M 7 in Northern Molucca Sea from 18 Jan 2023 06:06 UTC to 06:06

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 503
Articles about casualties: 2 (0.4%)
Articles in last hour: 0

News articles per day


Social media analysis

The information below is extracted by an experimental JRC system to analyze Twitter messages for the occurance of secondary effects for earthquakes and tsunamis. This feature is currently not available for other disaser types.

[beta] Media disaster_tweets analysis

The information below is extracted by an experimental JRC system to analyze Twitter based on specific events and keywords

All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

3.8 magnitude earthquake hits Uttarakhand's Pithoragarh

2023-01-22T06:02+0100indiatoday (en)

The epicentre of the quake was close to Pithoragarh in Uttarakhand, (Representative image) : An earthquake measuring 3.8 on the Richter scale jolted the northern hill state of Uttarakhand at 8.58 am on Sunday. According to the National Center for Seismology (NCS), the epicentre was near Pithoragarh.

El desconocido estrecho que puede provocar el colapso de la economía mundial

2023-01-22T05:02+0100elconfidencial (es)

La posibilidad de que un supervolcán explote desatando un invierno nuclear llevándose por delante miles de millones de vidas es real pero, afortunadamente, muy remota. Desafortunadamente, la posibilidad de que un simple volcán o un terremoto se lleve por delante la economía mundial es muy alta,....

Mt Fuji looks unusual, sparks fears of possible eruption

2023-01-22T01:29+0100soranews24 (en)

Puzzled locals fear the sleeping giant may be coming to life. Mt Fuji has long been praised as a national symbol of beauty , with its near-symmetrical silhouette gracing everything from to and even erasers . This peaceful imagery, however, makes it easy to forget that it’s actually an active volcano....

Se siente temblor de magnitud 3.8 en la ciudad de Socaire

2023-01-22T01:20+0100infobae (es)

Durante un temblor conserva la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 2.7 de magnitud en la ciudad de Ollagüe

2023-01-22T00:49+0100infobae (es)

Durante un temblor conserva la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras....

Sismo de magnitud 4.1 se siente en Trujillo, La Libertad

2023-01-22T00:35+0100infobae (es)

Perú se localiza en la zona conocida como Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico , región que concentra el 75% de los volcanes que existen en el mundo y donde suceden aproximadamente el 80% de los sismos más fuertes del mundo. El también conocido como Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico está conformado por la zona....

Se registra temblor de magnitud 3.1 en Ollagüe

2023-01-22T00:24+0100infobae (es)

Durante un temblor manten la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Près de 100 morts et des dizaines de disparus dans les Philippines ravagées par la tempête

2023-01-22T00:00+0100news-24 (fr)

Près de 100 personnes sont mortes dans l’une des tempêtes les plus destructrices qui ont frappé les Philippines cette année et des dizaines d’autres sont portées disparues dans un village à flanc de montagne touché par un glissement de terrain, tandis que plus d’un million d’autres ont été inondées....

IAEA says Fukushima water release to follow safety standards

2023-01-21T23:52+0100ABCnews (en)

TOKYO -- The head of a U.N. nuclear agency task force assessing the safety of Japan 's plan to release treated radioactive water from the wreaked Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea said Friday that Japanese regulators have shown their commitment to comply with international safety standards. International concern over the plan has been widening.

IGP registró un sismo de magnitud 4.2 en Caylloma, Arequipa

2023-01-21T23:08+0100infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico de Perú (IGP) registró un temblor de magnitud 4.2 este sábado 21 de enero con epicentro en la ciudad de Madrigal, en la provincia de Caylloma del departamento de Arequipa. De acuerdo con un reporte de la Red Sísmica Nacional, el....

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 2.8 de magnitud en La Serena

2023-01-21T22:38+0100infobae (es)

Durante un sismo conserva la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

La ciudad de Ollagüe siente temblor de magnitud 2.8

2023-01-21T21:47+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto manten la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras....

Chile: se registra sismo de magnitud 2.5 en la ciudad de Pica

2023-01-21T20:49+0100infobae (es)

Durante un sismo manten la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras en....

Sismo de 3.5 de magnitud con epicentro en la ciudad de Punitaqui

2023-01-21T20:49+0100infobae (es)

Durante un sismo manten la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras en....

Sismo de magnitud 4.3 con epicentro en S Pedro Pochutla, Oaxaca

2023-01-21T20:35+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales , como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

Chile: se percibe temblor de magnitud 2.8 en El Tabo

2023-01-21T20:20+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto manten la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras....

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 2.5 de magnitud en la ciudad de Ollagüe

2023-01-21T20:07+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto manten la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras....

Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 3.7 en la ciudad de Socaire

2023-01-21T19:38+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto conserva la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 2.6 de magnitud en la ciudad de Curicó

2023-01-21T19:05+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto conserva la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

La ciudad de Cuya siente sismo de magnitud 3.1

2023-01-21T18:35+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto manten la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Perú: se registró un sismo de magnitud 3.9 en Tacna

2023-01-21T18:35+0100infobae (es)

Perú se localiza en la zona conocida como Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico , región que concentra el 75% de los volcanes que existen en el mundo y donde suceden aproximadamente el 80% de los terremotos más fuertes del mundo. El también conocido como Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico está conformado por la....

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 2.8 de magnitud

2023-01-21T18:22+0100infobae (es)

Durante un sismo manten la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras....

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 2.9 de magnitud en El Tabo

2023-01-21T17:35+0100infobae (es)

Durante un sismo conserva la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras en....

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 2.8 de magnitud en la ciudad de Socaire

2023-01-21T17:35+0100infobae (es)

Durante un temblor manten la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.9 con epicentro en la ciudad de Chañaral.

2023-01-21T16:47+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto manten la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Temblor en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.8 con epicentro en Iquique

2023-01-21T16:47+0100infobae (es)

Durante un sismo manten la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras....

Between development and deep blue sea

2023-01-21T16:30+0100economictimes (en)

In the late 1960s and ’70s, ex-servicemen from the mainland were given land deeds by the Indira Gandhi government to settle on the isolated island, inhabited only by indigenous people belonging to the Shompen and Nicobarese tribes and facing threats from neighbouring countries and poachers. About 330 families were settled as part of the drive.

Temblor de 3.0 de magnitud con epicentro en la ciudad de Chañaral.

2023-01-21T16:20+0100infobae (es)

Durante un sismo manten la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras....

Perú: se registró un sismo de magnitud 3.4 en Arequipa

2023-01-21T16:20+0100infobae (es)

Perú se encuentra ubicado en la zona conocida como Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico , región que concentra el 75% de los volcanes que existen en el mundo y donde suceden aproximadamente el 80% de los movimientos telúricos más fuertes del mundo. El también llamado Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico está....

Chile: se registra sismo de magnitud 4.1 en Ollagüe

2023-01-21T16:06+0100infobae (es)

Durante un temblor manten la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Se registra un temblor con epicentro en Puerto Peñasco, Sonora

2023-01-21T14:47+0100infobae (es)

De acuerdo con información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el movimiento telúrico ocurrió hoy a las 7:02 hora local (13:02 UTC), con un epicentro de 103 km al suroeste de la ciudad del estado de Sonora. Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención....

Temblor en Chile: sismo de magnitud 3.1 con epicentro en Pica

2023-01-21T14:06+0100infobae (es)

Durante un sismo conserva la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras....

Supreme Court's relief for car buyers, turns down plea for strict norms

2023-01-21T12:36+0100dnaindia (en)

Supreme Court’s relief for car buyers, turns down plea for strict norms The top court was hearing a plea filed by NGO Tsunami on Roads. Image used for representative purpose only. (Image: Reuters) The Supreme Court has junked a plea seeking to enforce the "one car one person" norm, besides....

Gli studenti dell'I.C "Cocchia-Dalla Chiesa" protagonisti di "Generazione Tsunami" su Rai Uno

2023-01-21T12:07+0100avellinotoday (it)

Sono approdati sugli schermi di Rai Uno un gruppo di studenti dell' Istituto Comprensivo "Cocchia-Dalla Chiesa" . I volti, le voci e le opinioni degli allievi guidati dalla dirigente scolastica Silvia Gaetana Mauriello sono stati protagonisti della puntata odierna della trasmissione "Uno Mattina in....

Se registra un temblor con epicentro en Río Grande, Oaxaca

2023-01-21T12:02+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales , como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

Argentine: un séisme de magnitude 6,4 frappe le nord du pays

2023-01-21T11:23+0100aa-fr (fr)

Bolivar. AA/Bogota/Başar Bayatlı. Un séisme de magnitude 6,4 sur l'échelle de Richter a frappé le nord de l'Argentine. L'Institut d'études géologiques des États-Unis (US Geological Survey) a déclaré, samedi, dans un communiqué que l'épicentre du séisme était situé à 116 km de Santiago del Estero.

Se registra un temblor en Matías Romero, Oaxaca

2023-01-21T10:19+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales , como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

Se siente temblor de magnitud 3.9 en Temuco

2023-01-21T09:37+0100infobae (es)

Durante un temblor conserva la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras....

IAEA says Fukushima water release to follow safety standards

2023-01-21T08:48+0100expressindia (en)

International concern over the plan has been widening. Last week, the head of the 18-nation Pacific Island Forum, which includes Australia, New Zealand and other island nations, expressed concern about any impact of radiation from the water on the livelihoods of people in the region which suffered....

La ciudad de Pica percibe sismo de magnitud 2.9

2023-01-21T08:21+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto conserva la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 3.1 de magnitud

2023-01-21T08:21+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto manten la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras....

Temblor en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.5 con epicentro en Pisagua

2023-01-21T08:21+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto conserva la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Chile: se registra sismo de magnitud 2.5 en Punitaqui

2023-01-21T08:21+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto manten la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Sismo de magnitud 3.8 con epicentro en la ciudad de Ollagüe

2023-01-21T08:21+0100infobae (es)

Durante un temblor conserva la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras....

Se percibe temblor de magnitud 3.9 en la ciudad de Socaire

2023-01-21T07:36+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto conserva la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

OPINION: Tsunami warning system; Urgent need to address the present major deficiencies

2023-01-21T07:30+0100fijitimes (en)

Fijian Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka is in Kiribati in an effort to return the island to the Pacific Islands Forum, where Fiji is chair. My message to our PM through this open opinion column is that he needs to bring up for discussions at even an informal session, the urgent need for the Pacific....

IAEA: Fukushima water release is in line with safety standards January 21, 2023 NEW

2023-01-21T07:26+0100ajw (en)

The head of a U.N. task force assessing the safety of Japan’s plan to release treated radioactive water into the sea from the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant complex said Friday that Japanese regulators have shown their commitment to comply with international safety standards. International concern over the plan has been widening.

Argentine : un séisme de magnitude 6,8 survenu à 24 km au sud-ouest de Campo Gallo (USGS)

2023-01-21T06:43+0100french-news (fr)

NEW YORK, 20 janvier (Xinhua) -- Un tremblement de terre d'une magnitude de 6,8 sur l'échelle de Richter s'est produit vendredi, à 22H09 GMT, à 24 km au sud-ouest de la ville de Campo Gallo, dans le nord de l'Argentine, selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques (USGS).

Se siente temblor de magnitud 4.3 en Arica

2023-01-21T06:04+0100infobae (es)

Durante un temblor manten la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Tacna registra un sismo de magnitud 4.6

2023-01-21T05:36+0100infobae (es)

Perú se encuentra ubicado en la zona conocida como Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico , región que concentra el 75% de los volcanes que existen en el mundo y donde suceden aproximadamente el 80% de los terremotos más fuertes del mundo. El también llamado Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico está conformado por....

Multan al primer ministro por no usar el cinturón

2023-01-21T05:30+0100HoyDigital-DO (es)

La policía multó el viernes al primer ministro del Reino Unido, Rishi Sunak, por quitarse el cinturón de seguridad para grabar un video para las redes sociales desde un auto en movimiento. Sunak, de 42 años, ofreció disculpas por su “error de juicio”. Otros cortos de Mundo Temblor de 6.2 sacude las islas de Barlovent.

6.8 magnitude earthquake hits north Argentina; no damage reported

2023-01-21T05:01+0100wn (en)

A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake shook northern Argentina on Friday but there were no immediate reports of damages. The quake struck at 8:09 p.m.

El tsunami de Mar del Plata: el día que una gran ola invadió las playas, cubrió el muelle e hirió a más de cien personas El 21 de enero de 1954, hace exactamente 69 años, los bañistas del centro de la ciudad se vieron sorprendidos por una violenta ola: en seis minutos el nivel del mar creció un metro.

2023-01-21T04:29+0100infobae (es)

El tiempo pasó y certificó eso de evento excepcional. No volvió a repetirse nada similar en las costas argentinas . El meteotsunami de la madrugada del jueves 8 de diciembre de 2022 simuló un acercamiento nostálgico al acontecimiento de 1954. Ese mediodía de verano marplatense permaneció décadas teñido de un halo de misterio.

Sismo de magnitud 4.1 con epicentro en Casimiro Castillo, Jalisco

2023-01-21T04:19+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales , como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

San Martin registró un temblor de magnitud 3.9

2023-01-21T04:04+0100infobae (es)

Perú se localiza en la zona conocida como Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico , región que concentra el 75% de los volcanes que existen en el mundo y donde suceden aproximadamente el 80% de los terremotos más fuertes del mundo. El también llamado Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico está integrado por la zona....

Huanuco: se registró sismo de magnitud 3.7 en Pachitea

2023-01-21T03:48+0100infobae (es)

Perú se encuentra ubicado en la zona conocida como Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico , región que concentra el 75% de los volcanes que existen en el mundo y donde suceden aproximadamente el 80% de los temblores más fuertes del mundo. El también conocido como Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico está integrado....

Sismo de magnitud 4.0 con epicentro en Cd Ixtepec, Oaxaca

2023-01-21T03:19+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales , como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

Strong earthquake jolts north Argentina

2023-01-21T03:17+0100trtworld (en)

Authorities and local media reported no damages or deaths. (TRTWorld) A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake has shaken northern Argentina, but there were no immediate reports of damages. The quake struck at 8:09 pm [local time] on Friday with its epicentre about 24 kilometres southwest of the town of Campo Gallo in Santiago del Estero province.

Earthquake of magnitude 6.8 jolts northern Argentina, no damage or injuries reported

2023-01-21T03:00+0100wn (en)

Argentina Earthquake: A powerful earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 on the Richter Scale hit northern parts of Argentina on Friday night. According to reports, the epicentre of the quake was about 15 miles....

IAEA says Fukushima water release to follow safety standards

2023-01-21T02:27+0100independent-UK (en)

The head of a U.N. nuclear agency task force assessing the safety of Japan 's plan to release treated radioactive water from the wreaked Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea said Friday that Japanese regulators have shown their commitment to comply with international safety standards. International concern over the plan has been widening.

IAEA Says Fukushima Water Release to Follow Safety Standards

2023-01-21T02:23+0100digitpatrox (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The pinnacle of a U.N. nuclear company job pressure assessing the security of Japan’s plan to launch handled radioactive water from the wreaked Fukushima nuclear plant into the ocean mentioned Friday that Japanese regulators have proven their dedication to adjust to worldwide security requirements.

Earthquake of 6.5 magnitude hits Argentina

2023-01-21T02:18+0100wn (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.5 occurred 517 km North of Cardoba, Argentina at around 3:39 am on Friday (local time), according to National Center for Seismology. Also Read| 7.0 magnitude earthquake hits eastern Indonesia, no tsunami warning "Earthquake of Magnitude:6.5, Occurred on Earthquake of Magnitude:6.

IAEA says Fukushima water release into sea to follow safety standards

2023-01-21T02:18+0100business-standard (en)

The head of a UN nuclear agency task force assessing the safety of Japan's plan to release treated radioactive water from the wreaked Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea said on Friday that Japanese regulators have shown their commitment to comply with concern over the plan has been widening.

Powerful earthquake hits north Argentina; no damage reported

2023-01-21T01:36+0100TorontoStar (en)

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake shook northern Argentina on Friday but there were no immediate reports of damages. The quake struck at 8:09 p.m. local time with its epicenter about 15 miles (24 kilometers) southwest of the town of Campo Gallo in Santiago del Estero province.

Earthquake of 6.5 magnitude hits Argentina

2023-01-21T01:32+0100HindustanTimes (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.5 occurred 517 km North of Cardoba, Argentina at around 3:39 am on Friday (local time), according to National Center for Seismology. Also Read| 7.0 magnitude earthquake hits eastern Indonesia, no tsunami warning "Earthquake of Magnitude:6.5, Occurred on 21-01-2023, 03:39:37 IST, Lat: -26.

ARGENTINA-EARTHQUAKE - Powerful earthquake hits north Argentina; no damage reported

2023-01-21T01:11+0100nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / PTI. Buenos Aires, Jan 21 (AP) A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake shook northern Argentina but there were no immediate reports of damages. The quake struck at 8:09 pm local time Friday with its epicentre about 15 miles (24 kilometres) southwest of the town of Campo Gallo in Santiago del Estero province.

World News | Powerful Earthquake Hits North Argentina; No Damage Reported

2023-01-21T01:07+0100latestly (en)

Get latest articles and stories on World at LatestLY. A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake shook northern Argentina but there were no immediate reports of damages. Buenos Aires, Jan 21 (AP) A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake shook northern Argentina but there were no immediate reports of damages.

Powerful earthquake hits north Argentina; no damage reported

2023-01-21T01:06+0100chron (en)

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake shook northern Argentina on Friday but there were no immediate reports of damages. The quake struck at 8:09 p.m. local time with its epicenter about 15 miles (24 kilometers) southwest of the town of Campo Gallo in Santiago del Estero province.

Powerful earthquake hits north Argentina

2023-01-21T00:58+0100ABCnews (en)

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina -- A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake shook northern Argentina on Friday but there were no immediate reports of damages. The quake struck at 8:09 p.m. local time with its epicenter about 15 miles (24 kilometers) southwest of the town of Campo Gallo in Santiago del Estero province.

Powerful earthquake hits north Argentina; no damage reported

2023-01-21T00:56+0100wn (en)

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake shook northern Argentina on Friday but there were no immediate reports....

Powerful earthquake hits north Argentina; no damage reported

2023-01-21T00:40+0100sfgate (en)

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake shook northern Argentina on Friday but there were no immediate reports of damages. The quake struck at 8:09 p.m. local time with its epicenter about 15 miles (24 kilometers) southwest of the town of Campo Gallo in Santiago del Estero province.

La ciudad de Canela Baja siente temblor de magnitud 2.5

2023-01-21T00:22+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto manten la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras....

Sismo de magnitud 3.8 sacude a la ciudad de Pica

2023-01-21T00:03+0100infobae (es)

Durante un temblor manten la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras en....

La ciudad de Santiago del Estero siente sismo de magnitud 6.3

2023-01-20T23:33+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto conserva la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

U.S. Navy Remembers Partnership during Tomodachi

2023-01-20T23:21+0100pacom (en)

SAN DIEGO, California -- Capt. Tamara Graham, director of force requirements, Commander, Naval Air Forces (CNAF), spoke to an audience of U.S. and Japanese military and civic leaders at the “Thank You from Fukushima” reception hosted by the Honorable Kenko Sone, Consul General of Japan at his official residence in Los Angeles, Jan.

La ciudad de Sierra Gorda. registra sismo de magnitud 2.5

2023-01-20T23:06+0100infobae (es)

Durante un temblor conserva la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

IAEA says Fukushima water release to follow safety standards

2023-01-20T22:53+0100japantoday (en)

The head of a U.N. nuclear agency task force assessing the safety of Japan's plan to release treated radioactive water from the wreaked Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea said Friday that Japanese regulators have shown their commitment to comply with international safety standards. International concern over the plan has been widening.

La ciudad de Calama siente temblor de magnitud 2.7

2023-01-20T22:38+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto conserva la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Temblor en México: sismo de magnitud 4.2 en Los Reyes de Salgado, Michoacán

2023-01-20T22:06+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales , como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales. México se destaca como uno de los países con más actividad sísmica .

L'immense tsunami du Crétacé modélisé par une nouvelle étude

2023-01-20T21:31+0100nationalgeographic-fr (fr)

« Les premières méthodes consistaient […] à estimer le volume d’eau correspondant au diamètre de l’astéroïde et à la profondeur [de la mer] au point d’impact, puis de le reporter autour du cratère et le laisser se propager », explique Brian K. Arbic , océanographe de l’Université du Michigan et co-auteur de l’étude.

The huge Cretaceous tsunami modeled by a new study

2023-01-20T21:04+0100archyde (en)

WHEN THE EARTH TOUCHED THE SKY. Although on a very large scale, the first modeling of the impact, carried out by Brandon C. Johnson, lecturer from Purdue University, Indiana, gives a rather striking idea of ​​the consequences of the impact of the asteroid.

Express: Putin's decree on Poseidon torpedoes will have a huge strategic impact on NATO

2023-01-20T20:35+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-01-20T19:34:38.434Z. Columnist for the British newspaper Express Rohan Gupta expressed the opinion that the order of Russian President Vladimir Putin to develop advanced Poseidon nuclear torpedoes capable of causing a tsunami will affect NATO. The author notes that the torpedo can sail at a....

Samoana tsunami drill photo & caption

2023-01-20T20:12+0100samoanews (en)

A look at some of the Samoana High School students, who evacuated to high grounds in Utulei Wednesday during the school’s tsunami evacuation drill, which included both students and faculty.

Un fort séisme surprend la Guadeloupe, pas de dégâts recensés

2023-01-20T19:53+0100cnews (fr)

Un fort séisme a été ressenti en Guadeloupe à 7h23 (heure locale) ce vendredi 20 janvier. Fort heureusement, celui-ci n'a pas causé de dégâts. Les Guadeloupéens peuvent souffler. Ce vendredi 20 janvier, à 7h23, un séisme de forte magnitude a été ressenti. L’épicentre a été localisé en mer, à 52 kilomètres à l’ouest de Pointe-à-Pitre.

Fatigue, douleurs de dos, conflits répétés... Ces signes qui prouvent que l'on est déconnecté de soi-même

2023-01-20T19:32+0100lefigaro (fr)

Parfois, sans s'en rendre compte, on se retrouve spectateur de sa vie plutôt qu'acteur principal. Déconnecté de soi, on adopte un mode automatique, on ne prête plus d'attention à l'environnement, à nos sensations, à nos émotions. La configuration peut nous mener à prendre de mauvaises décisions,....

IAEA says Fukushima water release to follow safety standards

2023-01-20T19:30+0100TorontoStar (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The head of a U.N. nuclear agency task force assessing the safety of Japan’s plan to release treated radioactive water from the wreaked Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea said Friday that Japanese regulators have shown their commitment to comply with international safety standards.

Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 2.9 en Ollagüe

2023-01-20T19:19+0100infobae (es)

Durante un temblor conserva la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras....

Temblor de magnitud 6,2 se registra en las islas de Barlovento

2023-01-20T19:04+0100latribuna (es)

San Juan.- Un temblor de magnitud 6,2 se registró este viernes en las islas de Barlovento, al este de las Antillas Menores, sin dejar víctimas al momento ni aviso ni amenaza de tsunami, reportó la Red Sísmica de Puerto Rico (RSPR). Según detalla el organismo en su página web por datos obtenidos del....

Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 3.2 en Tongoy

2023-01-20T19:04+0100infobae (es)

Durante un temblor manten la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

World News | IAEA Says Fukushima Water Release to Follow Safety Standards

2023-01-20T19:01+0100latestly (en)

Tokyo, Jan 20 (AP) The head of a UN nuclear agency task force assessing the safety of Japan's plan to release treated radioactive water from the wreaked Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea said on Friday that Japanese regulators have shown their commitment to comply with international safety standards.

L’AIEA affirme que le rejet d’eau de Fukushima respectera les normes de sécurité

2023-01-20T18:59+0100news-24 (fr)

TOKYO – Le chef d’un groupe de travail de l’agence nucléaire de l’ONU évaluant la sécurité du plan du Japon visant à rejeter dans la mer l’eau radioactive traitée de la centrale nucléaire de Fukushima détruite a déclaré vendredi que les régulateurs japonais avaient montré leur engagement à se conformer aux normes de sécurité internationales.

IAEA says Fukushima water release to follow safety standards

2023-01-20T18:35+0100sfgate (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The head of a U.N. nuclear agency task force assessing the safety of Japan's plan to release treated radioactive water from the wreaked Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea said Friday that Japanese regulators have shown their commitment to comply with international safety standards.

IAEA Says Fukushima Water Release to Follow Safety Standards

2023-01-20T18:33+0100usnews (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The head of a U.N. nuclear agency task force assessing the safety of Japan's plan to release treated radioactive water from the wreaked Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea said Friday that Japanese regulators have shown their commitment to comply with international safety standards.

IAEA says Fukushima water release to follow safety …

2023-01-20T18:32+0100wearecentralpa (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The head of a U.N. nuclear agency task force assessing the safety of Japan’s plan to release treated radioactive water from the wreaked Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea said Friday that Japanese regulators have shown their commitment to comply with international safety standards.

IAEA says Fukushima water release to follow safety standards

2023-01-20T18:28+0100sandiegouniontribune (en)

TOKYO — The head of a U.N. nuclear agency task force assessing the safety of Japan’s plan to release treated radioactive water from the wreaked Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea said Friday that Japanese regulators have shown their commitment to comply with international safety standards. International concern over the plan has been widening.

WFI row: Day-long drama in Gonda ends with no answers

2023-01-20T18:28+0100timesofindia (en)

LUCKNOW/GONDA: A long day of speculation on Friday ended without any answer as Wrestling Federation of India ( WFI ) president Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh cancelled his much-anticipated press conference at his home turf Gonda after three postponements on Friday.

IAEA says Fukushima water release to follow safety standards

2023-01-20T18:26+01004-traders (en)

TOKYO (AP) The head of a U.N . nuclear agency task force assessing the safety of Japan's plan to release treated radioactive water from the wreaked Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea said Friday that Japanese regulators have shown their commitment to comply with international safety standards.

IAEA says Fukushima water release to follow safety …

2023-01-20T18:25+0100wowktv (en)

TOKYO (AP) — The head of a U.N. nuclear agency task force assessing the safety of Japan’s plan to release treated radioactive water from the wreaked Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea said Friday that Japanese regulators have shown their commitment to comply with international safety standards.

Un puissant séisme frappe la Guadeloupe mais ne fait aucun dégât Monde - Les habitants de la Guadeloupe ont ressenti un fort séisme à 07h23 heure locale le vendredi 20 janvier, mais aucun dégât n'a été signalé, selon ...

2023-01-20T18:07+0100senenews (fr)

Les habitants de la Guadeloupe ont ressenti un fort séisme à 07h23 heure locale le vendredi 20 janvier, mais aucun dégât n’a été signalé, selon les pompiers. L’épicentre du séisme se situait à 52 kilomètres à l’ouest de Pointe-à-Pitre à une profondeur de plus de 160 kilomètres au large, avec une....

La ciudad de Quillagua siente temblor de magnitud 3.2

2023-01-20T18:07+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto manten la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Chile: se percibe temblor de magnitud 2.8 en la ciudad de Mina La Escondida.

2023-01-20T18:07+0100infobae (es)

Durante un sismo conserva la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

4.2-magnitude earthquake jolts Northern California just after midnight, geologists say

2023-01-20T17:56+0100fresnobee (en)

A 4.2-magnitude earthquake shook Northern California, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. The 15-mile deep quake hit about 10 miles southwest of Weitchpec one minute after midnight Friday, Jan. 20, according to the USGS. Hundreds of people from as far away as the southern coast of Oregon and Fortuna reported feeling the tremor to the agency.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 3.8 con epicentro en Camiña

2023-01-20T17:07+0100infobae (es)

Durante un sismo manten la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras en....

Fort séisme en Guadeloupe mais pas de dégâts

2023-01-20T16:55+0100lefigaro (fr)

Un fort séisme a été ressenti par les habitants de Guadeloupe à 7h23 heure locale vendredi 20 janvier, mais celui-ci n'a pas causé de dégâts, selon les pompiers. Ce séisme, dont l'épicentre a été localisé en mer à plus de 160 kilomètres de profondeur et à 52 kilomètres à l'ouest de Pointe-à-Pitre,....

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 3.9 de magnitud en Tierra Amarilla

2023-01-20T16:54+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto conserva la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Doléance #5

2023-01-20T16:51+0100mediapart (fr)

77 ans après les bombardements d’Hiroshima et Nagasaki, 36 ans après la catastrophe de Tchernobyl et 11 ans après celle de Fukushima, alors que la menace grandit autour de la centrale de Zaporijjia en Ukraine, faisant craindre le pire pour l’Europe, nous réaffirmons collectivement que : La relance du nucléaire ? Surtout pas.

16h00 Un séisme de forte magnitude réveille la Guadeloupe

2023-01-20T16:04+0100huffingtonpost-fr-fr (fr)

ENVIRONNEMENT - Un réveil peu accommodant. Aux environs de 7h30 ce vendredi 20 janvier, un séisme d’une magnitude comprise entre 5,8 et 6,5 sur l’échelle de Richter a été ressenti par de nombreux habitants de la Guadeloupe , mais sans faire de dégâts importants.

La ciudad de Punitaqui siente temblor de magnitud 4.0

2023-01-20T15:51+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto conserva la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

‘If I open my mouth...’: WFI President takes j...

2023-01-20T15:37+0100livemint (en)

WFI President Brij Bhushan Saran Singh on Friday said that if he starts to speak ‘it will cause a tsunami’. The comment comes as a response to protesting wrestlers' allegations that if they bring everything into the public domain it will cause an earthquake. Singh also compared the wrestlers' protest with Shaheen Bagh protests.

Temblor de magnitud 6,2 estremeció isla de Barlovento al este de las Antillas Menores

2023-01-20T15:34+0100noticiaaldia (es)

-Un temblor de magnitud 6,2 se registró este viernes en las islas de Barlovento, al este de las Antillas Menores, sin dejar víctimas al momento ni aviso ni amenaza de tsunami, reportó la Red Sísmica de Puerto Rico (RSPR). Según detalla el organismo en su página web por datos obtenidos del Centro de....

Se registra un temblor de magnitud 4.0 en Salina Cruz

2023-01-20T15:19+0100infobae (es)

Información preliminar señala que el sismo tuvo un epicentro 106 km al sureste de la ciudad, en el estado de Oaxaca, con una profundidad de 17.8 km y fue percibido por los vecinos de la localidad. Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred)....

« Mon siège s’est mis à trembler » : un séisme secoue la Guadeloupe au petit matin

2023-01-20T15:08+0100maville (fr)

a surpris la Guadeloupe, à 7 h 23 locales (12 h 23 à Paris) précisément, ce vendredi 20 janvier 2023. Il était d’une magnitude comprise entre 5,8 et 6,5 sur l’échelle de Richter, selon les premières données recueillies par les centres sismologiques. Son épicentre se trouvait à une vingtaine de kilomètres à l’ouest de Pointe-Noire.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.8 con epicentro en Tongoy

2023-01-20T15:05+0100infobae (es)

Durante un temblor conserva la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

January Nature Walk: North from Martin Park

2023-01-20T14:38+0100dailycamera (en)

When trails are icy and/or muddy and you find that your favorite trail in the foothills is closed, consider the multi-use bike path that follows Bear Creek north from Martin Park instead. Bears emerge from a tree at Martin Park. (Glenn Cushman / Courtesy photo) Start your hike by exploring Martin....

La Guadeloupe secouée par un séisme de magnitude 6.2

2023-01-20T14:29+0100TF1 (fr)

La terre a tremblé pendant quelques secondes, sans causer de dommages, ni faire de blessés. Un séisme de magnitude 6,2 sur l'échelle de Richter s'est produit, ce vendredi 20 janvier en Guadeloupe, peu avant de 7 h 30. L'épicentre se trouvait à l'ouest de l'île, précise Guadeloupe la 1ere , à environ....

Baterías eléctricas del pasado para los vehículos del futuro El reciclaje de baterías de iones de litio está despegando gracias a empresas como Redwood Materials y podría contribuir a la transición a las energías renovables

2023-01-20T14:21+0100technologyreview-es (es)

El reciclaje de baterías es una de las 10 Tecnologías Emergentes de 2023 de MIT Technology Review. Consulta el resto de la lista aquí. Para Redwood Materials, las cajas de cartón apiladas en su aparcamiento de grava representan tanto el pasado como el futuro de los vehículos eléctricos.

« Mon siège s’est mis à trembler » : un séisme secoue la Guadeloupe au petit matin

2023-01-20T13:58+0100lemainelibre (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude comprise entre 5,8 et 6,5 sur l’échelle de Richter, a été ressenti en Guadeloupe ce vendredi 20 janvier. Le ministre de l’Intérieur Gérald Darmanin s’est rapidement exprimé pour rassurer la population. Un sismographe fonctionnel est présenté dans une exposition sur les....

« Mon siège s’est mis à trembler » : un séisme secoue la Guadeloupe au petit matin

2023-01-20T13:57+0100courrierdelouest (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude comprise entre 5,8 et 6,5 sur l’échelle de Richter, a été ressenti en Guadeloupe ce vendredi 20 janvier. Le ministre de l’Intérieur Gérald Darmanin s’est rapidement exprimé pour rassurer la population. Un sismographe fonctionnel est présenté dans une exposition sur les....

« Mon siège s’est mis à trembler » : un séisme secoue la Guadeloupe au petit matin

2023-01-20T13:56+0100OuestFrance (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude comprise entre 5,8 et 6,5 sur l’échelle de Richter, a été ressenti en Guadeloupe ce vendredi 20 janvier. Le ministre de l’Intérieur Gérald Darmanin s’est rapidement exprimé pour rassurer la population. Un sismographe fonctionnel est présenté dans une exposition sur les....

« Mon siège s’est mis à trembler » : un séisme secoue la Guadeloupe au petit matin

2023-01-20T13:55+0100presseocean (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude comprise entre 5,8 et 6,5 sur l’échelle de Richter, a été ressenti en Guadeloupe ce vendredi 20 janvier. Le ministre de l’Intérieur Gérald Darmanin s’est rapidement exprimé pour rassurer la population. Un sismographe fonctionnel est présenté dans une exposition sur les....

Temblor de magnitud 6,2 se registra en las islas de Barlovento

2023-01-20T13:48+0100infobae (es)

San Juan, 20 ene. Un temblor de magnitud 6,2 se registró este viernes en las islas de Barlovento, al este de las Antillas Menores, sin dejar víctimas al momento ni aviso ni amenaza de tsunami, reportó la Red Sísmica de Puerto Rico (RSPR). Según detalla el organismo en su página web por datos....

Temblor de magnitud 6,2 se registra en las islas de Barlovento

2023-01-20T13:38+0100elnuevodiario-DO (es)

EL NUEVO DIARIO, SAN JUAN.- Un temblor de magnitud 6,2 se registró este viernes en las islas de Barlovento, al este de las Antillas Menores, sin dejar víctimas al momento ni aviso ni amenaza de tsunami, reportó la Red Sísmica de Puerto Rico (RSPR). Según detalla el organismo en su página web por....

La ciudad de Camiña percibe sismo de magnitud 2.9

2023-01-20T13:10+0100infobae (es)

Durante un temblor manten la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras....

Ostia a rischio tsunami? Prove di sgombero: l'esercitazione della Protezione Civile

2023-01-20T12:47+0100ilmessaggero (it)

Esercitazione della Protezione civile per prevenire il rischio idrogeologico a Ostia . Si svolgerà infatti domenica l’addestramento dei volontari che si inserisce nella manifestazione “PREvenzione e RESilienza Roma Capitale 2023”. Il progetto sarà coordinato dal Dipartimento Protezione civile....

"There'll Be Tsunami If...": Wrestling Body Chief Amid Calls To Quit

2023-01-20T10:48+0100ndtvnews (en)

New Delhi: As wrestlers protesting against alleged sex harassment stayed firm on demands for his resignation, wrestling body chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh today threatened revelations that, he said, would cause a "tsunami". "If I make a statement, there will be a tsunami. I am not here on anyone's charity.

Japón estima que la liberación de agua de Fukushima comenzará “en primavera o verano”

2023-01-20T10:47+0100LaTercera (es)

El Gobierno de Japón ha estimado este viernes que la liberación de aguas contaminadas de la planta de energía nuclear de Fukushima, se realizará “alrededor de esta primavera o verano”, doce años después del desastre provocado por un terremoto y un tsunami.

Se registra un temblor en Unión Hidalgo, Oaxaca

2023-01-20T10:21+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales , como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 3.9 con epicentro en la ciudad de Los Vilos

2023-01-20T09:46+0100infobae (es)

Durante un temblor conserva la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras....

Se siente sismo de magnitud 2.5 en la ciudad de Vichuquén

2023-01-20T06:51+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto conserva la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 3.1 de magnitud en la ciudad de Punitaqui

2023-01-20T06:19+0100infobae (es)

Durante un temblor manten la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Temblor de 3.0 de magnitud con epicentro en la ciudad de Tocopilla

2023-01-20T06:19+0100infobae (es)

Durante un temblor conserva la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Se registró un sismo de magnitud 3.7 en Lima

2023-01-20T05:48+0100infobae (es)

El también conocido como Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico está integrado por la zona montañosa del oeste de Argentina, Chile, Perú, Ecuador, Colombia, Panamá, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, México, Estados Unidos y Canadá, para luego doblar a la altura de las Islas Aleutianas y....

Sismo de magnitud 4.0 con epicentro en La Mira, Michoacán

2023-01-20T03:48+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) hace un llamado a no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales , como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

Magnitude 3.6 earthquake strikes near Cloverdale in Sonoma County A magnitude 3.6 earthquake struck far northern Sonoma County on Thursday evening. 0M ago

2023-01-20T03:13+0100cbslocal (en)

SONOMA COUNTY A magnitude 3.6 earthquake struck far northern Sonoma County on Thursday evening. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the earthquake struck around 5:18 p.m. about 5 miles southwest of the city of Cloverdale, not far from the Lake Sonoma Recreation Area. The earthquake's depth was 2.

Earthquake Near Cloverdale, Healdsburg Rattles Sonoma County

2023-01-20T02:55+0100patch (en)

SONOMA COUNTY, CA — A 3.6-magnitude earthquake rattled the northern Sonoma County area around 5:18 p.m. Thursday, according to the United States Geological Survey. The quake struck at a depth of 3 miles below the earth's surface and it was centered about 5 miles south of Cloverdale, 15 miles north....

Quake jolts northern parts of Pakistan

2023-01-20T02:28+0100thenews-pk (en)

QUETTA: An earthquake jolted parts of northern Pakistan, including Peshawar, Nowshera, Shabqadar and Mardan, on Thursday at around 4:30 pm, according to the National Seismic Monitoring Centre (NSMC), the third one in at least less than a month. The NSMC reported that the epicentre of the earthquake was 237 kilometres west of Chitral.

Coalcomán, Michoacán, registra temblor de 4.1 de magnitud

2023-01-20T00:20+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica de importancia, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales , como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

obituary Marine geologist Alan Ruffman shed new light on several historic disasters 4 minutes ago

2023-01-20T00:15+0100theglobeandmail (en)

In the late summer of 1963, Alan Ruffman, a third-year geology student at the University of Toronto, was returning to Canada from a student exchange program in Finland. Rather than fly home, he had talked his way onto an 800-foot grain carrier bound for Churchill, Manitoba, with a hold full of sea -water as ballast.

Chile: se percibe temblor de magnitud 2.7 en La Serena

2023-01-20T00:03+0100infobae (es)

Durante un temblor conserva la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Chinese 8220 Gang Targets Public Clouds And Vulnerable Applications

2023-01-19T23:52+0100scoop-co-nz (en)

Today, Radware issued a threat advisory about a for-profit threat group from China called the 8220 Gang. The gang, also known as 8220 Mining Group, has rolled into the New Year targeting public cloud environments and poorly secured applications, using a custom-built crypto miner and IRC bot.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.5 con epicentro en Mina La Escondida.

2023-01-19T23:51+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto manten la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Chinese 8220 Gang targets public clouds and vulnerable applications

2023-01-19T23:30+0100itwire (en)

's Redis honeypots. Big picture. According to the 2022 Radware Threat Report, Redis was the fourth most scanned and exploited TCP port in Radware's Global Deception Network in 2022, up from the tenth position in 2021. According to Radware head of re sea rch of cyber threat intelligence Daniel Smith,....

Antoine Roth Autour du Japon

2023-01-19T23:07+0100letemps (fr)

Suga Yoshihide (à gauche ci-dessus) n’est jamais parvenu à gagner l’affection du public japonais. Etant devenu premier ministre il y a une année en plein milieu de la pandémie, il avait la mission difficile de protéger et la santé de la population et l’économie nippone au moment où les variantes....

Surprise magma chamber found under Mediterranean Sea volcano near popular tourist destination

2023-01-19T22:35+0100foxnews (en)

A group of international re sea rchers used a novel imaging technique for volcanoes that produces high-resolution images of seismic wave properties, according to a Jan. 12 release from the American Geophysical Union (AGU). The study was published in the AGU journal Geochemistry, Geophysics,....

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 3.2 de magnitud en la ciudad de Tierra Amarilla

2023-01-19T22:20+0100infobae (es)

Durante un temblor manten la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Go back in time to better understand the risks of earthquakes in the estuary

2023-01-19T21:07+0100thesaxon (en)

Field re sea rch was conducted aboard the Coriolis II between La Malbaie and Baie-Comeau. What if past earthquakes could help us better prevent future ones? By studying landslides that occurred in the depths of the St. Lawrence estuary, a team of researchers from the Rimouski Institute of Marine....

Les habitants campent dans la crainte de nouveaux tremblements de terre dans le nord des Philippines

2023-01-19T20:42+0100news-24 (fr)

Une voiture est enterrée sous les débris d’une vieille maison en ruine dans la ville de Vigan, dans la province d’Ilocos Sur, au nord de Manille, le 27 juillet 2022, après qu’un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,0 a frappé le nord des Philippines. Après qu’un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1....

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 2.7 de magnitud

2023-01-19T20:04+0100infobae (es)

Durante un temblor manten la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras....

Quake Shakes East Indonesia, South Philippines; No Tsunami

2023-01-19T18:34+0100claimsjournal (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — A magnitude 7.0 earthquake shook eastern Indonesia and southern Philippines on Wednesday, with no damage immediately reported and no tsunami warning issued. Some residents tried to escape from houses in the Indonesian town of Tobelo in North Maluku province. The U.S.

Ciencias aplicadas e interdisciplinarias 2023-01-18 Preparándose para estar preparado MIT |Miho Mazereeuw, arquitecto de entornos construidos y naturales, busca nuevas formas de preparar a las personas para los desastres naturales.

2023-01-19T17:34+0100virtualpro (es)

“No hay nada que esté garantizado como seguro”, dice Mazereeuw, profesor asociado de arquitectura y urbanismo en el Departamento de Arquitectura del MIT y director del Urban Risk Lab. “Nosotros [pensamos que] a través de la tecnología y la ingeniería podemos resolver cosas y luchar contra la naturaleza.

Magnitude 5.6 earthquake jolts Islamabad, K-P

2023-01-19T15:11+0100tribune (en)

Tremors were felt in Islamabad and different parts of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) on Thursday after a magnitude 5.6 earthquake jolted the region, according to Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD). According to media reports, the earthquake was felt in Peshawar, Nowshera, Mardan, Shabqadar, Swat,....

Panic grips citizens as earthquake shakes northern Pakistan

2023-01-19T15:05+0100dailypakistan (en)

ISLAMABAD An earthquake measuring 5.6 on the Richter scale jolted several parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) on Thursday, according to the National Seismic Monitoring Centre (NSMC). The NSMC reported the earthquake occurred at around 4:30pm with its epicentre 237 kilometres west of Chitral and deputh 190 kilometers.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.7 con epicentro en Ollagüe

2023-01-19T14:54+0100infobae (es)

Durante un sismo manten la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras en....

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 3.7 de magnitud en Tocopilla

2023-01-19T13:36+0100infobae (es)

Durante un sismo manten la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras....

Earthquake jolts northern parts of Pakistan

2023-01-19T13:08+0100geo-tv (en)

An earthquake jolted parts of northern Pakistan, including Peshawar, Nowshera, Shabqadar and Mardan on Thursday around 4:30pm. Tremors of the earthquake were also reported in Charsada, Islamabad and its surrounding areas. Immediately after the earthquake, residents of affected cities took to Twitter to share their experiences.

Le Japon Est-il Le Pays Le Plus Honnête Au Monde ?

2023-01-19T13:06+0100seneweb (fr)

Le Japon est-il le pays le plus honnête au monde ? Pour la plupart des gens, perdre son portefeuille ou son sac à main est plus qu'un désagrément. Si les smartphones nous permettent aujourd'hui d'effectuer des paiements sans contact, de conserver nos cartes de voyage et de nous aider à retrouver....

5.6 magnitude earthquake jolts Islamabad, other cities

2023-01-19T12:53+0100brecorder (en)

A 5.6-magnitude earthquake jolted Islamabad, and several cities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Punjab, Gilgit Baltistan, and Azad Jammu on Thursday evening, Aaj News reported. Tremors were also felt in Charsadda, Peshawar, Batgaram, Swabi, Swat, and other cities of northern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

The 168th Akutagawa Prize: Works by Shoko Idogawa and Atsushi Sato

2023-01-19T11:51+0100tellerreport (en)

The selection committee for the 168th Akutagawa Prize and the Naoki Prize was held in Tokyo on the 19th. was Ms. Shoko Idogawa's award-winning work "Joy of the World" Saiko Idogawa is 35 years old from Hyogo Prefecture. After graduating from university, he started writing poetry and novels while....

La Russie peut déclencher un tsunami nucléaire avec ses torpilles Poséidon

2023-01-19T09:59+0100africanmanager (fr)

La Russie dit pouvoir déclencher un tsunami après avoir reçu sa première livraison de torpilles nucléaires. Les ogives, nommées Poséidon, auraient la capacité de causer d’importantes inondations si elles étaient déployées. Les torpilles, qui peuvent être équipées d’ogives nucléaires, ont une portée....

Powerful quake leaves zero casualty, damage in epicenter Davao Occidental

2023-01-19T09:30+0100abs-cbnnews (en)

MANILA No damage and casualties were reported in Davao Occidental, the epicenter of Wednesday's powerful magnitude 7 earthquake that shook parts of Mindanao and eastern Indonesia, the province's disaster chief said Thursday. The province's island town of Sarangani, which was nearest to the quake's....

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 2.8 de magnitud en Calama

2023-01-19T08:36+0100infobae (es)

Durante un temblor conserva la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 3.0 de magnitud en Cobquecura

2023-01-19T08:36+0100infobae (es)

Durante un sismo manten la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras....

La ciudad de Talca registra sismo de magnitud 2.8

2023-01-19T08:20+0100infobae (es)

Durante un temblor conserva la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras....

Se registra sismo de magnitud 3.0 en Ollagüe

2023-01-19T07:50+0100infobae (es)

Durante un sismo manten la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras en....

Sismo de magnitud 3.9 sorprende a la ciudad de Mina Collahuasi

2023-01-19T06:51+0100infobae (es)

Durante un sismo manten la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras....

India to suffer from ‘tsunami' of chronic diseases: Oncologist advises this to reshape cancer care

2023-01-19T06:30+0100wn (en)

India will experience a “tsunami” of chronic di sea ses like cancer as a result of globalisation, the nation's....

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 2.7 de magnitud en Huasco

2023-01-19T06:24+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto conserva la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Chile: se registra temblor de magnitud 2.5 en La Higuera

2023-01-19T06:09+0100infobae (es)

Durante un temblor conserva la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Japan nuclear plant execs acquitted over Fukushima disaster – DW – 01/18/2023

2023-01-19T05:54+0100digitpatrox (en)

On Wednesday, an appeals court docket in Tokyo upheld the acquittal of three former executives of the corporate that operated the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear energy plant, clearing the boys of accusations that they’d ignored warnings of a pure catastrophe within the years earlier than the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

7 best earthquake alert and tracking apps for Android

2023-01-19T02:52+0100exbulletin (en)

2. Earthquake Network. The Earthquake Network provides real-time alerts based on your location. It also allows you to check the reports from the last 24 hours with its seismic networks feature, you can become a part of this network and report an earthquake.

Un volcán similar al Tonga podría explotar en el Mediterráneo 'en algún momento' de los próximos 150 años

2023-01-19T01:57+0100abc-Andalucia (es)

Un equipo de investigadores del Imperial College de Londres y la Universidad de Oregón acaba de anunciar el descubrimiento, en pleno mar Mediterráneo, de una cámara magmática desconocida hasta ahora. El nuevo depósito de lava se encuentra justo debajo del volcán submarino Kolumbo, a escasos 500....

Japan court acquits utility executives in Fukushima disaster

2023-01-19T01:18+0100wral (en)

The Tokyo High Court ruling upheld a 2019 lower court decision that also acquitted the three former top officials of Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, saying that a tsunami of the size that hit the plant was unforeseeable and the executives could not be held negligent.

Se siente sismo de magnitud 2.5 en la ciudad de Calama

2023-01-19T00:51+0100infobae (es)

Durante un sismo manten la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras....

Have You Seen This? Even a 5.4 magnitude earthquake can make you shake

2023-01-19T00:19+0100ksl (en)

Estimated read time: 1-2 minutes. CALIFORNIA — If you've ever experienced a major earthquake, you probably remember exactly where you were when it hit. Significant events have a way of burning into our minds, including tiny details such as what song was on the radio at the time or which books fell off the shelf once the shaking commenced.

Indonésie : Séisme de magnitude 7 et possibilité de vagues tsunami

2023-01-18T21:26+0100lopinion (fr)

Les autorités indonésiennes n’ont pas rapporté de dommages ni de victimes dans l’immédiat. Le centre d’alerte aux tsunamis du Pacifique (PTWC), basé à Hawaï, avait averti que des vagues d’un tsunami étaient «possibles» jusqu’à 300 kilomètres autour de l’épicentre, avant de lever son avertissement.

Temblor de magnitud 3.4 con epicentro en la ciudad de Camiña

2023-01-18T20:20+0100infobae (es)

Durante un sismo conserva la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras en....

La Russie brandit de nouveau sa torpille nucléaire Poséidon : faut-il s'inquiéter ?

2023-01-18T19:34+0100futura-sciences (fr)

Embourbé dans sa guerre en Ukraine, le Kremlin relance la propagande sur sa torpille nucléaire qui atteindrait une vitesse sous l’eau à 370 km/h et serait capable de créer des tsunamis. Baptisée Poséidon, la Russie aurait terminé la fabrication des premiers exemplaires.

Japan court acquits utility executives in Fukushima disaster

2023-01-18T19:23+0100HonululuAdvertiser (en)

The Tokyo High Court ruling upheld a 2019 lower court decision that also acquitted the three former top officials of Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, saying that a tsunami of the size that hit the plant was unforeseeable and the executives could not be held negligent.

Nacional Mañana comienzan las pruebas del Sistema de Alerta de Emergencia SAE en la RM: la primera comuna será Maipú

2023-01-18T19:10+0100LaTercera (es)

La jornada de este miércoles el subsecretario de Telecomunicaciones, Claudio Araya junto a autoridades del Servicio Nacional de Prevención y Respuesta ante Desastres (Senapred) anunciaron el calendario de pruebas del Sistema de Alerta de Emergencia para celulares (SAE) de este 2023.

Pourquoi les intelligences artificielles mettent en péril les artistes

2023-01-18T19:07+0100Liberation (fr)

Dans cette vidéo, Clémentine Mercier, journaliste au service culture, explique l’impact de cette technologie sur la vie des artistes. En plus de manquer d’outils pour faire respecter leur droit d’auteur et pour se défendre de l’utilisation de leurs œuvres, ils doivent faire face à un marché noyé par un tsunami d’images créées par IA.

Michigan wolf population holding steady, 2022 survey shows

2023-01-18T18:43+0100siouxcityjournal (en)

Government science teams say that 2022 didn't quite set a record for heat, but it was in the top five or six warmest on record depending on who's doing the measuring. And NOAA, NASA and others say the last eight years have been the warmest eight on record.

Terremoto in Indonesia, scossa di magnitudo 7.0: rientrato il rischio tsunami

2023-01-18T18:41+0100newsonline (it)

Terremoto in Indonesia: magnitudo 7.0 Il sisma, di magnitudo 7.0, ha colpito ieri la parte orientale dell'Indonesia vicino alle isole Molucche . Alla violenta scossa ne sono poi seguite altre di assestamento, di magnitudo 5,5, ... ...

Indonesia Says Magnitude 7 Quake Off Sulawesi, Residents Flee Buildings

2023-01-18T18:31+0100theepochtimes (en)

’s Sulawesi island on Wednesday, prompting panicked residents in some towns nearest to the epicenter to flee buildings and with the tremor felt in the neighboring Philippines. Indonesia’s geophysics agency said, however, there was no risk of a tsunami, and the U.S.

Sismo de magnitud 7 sacude el este de Indonesia; emiten alerta de tsunami

2023-01-18T17:58+0100debate (es)

El este de Indonesia registró un sismo de magnitud 7, lo que causó una alerta de tsunami que se levantó al poco tiempo Indonesia.- Un sismo de magnitud 7 sacudió el este de Indonesia , informó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS). El sismo se notó entre 15 y 20 segundos. Los temblores eran bastante largos (.

Trema la terra, scossa di magnitudo 6,1 in Indonesia

2023-01-18T17:56+0100tusciaweb (it)

Cronaca - Epicentro a 147 chilometri di profondità nel mare - Nessun allarme tsunami Sulawesi – Trema la terra, scossa di magnitudo 6,1 in Indonesia. Paura tra i cittadini all’alba di stamani in Indonesia. L’Usgs, istituto geologico degli Stati Uniti, ha registrato una forte scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6,1 a largo delle isole Sulawesi.

Terza forte scossa di terremoto a Sud di Malta: magnitudo 4.9

2023-01-18T17:46+0100informazione (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 7.2 ha colpito mercoledi le isole Molucche nell’Indonesia orientale. Lo ha riferito l’istituto sismologico Usgs. Terremoto in Indonesia, scossa di magnitudo 7.9: scatta l'allarme tsunami Terremoto in Albania : scosse di magnitudo 5.2 e 4.7 vicino a Tirana Terremoto a Roma , scossa di 3.

Magnitude 7.3 quake jolts Davao Occidental

2023-01-18T17:44+0100philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines There was no tsunami threat even after a magnitude 7.3 earthquake shook parts of Mindanao yesterday. “Based on data provided by the sea level monitoring station in Mati City in Davao Oriental, no sea level changes were monitored,” the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) said in an advisory.

7.0-magnitude quake hits eastern Indonesia

2023-01-18T17:25+0100manilatimes (en)

DAMAGED DWELLING A house is seen in the Tanimbar islands, in Maluku, eastern Indonesia on Jan. 10, 2023 after it was severely damaged by a 7.6-magnitude earthquake. NATIONAL DISASTER MANAGEMENT AGENCY HANDOUT PHOTO VIA AFP. JAKARTA: An offshore 7.0-magnitude earthquake hit near the Maluku islands....

Fukushima: La justice japonaise blanchit les responsables de Tepco

2023-01-18T17:19+0100humanite (fr)

Il y a bientôt douze ans, le 11 mars 2011, un séisme de magnitude 9,1 déclenchait, au large du Japon, un tsunami charriant des vagues de 30 mètres de hauteur. Sur la côte est de l’archipel, la centrale nucléaire de Fukushima Daïchi n’a pas résisté à la déferlante: le système de refroidissement....

Una erupción volcánica y un tsunami podrían desatarse en un famoso sitio turístico

2023-01-18T17:08+0100clarin (es)

Kolumbo es un volcán submarino activo situado a 8 km al noreste de la ínsula, en el mar Egeo. Imágenes de alta resolución y datos petrológicos indican que la cámara de magma mide unos 0,6 km de ancho y 2 km de profundidad , con unos 42 % de masa fundida, informa RT.

Terremoto Oggi Indonesia: Sisma M7 Mare delle Molucche, Oceano Pacifico

2023-01-18T17:07+0100informazione (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 7.2 ha colpito mercoledi le isole Molucche nell’Indonesia orientale. Lo ha riferito l’istituto sismologico Usgs. Terremoto in Indonesia, scossa di magnitudo 7.9: scatta l'allarme tsunami Terremoto in Albania : scosse di magnitudo 5.2 e 4.7 vicino a Tirana Terremoto a Roma , scossa di 3.

Temblor de magnitud 3.3 sacude a la ciudad de Alto del Carmen

2023-01-18T16:52+0100infobae (es)

Durante un sismo conserva la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 3.0 de magnitud en Mina Collahuasi

2023-01-18T16:42+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto manten la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras....

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.8 con epicentro en Calama

2023-01-18T15:35+0100infobae (es)

Durante un temblor conserva la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 3.6 de magnitud en la ciudad de Ollagüe

2023-01-18T15:35+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto conserva la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Se registra un temblor con epicentro en Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca

2023-01-18T15:35+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales , como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

Tsunami rebat les cartes

2023-01-18T15:27+0100aujourdhui (fr)

Environ 140 000 morts et des millions de personnes déplacées. L’heure du décompte des victimes n’est pas encore finie dans les sept pays du sud-est asiatique affectés par l’une des plus grandes catastrophes des temps modernes. Mais, pressée par les échéances, l’industrie touristique s’interroge déjà....

Indonesia - Earthquake (GDACS, USGS, BMKG, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 18 January 2023)

2023-01-18T14:50+0100reliefWeb (en)

An earthquake of 7.0 M at a depth of 48 km (7.1 M at a depth of 64 km as reported by the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency - BMKG) occurred in Molucca Sea (northern-central Indonesia) on 18 January at 06.06 UTC (13.06 local time). The epicentre was located offshore approximately 115....

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1 frappe une province du centre de l'Indonésie, sans risque de tsunami

2023-01-18T14:22+0100french-news (fr)

JAKARTA, 18 janvier (Xinhua) -- Un tremblement de terre d'une magnitude de 7,1 a frappé mercredi la province indonésienne de Sulawesi du Nord (centre), a indiqué l'agence de météorologie, de climatologie et de géophysique du pays. Le tremblement de terre s'est produit à 13H06 heure locale (06H06....

Sismo de magnitud 7 sacude el este de Indonesia

2023-01-18T14:22+0100unitel (es)

Un potente terremoto de magnitud 7 se registró el miércoles en aguas cercanas a las islas Molucas, en el este de Indonesia, informó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS). Por el momento, las autoridades indonesias no informaron de daños ni víctimas.

No tsunami threat after magnitude 7.3 quake in Sarangani — Phivolcs

2023-01-18T14:19+0100tribuneonline (en)

There is no t sunami threat following the magnitude 7.3 earthquake that jolted Sarangani, Davao Occidental on Wednesday, 18 January, according to the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. Phivolcs said the tremor occurred at 2:06 p.m. with the epicenter recorded offshore 352 kilometers away S 30° E of Sarangani, Davao Occidental.

Un sismo de magnitud 7 sacude el este de Indonesia

2023-01-18T14:18+0100metrolibre (es)

Un potente terremoto de magnitud 7 se registró el miércoles en aguas cercanas a las islas Molucas, en el este de Indonesia, informó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS). Por el momento, las autoridades indonesias no informaron de daños ni víctimas.

Berkeley, a Look Back: Voters OK city manager form of government

2023-01-18T14:06+0100eastbaytimes (en)

A city manager form of municipal government is one in which the city council sets policy but all the governmental operations are overseen by a manager whom the council hires. This puts the council at arms length from day-to-day municipal business. Related Articles Proponents of the city manager....

UPDATE3: Acquittal upheld for ex-TEPCO execs over Fukushima nuclear crisis

2023-01-18T14:02+01004-traders (en)

An appeals court on Wednesday upheld an acquittal of three former executives of Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. who were accused of failing to prevent the 2011 disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in northeastern Japan. The Tokyo High Court decision followed a Tokyo District....

Magnitude 7.3 quakejolts DavOcc; no tsunami threat

2023-01-18T13:42+0100manilametro (en)

MANILA - A magnitude 7.3 earthquake jolted Davao Occidental on Wednesday, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) said. The tectonic quake with a depth of 64 km struck 352 km southeast of Sarangani at 2:06 p.m. Phivolcs logged the following instrumental intensities in a bulletin issued at 2:15 p.

Japan court upholds acquittal of 3 in Fukushima disaster case

2023-01-18T13:42+0100manilametro (en)

ISTANBUL - Tokyo's top court on Wednesday upheld the acquittal of three executives of a power company in a case related to the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant disaster in Japan. The Tokyo High Court upheld a decision issued in 2019 by a district court in the Japanese capital that ruled the....

Indonesia: Se produjo un sismo de magnitud 7 cercan de las...

2023-01-18T13:42+0100derf (es)

Un potente terremoto de magnitud 7 se registró este miércoles en aguas cercanas a las islas Molucas, en el este de Indonesia. El epicentro se situó 150 km al noroeste de la isla indonesia de Halmahera, en el archipiélago de Molucas, con 60 kilómetros de profundidad, detalló el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS).

Un séisme de magnitude 7,3 frappe Davao Occidental

2023-01-18T13:31+0100nouvelles-du-monde (fr)

Phivolcs dit qu’il n’y a “pas de menace de tsunami aux Philippines” MANILLE, Philippines – Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,3 a frappé le Davao Occidental le mercredi 18 janvier, a annoncé l’Institut philippin de volcanologie et de sismologie (Phivolcs) dans un bulletin.

Terremoto en Indonesia de magnitud 7; emiten alerta de tsunami

2023-01-18T13:24+0100mvsnoticias (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7 sacudió este miércoles las aguas cerca de las Islas Molucas , en el este del archipiélago de Indonesia , sin que de momento se haya informado de daños o víctimas. El servicio geológico de Estados Unidos (EU) , que registra la actividad sísmica mundial , indicó que el....

Quake shakes east Indonesia, south Philippines; no tsunami

2023-01-18T13:19+0100jamaicaobserver (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — A magnitude 7.0 earthquake shook eastern Indonesia and southern Philippines on Wednesday, with no damage immediately reported and no tsunami warning issued. Some residents tried to escape from houses in the Indonesian town of Tobelo in North Maluku province. The U.S.

Un mollete gigante de casi 3 kilos busca quien se lo coma y gane 200 euros por ello

2023-01-18T13:18+0100lavozdigital (es)

Canal Sur ha hecho este lunes una parada en Rota. Gracias al programa 'Andalucía directo', la audiencia de la cadena pública ha podido conocer el bar Machuca , un lugar donde se sirven molletes de récord. «Un lugar en el que los clientes salen más que satisfechos...» Los famosos molletes del local roteño llaman la atención por su gran tamaño .

Strong quake jolts Indonesia prompting tsunami warnings

2023-01-18T13:14+0100albawaba-en (en)

ALBAWABA – Tsunami warnings were issued in various parts of Indonesia following a strong earthquake that jolted the area on Wednesday. The quake, with a magnitude of 7.0 on the Richter scale, struck the Indonesian archipelago, specifically Indonesia's North Sulawesi province at around 13:06 local time.

L'Indonesia trema ancora una forte scossa registrata al largo delle Molucche

2023-01-18T13:11+0100lumsanews (it)

L’Indonesia trema ancora. Dopo la scossa che lo scorso novembre costò la vita a più di 300 persone, la parte orientale dell’isola è stata colpita stamani da un terremoto di magnitudo 7.0, come riportato dall’USGS, l’Istituto geofisico statunitense. L’allerta tsunami non è da escludere, stando al....

SHOA descarta riesgo de tsunami tras terremoto 7.0 en Indonesia

2023-01-18T12:50+0100radioagricultura (es)

Este miércoles el Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada de Chile (SHOA) descartó que el terremoto de 7.0 registrado en Indonesia implique un riesgo de tsunami para las costas nacionales. El hecho ocurrió durante esta madrugada en el mar de Molucas, según el Servicio Geológico de Estados....

Acquittal of Fukushima operator ex-bosses upheld

2023-01-18T12:48+0100channelnewsasia (en)

TOKYO: Tokyo's High Court upheld on Wednesday (Jan 18) the acquittal of three former executives from the operator of the Fukushima nuclear plant, again clearing them of professional negligence over the A court official told AFP the trio's appeal had been dismissed in the only criminal trial to arise....

Earthquake of 5.6 magnitude hits northwestern Iran

2023-01-18T12:41+0100HindustanTimes (en)

A 5.6 magnitude earthquake hit northwestern Iran on Wednesday, according to the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC). Read here: 7.0 magnitude earthquake hits eastern Indonesia, no tsunami warning The quake's epicentre was close to the town of Khoy in the Iranian province of West Azerbaijan.

7.0-magnitude quake hits east Indonesia island

2023-01-18T12:41+0100manilastandard-ph (en)

An offshore earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 hit near eastern Indonesia’s Maluku islands on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) reported, triggering a tsunami warning that was later lifted. The epicentre of the tremor was located 150 kilometers (93 miles) northwest of the eastern Indonesian island of Halmahera, at a depth of 48 kilometres.

Acquittal of Fukushima nuke plant operator ex-bosses upheld

2023-01-18T12:41+0100manilastandard-ph (en)

Tokyo’s High Court upheld on Wednesday the acquittal of three former executives from the operator of the Fukushima nuclear plant, again clearing them of professional negligence over the 2011 disaster. A court official told AFP the trio’s appeal had been dismissed in the only criminal trial to arise....

Terremoto en Indonesia: SHOA descarta tsunami para Chile

2023-01-18T12:35+0100elmostrado (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,2 ocurrió este miércoles en el mar de Molucas, al este del archipiélago de Indonesia. Al respecto, el Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada de Chile (SHOA) descartó riesgo de tsumani para Chile. De acuerdo al Servicio Nacional de Prevención y Respuesta ante....

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 3.4 de magnitud en la ciudad de Lebu

2023-01-18T12:33+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto conserva la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Quake shakes east Indonesia, south Philippines; no tsunami

2023-01-18T12:19+0100wftv (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — A magnitude 7.0 earthquake shook eastern Indonesia and southern Philippines on Wednesday, with no damage immediately reported and no tsunami warning issued. Some residents tried to escape from houses in the Indonesian town of Tobelo in North Maluku province. The U.S.

Un terremoto de magnitud 7 sacudió las aguas cercanas a islas Molucas

2023-01-18T12:15+0100telam (es)

El epicentro se situó 150 km al noroeste de la isla indonesia de Halmahera, en el archipiélago de Molucas, con 60 kilómetros de profundidad. Por el momento no se informó sobre la existencia de víctimas ni el alcance de los daños materiales. El sismo se notó entre 15 y 20 segundos en Indonesia. Foto: AFP.

Quake shakes east Indonesia, south Philippines; no tsunami

2023-01-18T12:14+0100fresnobee (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia. A magnitude 7.0 earthquake shook eastern Indonesia and southern Philippines on Wednesday, with no damage immediately reported and no tsunami warning issued. Some residents tried to escape from houses in the Indonesian town of Tobelo in North Maluku province. The U.S.

Giappone: Fukushima, tribunale conferma assoluzione 3 dirigenti accusati disastro

2023-01-18T12:14+0100ecoseven (it)

Tokyo, 18 gen. (Adnkronos) – L’Alta corte di Tokyo ha confermato la sentenza di non colpevolezza per tre ex dirigenti della Tepco, la società che gestisce la centrale nucleare di Fukushima, accusati di negligenza professionale con conseguente morte. Il tribunale ha assolto Tsunehisa Katsumata, l’ex....

Quake shakes east Indonesia, south Philippines; no …

2023-01-18T12:11+0100wearecentralpa (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — A magnitude 7.0 earthquake shook eastern Indonesia and southern Philippines on Wednesday, with no damage immediately reported and no tsunami warning issued. Some residents tried to escape from houses in the Indonesian town of Tobelo in North Maluku province. The U.S.


2023-01-18T12:10+0100ilroma (it)

Tokyo, 18 gen. (Adnkronos) - L'Alta corte di Tokyo ha confermato la sentenza di non colpevolezza per tre ex dirigenti della Tepco, la società che gestisce la centrale nucleare di Fukushima, accusati di negligenza professionale con conseguente morte. Il tribunale ha assolto Tsunehisa Katsumata, l'ex....

The 7.0-magnitude earthquake in the Indonesian sea area may cause a local tsunami and will not affect the coast of China

2023-01-18T12:08+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-01-18T11:07:28.849Z. The Tsunami Warning Center of the Ministry of Natural Resources of China judged based on preliminary seismic parameters that the earthquake may trigger a local tsunami around the epicenter, but it will not affect the coast of China.

Giappone: Fukushima, tribunale conferma assoluzione 3 dirigenti accusati disastro

2023-01-18T12:08+0100affaritaliani (it)

Tokyo, 18 gen. (Adnkronos) - L'Alta corte di Tokyo ha confermato la sentenza di non colpevolezza per tre ex dirigenti della Tepco, la società che gestisce la centrale nucleare di Fukushima, accusati di negligenza professionale con conseguente morte. Il tribunale ha assolto Tsunehisa Katsumata, l'ex....

Quake shakes east Indonesia, south Philippines; no tsunami

2023-01-18T12:07+0100apnews (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — A magnitude 7.0 earthquake shook eastern Indonesia and southern Philippines on Wednesday, with no damage immediately reported and no tsunami warning issued. Some residents tried to escape from houses in the Indonesian town of Tobelo in North Maluku province. The U.S.

11:57 | Giappone: Fukushima, tribunale conferma assoluzione 3 dirigenti accusati disastro

2023-01-18T12:07+0100tarantobuonasera (it)

Tokyo, 18 gen. (Adnkronos) – L’Alta corte di Tokyo ha confermato la sentenza di non colpevolezza per tre ex dirigenti della Tepco, la società che gestisce la centrale nucleare di Fukushima, accusati di negligenza professionale con conseguente morte. Il tribunale ha assolto Tsunehisa Katsumata, l’ex....

Giappone: Fukushima, tribunale conferma assoluzione 3 dirigenti accusati disastro

2023-01-18T12:07+0100laragione (it)

Tokyo, 18 gen. (Adnkronos) – L’Alta corte di Tokyo ha confermato la sentenza di non colpevolezza per tre ex dirigenti della Tepco, la società che gestisce la centrale nucleare di Fukushima, accusati di negligenza professionale con conseguente morte. Il tribunale ha assolto Tsunehisa Katsumata, l’ex....

11:57 | Giappone: Fukushima, tribunale conferma assoluzione 3 dirigenti accusati disastro

2023-01-18T12:05+0100olbianotizie (it)

Tokyo, 18 gen. (Adnkronos) - L'Alta corte di Tokyo ha confermato la sentenza di non colpevolezza per tre ex dirigenti della Tepco, la società che gestisce la centrale nucleare di Fukushima, accusati di negligenza professionale con conseguente morte. Il tribunale ha assolto Tsunehisa Katsumata, l'ex....

Giappone: Fukushima, tribunale conferma assoluzione 3 dirigenti accusati disastro

2023-01-18T12:04+0100corriereadriatico (it)

Tokyo, 18 gen. (Adnkronos) - L'Alta corte di Tokyo ha confermato la sentenza di non colpevolezza per tre ex dirigenti della Tepco, la società che gestisce la centrale nucleare di Fukushima, accusati di negligenza professionale con conseguente morte. Il tribunale ha assolto Tsunehisa Katsumata, l'ex....

7.0-magnitude quake recorded in Maluku Sea, no tsunami alert

2023-01-18T11:54+0100antaranews-en (en)

The earthquake was centered in the Maluku Sea, with a magnitude of 7.0 (updated), at a depth of 71 kilometers (km). Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) said that a 7.1-magnitude (M) earthquake, which was later updated to 7.0M, in the Maluku Sea on Wednesday afternoon had no potential to trigger a tsunami.

No tsunami threat to PH after magnitude 7 quake off Mindanao: Phivolcs

2023-01-18T11:54+0100abs-cbnnews (en)

MANILA The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) said that there was no tsunami warning anywhere in the country after a powerful magnitude 7.0 earthquake shook parts of Mindanao and Indonesia Wednesday afternoon. The quake, which was tectonic in origin, had an epicenter about....

Magnitude 7.0 quake strikes off Indonesia's Sulawesi island A magnitude 7 earthquake struck off Indonesia's Sulawesi island on Wednesday, prompting panicked residents in some towns nearest to the...

2023-01-18T11:51+0100thefinancialexpress (en)

A magnitude 7 earthquake struck off Indonesia's Sulawesi island on Wednesday, prompting panicked residents in some towns nearest to the epicentre to flee buildings and with the tremor felt in the neighbouring Philippines. Indonesia's geophysics agency said, however, there was no risk of a tsunami....

Temblor de 2.6 de magnitud se siente en la ciudad de Navidad

2023-01-18T11:48+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto conserva la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

US Oncologist Says India To Face ‘Tsunami’ of Chronic Diseases Like Cancer

2023-01-18T11:38+0100latestly (en)

Health & Wellness ⚡US Oncologist Says India To Face ‘Tsunami’ of Chronic Di sea ses Like Cancer. By PTI "Currently at Cleveland Clinic, our team is doing a clinical trial testing cancer vaccine in high-risk breast cancer," he says. Highlighting the role of cutting-edge technologies, he says computers....

Quake shakes east Indonesia, south Philippines; no tsunami

2023-01-18T11:27+0100wn (en)

A magnitude 7.0 earthquake shook eastern Indonesia and southern Philippines on Wednesday, with no damage immediately reported and no tsunami warning issued. Some residents tried to escape from houses in the Indonesian town of Tobelo in North Maluku province. The U.S.

Terremoto in Indonesia di magnitudo 7.0, rischio tsunami dopo la scossa registrata in mare

2023-01-18T11:26+0100informazione (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.0 ha colpito oggi la parte orientale dell'Indonesia, vicino alle isole Molucche: lo riporta l'Istituto geofisico statunitense USGS. Il sisma è stato registrato… Un terremoto di magnitudo 7.2 ha colpito mercoledi le isole Molucche nell’Indonesia orientale. Lo ha riferito l’istituto sismologico Usgs.

Tokyo court upholds acquittals of ex-power chiefs over Fukushima disaster

2023-01-18T11:25+0100breakingnews-ie (en)

A Japanese court has found three former executives of Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) not guilty of negligence over the 2011 Fukushima nuclear meltdowns and subsequent deaths of more than 40 elderly residents during their forced evacuation. The Tokyo High Court ruling upheld a 2019 lower court....

SHOA descarta riesgo de tsunami en las costas nacionales tras terremoto 7,0 registrado en Indonesia

2023-01-18T11:20+0100adnradio (es)

Durante , un terremoto de magnitud 7,0 se registró en el m ar de Molucas, en Indonesia. Según el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), el epicentro de este movimiento telúrico estuvo a 154 kilómetros del Noroeste de Tabelo. Leer también. Este terremoto registrado en el mar de Indonesia....

Terremoto de siete grados Richter sacude región este de Indonesia

2023-01-18T11:19+0100vietnamplus-es (es)

Yakarta (VNA) - Un terremoto en alta mar de siete grados en la escala de Richter sacudió hoy las islas Molucas, en el este de Indonesia, reportó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS). El USGS emitió una advertencia de tsunami, pero luego la retiró.

7 magnitude earthquake hits eastern Indonesia, tsunami warning issued

2023-01-18T11:17+0100adaderana (en)

An offshore earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 hit near eastern Indonesia’s Maluku islands on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) reported, triggering a tsunami warning. The epicentre of the tremor was located 150 kilometres (93 miles) northwest of the eastern Indonesian island of Halmahera, at a depth of 48 kilometres.

7.0-magnitude earthquake hits eastern Indonesia

2023-01-18T11:16+0100mehrnews-en (en)

TEHRAN, Jan. 18 (MNA) – An offshore earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 hit near eastern Indonesia's Maluku islands on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) reported, triggering a tsunami warning that was later lifted. The epicenter of the tremor was located 150 kilometers northwest of the....

Tsunami au Maroc : les raëliens s’en mêlent

2023-01-18T11:05+0100aujourdhui (fr)

La prédiction du méga tsunami est totalement farfelue, confirme Raël, seul vrai Messager des extraterrestres. La suite de l’annonce faite par un "ufologue" farfelu qu’un tsunami géant allait toucher les côtes atlantiques à la suite de l’impact des débris provenant d’une comète, Raël, leader....

Moderate earthquake hits north Maluku Sea in Indonesia

2023-01-18T10:57+0100thesundaily (en)

KUALA LUMPUR: A moderate earthquake measuring 5.4 on the Richter scale was detected in the north of the Maluku Sea, Indonesia, at 4.01 pm. The Malaysian Meteorological Department (MetMalaysia) said the quake, at a depth of 10 kilometres (km), erupted at a distance of 156 km southeast of Talaud Island, Indonesia.

Scossa di terremoto in Indonesia da 6.8 a 7.0, rischio tsunami

2023-01-18T10:56+0100itacanotizie (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.0 (inizialmente valutata 7.2) ha colpito oggi la parte orientale dell’ Indonesia, vicino alle isole Molucche : lo riporta l’Istituto geofisico statunitense (USGS). L’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia invece, valuta una serie di scosse negli ultimi due giorni dai 6.

Acquittal of Fukushima operator ex-bosses upheld

2023-01-18T10:53+0100manilatimes (en)

TOKYO: Tokyo's High Court on Wednesday upheld the acquittal of three former executives from the operator of the Fukushima nuclear plant, again clearing them of professional negligence over the 2011 disaster. The decision was announced by activists supporting the prosecution of the three men,....

7.0-magnitude earthquake hits eastern Indonesia

2023-01-18T10:52+0100themalaysianinsight (en)

AN offshore earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 hit near eastern Indonesia’s Maluku islands today, the US Geological Survey (USGS) reported, triggering a tsunami warning. The epicentre of the tremor was 150km northwest of the eastern Indonesian island of Halmahera, at a depth of 48km.

7.0-magnitude quake hits eastern Indonesia, tsunami warning lifted

2023-01-18T10:51+0100wn (en)

A damaged house after another earthquake hit deep under the ocean off Indonesia earlier this month.— AFP/file An offshore earthquake in Indonesia with a magnitude of 7.0 hit near eastern Maluku islands on Wednesday, forcing panicked residents to run into the streets and briefly triggering a tsunami warning.

Fort séisme de magnitude 7,2 dans l'est de l'Indonésie

2023-01-18T10:51+0100rtl-BE (fr)

(Belga) Un fort séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé mercredi les îles Moluques, dans l'Est de l'Indonésie, a rapporté l'institut sismologique américain USGS. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre était situé à 150 kilomètres au nord-ouest de l'île orientale de Halmahera dans l'archipel des Moluques, à une profondeur de 48 kilomètres, a précisé l'USGS.

Causing residents to flee homes.. A 7-magnitude earthquake shakes off Sulawesi, Indonesia

2023-01-18T10:45+0100tellerreport (en)

2023-01-18T09:43:05.273Z. The Indonesian Geophysics Agency said that a 7-magnitude earthquake shook the Indonesian region of North Sulawesi on Wednesday. The Indonesian Geophysics Agency said that a 7-magnitude earthquake shook the Indonesian region of North Sulawesi on Wednesday. The agency added that there is no possibility of a tsunami.

UPDATE2: Acquittal upheld for ex-TEPCO execs over Fukushima nuclear crisis

2023-01-18T10:40+01004-traders (en)

An appeals court on Wednesday upheld an acquittal of three former executives of Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. who were accused of failing to prevent the 2011 disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in northeastern Japan. The Tokyo High Court decision followed a Tokyo District....

Un seísmo de magnitud 7 sacude las aguas de Indonesia

2023-01-18T10:35+0100vivajerez (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7 sacudió este miércoles las aguas cerca de las Islas Molucas, en el este del archipiélago de Indonesia, sin que de momento se haya informado de daños o víctimas. El servicio geológico de Estados Unidos, que registra la actividad sísmica mundial, indicó que el seísmo....

Terremoto in Indonesia, scossa di magnitudo 7.2: allarme tsunami

2023-01-18T10:34+0100oggitreviso (it)

commenti | Dalle 09:30 alle 12:00 - Ava - Associazione Veneta Allevatori, vicolo Mazzini 4 a Fontane di Villorba Il corso per amministratori di cooperativa di Confcooperative Belluno e Treviso apre il 2023 mercoledì 18 gennaio con il direttore dell’area agricoltura e industria alimentare di Nomisma.


2023-01-18T10:28+0100ilroma (it)

Washington, 18 gen. (Adnkronos) - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.2 è stata registrata nelle acque dell'Indonesia orientale. Lo ha riferito l'Istituto geofisico statunitense (Usgs), precisando che il sisma è avvenuto a una profondità di quasi 60 chilometri. Secondo le autorità statunitensi, la scossa ha fatto scattare l'allarme tsunami.

Un terremoto de magnitud siete sacude las aguas del este del archipiélago de Indonesia

2023-01-18T10:26+010020minutos (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7 sacudió este miércoles las aguas cerca de las Islas Molucas , en el este del archipiélago de Indonesia , sin que de momento se haya informado de daños o víctimas. El servicio geológico de Estados Unidos , que registra la actividad sísmica mundial , indicó que el seísmo....

Fort séisme de magnitude 7 en Indonésie

2023-01-18T10:24+0100lepopulaire (fr)

Les autorités indonésiennes n'ont pas rapporté de dommages ni de victimes dans l'immédiat. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre était situé en mer à 150 kilomètres au nord-ouest de l'île de Halmahera dans l'archipel des Moluques, à une profondeur de 48 kilomètres, a précisé l'institut sismologique américain USGS.

Fort séisme de magnitude 7 en Indonésie

2023-01-18T10:23+0100lyonne-republicaine (fr)

Les autorités indonésiennes n'ont pas rapporté de dommages ni de victimes dans l'immédiat. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre était situé en mer à 150 kilomètres au nord-ouest de l'île de Halmahera dans l'archipel des Moluques, à une profondeur de 48 kilomètres, a précisé l'institut sismologique américain USGS.

Fukushima, nessuna negligenza

2023-01-18T10:23+0100rsi-ch (it)

La giustizia giapponese ha confermato mercoledì in appello l’assoluzione nei confronti di tre responsabili della Tepco, l’agenzia che gestiva la centrale nucleare di Fukushima al momento dello tsunami-terremoto del 2011. L’alta corte di Tokyo ha sentenziato che non sono colpevoli di negligenza.

7.0-magnitude earthquake shakes eastern indonesia

2023-01-18T10:21+0100vietnamplus-en (en)

Jakarta (VNA) – An offshore earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 hit eastern Indonesia's Maluku islands on January 18, according to the US Geological Survey (USGS). The USGS gave a tsunami warning, but then recalled it. The epicentre of the tremor was located 150 kilometres northwest of the eastern....

Fort séisme de magnitude 7 en Indonésie

2023-01-18T10:21+0100lamontagne (fr)

Les autorités indonésiennes n'ont pas rapporté de dommages ni de victimes dans l'immédiat. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre était situé en mer à 150 kilomètres au nord-ouest de l'île de Halmahera dans l'archipel des Moluques, à une profondeur de 48 kilomètres, a précisé l'institut sismologique américain USGS.

Japan court again acquits ex-execs over Fukushima

2023-01-18T10:20+0100ABCnews (en)

TOKYO -- A Japan ese court on Wednesday found three former executives of Tokyo Electric Power Company not guilty of negligence over the 2011 Fukushima nuclear meltdowns and subsequent deaths of more than 40 elderly residents during their forced evacuation.

Quake shakes east Indonesia, south Philippines

2023-01-18T10:20+0100ABCnews (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia -- A magnitude 7.0 earthquake shook eastern Indonesia and southern Philippines on Wednesday, with no damage immediately reported and no tsunami warning issued. Some residents tried to escape from houses in the Indonesian town of Tobelo in North Maluku province. The U.S.

7.0-magnitude earthquake shakes eastern indonesia

2023-01-18T10:20+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

Jakarta (VNA) – An offshore earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 hit eastern Indonesia's Maluku islands on January 18, according to the US Geological Survey (USGS). The USGS gave a tsunami warning, but then recalled it. The epicentre of the tremor was located 150 kilometres northwest of the eastern....

7.2-magnitude earthquake hits eastern Indonesia

2023-01-18T10:17+0100nna-en (en)

NNA - An offshore earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 hit near eastern Indonesia's Maluku islands on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) reported, triggering a tsunami warning that was later lifted. The epicentre of the tremor was located 150 kilometres (93 miles) northwest of the eastern....

Indonesia, terremoto di magnitudo 7.0 nell’est del Paese: “Possibili tsunami”

2023-01-18T10:16+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 18 gennaio 2023) Due forti scosse, questa mattina, 18 gennaio, hanno fatto tremare la terra in Indonesia . La prima, di magnitudo 6.1 è stata registrata al largo dell’isola Indonesia na di Sulawesi, nelle zone orientali del Paese , e non ha fatto registrare danni gravi o feriti. La seconda, poche ore dopo, ancora più forte: 7.

Fortissimo terremoto, 7.2 Richter: la situazione

2023-01-18T10:16+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 18 gennaio 2023) terremoto di magnitudo 7.2 mercoledì 18 gennaio 2023. Lo ha riferito l’Istituto geofisico statunitense (Usgs), precisando che il sisma è avvenuto a una profondità di quasi 60 chilometri. Secondo le autorità statunitensi, la scossa ha fatto scattare l’allarme tsunami poi rientrato.

7.3M quake hits Davao Occidental town; no tsunami threat

2023-01-18T10:13+0100sunstar (en)

A MAGNITUDE 7.3 earthquake struck Sarangani in Davao Occidental on Wednesday afternoon, January 18, 2023, but no tsunami warnings were issued. According to the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs), the earthquake jolted Sarangani at 2:06 p.m. The tectonic quake has a depth of 64 kilometers.

7.0-magnitude quake hits eastern Indonesia, tsunami warning lifted

2023-01-18T10:12+0100terradaily (en)

An offshore earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 hit near eastern Indonesia's Maluku islands on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) reported, triggering a tsunami warning that was later lifted. The epicentre of the tremor was located 150 kilometres (93 miles) northwest of the eastern Indonesian island of Halmahera, at a depth of 48 kilometres.

7.3 quake jolts Sarangani, Phivolcs says no tsunami threat

2023-01-18T10:09+0100tribuneonline (en)

The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said a magnitude 7.3 earthquake jolted Sarangani, Davao Occidental on Wednesday afternoon. The tremor occurred at 2:06 p.m. with the epicenter recorded some 325 kilometers off Sarangani, away from the country’s landmass.

Indonesia, terremoto di magnitudo 7.0 nell’est del Paese: “Possibili tsunami”

2023-01-18T10:09+0100ilfattoquotidiano (it)

A riportarlo è l’Istituto geofisico statunitense USGS: si sono verificate due scosse nel giro di poche ore. La seconda, la più forte, ha avuto il suo epicentro in mare, a 154 km a nord-ovest di Tobelo, a una profondità di 48 km Due forti scosse, questa mattina, 18 gennaio, hanno fatto tremare la terra in Indonesia.

Sismo de 7 grados de magnitud sacude el este de Indonesia

2023-01-18T10:07+0100telesurtv (es)

La agencia meteorológica de Indonesia advirtió a los habitantes de las poblaciones cercanas al epicentro del sismo sobre posibles réplicas. Un sismo de magnitud 7.0 se registró este miércoles en el mar de Molucas a más de 150 kilómetros de la Indonesia, generando una alerta de tsunami en las costas del océano pacífico.

Indonesia, terremoto di magnitudo 7.0 nell’est del Paese: “Possibili tsunami”

2023-01-18T10:07+0100informazione (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.0 ha colpito oggi la parte orientale dell'Indonesia, vicino alle isole Molucche: lo riporta l'Istituto geofisico statunitense USGS. Il sisma è stato registrato… Un terremoto di magnitudo 7.2 ha colpito mercoledi le isole Molucche nell’Indonesia orientale. Lo ha riferito l’istituto sismologico Usgs.

Indonesia says magnitude 7 quake off Sulawesi, residents flee buildings

2023-01-18T10:04+0100geo-tv (en)

A view of a collapsed school building following an earthquake in Cianjur, West Java province, Indonesia, November 21, 2022.— Reuters JAKARTA: A magnitude 7 earthquake in Indonesia struck off Sulawesi island on Wednesday, prompting panicked residents in some towns nearest to the epicentre to flee....

María Fernanda Callejón, sobre su separación de Ricky Diotto: “Fue un tsunami para mi vida; no fue fácil”

2023-01-18T10:04+0100lanacion-AR (es)

-Es como un regreso a casa, sí. Siempre vengo porque tengo a mi familia, pero no hacía temporada hace décadas. La primera fue con “El Negro” Álvarez y Raúl Ceballos en el teatro de Hermes Bertorello. Con mi hermana en aquellos años teníamos un grupo de baile con el que hacíamos free style .

7.2 earthquake shakes east Indonesia, no tsunami warning

2023-01-18T10:00+0100saudigazette (en)

JAKARTA — A powerful earthquake with a 7.2 magnitude struck off Indonesia's North Sulawesi province on Wednesday, Reuters news agency reported quoting the country's geophysics agency. No damage was immediately reported and no tsunami warning issued. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Honolulu....

Japan court again acquits ex-execs over Fukushima disaster

2023-01-18T09:59+0100tvnz (en)

The Tokyo High Court ruling upheld a 2019 lower court decision that also acquitted the three former top TEPCO officials noting that a tsunami of that magnitude was unforeseeable. The case is the only criminal trial related to the nuclear accident that led the former TEPCO executives to face charges.

Terremoto magnitudo 7.0 in Indonesia: “Possibile tsunami”

2023-01-18T09:56+0100interris (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.0 (inizialmente calcolata in 7,2) ha colpito oggi la parte orientale dell’Indonesia: lo riporta l’Istituto geofisico statunitense USGS. Il sisma è stato registrato in mare, a 150 km a nord-ovest di Tobelo, dinanzi alle isole Molucche, ad una profondità di 48 km.

Japan court again acquits ex-execs over Fukushima disaster

2023-01-18T09:55+0100taiwannews (en)

TOKYO (AP) — A Japanese court on Wednesday found three former executives of Tokyo Electric Power Company not guilty of negligence over the 2011 Fukushima nuclear meltdowns and subsequent deaths of more than 40 elderly residents during their forced evacuation.

Tokyo court upholds acquittals of ex-power chiefs over Fukushima disaster

2023-01-18T09:51+0100theargus (en)

The Tokyo High Court ruling upheld a 2019 lower court decision that also acquitted the three former top Tepco officials, noting that a tsunami of that magnitude was unforeseeable. The case is the only criminal trial related to the nuclear accident that led the former Tepco executives to face charges.

Indonesia, terremoto di magnitudo 7 al largo delle isole Maluku. È allerta tsunami

2023-01-18T09:51+0100primapress (it)

(PRIMAPRESS) - INDONESIA - Sale a magnitudo 7, la previsione del terremoto al largo delle isole Maluku, nell'Est dell'Indonesia modificando il precedente bollettino che lo segnava a 6.1. E' quanto riferisce il Geological Survey statunitense (Usgs). Al momento non vi sono notizie di danni a persone o cose.

AFP - Indonesia-quake newseries

2023-01-18T09:50+0100nampa (en)

7.0-magnitude quake hits eastern Indonesia, tsunami warning lifted ATTENTION - ADDS resident quote, geophysics agency official details; UPDATES aftershocks; CHANGES dateline /// Morotai, Indonesia, Jan 18, 2023 (AFP) - An offshore earthquake with a magnitude of 7.

Terremoto Indonesia oggi, scossa di magnitudo 7.0: revocato allarme tsunami

2023-01-18T09:50+0100tag24 (it)

Terremoto Indonesia oggi. Una violenta scossa di magnitudo 7.0 ha colpito la parte orientale dell’Indonesia vicino le Isole Molucche . A riportarlo l’Istituto geofisico statunitense USGS. L’epicentro del terremoto è stato collocato a 150 chilometri a nordovest dell’isola orientale di Halmahera, a una profondità di 60 chilometri.

Magnitude 7 earthquake hits off Indonesia's Sulawesi

2023-01-18T09:48+0100bdnews24 (en)

A magnitude 7 earthquake struck off Indonesia's Sulawesi island on Wednesday, prompting panicked residents in some towns nearest to the epicentre to flee buildings and with the tremor felt in the neighbouring Philippines. Indonesia's geophysics agency said, however, there was no risk of a tsunami....

Indonesia descarta el riesgo de tsunami tras un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 frente a Célebes

2023-01-18T09:47+0100diariodia (es)

MADRID, 18 (EUROPA PRESS) Las autoridades de Indonesia han descartado este miércoles el riesgo de tsunami tras un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 en la escala abierta de Richter frente a Célebes, seísmo que ha tenido lugar minutos después de otro de magnitud 6,3, según la Agencia Nacional Meteorológica, Geofísica y Climatológica de Indonesia (BMKG).

Tokyo court upholds acquittals of ex-power chiefs over Fukushima disaster

2023-01-18T09:46+0100chesterfirst (en)

The Tokyo High Court ruling upheld a 2019 lower court decision that also acquitted the three former top Tepco officials, noting that a tsunami of that magnitude was unforeseeable. The case is the only criminal trial related to the nuclear accident that led the former Tepco executives to face charges.

Tokyo court upholds acquittals of ex-power chiefs over Fukushima disaster

2023-01-18T09:45+0100greatyarmouthmercury (en)

The Tokyo High Court ruling upheld a 2019 lower court decision that also acquitted the three former top Tepco officials, noting that a tsunami of that magnitude was unforeseeable. The case is the only criminal trial related to the nuclear accident that led the former Tepco executives to face charges.

Sismo de magnitud 7 sacude el este de Indonesia

2023-01-18T09:45+0100lanacion-AR (es)

Un potente terremoto de magnitud 7 se registró el miércoles en aguas cercanas a las islas Molucas, en el este de Indonesia, informó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS). Por el momento, las autoridades indonesias no informaron de daños ni víctimas.

Sisma magnitudo 7 in Indonesia, diramata allerta tsunami

2023-01-18T09:45+0100it-geosnews (it)

INDONESIA – È pari a magnitudo 7, e non 6.1 come era stato comunicato precedentemente, il terremoto verificatosi al largo delle isole Maluku, nell’Est dell’Indonesia. Lo riferisce il Geological Survey statunitense (Usgs). Al momento non vi sono notizie di danni a persone o cose.

Prédire les impacts d’un tsunami en quelques fractions de seconde grâce au deep learning

2023-01-18T09:43+0100actuia (fr)

La côte nord-est du Japon a été le théâtre le 11 mars 2011 d’un tsunami qui a coûté la vie à près de 18 500 personnes. Si les données générées par les capteurs avaient permis de prédire rapidement la hauteur des vagues et la portée de ce tsunami, de nombreuses vies auraient pu être sauvées.

Tokyo court upholds acquittals of ex-power chiefs over Fukushima disaster

2023-01-18T09:42+0100oxfordtimes (en)

The Tokyo High Court ruling upheld a 2019 lower court decision that also acquitted the three former top Tepco officials, noting that a tsunami of that magnitude was unforeseeable. The case is the only criminal trial related to the nuclear accident that led the former Tepco executives to face charges.

Tokyo court upholds acquittals of ex-power chiefs over Fukushima disaster

2023-01-18T09:42+0100eadt (en)

The Tokyo High Court ruling upheld a 2019 lower court decision that also acquitted the three former top Tepco officials, noting that a tsunami of that magnitude was unforeseeable. The case is the only criminal trial related to the nuclear accident that led the former Tepco executives to face charges.

Tokyo court upholds acquittals of ex-power chiefs over Fukushima disaster

2023-01-18T09:42+0100yourlocalguardian (en)

The Tokyo High Court ruling upheld a 2019 lower court decision that also acquitted the three former top Tepco officials, noting that a tsunami of that magnitude was unforeseeable. The case is the only criminal trial related to the nuclear accident that led the former Tepco executives to face charges.

Terremoto, scossa di magnitudo 7.0 in Indonesia: rischio tsunami

2023-01-18T09:42+0100ecomy-it (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.0 ha colpito oggi la parte orientale dell’Indonesia, vicino alle isole Molucche: lo riporta l’Istituto geofisico statunitense USGS. Il sisma è stato registrato in mare, a 150 chilometri a nord-ovest di Tobelo, ad una profondità di 48 chilometri.

Terremoto, maxi - scossa tra Indonesia e Filippine: cosa succede nell'Anello di fuoco

2023-01-18T09:41+0100247libero (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 7.0 è stato registrato nell'Indonesia orientale e le Filippine meridionali, senza che siano stati segnalati danni e non sia stato emesso alcun allarme tsunami. Residenti sono fuggiti dalle case nella città di Tobelo, nella provincia di North Moluku.

Tokyo court upholds acquittals of ex-power chiefs over Fukushima disaster

2023-01-18T09:40+0100newsandstar (en)

The Tokyo High Court ruling upheld a 2019 lower court decision that also acquitted the three former top Tepco officials, noting that a tsunami of that magnitude was unforeseeable. The case is the only criminal trial related to the nuclear accident that led the former Tepco executives to face charges.

Tokyo court upholds acquittals of ex-power chiefs over Fukushima disaster

2023-01-18T09:40+0100yorkpress (en)

The Tokyo High Court ruling upheld a 2019 lower court decision that also acquitted the three former top Tepco officials, noting that a tsunami of that magnitude was unforeseeable. The case is the only criminal trial related to the nuclear accident that led the former Tepco executives to face charges.

Tokyo court upholds acquittals of ex-power chiefs over Fukushima disaster

2023-01-18T09:40+0100impartialreporter (en)

The Tokyo High Court ruling upheld a 2019 lower court decision that also acquitted the three former top Tepco officials, noting that a tsunami of that magnitude was unforeseeable. The case is the only criminal trial related to the nuclear accident that led the former Tepco executives to face charges.

Tokyo court upholds acquittals of ex-power chiefs over Fukushima disaster

2023-01-18T09:40+0100edp24 (en)

The Tokyo High Court ruling upheld a 2019 lower court decision that also acquitted the three former top Tepco officials, noting that a tsunami of that magnitude was unforeseeable. The case is the only criminal trial related to the nuclear accident that led the former Tepco executives to face charges.

7.0 earthquake shakes east Indonesia, no tsunami warning

2023-01-18T09:39+0100taiwannews (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — A strong earthquake shook eastern Indonesia on Wednesday, with no damage immediately reported and no tsunami warning issued. Some residents tried to escape from houses after the magnitude 7.2 earthquake. The U.S. Geological Survey said it occurred 60 kilometers (37.2 miles) deep under the sea , centered 150 kilometers (93.

Tokyo court upholds acquittals of ex-power chiefs over Fukushima disaster

2023-01-18T09:38+0100thecourier (en)

Tokyo High Court has found three former executives of Tokyo Electric Power Company not guilty of negligence over the 2011 Fukushima nuclear meltdowns and subsequent deaths of more than 40 elderly residents during their forced evacuation (Mari Yamaguchi/AP) A Japanese court has found three former....

Tokyo court upholds acquittals of ex-power chiefs over Fukushima disaster

2023-01-18T09:38+0100southwalesargus (en)

The Tokyo High Court ruling upheld a 2019 lower court decision that also acquitted the three former top Tepco officials, noting that a tsunami of that magnitude was unforeseeable. The case is the only criminal trial related to the nuclear accident that led the former Tepco executives to face charges.

Tokyo court upholds acquittals of ex-power chiefs over Fukushima disaster

2023-01-18T09:38+0100dailyecho (en)

The Tokyo High Court ruling upheld a 2019 lower court decision that also acquitted the three former top Tepco officials, noting that a tsunami of that magnitude was unforeseeable. The case is the only criminal trial related to the nuclear accident that led the former Tepco executives to face charges.

Fort séisme de magnitude 7 dans l'Est de l'Indonésie

2023-01-18T09:38+0100rmc-bfmtv (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé les îles Moluques, dans l'Est de l'Indonésie. Le centre d'alerte aux tsunamis du Pacifique prévient sur des vagues d'un tsunami "possibles" jusqu'à 300 kilomètres autour de l'épicentre. Un fort séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé mercredi les îles Moluques, dans l'Est....

Un seísmo de magnitud 7 sacude las aguas en el este de Indonesia

2023-01-18T09:38+0100andaluciainformacion (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7 sacudió este miércoles las aguas cerca de las Islas Molucas, en el este del archipiélago de Indonesia, sin que de momento se haya informado de daños o víctimas. El servicio geológico de Estados Unidos, que registra la actividad sísmica mundial, indicó que el seísmo....

Tokyo court upholds acquittals of ex-power chiefs over Fukushima disaster

2023-01-18T09:37+0100eveningnews24 (en)

The Tokyo High Court ruling upheld a 2019 lower court decision that also acquitted the three former top Tepco officials, noting that a tsunami of that magnitude was unforeseeable. The case is the only criminal trial related to the nuclear accident that led the former Tepco executives to face charges.

7.0 magnitude earthquake shakes east Indonesia, no tsunami warning issued

2023-01-18T09:37+0100business-standard (en)

A strong earthquake shook eastern Indonesia on Wednesday, with no damage immediately reported and no warning issued. Some residents tried to escape from houses after the magnitude 7.2 earthquake. The US Geological Survey said it occurred 60 kilometres (37.2 miles) deep under the sea , centred 150 kilometres (93.

Indonesia says magnitude 7 quake off Sulawesi, residents ...

2023-01-18T09:37+0100thetimes-za (en)

A magnitude 7 earthquake struck off Indonesia's Sulawesi island on Wednesday, prompting panicked residents in some towns nearest to the epicentre to flee buildings and with the tremor felt in the neighbouring Philippines. Indonesia's geophysics agency said, however, there was no risk of a tsunami....

Tokyo court upholds acquittals of ex-power chiefs over Fukushima disaster

2023-01-18T09:36+0100eveningtimes (en)

The Tokyo High Court ruling upheld a 2019 lower court decision that also acquitted the three former top Tepco officials, noting that a tsunami of that magnitude was unforeseeable. The case is the only criminal trial related to the nuclear accident that led the former Tepco executives to face charges.

Tokyo court upholds acquittals of ex-power chiefs over Fukushima disaster

2023-01-18T09:36+0100dunmowbroadcast (en)

The Tokyo High Court ruling upheld a 2019 lower court decision that also acquitted the three former top Tepco officials, noting that a tsunami of that magnitude was unforeseeable. The case is the only criminal trial related to the nuclear accident that led the former Tepco executives to face charges.

Tokyo court upholds acquittals of ex-power chiefs over Fukushima disaster

2023-01-18T09:34+0100hertsad (en)

The Tokyo High Court ruling upheld a 2019 lower court decision that also acquitted the three former top Tepco officials, noting that a tsunami of that magnitude was unforeseeable. The case is the only criminal trial related to the nuclear accident that led the former Tepco executives to face charges.

Tokyo court upholds acquittals of ex-power chiefs over Fukushima disaster

2023-01-18T09:33+0100eveningtelegraph (en)

Tokyo High Court has found three former executives of Tokyo Electric Power Company not guilty of negligence over the 2011 Fukushima nuclear meltdowns and subsequent deaths of more than 40 elderly residents during their forced evacuation (Mari Yamaguchi/AP) A Japanese court has found three former....

Tokyo court upholds acquittals of ex-power chiefs over Fukushima disaster

2023-01-18T09:32+0100pressandjournal (en)

Tokyo High Court has found three former executives of Tokyo Electric Power Company not guilty of negligence over the 2011 Fukushima nuclear meltdowns and subsequent deaths of more than 40 elderly residents during their forced evacuation (Mari Yamaguchi/AP) A Japanese court has found three former....

Tokyo court upholds acquittals of ex-power chiefs over Fukushima disaster

2023-01-18T09:31+0100belfasttelegraph (en)

A Japanese court has found three former executives of Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) not guilty of negligence over the 2011 Fukushima nuclear meltdowns and subsequent deaths of more than 40 elderly residents during their forced evacuation. T he Tokyo High Court ruling upheld a 2019 lower court....

Fukushima: the acquittal of ex-Tepco executives confirmed on appeal

2023-01-18T09:31+0100tellerreport (en)

"How can I explain this decision to the children of Fukushima who have suffered so much?" Etsuko Kudo, a 68-year-old former resident of Fukushima, was indignant and interviewed by AFP. "There are so many people who have had to leave their jobs and can no longer work because of their overexposure to radiation.

Tokyo court upholds acquittals of ex-power chiefs over Fukushima disaster

2023-01-18T09:30+0100independent-ie (en)

A Japanese court has found three former executives of Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) not guilty of negligence over the 2011 Fukushima nuclear meltdowns and subsequent deaths of more than 40 elderly residents during their forced evacuation. T he Tokyo High Court ruling upheld a 2019 lower court....

Magnitude 7 earthquake strikes off Sulawesi island, residents flee buildings

2023-01-18T09:29+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

: A magnitude 7 earthquake struck off Indonesia's Sulawesi island on Wednesday, prompting panicked residents in some towns nearest to the epicentre to flee buildings. Indonesia's geophysics agency said, however, there was no risk of a tsunami and the U.S.

Tokyo court upholds acquittals of ex-power chiefs over Fukushima disaster A Japanese court has found three former executives of Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) not guilty of negligence over the 2011 Fukushima nuclear meltdowns and subsequent deaths of more than 40 elderly residents during their forced evacuation.

2023-01-18T09:28+0100irishexaminer (en)

The case is the only criminal trial related to the nuclear accident that led the former Tepco executives to face charges. Minutes after Wednesday’s court hearing began, supporters held up posters saying: “All found not guilty. Unjust ruling.” Supporters of the plaintiffs protest outside Tokyo High....

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,1 frappe une province du centre de l'Indonésie, sans risque de tsunami

2023-01-18T09:28+0100french.china.org.cn (fr)

Un tremblement de terre d'une magnitude de 7,1 a frappé mercredi la province indonésienne de Sulawesi du Nord (centre), a indiqué l'agence de météorologie, de climatologie et de géophysique du pays. Le tremblement de terre s'est produit à 13H06 heure locale (06H06 GMT) avec son épicentre situé à....

Asia: A 7.2 magnitude earthquake shakes eastern Indonesia

2023-01-18T09:24+0100archyde (en)

A strong earthquake of magnitude 7 hit the Moluccas islands in eastern Indonesia on Wednesday, the USGS seismological institute reported. The earthquake’s epicenter was located 150 kilometers northwest of the eastern island of Halmahera in the Moluccas archipelago, at a depth of 48 kilometers, the USGS said.

7.0-magnitude quake hits eastern Indonesia, tsunami warning lifted

2023-01-18T09:20+0100newindianexpress (en)

JAKARTA: An offshore earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 hit near eastern Indonesia's Maluku islands on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) reported, triggering a tsunami warning that was later lifted. The epicentre of the tremor was located 150 kilometres (93 miles) northwest of the eastern....

Quake shakes east Indonesia, south Philippines; no tsunami

2023-01-18T09:18+0100tvnz (en)

Earthquake. (Source: istock.com) A magnitude 7.0 earthquake shook eastern Indonesia and southern Philippines on Wednesday, with no damage immediately reported and no tsunami warning issued. Some residents tried to escape from houses in the Indonesian town of Tobelo in North Maluku province.

Terremoto in Indonesia: scossa magnitudo 7.2 e allerta tsunami

2023-01-18T09:18+0100blitzquotidiano (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.2 ha colpito oggi la parte orientale dell’Indonesia: lo riporta l’Istituto geofisico statunitense USGS. Il sisma è stato registrato in mare, a 150 km a nord-ovest di Tobelo , ad una profondità di 60 km. Secondo il Sistema di allerta tsunami degli Stati Uniti....

Sisma magnitudo 7 in Indonesia, diramata allerta tsunami

2023-01-18T09:18+0100newsicilia (it)

INDONESIA - È pari a magnitudo 7, e non 6.1 come era stato comunicato precedentemente, il terremoto verificatosi al largo delle isole Maluku, nell'Est ... TERMINI IMERESE - Oltre 13 ore su una barella dell'ambulanza del 118 del Pronto Soccorso dell'ospedale Cimino di Termini Imerese (Palermo), con una so .

Magnitude 7 earthquake strikes off Sulawesi island, residents flee buildings

2023-01-18T09:16+0100indiatoday (en)

: A magnitude 7 earthquake struck off Indonesia's Sulawesi island on Wednesday, prompting panicked residents in some towns nearest to the epicentre to flee buildings. Indonesia's geophysics agency said, however, there was no risk of a tsunami and the U.S.

Indonesia descarta el riesgo de tsunami tras un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 frente a Célebes

2023-01-18T09:14+0100lanacion-AR (es)

18/01/2023 El servicio geológico de Indonesia (BMKG) detecta un terremoto de magnitud 6,3 SOCIEDAD ASIA INTERNACIONAL INDONESIA BMKG Las autoridades de Indonesia han descartado este miércoles el riesgo de tsunami tras un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 en la escala abierta de Richter frente a Célebes,....

Indonesia says magnitude 7 quake off Sulawesi, residents flee buildings Reuters |Updated 13 minutes ago |2 min read JAKARTA (Reuters) - A magnitude 7 earthquake struck off Indonesia's Sulawesi island on Wednesday, prompting panicked residents in some towns nearest to the epicentre to flee buildings....

2023-01-18T09:13+0100thechronicleherald (en)

JAKARTA (Reuters) - A magnitude 7 earthquake struck off Indonesia's Sulawesi island on Wednesday, prompting panicked residents in some towns nearest to the epicentre to flee buildings and with the tremor felt in the neighbouring Philippines. Indonesia's geophysics agency said, however, there was no risk of a tsunami and the U.

Terremoto in Indonesia, scossa di magnitudo 7.2: scatta l'allerta tsunami

2023-01-18T09:13+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 18 gennaio 2023) Un Terremoto di magnitudo 7.2 ha colpito mercoledi le isole Molucche nell' Indonesia orientale. Lo ha riferito l'istituto sismologico Usgs. Terremoto in Indonesia scossa di magnitudo 7.9: scatta l'... Un terremoto di magnitudo 7.2 ha colpito mercoledi le isole Molucche nell' Indonesia orientale.

Indonesia says magnitude 7 quake off Sulawesi, residents flee buildings

2023-01-18T09:12+0100tribune (en)

JAKARTA: A magnitude 7 earthquake struck off Indonesia's Sulawesi island on Wednesday, prompting panicked residents in some towns nearest to the epicentre to flee buildings and with the tremor felt in the neighbouring Philippines. Indonesia's geophysics agency said, however, there was no risk of a tsunami and the U.

Terremoto in Indonesia: scossa magnitudo 7.2 e allerta tsunami

2023-01-18T09:11+0100newsonline (it)

Il sisma è stato registrato in mare, a 150 km a nord - ovest di Tobelo , ad una profondità di 60 km. Secondo il Sistema di allerta tsunami degli Stati Uniti c'è il rischio di uno tsunami, ma per il momento non è stata emessa alcuna allerta. Il ... ...

Terremoto in Indonesia: scossa magnitudo 7.2 e allerta tsunami

2023-01-18T09:10+0100247libero (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.2 ha colpito oggi la parte orientale dell’Indonesia: lo riporta l’Istituto geofisico statunitense USGS. Il sisma è stato registrato in mare, a 150 km a nord-ovest di Tobelo , ad una profondità di 60 km. Secondo il Sistema di allerta tsunami degli Stati Uniti....

OCD: No damage, casualty after M7.3 earthquake in Davao de Oro

2023-01-18T09:09+0100mb-com-ph (en)

The Office of Civil Defense (OCD) said no significant damage or casualty was reported after a magnitude 7.3 offshore earthquake hit Sarangani, Davao Occidental on Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 18. Diego Agustin Mariano, head of OCD joint information center, said only “weak” intensities were felt by....

Indonesia descarta el riesgo de tsunami tras un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 frente a Célebes

2023-01-18T09:08+0100diariosigloxxi (es)

MADRID, 18 (EUROPA PRESS) Las autoridades de Indonesia han descartado este miércoles el riesgo de tsunami tras un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 en la escala abierta de Richter frente a Célebes, seísmo que ha tenido lugar minutos después de otro de magnitud 6,3, según la Agencia Nacional Meteorológica, Geofísica y Climatológica de Indonesia (BMKG).

Terremoto in Indonesia, scossa di magnitudo 7.2 Un terremoto di magnitudo 7.2 ha colpito mercoledi le isole Molucche nell’Indonesia orientale. Lo ha riferito l’istituto sismologico Usgs. Terremoto in Indonesia, scossa di magnitudo 7.9: scatta l'allarme tsunami Terremoto in Albania: scosse di magnitudo 5.

2023-01-18T09:07+0100informazione (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 7.2 ha colpito mercoledi le isole Molucche nell’Indonesia orientale. Lo ha riferito l’istituto sismologico Usgs. Terremoto in Indonesia, scossa di magnitudo 7.9: scatta l'allarme tsunami Terremoto in Albania : scosse di magnitudo 5.2 e 4.7 vicino a Tirana Terremoto a Roma , scossa di 3.

Terremoto, scossa di magnitudo 7.0 in Indonesia

2023-01-18T09:07+0100informazione (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.0 ha colpito oggi la parte orientale dell'Indonesia, vicino alle isole Molucche: lo riporta l'Istituto geofisico statunitense USGS. Il sisma è stato registrato… Il sisma ha avuto origine a 60 chilometri di profondità sotto il mare, non sono stati segnalati danni Un forte terremoto di magnitudo 7.

Un tremblement de terre secoue l’est de l’Indonésie, le sud des Philippines ; pas de tsunami

2023-01-18T09:06+0100news-24 (fr)

JAKARTA, Indonésie (AP) – Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,0 a secoué mercredi l’est de l’Indonésie et le sud des Philippines, sans qu’aucun dommage ne soit immédiatement signalé et qu’aucune alerte au tsunami ne soit émise. Certains habitants ont tenté de s’échapper de maisons dans la ville....

Indonesia.- Indonesia descarta el riesgo de tsunami tras un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 frente a Célebes

2023-01-18T09:06+0100noticiasde (es)

MADRID, 18 (EUROPA PRESS) Las autoridades de Indonesia han descartado este miércoles el riesgo de tsunami tras un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 en la escala abierta de Richter frente a Célebes, seísmo que ha tenido lugar minutos después de otro de magnitud 6,3, según la Agencia Nacional Meteorológica, Geofísica y Climatológica de Indonesia (BMKG).

140 hospitalized in Afghanistan's Herat for carbon monoxide poisoning: Report

2023-01-18T09:05+0100wn (en)

At least 140 people were hospitalized for carbon monoxide poisoning in Herat province on Tuesday, Afghan news agency TOLOnews reported citing officials. Amongst those hospitalised, there are many children and women. Read more: 7.2 magnitude earthquake hits eastern Indonesia, tsunami warning issued It was cold and my family turned on the gas.

Indonesia descarta el riesgo de tsunami tras un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 frente a Célebes

2023-01-18T09:05+0100teleprensa (es)

MADRID, 18 (EUROPA PRESS) Las autoridades de Indonesia han descartado este miércoles el riesgo de tsunami tras un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 en la escala abierta de Richter frente a Célebes, seísmo que ha tenido lugar minutos después de otro de magnitud 6,3, según la Agencia Nacional Meteorológica, Geofísica y Climatológica de Indonesia (BMKG).

Quake shakes east Indonesia, south Philippines; no tsunami

2023-01-18T09:04+0100digitpatrox (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — A magnitude 7.0 earthquake shook jap Indonesia and southern Philippines on Wednesday, with no harm instantly reported and no tsunami warning issued. Some residents tried to flee from homes within the Indonesian city of Tobelo in North Maluku province. The U.S.

Indonesia says magnitude 7 quake off Sulawesi, residents flee buildings JAKARTA (Reuters) - A magnitude 7 earthquake struck off Indonesia's Sulawesi island on Wednesday, prompting panicked residents in some towns nearest to the epicentre to flee buildings and with the tremor felt in the neighbouring Philippines.

2023-01-18T09:03+0100saltwire (en)

JAKARTA (Reuters) - A magnitude 7 earthquake struck off Indonesia's Sulawesi island on Wednesday, prompting panicked residents in some towns nearest to the epicentre to flee buildings and with the tremor felt in the neighbouring Philippines. Indonesia's geophysics agency said, however, there was no risk of a tsunami and the U.

Terremoto di magnitudo 7 al largo dell'Indonesia, 'possibili onde di tsunami'

2023-01-18T09:00+0100ansa (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.0 ha colpito oggi la parte orientale dell'Indonesia: lo riporta l'Istituto geofisico statunitense USGS. Il sisma è stato registrato in mare, a 150 km a nord-ovest di Tobelo, vicino alle isole Molucche, ad una profondità di 48 km.

Acquittal upheld for ex-TEPCO execs over Fukushima nuclear crisis

2023-01-18T08:59+0100japantoday (en)

An appeals court on Wednesday upheld an acquittal of three former executives of Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc who were accused of failing to prevent the 2011 disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in northeastern Japan. The Tokyo High Court decision followed a Tokyo District....

AMP.- Indonesia.- Indonesia descarta el riesgo de tsunami tras un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 frente a Célebes

2023-01-18T08:59+0100notimerica (es)

MADRID, 18 Ene. (EUROPA PRESS) - Las autoridades de Indonesia han descartado este miércoles el riesgo de tsunami tras un terremoto de magnitud 7,1 en la escala abierta de Richter frente a Célebes, seísmo que ha tenido lugar minutos después de otro de magnitud 6,3, según la Agencia Nacional....

7.1-magnitude earthquake jolts off central Indonesian province, no potentials for tsunami

2023-01-18T08:58+0100peopledaily (en)

JAKARTA, Jan. 18 (Xinhua) -- A 7.1-magnitude earthquake jolted off the province of North Sulawesi in central Indonesia on Wednesday, the country's meteorology, climatology and geophysics agency said. The earthquake hit at 1:06 p.m. local time (06:06 GMT) with its epicenter located at 141 km....

Japan court again acquits ex-execs over Fukushima disaster

2023-01-18T08:57+0100bostonglobe (en)

The court said ex-TEPCO Chairman Tsunehisa Katsumata, 82, and two other former executives were also not guilty of causing the deaths of 44 elderly patients whose already waning health deteriorated during or after forced evacuations from a local hospital and a nursing home.

7.0 earthquake shakes east Indonesia, no tsunami warning

2023-01-18T08:57+0100wn (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — A strong earthquake shook eastern Indonesia on Wednesday, with no damage immediately reported and no tsunami warning issued. Some residents tried to escape from houses after the magnitude 7.2 earthquake. The U.S. Geological Survey said it occurred 60 kilometers (37.

Japan court upholds acquittal of 3 in Fukushima nuclear disaster case

2023-01-18T08:57+0100aa-en (en)

ISTANBUL Tokyo’s top court on Wednesday upheld the acquittal of three executives of a power company in a case related to the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant disaster in Japan. The Tokyo High Court upheld a decision issued in 2019 by a district court in the Japanese capital that ruled the....

Japan court again acquits ex-execs over Fukushima disaster

2023-01-18T08:54+0100independent-UK (en)

A Japanese court on Wednesday found three former executives of Tokyo Electric Power Company not guilty of negligence over the 2011 Fukushima nuclear meltdowns and subsequent deaths of more than 40 elderly residents during their forced evacuation. The Tokyo High Court ruling upheld a 2019 lower court....

Japan court again acquits ex-execs over Fukushima disaster

2023-01-18T08:53+0100sfgate (en)

Minutes after Wednesday's court session for the verdict opened, supporters held up posters saying: “All found not guilty. Unjust Ruling.” The court said ex-TEPCO Chairman Tsunehisa Katsumata, 82, and two other former executives were also not guilty of causing the deaths of 44 elderly patients whose....

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en la ciudad de Tongoy

2023-01-18T08:52+0100infobae (es)

Durante un sismo manten la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras....

Asia Pacific 7.0-magnitude earthquake hits eastern Indonesia

2023-01-18T08:51+0100japantimes (en)

Jakarta – An offshore earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 hit near eastern Indonesia's Maluku islands on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) reported, triggering a tsunami warning that was later lifted. The epicenter of the tremor was located 150 kilometers northwest of the eastern....

Quake shakes east Indonesia, south Philippines; no tsunami

2023-01-18T08:51+0100thestandard-hk (en)

A magnitude 7.0 earthquake shook eastern Indonesia and southern Philippines on Wednesday, with no damage immediately reported and no tsunami warning issued. Some residents tried to escape from houses in the Indonesian town of Tobelo in North Maluku province. The U.S.

Japan court again acquits ex-execs over Fukushima disaster

2023-01-18T08:50+0100financialpost (en)

Article content. They found the ruling especially disappointing because it came after a series of divisive court decisions. One last July said the disaster could have been prevented if TEPCO had taken better safety measures, ordering top executives to pay more than 13 trillion yen ($99 billion).

Japan court again acquits ex-execs over Fukushima disaster

2023-01-18T08:50+01004-traders (en)

TOKYO (AP) A Japanese court on Wednesday found three former executives of Tokyo Electric Power Company not guilty of negligence over the 2011 Fukushima nuclear meltdowns and subsequent deaths of more than 40 elderly residents during their forced evacuation.

Indonesia Says Magnitude 7 Quake off Sulawesi, Residents Flee Buildings

2023-01-18T08:50+0100aawsat (en)

A powerful earthquake with a 7.0 magnitude struck off Indonesia's North Sulawesi province on Wednesday, the country's geophysics agency said, adding that there was no tsunami potential. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, however, warned in a bulletin that there was a risk of tsunami waves located within 300 kilometers of the epicenter.

Un séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé l’est de l’Indonésie

2023-01-18T08:50+0100LePoint (fr)

U n fort séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé les îles Moluques, dans l'est de l'Indonésie, mercredi 18 janvier, selon l'institut sismologique américain USGS. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre était situé à 150 kilomètres au nord-ouest de l'île orientale de Halmahera dans l'archipel des Moluques, à une profondeur de 48 kilomètres, a précisé l'USGS.

Fort séisme de magnitude 7 dans l'est de l'Indonésie

2023-01-18T08:49+0100lefigaro (fr)

Maison endommagée par le tremblement de terre de magnitude 7 qui a frappé les profondeurs de l'océan au large de l'Indonésie et du Timor oriental, à Saumlaki dans la régence des îles Tanimbar, le 10 janvier 2023. Handout / BNPB / AFP. Un fort séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé mercredi 18 janvier les....

Indonesia registra un terremoto de magnitud 7 frente a Célebes

2023-01-18T08:49+0100euronews-es (es)

YAKARTA , 18 ene – Un fuerte terremoto de magnitud 7,0 sacudió el miércoles la provincia indonesia de Célebes Septentrional, según informó la agencia geofísica del país, que añadió que no existe riesgo de tsunami. Sin embargo, el Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico advirtió en un boletín de....

Fortissimo Terremoto a largo dell’isola di Sulawesi in Indonesia

2023-01-18T08:48+0100ilmetropolitano-it (it)

Un forte terremoto è stato registrato a largo di Sulawesi, un’isola ad Est dell’arcipelago che forma lo stato dell’Indonesia. Il sisma di magnitudo 7, ha avuto epicentro a 65 chilometri a sud-est di Gorontalo e ipocentro in mare a 147 chilometri di profondità, in base ai sismografi dell’Istituto....

Terremoto di magnitudo 7.2 in Indonesia, allerta tsunami

2023-01-18T08:48+0100editorialedomani (it)

In Indonesia, dove terremoti e attività vulcaniche sono frequenti, le isole Molucche nell’est del paese sono state colpite da un terremoto di magnitudo 7.2. Per il momento il governo non ha fatto raccomandazioni specifiche. Un terremoto di magnitudo 7.2 ha colpito mercoledì le isole Molucche nell'Indonesia orientale.

7.1-magnitude earthquake jolts off central Indonesian province, no potentials for tsunami

2023-01-18T08:45+0100wn (en)

JAKARTA, Jan. 18 (Xinhua) -- A 7.1-magnitude earthquake jolted off the province of North Sulawesi in central Indonesia on Wednesday, the country's meteorology, climatology and geophysics agency said. The earthquake hit at 1:06 p.m. local time (06:06 GMT) with its epicenter located at 141 km....

7.0-magnitude earthquake hits eastern Indonesia, tsunami warning lifted

2023-01-18T08:45+0100wn (en)

Jakarta: An offshore earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 hit near eastern Indonesia's Maluku islands on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) reported, triggering a tsunami warning that was later lifted. The epicentre of the tremor was located 150 kilometres (93 miles) northwest of the eastern....

1st LD: 7.1-magnitude earthquake jolts off central Indonesian province, no potentials for tsunami

2023-01-18T08:45+0100wn (en)

JAKARTA, Jan. 18 (Xinhua) -- A 7.1-magnitude earthquake jolted off the province of North Sulawesi in central Indonesia on Wednesday, the country's meteorology, climatology....

7.0-magnitude earthquake hits eastern Indonesia: USGS

2023-01-18T08:44+0100bssnews (en)

JAKARTA, Jan 18, 2023 (BSS/AFP) - An offshore earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 hit near eastern Indonesia's Maluku islands on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) reported, triggering a tsunami warning. The epicentre of the tremor was located 150 kilometres (93 miles) northwest of the....

Scossa di magnitudo 7.2, è allarme tsunami

2023-01-18T08:44+0100affaritaliani (it)

Indonesia, registrata una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.2. Rischio tsunami. Un terremoto di magnitudo 7.2 ha scosso le acque al largo dell'isola indonesiana di Sulawesi . Lo riferisce l'United States Geological Survey. L'epicentro è stato localizzato a 65 chilometri dalla città di Gorontalo a una profondità di 147 chilometri.

Magnitude 7.3 earthquake strikes off Davao Occidental

2023-01-18T08:43+0100rappler (en)

MANILA, Philippines – A magnitude 7.3 earthquake struck off Davao Occidental on Wednesday, January 18, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) said in a bulletin. The earthquake, which was tectonic in nature, struck at 2:06 pm, at a depth of 67 kilometers.

Quake measuring 7.0 magnitude hits eastern Indonesia, tsunami warning lifted

2023-01-18T08:43+0100themalaymailonline (en)

JAKARTA, Jan 18 — An offshore earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 hit near eastern Indonesia’s Maluku islands today, the US Geological Survey (USGS) reported, triggering a tsunami warning that was later lifted. The epicentre of the tremor was located 150 kilometres (93 miles) northwest of the....

Estero Scossa di magnitudo 7 in Indonesia, rischio tsunami

2023-01-18T08:43+0100ticinonews (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.0 ha colpito oggi la parte orientale dell'Indonesia, vicino alle isole Molucche. Lo riporta l'Istituto geofisico statunitense USGS. Il sisma è stato registrato in mare, a 150 km a nord-ovest di Tobelo, ad una profondità di 48 km.

Magnitude 7 quake off Indonesia's Sulawesi

2023-01-18T08:41+0100BangkokPost (en)

JAKARTA: A powerful earthquake with a 7.0 magnitude struck off Indonesia's North Sulawesi province on Wednesday, the country's geophysics agency said, adding that there was no tsunami potential. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, however, warned in a bulletin that there was a risk of tsunami waves located within 300 kilometres of the epicentre.

7.0-magnitude quake hits eastern Indonesia, tsunami warning lifted

2023-01-18T08:40+0100thepeninsulaqatar (en)

Jakarta: An offshore earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 hit near eastern Indonesia's Maluku islands on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) reported, triggering a tsunami warning that was later lifted. The epicentre of the tremor was located 150 kilometres (93 miles) northwest of the eastern....

Quake measuring 7.0 magnitude hits eastern Indonesia, tsunami warning lifted

2023-01-18T08:39+0100malaymail (en)

JAKARTA, Jan 18 — An offshore earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 hit near eastern Indonesia’s Maluku islands today, the US Geological Survey (USGS) reported, triggering a tsunami warning that was later lifted. The epicentre of the tremor was located 150 kilometres (93 miles) northwest of the....

7.2-magnitude earthquake hits eastern Indonesia

2023-01-18T08:39+0100timesofmalta (en)

An offshore 7.2-magnitude earthquake hit near eastern Indonesia's Maluku islands on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey reported, triggering a tsunami warning. The epicentre of the tremor was located 150 kilometres (93 miles) northwest of the eastern Indonesian island of Halmahera, at a depth of 60 kilometres, the USGS said.

Magnitude 7 quake hits eastern Indonesia, tsunami warning lifted

2023-01-18T08:39+0100channelnewsasia (en)

JAKARTA: An offshore earthquake with a magnitude of 7 hit near eastern Indonesia's Maluku islands on Wednesday (Jan 18), the US Geological Survey (USGS) reported, triggering a tsunami warning that was later lifted. The epicentre of the tremor was located 150km northwest of the eastern Indonesian island of Halmahera, at a depth of 48km.

Phivolcs: No tsunami threat to Philippines from strong Indonesia quake

2023-01-18T08:39+0100philstar (en)

MANILA, Philippines Phivolcs said there is no tsunami threat to the Philippines following the magnitude 7.3 quake that struck Wednesday afternoon near Indonesia, but warned of aftershocks and damage. The Philippines’ volcanology and seismology service said the tectonic tremor, which was located 352....

L'Alta corte di Tokyo ha assolto tre ex dirigenti di Tepco per il disastro nuclare di Fukushima

2023-01-18T08:39+0100newsonline (it)

Secondo le corti, i tre dirigenti non avevano modo di prevedere lo tsunami che l'11 marzo 2011 causò l'avaria dei sistemi di sicurezza della centrale nucleare di .... Secondo le corti, i tre dirigenti non avevano modo di prevedere lo tsunami ... ...

SismaScossa di magnitudo 7.0 in Indonesia: rischio tsunami

2023-01-18T08:38+0100cdt (it)

Secondo il Centro di allerta tsunami del Pacifico, «sono possibili onde di tsunami pericolose per le coste situate entro 300 chilometri dall'epicentro del terremoto» (Aggiornato alle 8.27) Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.0 ha colpito oggi la parte orientale dell'Indonesia, vicino alle isole Molucche.

7.0-magnitude quake hits eastern Indonesia, tsunami warning lifted

2023-01-18T08:36+0100urdupoint (en)

Jakarta, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 18th Jan, 2023 ) :An offshore earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 hit near eastern Indonesia 's Maluku islands on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) reported, triggering a warning that was later lifted.

Sisma Est Indonesia, allerta tsunami

2023-01-18T08:35+0100rai-televideo (it)

18/01/2023 08:16 Sisma Est Indonesia, allerta tsunami 8.16 Sisma Est Indonesia, allerta tsunami E' pari a magnitudo 7, e non 6.1 come era stato comunicato precedentemente, il terremoto verificatosi al largo del- le isole Maluku, nell'Est dell'Indone- sia. E' quanto riferisce il Geological Survey statunitense (Usgs).

7.2-magnitude earthquake hits eastern Indonesia – timesofmalta.com

2023-01-18T08:33+0100unravelmalta (en)

An offshore 7.2-magnitude earthquake hit near eastern Indonesia’s Maluku islands on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey reported, triggering a tsunami warning. The epicentre of the tremor was located 150 kilometres (93 miles) northwest of the eastern Indonesian island of Halmahera, at a depth of 60 kilometres, the USGS said.

Indonesia: Magnitude 7 quake off Sulawesi, residents flee buildings

2023-01-18T08:32+0100chinadailyhk (en)

This handout picture taken and released on Jan 10, 2023 by BNPB (National Disaster Management Agency) shows a damaged house after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake hit deep under the ocean off Indonesia and East Timor, in the Tanimbar islands in Maluku. Another earthquake with a 7.0 magnitude struck off Indonesia's North Sulawesi province on Jan 18, 2023.

Magnitude-7.3 quake recorded southeast of Mindanao

2023-01-18T08:32+0100mb-com-ph (en)

DAVAO CITY – A magnitude-7.3 earthquake was recorded southeast of Mindanao on Wednesday, Jan. 18. The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) traced the epicenter of the 2:06 p.m. quake at 352 kilometers southeast of Sarangani, Davao Occidental (02.69 North, 127.05 East).

1st LD: 7.1-magnitude earthquake jolts off central Indonesian province, no potentials for tsunami

2023-01-18T08:31+0100china.org.cn (en)

JAKARTA, Jan. 18 (Xinhua) -- A 7.1-magnitude earthquake jolted off the province of North Sulawesi in central Indonesia on Wednesday, the country's meteorology, climatology and geophysics agency said. The earthquake hit at 1:06 p.m. local time (06:06 GMT) with its epicenter located at 141 km....

7.0 earthquake shakes east Indonesia, no tsunami warning

2023-01-18T08:31+0100economictimes (en)

The U.S. Geological Survey said it occurred 60 kilometers (37.2 miles) deep under the sea , centered 150 kilometers (93.2 miles) northwest of Tobelo in North Maluku province. No tsunami warning was issued by Indonesia's Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency.

Terremoto alle porte dell'Italia: scossa 4.7 a Malta

2023-01-18T08:29+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 18 gennaio 2023) Trema il cuore del Mediterraneo: un forte Terremoto è stato registrato dall'INGV mercoledì mattina alle ore 5.21 con epicentro a Sud di Malta . La scossa , di magnitudo 4,7, si è verificata a una profondità di 30 chilometri. Al momento fortunatamente non si segnalano danni a persone o cose.

Terremoto in Indonesia, magnitudo 7.0. 'Possibili onde di tsunami' - Esteri - quotidiano.net

2023-01-18T08:29+0100zazoom-it (it)

Leggi le notizie dell'Ultima Ora La notizia che stai cercando non è aggiornata o non è più ragguingibile! Honor ha annunciato l'arrivo in Italia di tre nuovi dispositivi della serie X, dei quali fanno part... ►#9658 Non le lacrime ma una faccia scura scura: l'uscita di scena di Rafael Nadal a Melbourne non ha il pa.

VITEMA to begin monthly tsunami testing, volunteers sought

2023-01-18T08:28+0100virginislandsdailynews (en)

The V.I. Territorial Emergency Management Agency will begin monthly testing and evaluation of the territory’s 44 tsunami sirens beginning at 11 a.m. Thursday . Testing of the tsunami sirens will occur on the first Thursday of each month, and is meant to alert individuals within one quarter mile of each siren’s location .

7.0 earthquake shakes east Indonesia, no tsunami warning

2023-01-18T08:26+0100TorontoStar (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — A strong earthquake shook eastern Indonesia on Wednesday, with no damage immediately reported and no tsunami warning issued. Some residents tried to escape from houses after the magnitude 7.2 earthquake. The U.S. Geological Survey said it occurred 60 kilometers (37.2 miles) deep under the sea , centered 150 kilometers (93.

140 hospitalized in Afghanistan's Herat for carbon monoxide poisoning: Report

2023-01-18T08:25+0100HindustanTimes (en)

At least 140 people were hospitalized for carbon monoxide poisoning in Herat province on Tuesday, Afghan news agency TOLOnews reported citing officials. Amongst those hospitalised, there are many children and women. Read more: 7.2 magnitude earthquake hits eastern Indonesia, tsunami warning issued....

No tsunami threat from 7.3-magnitude quake — Phivolcs

2023-01-18T08:25+0100mb-com-ph (en)

There is no tsunami threat to the Philippines following the 7.3-magnitude offshore earthquake near Davao Occidental on Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 18, said the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs). Phivolcs said the earthquake struck at 2:06 p.m., 356 kilometers southeast of Sarangani, Davao Occidental.

A Powerful Earthquake with a 7.0 Magnitude Struck off Indonesia's North Sulawesi Province, ... - Latest Tweet by Reuters

2023-01-18T08:24+0100latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by Reuters states, 'A powerful earthquake with a 7.0 magnitude struck off Indonesia's North Sulawesi province, the country's geophysics agency said, adding that there was no tsunami potential ...' A powerful earthquake with a 7.0 magnitude struck off Indonesia's North Sulawesi....

Indonesia: magnitude 7.2 earthquake in the east, tsunami warning

2023-01-18T08:22+0100breakinglatest (en)

An earthquake measuring 7.2 was recorded off the Maluku Islands in eastern Indonesia, reported the US Geological Survey, triggering a tsunami warning. The quake’s epicenter was located 150 kilometers northwest of the island of Halmahera, in the sea , at a depth of 60 kilometers.

INDONESIA-LD QUAKE - 7.0 earthquake shakes east Indonesia, no tsunami warning

2023-01-18T08:22+0100nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / PTI. Jakarta, Jan 18 (AP) A strong earthquake shook eastern Indonesia on Wednesday, with no damage immediately reported and no tsunami warning issued. Some residents tried to escape from houses after the magnitude 7.2 earthquake. The US Geological Survey said it occurred 60 kilometres (37.

7.0-magnitude earthquake hits eastern Indonesia

2023-01-18T08:22+0100ammonnews-en (en)

Ammon News - An offshore earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 struck near eastern Indonesia's Maluku islands on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) reported, triggering a tsunami warning. The epicentre of the tremor was located 150 kilometres northwest of the eastern Indonesian island of Halmahera, at a depth of 48 kilometres.

Magnitude 7.2 earthquake hits eastern Indonesia: USGS

2023-01-18T08:21+0100alarabiya-en (en)

An offshore earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 hit near eastern Indonesia’s Maluku islands on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) reported, triggering a tsunami warning. The epicenter of the tremor was located 150 kilometers (93 miles) northwest of the eastern Indonesian island of Halmahera, at a depth of 48 kilometers.

Un seísmo de magnitud 7 sacude las aguas en el este de Indonesia

2023-01-18T08:21+0100infobae (es)

Yakarta, 18 ene. Un terremoto de magnitud 7 sacudió este miércoles las aguas cerca de las Islas Molucas, en el este del archipiélago de Indonesia, sin que de momento se haya informado de daños o víctimas. El servicio geológico de Estados Unidos, que registra la actividad sísmica mundial, indicó que....

Terremoto in Indonesia, magnitudo 7.0. "Possibili onde di tsunami"

2023-01-18T08:21+0100quotidiano (it)

Il sisma è stato registrato dall'Istituto geofisico statunitense USGS. Terremoto in Indonesia, la mappa di Usgs.

7.0-magnitude earthquake hits eastern Indonesia: USGS

2023-01-18T08:20+0100gulfnews (en)

"Hazardous tsunami waves are possible for coasts located within 300 kilometres of the earthquake epicentre," the NWS Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii said in its warning after the quake. That powerful 9.1-magnitude quake triggered 100-foot waves that hit the shore of Banda Aceh on Sumatra.

News Strong offshore earthquake hits eastern Indonesia A tsunami warning was issued after an offshore quake took place 150 kilometers northwest of the eastern island of Halmahera.

2023-01-18T08:20+0100LeMonde-en (en)

An offshore earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 hit near eastern Indonesia's Maluku islands on Wednesday, January 18, the US Geological Survey (USGS) reported, triggering a tsunami warning. The epicenter of the tremor was located 150 kilometers northwest of the eastern Indonesian island of Halmahera.

Indonésie: fort séisme de magnitude 7 dans l'Est de l'archipel

2023-01-18T08:19+0100bfmtv (fr)

Le tremblement de terre s'est produit peu après 13h, horaire local. Un fort séisme de magnitude 7 a frappé mercredi les îles Moluques, dans l'Est de l'Indonésie, a rapporté l'institut sismologique américain USGS. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre était situé à 150 kilomètres au nord-ouest de....

7.0 earthquake shakes east Indonesia, no tsunami warning

2023-01-18T08:17+0100moneycontrol (en)

A strong earthquake shook eastern Indonesia on Wednesday, with no damage immediately reported and no tsunami warning issued. Some residents tried to escape from houses after the magnitude 7.2 earthquake. The U.S. Geological Survey said it occurred 60 kilometers (37.2 miles) deep under the sea , centered 150 kilometers (93.

1st LD: 7.1-magnitude earthquake jolts off central Indonesian province, no potentials for tsunami

2023-01-18T08:17+0100nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / Xinhua. JAKARTA, Jan. 18 (Xinhua) -- A 7.1-magnitude earthquake jolted off the province of North Sulawesi in central Indonesia on Wednesday, the country's meteorology, climatology and geophysics agency said. The earthquake hit at 1:06 p.m.

7.0 earthquake shakes east Indonesia, no tsunami warning

2023-01-18T08:16+0100sfgate (en)

The U.S. Geological Survey said it occurred 60 kilometers (37.2 miles) deep under the sea , centered 150 kilometers (93.2 miles) northwest of Tobelo in North Maluku province. No tsunami warning was issued by Indonesia’s Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency.

Sismo de 7 grados de magnitud en el este de Indonesia (USGS)

2023-01-18T08:16+0100lanacion-AR (es)

Un potente sismo de 7 grados de magnitud se registró el miércoles en aguas cercanas a la isla Maluku de Indonesia y generó una alerta de tsunami, informó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS). El epicentro se situó 150 km al noroeste de la isla indonesia de Halmahera con 60 km de profundidad, detalló el USGS.

Sisma di magnitudo 7.2 nell'Indonesia orientale

2023-01-18T08:16+0100triestecafe (it)

Una scossa di magnitudo 7.2 ha colpito oggi la parte orientale dell'Indonesia: lo riferisce l'Istituto geofisico statunitense USGS, spiegando che il sisma è stato registrato in mare, a 150 chilometri a nord-ovest di Tobelo, ad una profondità di 60 chilometri.

Terremoto in Indonesia, scossa di magnitudo 7.2: allarme tsunami

2023-01-18T08:15+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 18 gennaio 2023) Washington, 18 gen. (Adnkronos) - Una scossa di Terremoto di magnitudo 7.2 è stata registrata nelle acque dell' Indonesia orientale. Lo ha riferito l'Istituto geofisico statunitense (Usgs), precisando che il sisma è avvenuto a una profondità di quasi 60 chilometri.

Ultime Notizie – Terremoto in Indonesia, scossa di magnitudo 7.2: allarme tsunami

2023-01-18T08:15+0100zazoom-it (it)

(Di mercoledì 18 gennaio 2023) Una scossa di Terremoto di magnitudo 7.2 è stata registrata nelle acque dell’ Indonesia orientale. Lo ha riferito l’Istituto geofisico statunitense (Usgs), precisando che il sisma è avvenuto a una profondità di quasi 60 chilometri. Secondo le autorità statunitensi, la scossa ha fatto scattare l’ allarme tsunami .

Terremoto in Indonesia, scossa di magnitudo 7.2: allarme tsunami

2023-01-18T08:14+0100ecoseven (it)

Washington, 18 gen. (Adnkronos) – Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.2 è stata registrata nelle acque dell’Indonesia orientale. Lo ha riferito l’Istituto geofisico statunitense (Usgs), precisando che il sisma è avvenuto a una profondità di quasi 60 chilometri. Secondo le autorità statunitensi, la scossa ha fatto scattare l’allarme tsunami.

Indonesia: scossa di terremoto magnitudo 7,2 nell'Est, allarme tsunami

2023-01-18T08:14+0100corrierealpi (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7,2 e' stata registrata al largo delle isole Maluku, nell'Est dell'Indonesia, ha riferito l'US Geological Survey, innescando un allarme tsunami. L’epicentro della scossa è stato localizzato 150 chilometri a nord-ovest dell'isola di Halmahera, in mare, a una profondità di 60 chilometri.

7.1-magnitude earthquake jolts off central Indonesian province, no potentials for tsunami

2023-01-18T08:13+0100xinhuanet-english (en)

JAKARTA, Jan. 18 (Xinhua) -- A 7.1-magnitude earthquake jolted off the province of North Sulawesi in central Indonesia on Wednesday, the country's meteorology, climatology and geophysics agency said. The earthquake hit at 1:06 p.m. local time (06:06 GMT) with its epicenter located at 141 km....

Indonesia: scossa di terremoto magnitudo 7,2 nell'Est, allarme tsunami

2023-01-18T08:12+0100laprovinciapavese (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7,2 e' stata registrata al largo delle isole Maluku, nell'Est dell'Indonesia, ha riferito l'US Geological Survey, innescando un allarme tsunami. L’epicentro della scossa è stato localizzato 150 chilometri a nord-ovest dell'isola di Halmahera, in mare, a una profondità di 60 chilometri.

7.0 earthquake shakes east Indonesia, no tsunami warning

2023-01-18T08:11+0100sandiegouniontribune (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia — A strong earthquake shook eastern Indonesia on Wednesday, with no damage immediately reported and no tsunami warning issued. Some residents tried to escape from houses after the magnitude 7.2 earthquake. The U.S. Geological Survey said it occurred 60 kilometers (37.2 miles) deep under the sea , centered 150 kilometers (93.

7.2-magnitude earthquake hits eastern Indonesia: USGS

2023-01-18T08:11+0100thenational (en)

An offshore earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 struck near eastern Indonesia's Maluku islands on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) reported, triggering a tsunami warning. The epicentre of the tremor was located 150 kilometres northwest of the eastern Indonesian island of Halmahera, at a depth of 48 kilometres.

Séisme de magnitude 7,2 dans l'est de l'Indonésie Un séisme de magnitude 7,2 a frappé mercredi les îles Moluques, dans l'est de l'Indonésie, a rapporté l'institut sismologique américain USGS. Article il y a 19 m.

2023-01-18T08:11+0100skynet (fr)

L'épicentre du tremblement de terre s'est situé à 150 kilomètres au nord-ouest de l'île orientale de Halmahera, à une profondeur de 60 kilomètres, a précisé l'USGS. Le centre d'alerte des tsunamis dans le Pacifique à Hawaï a ajouté que des tsunamis étaient "possibles" jusqu'à 300 kilomètres autour de l'épicentre.

Fukushima: the court confirms the acquittal of three Tepco executives following a disaster

2023-01-18T08:10+0100digitpatrox (en)

Three former executives of the corporate that operates the destroyed Fukushima Daiichi nuclear energy plant have had their not responsible verdicts upheld by a Japanese court docket, dealing a blow to activists demanding the corporate take obligation for the March 2011 catastrophe.

Terremoto in Indonesia, scossa di magnitudo 7.2: allarme tsunami

2023-01-18T08:10+0100tiscali-it (it)

Washington, 18 gen. (Adnkronos) - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.2 è stata registrata nelle acque dell'Indonesia orientale. Lo ha riferito l'Istituto geofisico statunitense (Usgs), precisando che il sisma è avvenuto a una profondità di quasi 60 chilometri. Secondo le autorità statunitensi, la scossa ha fatto scattare l'allarme tsunami.

Indonesia registra un terremoto de magnitud 7 frente a Célebes

2023-01-18T08:09+0100infobae (es)

YAKARTA, 18 ene (Reuters) - Un fuerte terremoto de magnitud 7,0 sacudió el miércoles la provincia indonesia de Célebes Septentrional, según informó la agencia geofísica del país, que añadió que no existe riesgo de tsunami. Sin embargo, el Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico advirtió en un....

7.0-magnitude earthquake hits eastern Indonesia

2023-01-18T08:08+0100abs-cbnnews (en)

JAKARTA An offshore earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 hit near eastern Indonesia's Maluku islands on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) reported, triggering a tsunami warning. The epicenter of the tremor was located 150 kilometers northwest of the eastern Indonesian island of Halmahera, at a depth of 48 kilometers.

AsieUn séisme de magnitude 7,2 secoue l’est de l’Indonésie Mercredi, la terre a tremblé dans les îles Moluques, en Indonésie. Une alerte au tsunami a été lancée. 0 0

2023-01-18T08:08+0100lematin-CH (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,2 a frappé mercredi les îles Moluques, dans l’est de l’Indonésie, a rapporté l’institut sismologique américain USGS. L’épicentre du tremblement de terre s’est situé à 150 kilomètres au nord-ouest de l’île orientale de Halmahera, à une profondeur de 60 kilomètres, a précisé l’USGS.

Iles MoluquesFort séisme en Indonésie, risque de tsunami Un séisme de magnitude 7,2 a frappé mercredi les îles Moluques, dans l'est de l'Indonésie, a rapporté l'institut sismologique américain USGS. 0 0 0

2023-01-18T08:08+0100lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,2 a frappé mercredi les îles Moluques, dans l'est de l'Indonésie, a rapporté l'institut sismologique américain USGS. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre s'est situé à 150 kilomètres au nord-ouest de l'île orientale de Halmahera, à une profondeur de 60 kilomètres, a précisé l'USGS.

Indonesia: scossa di terremoto magnitudo 7,2 nell'Est, allarme tsunami

2023-01-18T08:07+0100messaggeroveneto (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7,2 e' stata registrata al largo delle isole Maluku, nell'Est dell'Indonesia, ha riferito l'US Geological Survey, innescando un allarme tsunami. L’epicentro della scossa è stato localizzato 150 chilometri a nord-ovest dell'isola di Halmahera, in mare, a una profondità di 60 chilometri.

Indonesia: scossa di terremoto magnitudo 7,2 nell'Est, allarme tsunami

2023-01-18T08:07+0100nuovavenezia (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7,2 e' stata registrata al largo delle isole Maluku, nell'Est dell'Indonesia, ha riferito l'US Geological Survey, innescando un allarme tsunami. L’epicentro della scossa è stato localizzato 150 chilometri a nord-ovest dell'isola di Halmahera, in mare, a una profondità di 60 chilometri.

Indonesia: scossa di terremoto magnitudo 7,2 nell'Est, allarme tsunami

2023-01-18T08:06+0100ilpiccolo (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7,2 e' stata registrata al largo delle isole Maluku, nell'Est dell'Indonesia, ha riferito l'US Geological Survey, innescando un allarme tsunami. L’epicentro della scossa è stato localizzato 150 chilometri a nord-ovest dell'isola di Halmahera, in mare, a una profondità di 60 chilometri.

Terremoto in Indonesia, scossa di magnitudo 7.2: allarme tsunami

2023-01-18T08:06+0100olbianotizie (it)

Washington, 18 gen. (Adnkronos) - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.2 è stata registrata nelle acque dell'Indonesia orientale. Lo ha riferito l'Istituto geofisico statunitense (Usgs), precisando che il sisma è avvenuto a una profondità di quasi 60 chilometri. Secondo le autorità statunitensi, la scossa ha fatto scattare l'allarme tsunami.

Indonésie : un séisme de magnitude 7,2 frappe l’est du pays, des tsunamis sont « possibles »

2023-01-18T08:05+0100sudouest (fr)

« Possibles » tsunamis. L’épicentre du tremblement de terre s’est situé à 150 kilomètres au nord-ouest de l’île orientale de Halmahera, à une profondeur de 60 kilomètres, a précisé l’USGS. Le centre d’alerte des tsunamis dans le pacifique à Hawaï a ajouté que des tsunamis étaient « possibles » jusqu’à 300 kilomètres autour de l’épicentre.

07:50 | Terremoto in Indonesia, scossa di magnitudo 7.2: allarme tsunami

2023-01-18T08:05+0100tarantobuonasera (it)

Lunedì 16 gennaio una rappresentanza del Lions Club Taranto Poseidon, composta dalla presidente Anna Maria Buccolieri e dai soci Licia Abrusci, Rosellina Basile, Marina Camilletti, Nicoletta De Carolis, Angelo La Nave, Flora Lombardo, Marilena Nicoletti, Angela Pozzessere ed Emilia Saracino, si è recata presso la Caritas, in vico Seminario.

Indonesia: scossa di terremoto magnitudo 7,2 nell'Est, allarme tsunami

2023-01-18T08:05+0100lasentinella (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7,2 e' stata registrata al largo delle isole Maluku, nell'Est dell'Indonesia, ha riferito l'US Geological Survey, innescando un allarme tsunami. L’epicentro della scossa è stato localizzato 150 chilometri a nord-ovest dell'isola di Halmahera, in mare, a una profondità di 60 chilometri.

7.2 magnitude earthquake hits eastern Indonesia, tsunami warning issued

2023-01-18T08:04+0100wn (en)

An offshore 7.2-magnitude earthquake hit near eastern Indonesia's Maluku islands on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey reported, triggering a tsunami warning.

Indonesia says magnitude 7 quake off Sulawesi, residents flee buildings

2023-01-18T08:04+0100rappler (en)

Indonesia rests atop the so-called 'Pacific Ring of Fire,' making it one of the most seismically active regions in the world, experiencing frequent earthquakes. JAKARTA, Indonesia – A powerful magnitude 7 earthquake struck off Indonesia’s North Sulawesi province on Wednesday, January 18, the....

La terra trema in Indonesia. Rischio tsunami

2023-01-18T08:04+0100laregione (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7,2 ha colpito oggi la parte orientale dell’Indonesia: lo riporta l’Istituto geofisico statunitense Usgs. Il sisma è stato registrato in mare, a 150 km a nord-ovest di Tobelo, a una profondità di 60 km. Secondo il Sistema di allerta tsunami degli Stati Uniti c’è....

Indonesia: scossa di terremoto magnitudo 7,2 nell'Est, allarme tsunami

2023-01-18T08:04+0100lastampa (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7,2 e' stata registrata al largo delle isole Maluku, nell'Est dell'Indonesia, ha riferito l'US Geological Survey, innescando un allarme tsunami. L’epicentro della scossa è stato localizzato 150 chilometri a nord-ovest dell'isola di Halmahera, in mare, a una profondità di 60 chilometri.

7.0-magnitude earthquake hits eastern Indonesia: USGS

2023-01-18T08:03+0100brecorder (en)

JAKARTA: An offshore earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 hit near eastern Indonesia’s Maluku islands on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) reported, triggering a tsunami warning. The epicentre of the tremor was located 150 kilometres (93 miles) northwest of the eastern Indonesian island of Halmahera, at a depth of 48 kilometres.

Terremoto in Indonesia, scossa di magnitudo 7.2: allarme tsunami

2023-01-18T08:02+0100laragione (it)

Washington, 18 gen. (Adnkronos) – Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.2 è stata registrata nelle acque dell’Indonesia orientale. Lo ha riferito l’Istituto geofisico statunitense (Usgs), precisando che il sisma è avvenuto a una profondità di quasi 60 chilometri. Secondo le autorità statunitensi, la scossa ha fatto scattare l’allarme tsunami.

Terremoto in Indonesia, scossa di magnitudo 7.2: allarme tsunami

2023-01-18T08:01+0100corriereadriatico (it)

Washington, 18 gen. (Adnkronos) - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.2 è stata registrata nelle acque dell'Indonesia orientale. Lo ha riferito l'Istituto geofisico statunitense (Usgs), precisando che il sisma è avvenuto a una profondità di quasi 60 chilometri. Secondo le autorità statunitensi, la scossa ha fatto scattare l'allarme tsunami.

Terremoto in Indonesia, scossa di magnitudo 7.2: allarme tsunami

2023-01-18T08:00+0100affaritaliani (it)

Washington, 18 gen. (Adnkronos) - Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.2 è stata registrata nelle acque dell'Indonesia orientale. Lo ha riferito l'Istituto geofisico statunitense (Usgs), precisando che il sisma è avvenuto a una profondità di quasi 60 chilometri. Secondo le autorità statunitensi, la scossa ha fatto scattare l'allarme tsunami.

7.0-magnitude earthquake hits eastern Indonesia

2023-01-18T07:59+0100tribuneonline (en)

An offshore earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 hit near eastern Indonesia’s Maluku islands on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey reported, triggering a tsunami warning. The epicenter of the tremor was located 150 kilometers (93 miles) northwest of the eastern Indonesian island of Halmahera, at a depth of 48 kilometres.

7.2 magnitude earthquake hits eastern Indonesia, tsunami warning issued

2023-01-18T07:59+0100khaleejtimes (en)

An offshore 7.2-magnitude earthquake hit near eastern Indonesia's Maluku islands on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey reported, triggering a tsunami warning. The epicentre of the tremor was located 150 kilometres (93 miles) northwest of the eastern Indonesian island of Halmahera, at a depth of 60 kilometres, USGS said.

Indonesia, sisma magnitudo 6.1 nell'Est

2023-01-18T07:58+0100rai-televideo (it)

18/01/2023 07:40 Indonesia, sisma magnitudo 6.1 nell'Est 7.40 Indonesia, sisma magnitudo 6.1 nell'Est Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.1 è stato registrato al largo dell'isola indone- siana di Sulawesi. Secondo l'Istituto geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs), il sisma ha avuto epicentro a 65 chilome- tri a....

Indonesia says magnitude 7 quake off Sulawesi, residents flee buildings

2023-01-18T07:56+0100inquirer (en)

JAKARTA — A powerful earthquake with a 7.0 magnitude struck off Indonesia’s North Sulawesi province on Wednesday, the country’s geophysics agency said, adding that there was no tsunami potential. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, however, warned in a bulletin that there was a risk of tsunami waves located within 300 kilometers of the epicenter.

SismaScossa di magnitudo 7.2 al largo dell'Indonesia

2023-01-18T07:56+0100cdt (it)

Secondo il Sistema di allerta statunitense, c'è il rischio di uno tsunami, ma per il momento non è stato emesso alcun allarme. Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.2 ha colpito oggi la parte orientale dell'Indonesia. Lo riporta l'Istituto geofisico statunitense USGS.

Terremoto in Indonesia, scossa di magnitudo 7.2: allarme tsunami

2023-01-18T07:56+0100adnkronos (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.2 è stata registrata nelle acque dell'Indonesia orientale. Lo ha riferito l'Istituto geofisico statunitense (Usgs), precisando che il sisma è avvenuto a una profondità di quasi 60 chilometri. Secondo le autorità statunitensi, la scossa ha fatto scattare l'allarme tsunami.

Philip Fong/AFP/Getty Images Tokyo High Court acquits three former Tepco executives over 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident: NHK

2023-01-18T07:55+0100cnn (en)

The Tokyo High Court on Wednesday acquitted three former Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) executives, finding them not guilty of manslaughter over the 2011 triple reactor meltdown at its Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, Japan’s public broadcaster NHK reported Wednesday.

Sismo de 7,2 grados de magnitud en el este de Indonesia (USGS)

2023-01-18T07:54+0100lanacion-AR (es)

Un potente sismo de 7,2 grados de magnitud se registró el miércoles en aguas cercanas a la isla Maluku de Indonesia y generó una alerta de tsunami, informó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS). El epicentro se situó 150 km al noroeste de la isla indonesia de Halmahera con 60 km de profundidad, detalló el USGS.

Indonesia says magnitude 7.0 quake strikes off Sulawesi, no tsunami potential JAKARTA (Reuters) - An earthquake with a 7.0 magnitude struck off Indonesia's North Sulawesi province on Wednesday, the country's geophysics agency sa... 22m ago

2023-01-18T07:53+0100wsau (en)

JAKARTA (Reuters) – An earthquake with a 7.0 magnitude struck off Indonesia’s North Sulawesi province on Wednesday, the country’s geophysics agency said, adding that there was no tsunami potential. The agency said with the quake’s epicentre was at a depth of 64 kilometres (39.77 miles).

7.2-magnitude earthquake hits eastern Indonesia, tsunami warning triggered

2023-01-18T07:53+0100thedailystarBD (en)

An offshore 7.2-magnitude earthquake hit near eastern Indonesia's Maluku islands today, the US Geological Survey reported, triggering a tsunami warning. The epicentre of the tremor was located 150 kilometres (93 miles) northwest of the eastern Indonesian island of Halmahera, at a depth of 60 kilometres, USGS said.

Earthquake, magnitude 7.2 shock in Indonesia: tsunami risk

2023-01-18T07:52+0100breakinglatest (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 7.2 hit the eastern part of Indonesia today: reports the US Geophysical Institute USGS. The earthquake was registered in the sea , 150 km north-west of Tobelo, at a depth of 60 km. According to the US Tsunami Warning System there is a risk of a tsunami, but no warning has been issued so far.

7.2-magnitude earthquake hits eastern Indonesia: USGS

2023-01-18T07:51+0100timesofindia (en)

: An offshore 7.2-magnitude earthquake hit near eastern Indonesia 's Maluku islands on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey reported, triggering a tsunami warning. The epicentre of the tremor was located 150 kilometres (93 miles) northwest of the eastern Indonesian island of Halmahera , at a depth of 60 kilometres, USGS said.

Indonesia says magnitude 7.0 quake strikes off Sulawesi, no tsunami potential JAKARTA (Reuters) - An earthquake with a 7.0 magnitude struck off Indonesia's North Sulawesi province on Wednesday, the country's geophysics agency sa... 21m ago

2023-01-18T07:48+0100whbl (en)

JAKARTA (Reuters) – An earthquake with a 7.0 magnitude struck off Indonesia’s North Sulawesi province on Wednesday, the country’s geophysics agency said, adding that there was no tsunami potential. The agency said with the quake’s epicentre was at a depth of 64 kilometres (39.77 miles).

Fukushima: court upholds acquittals of three Tepco executives over disaster

2023-01-18T07:48+0100guardian (en)

Three former executives from the company that operates the wrecked Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant have had their not-guilty verdicts upheld by a court in Japan, dealing a blow to campaigners demanding the firm take legal responsibility for the disaster in March 2011.

Indonesia says magnitude 7.0 quake strikes off Sulawesi, no tsunami potential 18m ago

2023-01-18T07:46+0100wkzo (en)

JAKARTA (Reuters) – An earthquake with a 7.0 magnitude struck off Indonesia’s North Sulawesi province on Wednesday, the country’s geophysics agency said, adding that there was no tsunami potential. The agency said with the quake’s epicentre was at a depth of 64 kilometres (39.77 miles).

Indonesia, scossa terremoto 7,2 nell'Est: allarme tsunami

2023-01-18T07:44+0100repubblica (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.2 ha colpito oggi la parte orientale dell'Indonesia: lo riporta l'Istituto geofisico statunitense USGS. Il sisma è stato registrato in mare, a 150 km a nord-ovest di Tobelo, ad una profondità di 60 km. Secondo il Sistema di allerta tsunami degli Stati Uniti c'è....

7.2-magnitude earthquake hits eastern Indonesia: USGS

2023-01-18T07:41+0100brecorder (en)

JAKARTA: An offshore 7.2-magnitude earthquake hit near eastern Indonesia’s Maluku islands on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey reported, triggering a tsunami warning. The epicentre of the tremor was located 150 kilometres (93 miles) northwest of the eastern Indonesian island of Halmahera, at a depth of 60 kilometres, USGS said.

Nuovo forte terremoto in Indonesia, al largo di Sulawesi: allarme tsunami

2023-01-18T07:40+0100meteoweb (it)

Un nuovo terremoto ha scosso l'Indonesia, i dati ufficiali INGV. Un nuovo terremoto ha scosso l’ Indonesia , l’ segnala un evento magnitudo Mwp 6.8 (magnitudo 7.2 per l’USGS), al largo di Sulawesi . La scossa si è verificata alle 07:06:14 (15:06:14 ora locale) ad una profondità di 65 km.

7.2 magnitude earthquake hits eastern Indonesia, tsunami warning issued

2023-01-18T07:39+0100HindustanTimes (en)

An offshore 7.2-magnitude earthquake hit near eastern Indonesia's Maluku islands on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey reported, triggering a tsunami warning. The epicentre of the tremor was located 150 kilometres (93 miles) northwest of the eastern Indonesian island of Halmahera, at a depth of 60 kilometres, USGS said.

Indonesia says magnitude 7.0 quake strikes off Sulawesi, no tsunami potential JAKARTA (Reuters) - An earthquake with a 7.0 magnitude struck off Indonesia's North Sulawesi province on Wednesday, the country's geophysics agency sa... 11m ago

2023-01-18T07:38+0100kelo (en)

JAKARTA (Reuters) – An earthquake with a 7.0 magnitude struck off Indonesia’s North Sulawesi province on Wednesday, the country’s geophysics agency said, adding that there was no tsunami potential. The agency said with the quake’s epicentre was at a depth of 64 kilometres (39.77 miles).

Indonesia says magnitude 7.0 quake strikes off Sulawesi, no tsunami potential

2023-01-18T07:37+0100zawya-palestine (en)

An earthquake with a 7.0 magnitude struck off Indonesia's North Sulawesi province on Wednesday, the country's geophysics agency said, adding that there was no tsunami potential. The agency said with the quake's epicentre was at a depth of 64 kilometres (39.77 miles).

Indonesia says magnitude 7.0 quake strikes off Sulawesi, no tsunami potential

2023-01-18T07:27+01004-traders (en)

JAKARTA (Reuters) - An earthquake with a 7.0 magnitude struck off Indonesia's North Sulawesi province on Wednesday, the country's geophysics agency said, adding that there was no tsunami potential. The agency said with the quake's epicentre was at a depth of 64 kilometres (39.77 miles).

Indonesia, scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.1

2023-01-18T07:19+0100tgcom (it)

In Indonesia una scossa sismica di magnitudo 6.1 è stata registrata al largo dell'isola di Sulawesi e ha colpito le zone orientali del Paese. Non sono stati segnalati danni gravi o feriti. L'istituto geologico degli Stati Uniti, l'Usgs, riferisce che la scossa ha avuto origine a una profondità di....

Acquittal of Fukushima operator ex-bosses upheld

2023-01-18T07:11+0100spacewar (en)

Tokyo, Jan 18 (AFP) Jan 18, 2023 Tokyo's High Court on Wednesday upheld the acquittal of three former executives from the operator of the Fukushima nuclear plant, again clearing them of professional negligence over the 2011 disaster. The decision was announced by activists supporting the prosecution....

Preparing to be prepared

2023-01-18T07:08+0100mit (en)

The Kobe earthquake of 1995 devastated one of Japan’s major cities, leaving over 6,000 people dead while destroying or making unusable hundreds of thousands of structures. It toppled elevated freeway segments, wrecked mass transit systems, and damaged the city’s port capacity.

Acquittal of Fukushima operator ex-bosses upheld Tokyo's High Court on Wednesday upheld the acquittal of three former executives from the operator of the Fukushima nuclear plant, again clearing them of professional negligence over the 2011 disaster

2023-01-18T06:57+0100firstpost (en)

Tokyo: Tokyo’s High Court on Wednesday upheld the acquittal of three former executives from the operator of the Fukushima nuclear plant, again clearing them of professional negligence over the 2011 disaster. The decision was announced by activists supporting the prosecution of the three men,....

National / Crime & Legal Tokyo court upholds acquittal of ex-Tepco executives over Fukushima nuclear crisis The court's decision followed a 2019 ruling that the utility's former chairman and two former vice presidents could not have predicted the massive tsunami that crippled the power plant.

2023-01-18T06:44+0100japantimes (en)

The Tokyo High Court on Wednesday upheld the acquittal of three former executives of Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings who were accused of failing to prevent the 2011 disaster at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant in the Tohoku region. The court’s decision followed a Tokyo District Court ruling....

Acquittal of Fukushima operator ex-bosses upheld in Japan

2023-01-18T06:42+0100straitstimesSG (en)

TOKYO - Tokyo’s High Court on Wednesday upheld the acquittal of three former executives from the operator of the Fukushima nuclear plant, again clearing them of professional negligence over the 2011 disaster. The decision was announced by activists supporting the prosecution of the three men,....

UPDATE1: Acquittal upheld for ex-TEPCO execs over Fukushima nuclear crisis

2023-01-18T06:38+01004-traders (en)

An appeals court on Wednesday upheld an acquittal of three former executives of Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. who were accused of failing to prevent the 2011 disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in northeastern Japan. The Tokyo High Court decision followed a Tokyo District....

Terremoto scuote l’Indonesia, sisma al largo dell’isola di Sulawesi

2023-01-18T06:31+0100meteoweb (it)

In Indonesia i terremoti sono frequenti perché il Paese sorge sulla Cintura di fuoco del Pacifico. Un magnitudo 6.0 ha scosso le acque al largo dell’isola di Sulawesi , in Indonesia : lo riporta l’ INGV . L’epicentro è stato localizzato a 65 km dalla città di Gorontalo a una profondità di 159 km. Non si ha al momento notizia di danni o vittime.

Chile: se percibe temblor de magnitud 3.5 en la ciudad de Camiña

2023-01-18T06:23+0100infobae (es)

Durante un temblor manten la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras....

Deep 6.1 earthquake shakes eastern parts of Indonesia, no damage reported

2023-01-18T05:49+0100business-standard (en)

shook eastern parts of Indonesia on Wednesday, but no serious damage or injuries were reported. The US Geological Survey said the magnitude 6.1 earthquake was centred 147 kilometers (91 miles) under the sea , 65 kilometres (40 miles) south-southeast of Gorontalo.

La multa que reciben miles de conductores por no comprobar este dato en la documentación

2023-01-18T05:42+0100eldebate (es)

Era cuestión de tiempo que la puesta en funcionamiento de las Zonas de Bajas Emisiones provocara la llegada de un tsunami de multas a los domicilios de los conductores. En unos casos de forma consciente y en ocasiones por desconocimiento , la realidad es que los ayuntamientos están haciendo su....

World News | US, China Lock Horns over Capturing Semiconductor Chip Market: Report

2023-01-18T05:28+0100latestly (en)

Washington [United States], January 18 (ANI): Semiconductor chips have gained huge importance in the global economy. The United States, the leading chip manufacturer and China which is desperately trying to conquer the chip market, are trying to overtake each other although the US seems to have an advantage, reported Inside Over.

World News | Afghanistan: 140 People Hospitalized in Herat for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

2023-01-18T05:28+0100latestly (en)

Kabul [Afghanistan], January 18 (ANI): At least 140 people were hospitalized for carbon monoxide poisoning in Herat province on Tuesday, Afghan news agency TOLOnews reported citing officials. Amongst those hospitalised, there are many children and women. Also Read | Earthquake in Indonesia: Quake of Magnitude 6.

Villarrica volcano (Central Chile): ash emissions, intense fountaining continues

2023-01-18T05:11+0100volcanodiscovery (en)

Strombolian activity at the volcano continues to be elevated. Lava-fountaining episodes (classified as paroxysm) continue from the summit vent at roughly regular intervals reaching approx. 70-100 meters in height. In addition, ash emissions were monitored at 12:28 PM local time yesterday rising about 80 meters above the crater.

Deep 6.1 earthquake shakes east Indonesia, no known damage

2023-01-18T04:21+0100startribune (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia — A deep earthquake shook eastern parts of Indonesia on Wednesday, but no serious damage or injuries were reported. The U.S. Geological Survey said the magnitude 6.1 earthquake was centered 147 kilometers (91 miles) under the sea , 65 kilometers (40 miles) south-southeast of Gorontalo.

Terremoto de magnitud 6,3 se registró en Indonesia

2023-01-18T04:03+0100radioagricultura (es)

Publicado en Internacional Terremoto de magnitud 6,3 se registró en Indonesia. Twitter | Servicio Geológico de Indonesia (BMKG) El servicio Geológico de Indonesia (BMKG) informó este miércoles de que detectó un terremoto de magnitud 6,3 en la escala Ritcher en aguas El sismo, detectado a las 07:34....

Deep 6.1 earthquake shakes east Indonesia, no known damage

2023-01-18T03:56+0100taiwannews (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — A deep earthquake shook eastern parts of Indonesia on Wednesday, but no serious damage or injuries were reported. The U.S. Geological Survey said the magnitude 6.1 earthquake was centered 147 kilometers (91 miles) under the sea , 65 kilometers (40 miles) south-southeast of Gorontalo.

Earthquake of 6.1 Magnitude shakes East Indonesia, no damage reported so far

2023-01-18T03:51+0100newsnow-co-uk (en)

A deep earthquake shook eastern parts of Indonesia on Wednesday, but no serious damage or injuries were reported. The US Geological Survey said the magnitude 6.1 earthquake was centred 147 kilometers (91 miles) under the sea , 65 kilometres (40 miles) south-southeast of Gorontalo.

Deep 6.1 earthquake shakes east Indonesia, no known damage

2023-01-18T03:48+0100timesofindia (en)

JAKARTA: A deep earthquake shook eastern parts of Indonesia on Wednesday, but no serious damage or injuries were reported. The US Geological Survey said the magnitude 6.1 earthquake was centred 147 kilometers (91 miles) under the sea , 65 kilometres (40 miles) south-southeast of Gorontalo.

Un sismo de magnitud 6,1 remece el este de Indonesia

2023-01-18T03:45+0100elnuevoherald (es)

YAKARTA, Indonesia. Un terremoto con epicentro a gran profundidad remece partes del este de Indonesia el miércoles, pero no se reportaron víctimas ni daños graves. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos dijo que el sismo de magnitud 6,1 tuvo epicentro 147 kilómetros (91 millas) bajo el mar a 65 kilómetros (40 millas) al sur-sureste de Gorontalo.

Deep 6.1 earthquake shakes east Indonesia, no known damage

2023-01-18T03:44+0100thehindu (en)

A deep earthquake shook eastern parts of Indonesia on Wednesday, but no serious damage or injuries were reported. The U.S. Geological Survey said the magnitude 6.1 earthquake was centered 147 kilometers (91 miles) under the sea , 65 kilometers (40 miles) south-southeast of Gorontalo.

Deep 6.1 Earthquake Shakes East Indonesia, No Known Damage

2023-01-18T03:40+0100latestly (en)

Agency News ⚡Deep 6.1 Earthquake Shakes East Indonesia, No Known Damage. By PTI No tsunami warning was issued by Indonesia's Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency. Indonesia, a vast archipelago and a home of more than 270 million people, is frequently hit by earthquakes and volcanic....

Deep 6.1 magnitude earthquake shakes east Indonesia, no known damage

2023-01-18T03:35+0100financialexpress (en)

A deep earthquake shook eastern parts of Indonesia on Wednesday, but no serious damage or injuries were reported. The US Geological Survey said the magnitude 6.1 earthquake was centred 147 kilometers (91 miles) under the sea , 65 kilometres (40 miles) south-southeast of Gorontalo.

Un sismo de magnitud 6,1 remece el este de Indonesia

2023-01-18T03:29+0100infobae (es)

YAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Un terremoto con epicentro a gran profundidad remece partes del este de Indonesia el miércoles, pero no se reportaron víctimas ni daños graves. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos dijo que el sismo de magnitud 6,1 tuvo epicentro 147 kilómetros (91 millas) bajo el mar a....

Earthquake Of 6.1 Magnitude Shakes East Indonesia, No Damage Reported So Far

2023-01-18T03:27+0100outlookindia (en)

A deep earthquake shook eastern parts of Indonesia on Wednesday, but no serious damage or injuries were reported. The US Geological Survey said the magnitude 6.1 earthquake was centred 147 kilometers (91 miles) under the sea , 65 kilometres (40 miles) south-southeast of Gorontalo.

Un sismo de magnitud 6,1 remece el este de Indonesia

2023-01-18T03:26+0100sandiegouniontribune (es)

YAKARTA, Indonesia — Un terremoto con epicentro a gran profundidad remece partes del este de Indonesia el miércoles, pero no se reportaron víctimas ni daños graves. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos dijo que el sismo de magnitud 6,1 tuvo epicentro 147 kilómetros (91 millas) bajo el mar a 65 kilómetros (40 millas) al sur-sureste de Gorontalo.

Deep 6.1 earthquake shakes east Indonesia, no known damage

2023-01-18T03:25+0100financialexpress (en)

A deep earthquake shook eastern parts of Indonesia on Wednesday, but no serious damage or injuries were reported. The US Geological Survey said the magnitude 6.1 earthquake was centred 147 kilometers (91 miles) under the sea , 65 kilometres (40 miles) south-southeast of Gorontalo.

Deep 6.1 earthquake shakes east Indonesia, no known damage

2023-01-18T03:25+0100TorontoStar (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — A deep earthquake shook eastern parts of Indonesia on Wednesday, but no serious damage or injuries were reported. The U.S. Geological Survey said the magnitude 6.1 earthquake was centered 147 kilometers (91 miles) under the sea , 65 kilometers (40 miles) south-southeast of Gorontalo.

Deep 6.1 earthquake shakes east Indonesia, no known damage

2023-01-18T03:15+0100ABCnews (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia -- A deep earthquake shook eastern parts of Indonesia on Wednesday, but no serious damage or injuries were reported. The U.S. Geological Survey said the magnitude 6.1 earthquake was centered 147 kilometers (91 miles) under the sea , 65 kilometers (40 miles) south-southeast of Gorontalo.

Deep 6.1 earthquake shakes east Indonesia, no known damage

2023-01-18T03:13+0100expressindia (en)

A deep earthquake shook eastern parts of Indonesia on Wednesday, but no serious damage or injuries were reported. The US Geological Survey said the magnitude 6.1 earthquake was centred 147 km under the sea , 65 km south-southeast of Gorontalo. It shook parts of Gorontalo, North Sulawesi, North Maluku, and Central Sulawesi provinces.

INDONESIA-EARTHQUAKE - Deep 6.1 earthquake shakes east Indonesia, no known damage

2023-01-18T03:11+0100nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / PTI. Jakarta, Jan 18 (AP) A deep earthquake shook eastern parts of Indonesia on Wednesday, but no serious damage or injuries were reported. The US Geological Survey said the magnitude 6.1 earthquake was centred 147 kilometers (91 miles) under the sea , 65 kilometres (40 miles) south-southeast of Gorontalo.

World News | Deep 6.1 Earthquake Shakes East Indonesia, No Known Damage

2023-01-18T03:08+0100latestly (en)

Jakarta, Jan 18 (AP) A deep earthquake shook eastern parts of Indonesia on Wednesday, but no serious damage or injuries were reported. The US Geological Survey said the magnitude 6.1 earthquake was centred 147 kilometers (91 miles) under the sea , 65 kilometres (40 miles) south-southeast of Gorontalo.

Deep 6.1 earthquake shakes east Indonesia, no known damage

2023-01-18T03:00+0100sfgate (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — A deep earthquake shook eastern parts of Indonesia on Wednesday, but no serious damage or injuries were reported. The U.S. Geological Survey said the magnitude 6.1 earthquake was centered 147 kilometers (91 miles) under the sea , 65 kilometers (40 miles) south-southeast of Gorontalo.

Un seísmo de magnitud 6,1 sacude las aguas de la isla indonesia de Sulawesi

2023-01-18T02:58+0100elnuevodiario-DO (es)

EL NUEVO DIARIO, YAKARTA.- Un terremoto de magnitud 6,1 sacudió este miércoles las aguas de la isla de Sulawesi, en Indonesia, sin que las autoridades informaran de momento sobre posibles daños materiales o víctimas. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos, que registra la actividad sísmica en todo el mundo, registró el seísmo a las 8.

Strong earthquake hits Sulawesi, Indonesia

2023-01-18T02:57+0100thesundaily (en)

KUALA LUMPUR : A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 6.3 on the Richter scale, struck the Minahassa Peninsula of Sulawesi at 8.34 am today, according to the Malaysian Meteorological Department. It said in a statement that the epicentre of the quake was 69 kilometres southeast of Gorontalo, Indonesia, at a depth of 146 kilometres.

Deep 6.1 earthquake shakes east Indonesia, no known damage

2023-01-18T02:56+0100sandiegouniontribune (en)

JAKARTA, Indonesia — A deep earthquake shook eastern parts of Indonesia on Wednesday, but no serious damage or injuries were reported. The U.S. Geological Survey said the magnitude 6.1 earthquake was centered 147 kilometers (91 miles) under the sea , 65 kilometers (40 miles) south-southeast of Gorontalo.

Un seísmo de magnitud 6,1 sacude las aguas de la isla indonesia de Sulawesi

2023-01-18T02:35+0100infobae (es)

Yakarta, 18 ene. Un terremoto de magnitud 6,1 sacudió este miércoles las aguas de la isla de Sulawesi, en Indonesia, sin que las autoridades informaran de momento sobre posibles daños materiales o víctimas. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos, que registra la actividad sísmica en todo el mundo, registró el seísmo a las 8.

Temblor de magnitud 3.5 sacude a la ciudad de Socaire

2023-01-18T01:48+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto conserva la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Rising tide of poverty ‘undermining children’s life chances’ – health visitors

2023-01-18T01:31+0100theargus (en)

Only 7% of health visitors in the UK felt confident that all families would be able to access the support they need if an issue was raised, according to a new poll. And 86% said there was not enough capacity in other services to pick up referrals for support or treatment, according to a survey of 1,300 health visitors from across the UK.

Rising tide of poverty ‘undermining children’s life chances’ – health visitors Rising tide of poverty ‘undermining children’s life chances’ – health visitors Only 7% of health visitors in the UK felt confident that all families would be able to access the support they need if an issue was raised.

2023-01-18T01:19+0100kentonline (en)

Rising tide of poverty ‘undermining children’s life chances’ – health visitors. The majority of health visitors are concerned that health and wellbeing “threats” faced by UK children will not be addressed if a problem was identified. Only 7% of health visitors in the UK felt confident that all....

Rising tide of poverty ‘undermining children’s life chances’ – health visitors

2023-01-18T01:14+0100eveningtelegraph (en)

The majority of health visitors are concerned that health and wellbeing “threats” faced by UK children will not be addressed if a problem was identified. Only 7% of health visitors in the UK felt confident that all families would be able to access the support they need if an issue was raised, according to a new poll.

Rising tide of poverty ‘undermining children’s life chances’ – health visitors

2023-01-18T01:13+0100pressandjournal (en)

The majority of health visitors are concerned that health and wellbeing “threats” faced by UK children will not be addressed if a problem was identified. Only 7% of health visitors in the UK felt confident that all families would be able to access the support they need if an issue was raised, according to a new poll.

Rising tide of poverty ‘undermining children’s life chances’ – health visitors

2023-01-18T01:12+0100thecourier (en)

The majority of health visitors are concerned that health and wellbeing “threats” faced by UK children will not be addressed if a problem was identified. Only 7% of health visitors in the UK felt confident that all families would be able to access the support they need if an issue was raised, according to a new poll.

Rising tide of poverty ‘undermining children’s life chances’ – health visitors

2023-01-18T01:08+0100impartialreporter (en)

Only 7% of health visitors in the UK felt confident that all families would be able to access the support they need if an issue was raised, according to a new poll. And 86% said there was not enough capacity in other services to pick up referrals for support or treatment, according to a survey of 1,300 health visitors from across the UK.

Significant earthquake of magnitude 5.1 just reported 40 km southwest of Popondetta, Papua New Guinea

2023-01-17T23:08+0100volcanodiscovery (en)

Papua New Guinea was shaken near Popondetta, Sohe, Northern Province, by an earthquake of magnitude 5.1 only 23 minutes ago, the United States Geological Survey reported. The quake hit at a very shallow depth of 9.9 km beneath the epicenter near Popondetta, Sohe, Northern Province, Papua New Guinea,....

Se percibe temblor de magnitud 3.4 en la ciudad de El Salvador

2023-01-17T23:04+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto manten la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras....

Sismo de 3.3 de magnitud sacude a la ciudad de Ollagüe

2023-01-17T22:18+0100infobae (es)

Durante un temblor conserva la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Se siente temblor de magnitud 3.7 en El Salvador

2023-01-17T20:38+0100infobae (es)

Durante un sismo manten la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras en....

Se registró un sismo de 4.2 en Caraveli, Arequipa

2023-01-17T20:08+0100infobae (es)

Perú se localiza en la zona conocida como Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico , región que concentra el 75% de los volcanes que existen en el mundo y donde suceden aproximadamente el 80% de los movimientos telúricos más fuertes del mundo. El también conocido como Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico está....

Piura: se registró sismo de magnitud 3.8 en Sullana

2023-01-17T19:53+0100infobae (es)

El también llamado Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico está conformado por la zona montañosa del oeste de Argentina, Chile, Perú, Ecuador, Colombia, Panamá, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, México, Estados Unidos y Canadá, para luego doblar a la altura de las Islas Aleutianas y....

El inquietante impacto del volcán Hunga Tonga si hubiera estado en Madrid

2023-01-17T19:48+0100tiempo-es (es)

El inquietante impacto del volcán Hunga Tonga si hubiera estado en Madrid. La erupción del volcán Hunga Tonga Hunga provocó un estallido sónico que dio la vuelta al mundo. Una explosión sin precedentes cuya dimensión, respecto a la península Ibérica, ha asombrado a los usuarios de Twitter.

La ciudad de Taltal siente sismo de magnitud 4.7

2023-01-17T19:23+0100infobae (es)

Durante un temblor conserva la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras....

En Uruguay se registró un Tsunami y llegó el Messias: mirá cuántas veces se inscribió tu nombre en 2022

2023-01-17T19:15+0100elobservador (es)

En el país que gobierna un presidente de cuatro nombres —Luis Alberto Aparicio Alejandro Lacalle Pou—, y cuyo escritor más popular tenía otros cinco —Mario Orlando Hardy Hamlet Brenno Benedetti—, se registró este último año un Tsunami, Stalin y la llegada de dos Messias (con doble “s” en honor al futbolista argentino o a Jair Messias Bolsonaro).

Se siente temblor de magnitud 3.5 en Cuya

2023-01-17T19:05+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto manten la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras....

La ciudad de Quillagua siente temblor de magnitud 2.9

2023-01-17T18:23+0100infobae (es)

Durante un sismo conserva la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras....

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 3.0 de magnitud en la ciudad de Mina Collahuasi

2023-01-17T18:05+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto manten la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras....

Temblor en Perú: sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en Ucayali

2023-01-17T18:05+0100infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico de Perú (IGP) registró un sismo de magnitud 4.4 este martes 17 de enero con epicentro en la ciudad de Pucallpa, en la provincia de Coronel Portillo del departamento de Ucayali. De acuerdo con un reporte de la Red Sísmica Nacional, el....

La ciudad de Mina Collahuasi siente temblor de magnitud 2.8

2023-01-17T17:35+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto conserva la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Un vulcano sottomarino nel Mediterraneo rischia di esplodere in 150 anni e causare un disastro

2023-01-17T17:28+0100fanpage (it)

Nel cuore di un vulcano sottomarino del Mar Mediterraneo è stata individuata una camera magmatica mobile precedentemente sconosciuta, una scoperta che aumenta le probabilità che si possa innescare una catastrofica eruzione esplosiva . Ad essere coinvolto è il Kolumbo , il più attivo vulcano....

Una gigantesca camera magmatica nel Mediterraneo: ‘Potrebbe provocare eruzioni’

2023-01-17T16:57+0100scienzenotizie (it)

L’ultima eruzione del vulcano sottomarino Kolumbo si verificò nel 1650 e uccise 70 persone. Un gruppo di vulcanologi ha scoperto una grande camera magmatica nelle profondità del vulcano mediterraneo di Kolumbo, vicino all’isola turistica greca di Santorini.

Hunga Tonga: gli effetti dell'eruzione sul Mediterraneo

2023-01-17T16:25+0100ilgiornaledellaprotezionecivile (it)

Il vulcano Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai si è risvegliato il 15 gennaio del 2022 con una grande eruzione che ha interessato una zona dell'Oceano Pacifico tra la Nuova Zelanda e le isole Fiji La scoperta Un anno dopo gli studiosi di Ingv insieme all’ Università degli Studi di Catania e del Servizio....

Sismo de magnitud 3.8 sacude a Caylloma, Arequipa

2023-01-17T16:21+0100infobae (es)

Perú se encuentra ubicado en la zona conocida como Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico , región que concentra el 75% de los volcanes que existen en el mundo y donde suceden aproximadamente el 80% de los sismos más fuertes del mundo. El también llamado Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico está conformado por la....

Temblor de magnitud 3.2 sacude a la ciudad de Cobquecura

2023-01-17T16:21+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto conserva la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Adriana Delpiano por Consejo para la Reactivación Educacional: “Esto es como si sin darnos cuenta hubiera entrado un tsunami educativo”

2023-01-17T16:19+0100radio-uchile (es)

Son tres las 谩reas en las que el Gobierno pretende trabajar en el corto plazo para disminuir los problemas que enfrenta el sistema educativo. El primero es disminuir la deserci贸n y el ausentismo escolar, adem谩s de trabajar los temas de salud mental entre los ni帽os, ni帽as y adolescentes y superar los....

Sismo de 2.7 de magnitud con epicentro en la ciudad de Valparaíso

2023-01-17T15:05+0100infobae (es)

Durante un temblor conserva la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras....

Descubren una enorme cámara magmática cerca de un popular sitio turístico en el Mediterráneo

2023-01-17T15:03+0100lajornadanet (es)

La última erupción del volcán submarino Kolumbo tuvo lugar en 1650 y mató a 70 personas La existencia de una cámara magmática aumenta el riesgo de explosión volcánica. Un grupo de vulcanólogos ha descubierto una gran cámara de magma en crecimiento bajo el volcán mediterráneo de Kolumbo, cerca de la turística isla griega de Santorini.

Chile: se percibe sismo de magnitud 3.0 en la ciudad de Ollagüe

2023-01-17T14:40+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto manten la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

La ciudad de Tirúa percibe temblor de magnitud 4.2

2023-01-17T13:19+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto conserva la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Sismo de magnitud 6,2 sacudió la costa de la isla indonesia de Sumatra

2023-01-17T13:10+0100vtv (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 6,2 sacudió este lunes la costa de la isla de Sumatra (Indonesia), sin que las autoridades hayan informado sobre víctimas o daños ni activado por el momento la alerta de tsunami, reseñaron medios internacionales. De acuerdo a informaciones difundidas por el Servicio Geológico de....

IGP registró un sismo de magnitud 3.5 en Lima, Lima

2023-01-17T12:53+0100infobae (es)

Perú se encuentra ubicado en la zona conocida como Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico , región que concentra el 75% de los volcanes que existen en el mundo y donde suceden aproximadamente el 80% de los movimientos telúricos más fuertes del mundo. El también conocido como Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico....

Préparation aux tsunamis dans le système éducatif du Sri Lanka

2023-01-17T12:47+0100generationsnouvelles (fr)

Cette étude utilise des entretiens semi-structurés avec des directeurs d’école et des responsables régionaux de l’éducation et de la gestion des catastrophes pour mieux comprendre la préparation aux tsunamis du secteur de l’éducation sri-lankais. Lorsqu’on leur a demandé quel danger constituait la....

Malang Residents Feel 4.8M Earthquake for Two Seconds

2023-01-17T12:34+0100tempo-co (en)

TEMPO.CO Jakarta - The earthquake that shook East Java with an updated magnitude of 4.8 on 111 kilometers southwest of Malang Regency, was felt until approximately 144 kilometers from the epicenter. It was centered in the sea at 9.14 degrees South Latitude, 112.48 degrees East Longitude, at a depth of 65 kilometers.

Indonesia’s Sumatra Trembles In The Face Of 6.2 Magnitude Quake

2023-01-17T10:23+0100mfame (en)

Credit: Nadiia Ganzhyi/ unsplash. A 6.2-magnitude earthquake hit off the coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra island early Monday, the US Geological Survey reported. Location Of Epicenter. The epicenter of the quake was 48 kilometers (30 miles) south-southeast of the city of Singkil in Aceh province, at a depth of 37 kilometers, USGS said.

La ciudad de Melipilla percibe temblor de magnitud 2.7

2023-01-17T10:19+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto manten la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras....

Asia and the Pacific: Weekly Regional Humanitarian Snapshot (10 - 16 January 2023)

2023-01-17T09:59+0100reliefWeb (en)

INDONESIA. A 6.2 magnitude earthquake Watch struck in Aceh Provinceon 16 January at 5:30 AM local time, and at a depth of 23 km. The earthquake did not trigger a tsunami, but caused some panic in areas where it was most strongly felt, particularly in four districts of Aceh Singkil, Central Tapanuli, North Nias and South Aceh Districts.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 3.8 con epicentro en Pica

2023-01-17T09:48+0100infobae (es)

Durante un sismo manten la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras....

Looking back at the eruption that shook the world

2023-01-17T09:34+0100spacedaily (en)

One year ago, the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcano erupted, causing widespread destruction to the Pacific Island Nation of Tonga, spewing volcanic material up to 58 km into the atmosphere. It brought a nearly 15 m tsunami that crashed ashore, destroying villages, and creating a sonic boom that rippled around the world - twice.

La erupción que sacudió al mundo y la más grande del siglo XXI

2023-01-17T09:32+0100tiempo-es (es)

La erupción volcánica más intensa del siglo XXI que conmovió al mundo. Hace un año, el volcán Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai entró en erupción, causando una destrucción generalizada en la Nación de las Islas del Pacífico de Tonga, arrojando material volcánico hasta 58 km a la atmósfera.

Sismo de magnitud 4 se siente en Sullana, Piura

2023-01-17T09:16+0100infobae (es)

Perú se encuentra ubicado en la zona conocida como Cinturón de Fuego del Pacífico , región que concentra el 75% de los volcanes que existen en el mundo y donde suceden aproximadamente el 80% de los movimientos telúricos más fuertes del mundo. El también conocido como Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico....

Temblor en Chile: sismo de 3.0 de magnitud

2023-01-17T08:21+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto conserva la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Bobby Lashley devient un nouveau concurrent pour le match de championnat des États-Unis

2023-01-17T07:56+0100news-24 (fr)

La dernière édition de WWE RAW s’est ouverte avec The Usos et Solo Sikoa sur le ring. Ils ont été rejoints par le Solo Sikoa dans le segment d’ouverture de l’édition. Jimmy Uso et Jey Uso ont été vus en train de discuter et les champions par équipe incontestés de la WWE se sont vantés de la Bloodline et de sa suprématie.

PRAYERS AT EARLY DAWN Kobe marks 28 years since Great Hanshin quake killed over 6,000 January 17, 2023 KOBE--People gathered at Kobe East Park in the city’s Chuo Ward early on Jan. 17 to pray for the repose of the 6,434 victims killed in the Great Hanshin Earthquake 28 years ago.

2023-01-17T07:40+0100ajw (en)

Chisora Obara, a girl who attends an art class, lights bamboo lanterns in the memorial service at Kobe East Park on Jan. 17. She takes part in the annual event every year because a student of the teacher who runs the class died in the Great Hanshin Earthquake.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 3.0 con epicentro en Ollagüe

2023-01-17T07:34+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto conserva la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no utilices los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 2.9 con epicentro en la ciudad de Chillán

2023-01-17T07:34+0100infobae (es)

Durante un terremoto conserva la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te....

IGP registró un sismo de magnitud 3.6 en Arequipa, Arequipa

2023-01-17T07:34+0100infobae (es)

El también llamado Anillo de Fuego del Pacífico está conformado por la zona montañosa del oeste de Argentina, Chile, Perú, Ecuador, Colombia, Panamá, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, México, Estados Unidos y Canadá, para luego doblar a la altura de las Islas Aleutianas y....

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de 3.3 de magnitud en Socaire

2023-01-17T07:20+0100infobae (es)

Durante un temblor manten la calma y encuentra un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras en....

Vladimir Putin's nuclear 'tsunami' torpedoes could 'plunge Britain into depths of sea' Russian President Vladimir Putin unveiled the so-called Poseidon project in 2018.

2023-01-17T06:50+0100express (en)

A defence source told state news agency TASS: "The first Poseidon ammunition loads have been manufactured, and the Belgorod submarine will receive them in the near future." The weapon is nuclear-armed and powered which enables it to travel thousands of miles to a target.

DOST-Calabarzon, Batangas State University install early warning device in Quezon

2023-01-17T06:33+0100mb-com-ph (en)

ATIMONAN, Quezon – An additional tsunami early warning device has recently been installed in this province. The installation was done by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) regional office in Calabarzon (Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, Quezon) and Batangas State University (BSU).

Sismo de 4.2 de magnitud con epicentro en Coyuca de Benítez, Guerrero

2023-01-17T06:32+0100infobae (es)

Ante una actividad sísmica importante, el Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) recomienda no caer en rumores, ni noticias falsas y solo informarse en fuentes oficiales , como las autoridades de Protección Civil, tanto locales y estatales, así como federales.

Tiembla en Chile: sismo de magnitud 3.4 con epicentro en Ollagüe

2023-01-17T06:20+0100infobae (es)

Durante un sismo manten la calma y ubícate en un lugar seguro, aléjate de objetos que puedan caer, no uses los ascensores, ni te quedes en la caja de las escaleras, ni en el marco de una puerta. Si estás en un automóvil , estaciónate y ponte lejos de edificios, árboles y postes; si te encuentras en....

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