 2013. pic.twitter.com/VqS44nP1o3 — Philip Klotzbach (@philklotzbach) August 31, 2022 Invest 91L in the....

Hot and humid with a rise in afternoon thunderstorms

2022-09-01T11:52+0200fox35orlando (en)

Rain: 60% chance PM Storms. Main weather concerns Central Florida can expect a hot and humid Thursday with a rise in afternoon thunderstorms. Scattered storms will be possible around 2-3 p.m. along the east coast sea breeze, then numerous will become likely through the evening across the interior.

Mainly dry today but storms return for the holiday weekend

2022-09-01T11:39+0200wafb (en)

BATON ROUGE, La. (WAFB) - Drier air briefly slipping into the area from the north will result in fairly quiet weather for today. Heat will continue to be the main issue, with highs reaching the mid 90s. FIRST ALERT FORECAST: Thursday, September 1 (WAFB) However, slightly lower humidity should keep heat index values below 105° for most.

Tropical Depression Five forms in the Atlantic- U.S. NHC (Reuters) - Tropical Depression Five formed over the north Atlantic on Thursday and is expected to become a tropical storm later in the day, the U.S. ... 29m ago

2022-09-01T11:29+0200kelo (en)

(Reuters) – Tropical Depression Five formed over the north Atlantic on Thursday and is expected to become a tropical storm later in the day, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) said in its latest advisory. The depression was located about 975 miles (1,575 km) west of the Azores, with maximum sustained winds of 35 mph (55 km/h), the NHC added.

Hurricane Tropical Depression 5 forms over Atlantic Emily McCain

2022-09-01T11:24+0200abcactionnews (en)

The National Hurricane Center said Tropical Depression Five formed over the north Atlantic early on Thursday morning, and it's forecast to become a tropical storm by the end of the day. TD Five is currently 975 miles west of the Azores with maximum sustained winds of 35 miles an hour.

Tropical Depression Five forms in the Atlantic- U.S. NHC (Reuters) - Tropical Depression Five formed over the north Atlantic on Thursday and is expected to become a tropical storm later in the day, the U.S. ... 23m ago

2022-09-01T11:23+0200wsau (en)

(Reuters) – Tropical Depression Five formed over the north Atlantic on Thursday and is expected to become a tropical storm later in the day, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) said in its latest advisory. The depression was located about 975 miles (1,575 km) west of the Azores, with maximum sustained winds of 35 mph (55 km/h), the NHC added.

August hasn't been this devoid of tropical storms since 1997. Is hurricane season over?

2022-09-01T11:09+0200azcentral (en)

"It's been eerily quiet out there," Colorado State University hurricane researcher Phil Klotzbach told USA TODAY. There are three separate systems developing in the Atlantic as the calendar turns to September, the National Hurricane Center said. The peak of the hurricane season is typically around September 10.

Where are the hurricanes? August was quietest for storms since 1997 Nation

2022-09-01T11:07+0200usaToday (en)

"It's been eerily quiet out there," Colorado State University hurricane researcher Phil Klotzbach told USA TODAY. There are three separate systems developing in the Atlantic as the calendar turns to September, the National Hurricane Center said. The peak of the hurricane season is typically around September 10.

Hurricane-free August was extremely rare. Don’t relax yet, experts say. | Environment

2022-09-01T07:54+0200wingsenvironmental (en)

“It is important to remember the lessons of Hurricane Andrew, which devastated southern Florida and Louisiana in an otherwise quiet year,” said Jamie Rhome, acting director of the National Hurricane Center. Andrew, the first named storm of the 1992 season, made landfall on Aug.

'Hurricane season is heating up!' Scientists urge Americans not to be complacent

2022-09-01T07:54+0200dailymail (en)

Philip Klotzbach, a hurricane researcher at Colorado State University, noted that it is the first time since 1982 that there has not been a single named storm anywhere in the Atlantic between July 3 and the end of August. The phenomena has happened five other times since 1950, making a quiet stretch....

Fourth named storm of Atlantic hurricane season likely to form this week, forecasters say

2022-09-01T06:35+0200virginislandsdailynews (en)

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — A collection of disorganized showers and thunderstorms is expected to become the fourth named storm of the Atlantic hurricane season this week. The system, currently located several hundred miles east of the Lesser Antilles in the central Atlantic Ocean, has a 50% chance to....

Atlantic hurricane season oddly quiet despite forecasts

2022-09-01T06:26+0200nbc12 (en)

NEW ORLEANS (AP) - It’s been quiet — too quiet — this Atlantic hurricane season, meteorologists and residents of storm-prone areas whisper almost as if not to tempt fate. A record-tying inactive August is drawing to a close and no storms have formed, even though it is peak hurricane season and all....

MSU meteorologist: Dry air, other variables taking teeth out of Atlantic hurricane season

2022-09-01T05:07+0200wingsenvironmental (en)

STARKVILLE, Miss.—Despite its unusually slow start, a Mississippi State meteorologist says not to rule out an increase in activity during the last months of the Atlantic Ocean’s hurricane season, a time each year concerned Mississippians monitor. Kimberly Wood (Photo by Russ Houston) In May,....

Calm before storms? Oddly quiet Atlantic despite forecasts

2022-09-01T03:31+0200aikenstandard (en)

NEW ORLEANS — It’s been quiet – too quiet – this Atlantic hurricane season, meteorologists and residents of storm-prone areas whisper almost as if not to tempt fate. A record-tying inactive August is drawing to a close and no storms have formed, even though it is peak hurricane season and all....

National Calm before storms? Oddly quiet Atlantic despite forecasts The Associated Press 6:33 PM, Aug 31, 2022

2022-09-01T02:15+0200wptv (en)

It’s been quiet — too quiet — this Atlantic hurricane season, meteorologists and residents of storm-prone areas whisper almost as if not to tempt fate. A record-tying inactive August is drawing to a close and no storms have formed, even though it is peak hurricane season and all experts’ pre-season forecasts warned of an above-normal season .

Calm before storms? Oddly quiet Atlantic despite forecasts - The Associated Press

2022-09-01T02:03+0200google-top-stories (en)

For the past month and a half, thunderstorms that could be seeds of hurricanes power off Africa looking strong enough “but then they encounter a lot of dry air that’s just sitting over the Atlantic,” University of Albany atmospheric scientist Kristen Corbosiero said.

National Calm before storms? Oddly quiet Atlantic despite forecasts The Associated Press 6:33 PM, Aug 31, 2022

2022-09-01T01:07+0200abcactionnews (en)

It’s been quiet — too quiet — this Atlantic hurricane season, meteorologists and residents of storm-prone areas whisper almost as if not to tempt fate. A record-tying inactive August is drawing to a close and no storms have formed, even though it is peak hurricane season and all experts’ pre-season forecasts warned of an above-normal season .

National News Calm before storms? Oddly quiet Atlantic despite forecasts The Associated Press 3:33 PM, Aug 31, 2022

2022-09-01T00:54+0200ksby (en)

It’s been quiet — too quiet — this Atlantic hurricane season, meteorologists and residents of storm-prone areas whisper almost as if not to tempt fate. A record-tying inactive August is drawing to a close and no storms have formed, even though it is peak hurricane season and all experts’ pre-season forecasts warned of an above-normal season .

National Calm before storms? Oddly quiet Atlantic despite forecasts The Associated Press 6:33 PM, Aug 31, 2022

2022-09-01T00:45+0200wkbw (en)

It’s been quiet — too quiet — this Atlantic hurricane season, meteorologists and residents of storm-prone areas whisper almost as if not to tempt fate. A record-tying inactive August is drawing to a close and no storms have formed, even though it is peak hurricane season and all experts’ pre-season forecasts warned of an above-normal season .

National Calm before storms? Oddly quiet Atlantic despite forecasts The Associated Press 5:33 PM, Aug 31, 2022

2022-09-01T00:40+0200kxxv (en)

It’s been quiet — too quiet — this Atlantic hurricane season, meteorologists and residents of storm-prone areas whisper almost as if not to tempt fate. A record-tying inactive August is drawing to a close and no storms have formed, even though it is peak hurricane season and all experts’ pre-season forecasts warned of an above-normal season .

Tropical Storm Danielle Builds Strength Amid Quiet Hurricane Season

2022-09-01T00:35+0200ibtimes (en)

After the entire month of August went without a named storm in the Atlantic Ocean, a tropical storm is expected to form in the Atlantic Ocean near the Lesser Antilles, the National Hurricane Center said in a report. "There is a good chance that we may have a storm developing. We will just have to keep monitoring," a spokesperson for the NHC said.

Calm before storms? Oddly quiet Atlantic despite forecasts

2022-09-01T00:27+0200nbcnews (en)

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — It’s been quiet — too quiet — this Atlantic hurricane season, meteorologists and residents of storm-prone areas whisper almost as if not to tempt fate. A record-tying inactive August is drawing to a close and no storms have formed, even though it is peak hurricane season and all....

Racial injustice, climate crisis and ageing infrastructure: What’s behind the water crisis in Jackson?

2022-09-01T00:25+0200independent-UK (en)

More than 180,000 people in the city of and nearby suburbs are in the throes of a major crisis, with access to reliable and clean running cut off “indefinitely”. The problems unfolded this week after record-breaking rainstorms hit the region and dumped up to 13 inches of rain in the state over five days.

Calm before storms? Oddly quiet Atlantic despite forecasts

2022-09-01T00:03+0200taiwannews (en)

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — It’s been quiet — too quiet — this Atlantic hurricane season, meteorologists and residents of storm-prone areas whisper almost as if not to tempt fate. A record-tying inactive August is drawing to a close and no storms have formed, even though it is peak hurricane season and all....

Nearly all the factors that meteorologists look for in a busy season are there, and yet, zero storms thus far. So what’s going on?

2022-08-31T23:55+0200dallasnews (en)

NEW ORLEANS — It’s been quiet — too quiet — this Atlantic hurricane season, meteorologists and residents of storm-prone areas whisper almost as if not to tempt fate. A record-tying inactive August is drawing to a close and no storms have formed, even though it is peak hurricane season and all....

Quiet tropical season turning a little more active

2022-08-31T23:38+0200wishtv (en)

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – It has been 59 days since the Atlantic has seen an active named storm. That storm was Tropical Storm Colin last active on July 3rd. Remarkably, there hasn’t been a named storm in August at all. Only twice since 1950, has an Atlantic hurricane season gone without a named storm in the month of August (1961,1997).

Calm before storms? Oddly quiet Atlantic despite forecasts

2022-08-31T23:22+0200startribune (en)

A record-tying inactive August is drawing to a close and no storms have formed, even though it is peak hurricane season and all experts' pre-season forecasts warned of an above normal season. Nearly all the factors that meteorologists look for in a busy season are there. Warm ocean water for fuel? Check.

Tropical development expected after 2 quiet months

2022-08-31T23:18+0200wowktv (en)

TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — Activity is ramping up in the Atlantic as we head into September and get closer to the statistical peak of hurricane season, and the National Hurricane Center says it’s likely at least one of the three disturbances it’s tracking will develop this week.

Tropical development expected after 2 quiet months

2022-08-31T21:56+0200wkrn (en)

TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — Activity is ramping up in the Atlantic as we head into September and get closer to the statistical peak of hurricane season, and the National Hurricane Center says it’s likely at least one of the three disturbances it’s tracking will develop this week.

Calm before storms? Oddly quiet Atlantic despite forecasts

2022-08-31T21:51+0200metro-us (en)

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — It’s been quiet — too quiet — this Atlantic hurricane season, meteorologists and residents of storm-prone areas whisper almost as if not to tempt fate. A record-tying inactive August is drawing to a close and no storms have formed, even though it is peak hurricane season and all....

Hurricane Florence Dumped 13 TRILLION Gallons Of Rainfall On Carolinas, Virginia

2022-08-31T21:49+0200dailycaller (en)

Hurricane Florence dumped record amounts of rainfall over the Carolinas over the last five days, covering the states in about 11 trillion gallons of rain. Add in rainfall Florence dumped in Virginia, however, and the total precipitation from the slow-moving storm reaches nearly 13 trillion gallons....

Tropical development expected after 2 quiet months

2022-08-31T20:51+0200wwlp (en)

TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — Activity is ramping up in the Atlantic as we head into September and get closer to the statistical peak of hurricane season, and the National Hurricane Center says it’s likely at least one of the three disturbances it’s tracking will develop this week.

Saison des ouragans : pour la première fois en 25 ans, le mois d’août n’aura pas de tempête nommée – si nous arrivons à la fin de la journée sans tempête

2022-08-31T20:35+0200generationsnouvelles (fr)

Le National Hurricane Center surveille activement trois zones pour la formation de cyclones tropicaux au cours des cinq prochains jours. Deux ont de fortes chances de se former et un au large de la côte ouest de l’Afrique a une chance moyenne de se développer.

LIVE UPDATE: Tropical development expected this week

2022-08-31T20:09+0200yourerie (en)

TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — Activity is ramping up in the Atlantic as we head into September and get closer to the statistical peak of hurricane season, and the National Hurricane Center says it’s likely at least one of the three disturbances it’s tracking will develop this week.

Calm before storms? Oddly quiet Atlantic despite…

2022-08-31T19:41+0200techcodex (en)

In Lake Charles, Louisiana, one of the more weather-battered cities in the past decade, residents have noticed how quiet the hurricane season is so far and it’s almost “testing fate” to bring it up, Mayor Nic Hunter said. From August 2020 to August 2021, the city was hammered by two hurricanes—Laura....

For the first time in 25 years, August will not have a named storm -- if we make it to the end of the day without one

2022-08-31T19:39+0200wral (en)

By Judson Jones, CNN Meteorologist. It isn't your imagination. The tropics in the Atlantic have been very quiet this year despite a forecast from NOAA and other experts forecasting an above-average season. There hasn't been a named storm since the beginning of July, and if one doesn't form by the....

Calm before storms? Oddly quiet Atlantic despite forecasts

2022-08-31T19:30+0200apnews (en)

and Delta — only six weeks apart, a deep freeze and spring flooding. Residents still have blue tarps on their roofs. “I think there’s a lot of knocking on wood. There’s a lot of prayers,” Hunter said. “Until the season is over, I don’t think anybody’s going to have any sighs of relief.

Calm before storms? Oddly quiet Atlantic despite forecasts

2022-08-31T19:20+0200wingsenvironmental (en)

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — It’s been quiet — too quiet — this Atlantic hurricane season, meteorologists and residents of storm-prone areas whisper almost as if not to tempt fate. A record-tying inactive August is drawing to a close and no storms have formed, even though it is peak hurricane season and all....

Atlantic hurricane season quiet as August draws to a close

2022-08-31T19:15+0200theglobeandmail (en)

It’s been quiet – too quiet – this Atlantic hurricane season, meteorologists and residents of storm-prone areas whisper almost as if not to tempt fate. A record-tying inactive August is drawing to a close and no storms have formed, even though it is peak hurricane season and all experts’ pre-season forecasts warned of an above normal season.

Eastern coastal regions ordered to get ready for approaching Super Typhoon Hinnamnor

2022-08-31T19:08+0200globaltimes (en)

Fishing boats from Zhoushan city, Zhejiang Province return to the port on August 31, 2022 to avoid the Super Typhoon Hinnamnor. Photo: VCG Hinnamnor, the 11th typhoon this year, has intensified to a super typhoon and is rapidly approaching the East China Sea.

Calm before storms? Oddly quiet Atlantic despite …

2022-08-31T18:56+0200krqe (en)

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — It’s been quiet — too quiet — this Atlantic hurricane season, meteorologists and residents of storm-prone areas whisper almost as if not to tempt fate. A record-tying inactive August is drawing to a close and no storms have formed, even though it is peak hurricane season and all....

Calm before storms? Oddly quiet Atlantic despite forecasts

2022-08-31T18:39+0200clickondetroit (en)

NEW ORLEANS – It’s been quiet — too quiet — this Atlantic hurricane season, meteorologists and residents of storm-prone areas whisper almost as if not to tempt fate. A record-tying inactive August is drawing to a close and no storms have formed, even though it is peak hurricane season and all....

Calm before storms? Oddly quiet Atlantic despite forecasts

2022-08-31T18:36+0200krmg (en)

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — It’s been quiet — too quiet — this Atlantic hurricane season, meteorologists and residents of storm-prone areas whisper almost as if not to tempt fate. A record-tying inactive August is drawing to a close and no storms have formed, even though it is peak hurricane season and all....

Calm before storms? Oddly quiet Atlantic despite …

2022-08-31T18:33+0200yourerie (en)

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — It’s been quiet — too quiet — this Atlantic hurricane season, meteorologists and residents of storm-prone areas whisper almost as if not to tempt fate. A record-tying inactive August is drawing to a close and no storms have formed, even though it is peak hurricane season and all....

Calm before storms? Oddly quiet Atlantic despite forecasts

2022-08-31T18:33+0200sfgate (en)

Not a lot of wind shear that decapitates storms? Check. La Nina, the natural cooling of the central Pacific that changes weather patterns worldwide and increases Atlantic storm activity? Check. Yet zero storms formed. Surprised experts point to unusual persistent dry air and a few other factors.

Calm before storms? Oddly quiet Atlantic despite forecasts

2022-08-31T18:32+0200wsoctv (en)

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — It’s been quiet — too quiet — this Atlantic hurricane season, meteorologists and residents of storm-prone areas whisper almost as if not to tempt fate. A record-tying inactive August is drawing to a close and no storms have formed, even though it is peak hurricane season and all....

Calm before storms? Oddly quiet Atlantic despite forecasts

2022-08-31T18:32+0200independent-UK (en)

It’s been quiet — too quiet — this Atlantic hurricane season, meteorologists and residents of storm-prone areas whisper almost as if not to tempt fate. A record-tying inactive August is drawing to a close and no storms have formed, even though it is peak hurricane season and all experts’ pre-season forecasts warned of an above normal season.

Calm before storms? Oddly quiet Atlantic despite …

2022-08-31T18:32+0200wowktv (en)

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — It’s been quiet — too quiet — this Atlantic hurricane season, meteorologists and residents of storm-prone areas whisper almost as if not to tempt fate. A record-tying inactive August is drawing to a close and no storms have formed, even though it is peak hurricane season and all....

Calm before storms? Oddly quiet Atlantic despite …

2022-08-31T18:31+0200cbs17 (en)

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — It’s been quiet — too quiet — this Atlantic hurricane season, meteorologists and residents of storm-prone areas whisper almost as if not to tempt fate. A record-tying inactive August is drawing to a close and no storms have formed, even though it is peak hurricane season and all....

Calm before storms? Oddly quiet Atlantic despite forecasts

2022-08-31T18:31+0200wftv (en)

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — It’s been quiet — too quiet — this Atlantic hurricane season, meteorologists and residents of storm-prone areas whisper almost as if not to tempt fate. A record-tying inactive August is drawing to a close and no storms have formed, even though it is peak hurricane season and all....

Calm before storms? Oddly quiet Atlantic despite forecasts

2022-08-31T18:30+0200actionnewsjax (en)

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — It’s been quiet — too quiet — this Atlantic hurricane season, meteorologists and residents of storm-prone areas whisper almost as if not to tempt fate. A record-tying inactive August is drawing to a close and no storms have formed, even though it is peak hurricane season and all....

Calm before storms? Oddly quiet Atlantic despite forecasts

2022-08-31T18:28+0200news4jax (en)

NEW ORLEANS – It’s been quiet — too quiet — this Atlantic hurricane season, meteorologists and residents of storm-prone areas whisper almost as if not to tempt fate. A record-tying inactive August is drawing to a close and no storms have formed, even though it is peak hurricane season and all....

Calm before storms? Oddly quiet Atlantic despite forecasts

2022-08-31T18:28+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

Yet zero storms formed. Surprised experts point to unusual persistent dry air and a few other factors. But each time they and computer simulations think something is brewing, nothing comes of it. “It has been surprisingly and freakishly quiet in the Atlantic,” University of Miami hurricane....

Calm before storms? Oddly quiet Atlantic despite …

2022-08-31T18:28+0200wearecentralpa (en)

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — It’s been quiet — too quiet — this Atlantic hurricane season, meteorologists and residents of storm-prone areas whisper almost as if not to tempt fate. A record-tying inactive August is drawing to a close and no storms have formed, even though it is peak hurricane season and all....

Calm before storms? Oddly quiet Atlantic despite forecasts

2022-08-31T18:28+0200click2houston (en)

NEW ORLEANS – It’s been quiet — too quiet — this Atlantic hurricane season, meteorologists and residents of storm-prone areas whisper almost as if not to tempt fate. A record-tying inactive August is drawing to a close and no storms have formed, even though it is peak hurricane season and all....

Will there be two tropical storms in the Atlantic soon?

2022-08-31T17:44+0200al (en)

There are three tropical waves being watched for possible development in the Atlantic as of Wednesday. The two in red have the potential to become tropical depressions or storms in the next few days. It’s that time of year, and the tropical Atlantic has finally gotten busier.

2022 hurricane season off to quiet start, but above average season still forecast

2022-08-31T16:25+0200nbc12 (en)

RICHMOND, Va. (WWBT) - The 2022 Atlantic Hurricane season has been off to a quiet start with only three named storms so far this year. A big part of the reason it has been so quiet has been Saharan dust moving off the coast of Africa, which has really been unfavorable for tropical storms and hurricanes to develop.

Hurricane 2 systems in Atlantic likely to develop this week: NHC Emily McCain 9:40 AM, Aug 31, 2022

2022-08-31T15:50+0200abcactionnews (en)

The National Hurricane Center is monitoring three different systems in the Atlantic, and forecasters said two are likely to form into named systems over the next few days. The first system the NHC is watching is an area of low pressure that's several hundred miles east of the Lesser Antilles. It's forecast to form over the next couple of days.

Storm Ends The Calmest North Atlantic Summer Since World War II

2022-08-31T14:57+0200gcaptain (en)

For the first time since 1941, the Atlantic has had no named storm (e.g., tropical storm or #hurricane ) activity from July 3rd-August 30th. pic.twitter.com/9taf4ShfvV Philip Klotzbach (@philklotzbach) August 30, 2022 The National Hurricane Center reports a low-pressure system 850 miles east of the Lesser Antilles in the Caribbean Sea.

One year after 150 mph tornado shredded their houses, N.J. families struggle to rebuild

2022-08-31T13:42+0200nj (en)

The EF3 twister reduced their home of eight years to sticks and carved a path of devastation across more than 12 miles of Gloucester County. The remnants of Hurricane Ida spawned three tornadoes in New Jersey that night and four in neighboring eastern Pennsylvania.

Today in history: Aug. 31

2022-08-31T13:42+0200wacotrib (en)

In 2010, President Barack Obama ended the U.S. combat mission in Iraq, declaring no victory after seven years of bloodshed, and more events that happened on this day in history. 2012: Ben Bernanke Ten years ago: In a speech to an annual Federal Reserve conference in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Chairman....

Hurricane forecasters watching 3 tropical systems

2022-08-31T13:38+0200tampabay (en)

Meteorologists are now watching three systems in the Atlantic, though only one system continues to have a high probability for further development. An area of low presser with showers and thunderstorms in the Atlantic has become more concentrated overnight, according to a 2 a.m. update from the National Hurricane Center.

Celebrity Birthdays: Aug. 31

2022-08-31T13:29+0200wacotrib (en)

Here are some of the notable people celebrating birthdays today, including Chris Tucker, Edwin Moses, Itzhak Perlman, Richard Gere, Sara Ramirez, Van Morrison and more. Here are some of the top photos of the week, as selected by the Associated Press.

Celebrity Birthdays: Aug. 31

2022-08-31T13:23+0200buffalonews (en)

Here are some of the notable people celebrating birthdays today, including Chris Tucker, Edwin Moses, Itzhak Perlman, Richard Gere, Sara Ramirez, Van Morrison and more. In 2005, coastal residents jammed freeways and gas stations as they rushed to get out of the way of Hurricane Katrina, which was headed toward.

Will three disturbances in the Atlantic turn into depressions? What the forecast shows

2022-08-31T12:58+0200miamiherald (en)

Forecasters are monitoring three disturbances in the Atlantic, all of which could turn into tropical depressions soon, though one is expected to be short-lived. National Hurricane Center Three disturbances brewing in the Atlantic Wednesday could possibly turn into tropical depressions over the next....

Today in sports history: Aug. 31

2022-08-31T12:40+0200wacotrib (en)

In 2007, Jeremy Wariner leads an American sweep of the medals in the 400 meters at the track and field world championships. See more sports moments from this date: 1955: Nashua avenges Kentucky Derby loss 1955 — Nashua, ridden by Eddie Arcaro, goes wire-to-wire to defeat Swaps, ridden by Bill Shoemaker in a match race at Washington Park.

Today in sports history: Aug. 31

2022-08-31T12:39+0200buffalonews (en)

In 2007, Jeremy Wariner leads an American sweep of the medals in the 400 meters at the track and field world championships. See more sports moments from this date: 1955: Nashua avenges Kentucky Derby loss 1955 — Nashua, ridden by Eddie Arcaro, goes wire-to-wire to defeat Swaps, ridden by Bill Shoemaker in a match race at Washington Park.

NHC: 3 possible tropical depressions brewing in the Atlantic

2022-08-31T12:11+0200fox35orlando (en)

ORLANDO, Fla. The tropics are heating up with the National Hurricane Center (NHC) monitoring three systems, all of which could possibly develop into tropical depressions over the next few days. Track the tropics in real-time with the FOX 35 STORM TEAM WEATHER APP.

Taking into account the experience of the special operation: what is unique about the new Russian armored car "Akhmat"

2022-08-31T12:07+0200tellerreport (en)

The Remdiesel plant located in Naberezhnye Chelny has increased the output of the new armored car Z-STS Akhmat by several times, said Igor Zarakhovich, chief designer of the enterprise. According to him, a significant number of these machines have already been delivered to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Who is José Bou Santiago, the mega-contractor convicted of corruption?

2022-08-31T11:54+0200d1softballnews (en)

Businessman Joseph Bou Santiago who yesterday pleaded guilty in the federal court to bribe the former mayor of Catano Felix “el Cano” Delgado is a government mega-contractor who, during a 14-year career, amassed more than $40 million in contracts, the vast majority with the Bayamon Municipality....

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